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Conversation Between Doraj58 and Miamine
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Miamine
    Oct 10 2009 06:39 PM
    Doraj58's (funny name) thanks for the offer of friendship.. I hope I won't disappoint.. please stop by my farm when you have time, and maybe we can also be buddies in the game.. it's very friendly here on farmtown.. most are adults, and we come from all over the world.. so enjoy the game, have fun, and relax on your farm.. the inn is pretty adult, some don't like it, but here on the forums and the market place are fun places to be.. one warning.. DON'T TOUCH THE TREES.. unless you ask first.. some people like to keep their trees with colour.. have fun and thanks for the friendship thing

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