Farm Town

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laineydee May 06 2023 06:51 PM

Hi... in the past couple days when I go to each farm... the facility manager does not bring up the corresponding facilities on that farm...but will bring up random farm facilities. I go to where all my "restaurants" are... but my "factories farm" facilities open up when I go to start, store or load. Is there something I can do to resolve this? Otherwise I will have to go to each individual facility to store, start or load.

Taz D May 06 2023 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by laineydee (Post 6545898)
Hi... in the past couple days when I go to each farm... the facility manager does not bring up the corresponding facilities on that farm...but will bring up random farm facilities. I go to where all my "restaurants" are... but my "factories farm" facilities open up when I go to start, store or load. Is there something I can do to resolve this? Otherwise I will have to go to each individual facility to store, start or load.

Hi laineydee,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about the facility manager.
Please do not post problems in the Suggestion section as that is for making suggestions to change the game.
There was a change made in the preferences to help expand the space for data. When they did that it cause several things to get reset to default settings.

You will need to go into the facility manager and the funnel filter to reset that the way you want it.

supertrucker May 06 2023 09:53 PM

working 'non-neighbors' facilities
info: i worked from the stand-alone site, not from facebook...

earlier today, i logged into my farm, clicked 'my requests', then 'facility requests', so i could work in my friends' facilities. no issues thus far, everything worked the same as it would on FB.

in addition to people who have been my FB 'friends' and 'neighbors' for quite some time, there were a few 'farmers' that i don't remember adding as 'neighbors' and/or 'buddies'.

is this a 'glitch' somewhere, or did i add someone via the 'stand-alone' site and forgot that i added them as a neighbor (i wouldn't rule it out, getting old is a drag!)

Taz D May 06 2023 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by supertrucker (Post 6545914)
info: i worked from the stand-alone site, not from facebook...

earlier today, i logged into my farm, clicked 'my requests', then 'facility requests', so i could work in my friends' facilities. no issues thus far, everything worked the same as it would on FB.

in addition to people who have been my FB 'friends' and 'neighbors' for quite some time, there were a few 'farmers' that i don't remember adding as 'neighbors' and/or 'buddies'.

is this a 'glitch' somewhere, or did i add someone via the 'stand-alone' site and forgot that i added them as a neighbor (i wouldn't rule it out, getting old is a drag!)

Hi supertrucker,
They would have to be your neighbor or buddy or you would have to be theirs.

jnorton May 08 2023 09:48 AM

double facilities
when i use facility manager to work my facilities, i get sometimes up to ten copies of each facility

Taz D May 08 2023 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by jnorton (Post 6546114)
when i use facility manager to work my facilities, i get sometimes up to ten copies of each facility

Hi jnorton,
I moved your post to the thread about ther facility manager.
There was an update a few days back that reset some of your preferences back to default settings. This was including the facility manager. To set it back the way you had it before you will have to open the facility manager then click on the funnel filter at the top and change the settings there to show what you want it to be.
What you are seeing right now is all of your facilities on all of your farms instead of just the facilities on one farm.

sdsickinger May 09 2023 05:43 PM

Can you tell me why when working factories from the farmtown wall, most turn pink after worked, but some do not??

Taz D May 09 2023 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by sdsickinger (Post 6546186)
Can you tell me why when working factories from the farmtown wall, most turn pink after worked, but some do not??

Hi Sdsickinger,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about facilities as this has nothing to do with the current release.
This has been going on since the pink background was added. We do not know why sometinmes they don't change. You can however tell you have worked them as the link will usually change to a purple color from the blue color.
As this is a minor issue then I doubt they are going to look into it until they have the website finished.

LizaLee May 10 2023 09:33 AM

curious why when I am on the old site and want to post facilities all of one type appear under one farm and the same keeps happening on each farm? Can't wait till all has been moved! I love that I can see items on the larger screen, still having some issues defining colors such as pumpkins on the dark background but so far GREAT!!!

Liza Lee...

Taz D May 10 2023 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by LizaLee (Post 6546226)
curious why when I am on the old site and want to post facilities all of one type appear under one farm and the same keeps happening on each farm? Can't wait till all has been moved! I love that I can see items on the larger screen, still having some issues defining colors such as pumpkins on the dark background but so far GREAT!!!

Liza Lee...

Hi Liza Lee,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about facility manager.
A few days ago there was a change made to the preferences database to add more neighbor and buddies. When they did that it reset many of the settings for preferences. Your facility manager is set to all farms currently and not to the current farm. You will need to go to the funnel filter in the facility manager and reset it to the way you want it to be.

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