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maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:03 AM

multi farm hiring
As a frequent worker I say yes, please, please tell BEFORE hiring that there are multi farms. some folks may just not have time to do so many and not doing them all can get a worker an un-deserved bad rep of not finishing jobs.


Originally Posted by jsbh821 (Post 4790882)
Thanks! I was pretty much thinking the same thing. I guess I need to say I have 10 farms when in the market to hire!!

maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:04 AM

unfinished jobs
I agree totally, a star would show us who is always a finisher! Great idea!


Originally Posted by Debosophy (Post 4798954)
I have a problem where you hire people to harvest and plow, but they don't.

There are times when my farms are ready, I hire people before I go to work and come home to dead crops because the person I've hired has left and I don't know they've done that until it's too late.

Is there some sort of ranking system that could be implemented? For instance, if a person is hired and they do what they've been hired to do in its entirety, they're given a point (or maybe a star?) that is shown next to their name so that a person hiring knows they've got someone who will get the job done.

I don't know if this is even possible, but I'm throwing the idea out there anyway.

maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:13 AM

hiring for all.
I work the market a lot and wish everyone would do it that way. I get hired to harvest crops and flowers for instance and after I finish THEN they send a plow offer when if it had been included I could be totally done having used my combine. i always advertise the combine too. People don't read your name, what it is you want to hire out for, etc. My name says NO FISHING in all caps and I get hassled constantly to fish! then they keep sending and sending no matter how many times I say no. I try to make it very clear what I do or what I need and will always take jobs that are clearly stated over others.

maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:19 AM

I have been called rude for not chit chatting instead of working. i use a laptop and need to work in full screen mode. Every time I have to respond to an employer question or just them chatting at me, I have to stop working, escape full screen, type, send, go back to full screen to start working again. If I don't see the persons post ( sometimes you don't while in full screen), I am rude for taking too long to answer! I like to get the work done and move on. Plus I thought the whole point of hiring was to get the work done faster. So the person may not be rude, there may be other factors involved.

maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:23 AM

Stacked waters
Agreed! there is NO WAY to get even most of the fish in overlapping waters, be they rivers, lakes or seas. And then folks get angry when you don't get them all and you have burned up tons of fuel trying


Originally Posted by Majik Merlin (Post 4797186)
I don't mind fishing and sometimes enjoy it because I bot the boat and it is the best investment i've ever made with this game. HOWEVER I will NOT fish stacked water-PERIOD. Even wi the boat it is a P A I N

maddshots Aug 19 2011 10:28 AM

I have a combine, which I advertise but part of my very name says I do not compete with no tool workers. Most don't bother reading the names and when I get to a farm with no tool workers i message the hirer to remind them look at my name and leave the farm to the no tool who needs the points. It does not help that so many jerks will hire both no tool and big tools for the same farms!


Originally Posted by ian waite (Post 4774942)
think what pj is alluding to is those that have the say combine who never give others the chance to harvest

i have it but if im hired along with someone who hasnt got it then i will either leave or share the work i cant see the point in being greedy now ..

clogger Aug 19 2011 10:44 AM

Wow! With all these complaints, I'm glad I rarely go to the MP any more. I hire neighbors or buddies; if none can work, I do it myself. I work for neighbors and buddies, too. That keeps me plenty busy with managing all the farms and facilities.

I really like the new system of putting online neighbors first in the neighbors bar at the bottom. I can more easily see which low level neighbors are online in FT and give them more work than I did in the past.

HelenJS22 Aug 19 2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by maddshots (Post 4801982)
I have a problem with people who hire you to do multi jobs and when you get there it is nothing but one job, like plowing, that you would have turned down if you had known. then they get angry and bad talk you in the market if you complain or refuse to do the job because it was deliberately mis-represented.

You know what - I have a policy of 'no job is too menial' and though I do a few menial tasks each evening, it is absolutely amazing how many fantastic jobs I get because I put no conditions on what I will do. I don't demand to know the job before I accept it, and I don't complain if it's 'not worthy' of me and my whiz bang tools. I simply do it in good grace and attitude, thank the farmer and move on.

Maybe it would surprise you to know that a couple of days ago, a farmer for whom I did a very menial task, answered my message of thanks by offering me his 'other' farm which had a full selection of tasks across all of his ten farms. Turns out the first one was his little 'feeder' farm, and he 'always tests his workers before offering them the big job'.

I have found over and over again that a farmer will employ me with what seems to be a 'one farm, lowly job', but after I have completed it quickly, thoroughly and without a wimper of complaint, they then quickly rehire me for all of the other farms that are hiding a treasure of goodies for a willing, non complaining worker.

You may think it unfair for employee farmers to 'mis represent' what they have to offer, but they also have many complaints about what they call 'beggars and bullies' in the market, and it is THEIR farm, and rightly or wrongly in your point of view, they have a right to hire who and how they wish.

It's all about your attitude, and the way you approach the market place ;)

spartan7886 Aug 19 2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by maddshots (Post 4801982)
I have a problem with people who hire you to do multi jobs and when you get there it is nothing but one job, like plowing, that you would have turned down if you had known. then they get angry and bad talk you in the market if you complain or refuse to do the job because it was deliberately mis-represented.

I have had more people complain about this and then promptly leave before I can point out that yes, this farm is only fishing, but I also hired you for 9 other farms of h/p!

gatormania Aug 20 2011 12:52 AM

If we can get a "No Fishing" option, I'll gladly use farm cash for it :o)

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