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queenpinnana Feb 06 2010 09:32 AM

I have a question? Do you get more xp's for hiring someone to plough for you like you get more coin when you hire for harveting? The reason I ask is, I had a woman harvest my farm from the Market Place, and she told me that I get 2 more xp's if I let her plough. I was wondering if she was just being "untruthful" so I would hire her. I really never paid attention to the xp's when someone else ploughs, because I'm not that gung ho on leveling up fast like many :- )

jeanieNGMsfarm Feb 06 2010 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by queenpinnana (Post 3151486)
I have a question? Do you get more xp's for hiring someone to plough for you like you get more coin when you hire for harveting? The reason I ask is, I had a woman harvest my farm from the Market Place, and she told me that I get 2 more xp's if I let her plough. I was wondering if she was just being "untruthful" so I would hire her. I really never paid attention to the xp's when someone else ploughs, because I'm not that gung ho on leveling up fast like many :- )

the exp stays the same only diffrence from doing it is you spend less coins.. dont hold me to this i may be off on the number but im pretty sure its spend 20 coins to do it your self.. 15 to hire someone in the market and 10 to hire a neighbor so it only saves you money.. you get one exp and they plower gets one as well

medixgrad Feb 06 2010 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by BirdSalad (Post 3151398)
Today I ran into something I never have before - I was hired to help harvest a farm - there were two other workers, but a big farm with plenty of crops for all of us. But when we finished, I received a plow request and didn't notice who made the request, thinking it was the farmer who hired me originally.

Nope - it must have been another of the workers, because I landed on a farm with new crops and nothing to plow, nothing to harvest.

Pretty sneaky, huh?

I've had that happen too. I think it would be a good idea to fix it so you cannot hire anyone unless you actually have something to harvest or a field to plow

jeanieNGMsfarm Feb 07 2010 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by medixgrad (Post 3151762)
I've had that happen too. I think it would be a good idea to fix it so you cannot hire anyone unless you actually have something to harvest or a field to plow

a mod even said yesterday, you cannot hire to plow or harvest unless there is something ready... many people trick you buy hiring you when they have one plot under a building or something.. one lonley tree ready to harvest when its hidden to the point you cant see it behind others just to get a solo job.... allways look at the name when you get a in job request

dale131 Feb 10 2010 01:15 AM

hiring and working for others
I don't have the problem most of you seem to have. I only work with neighbors or do it myself if there are no neighbors.

Working with neighbors saves me coins, increases my income per crop, and helps them build up their x points.

When I used to run into those who think it is great to hire five or six at a time .... I simply sent them a note saying I don't work in crowds.

I've never had an abusive hire ..... and am surprised to see there are such animals playing the game.

But then I only hire one at a time to pick and plow.

BobbieV Feb 10 2010 05:07 PM

I have a pet peeve
Ok now I am no harvest snob by any means I know how hard it is to get someone to harvest a crop of raspberries (not that I do them myself)
Iv read/heard the complaints though
Ok here goes the pet peeve
You finally get someone to harvest for you, get halfway done harvesting for this farmer and they turn around and go hire multiple players to plow for them. :mad:
Ok now that just isnt fair play.
Did you ever stop to think MAYBE that harvester of said rb's would LOVE to be asked to plow? Just a thought....
And some wonder why theres harvest snobs...:rolleyes:

Tyler45 Feb 10 2010 05:15 PM

Well it is their farm and they can hire whoever they want ;)

Just cuz you harvest doesn't mean you should be asked to plow as well.

Tony D Feb 10 2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by BobbieV (Post 3164666)
Ok now I am no harvest snob by any means I know how hard it is to get someone to harvest a crop of raspberries (not that I do them myself)
Iv read/heard the complaints though
Ok here goes the pet peeve
You finally get someone to harvest for you, get halfway done harvesting for this farmer and they turn around and go hire multiple players to plow for them. :mad:
Ok now that just isnt fair play.
Did you ever stop to think MAYBE that harvester of said rb's would LOVE to be asked to plow? Just a thought....
And some wonder why theres harvest snobs...:rolleyes:

Hi BobbieV, I do agree with you on this as I have had it happen to me. It is very annoying, however there are a lot of people who think that the owner of the farm can do what ever they like. Whenever I hire from the M.P. I state what the crop is and + ploughing or no ploughing. What I would (and have done) is finish the harvesting job and then clicked ignore on the Farmer so I did not get caught by that Farmer again

BobbieV Feb 10 2010 05:26 PM

Interesting I feel like its a little slap in the face since most will leave a farm the minute they see such a low yielding crop
I had sage crop one time 5 people left my farm one said they only did pineapples
I guess thats just me bein anal then

Mrs Welley Feb 10 2010 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by BobbieV (Post 3164766)
Interesting I feel like its a little slap in the face since most will leave a farm the minute they see such a low yielding crop
I had sage crop one time 5 people left my farm one said they only did pineapples
I guess thats just me bein anal then

I never leave a farm with a low yielding crop (unless booted), I really do not mind what I harvest as every little helps. Once 2 of us were hired to harvest and all there was were a couple trees and about 5 little plots, we both shared the small amount and thanked the farmer.

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