Farm Town

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wenchhhie Jul 29 2011 10:23 AM

Outstanding updates! By far, the best ones yet! Thanks so much for listening to us. :)

gramme65 Jul 29 2011 10:24 AM

What can it be used for?

Originally Posted by al_bundy (Post 4771394)
woo rhubarb will have a use i knew i planted 10 farms of it for a reason

Hi, I looked in my storage and there was NO QUESTION MARK...what can rhubarb used for except to make coins?
Donna aka gramme

rhinolola Jul 29 2011 10:25 AM

AWESOME! You do a bang up job with this. One of my personal favorites (from an earlier release) is the multi-hire + multi-farm tool!

cyan4jy Jul 29 2011 10:36 AM

Thanks Raul for the updates and more items to purchase :) .

How do i purchase farm cash with my paypal account? I get the message that there was something wrong with the funding source? I always purchase my farm cash with my paypal account before. Now, with this facebook credits thing, it doesn't work anymore. I have to purchase farm cash using my credit card.

Can anybody help me here? I still want to use my paypal account to purchase FC.


artisanrox Jul 29 2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by lyndalu (Post 4772246)
you have outdone yourself!!! - this farmtown is becoming a full time job for those of us who 'play the game.' . . . i will need a college degree to keep up with it all! :)

Today, I finally looked at this game, my 10 farms, all my facilities, and all the new upcoming stuff...and went


wat do i do next!!!

chiquitathechihuahua Jul 29 2011 10:56 AM

I have noticed that my blue axe can now harvest a third of what I was chopping before, is this a way of making us buy more tools? I believe this is not fair to diminish the function of a tool, to force us to upgrade. In as much as I would want to invest more money for tools, I have some obligation to help people who needs financial help. I hope that you would reconsider on putting back the use of my axe. thank you

Liz White Jul 29 2011 10:57 AM

new releases
knew there were changes the minute I saw the farm boxes, thanks so much these are great, especially love the bed and breakfast will fit perfectly with my theme.

Angel7 Jul 29 2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by al_bundy (Post 4771694)
mine are all glowing check that those farms are fertilised by going to yyour extended tool box and hovering over the fertiliser truck as even though a crop says fertilised the farm may not be.

Thanks for the warning on this, but my farm 10 still has a problem. It is not glowing. I went there and it showed the (F) next to the crops. I did the extended tool box and looked, and lo and behold, it said it was NOT fertilized. So I fertilized, but it is still not glowing. All other farms are glowing properly. This must be a bug......

Macshelly Jul 29 2011 11:03 AM

Awesome!!! Thank you so much, having too much fun!

Grumpa Jul 29 2011 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by max_river (Post 4771890)
ok what is a white pizza

Wonder if it could be a use for GOAT Cheese? :cool:

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