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BCLady Jan 06 2022 01:01 PM

On my orange ship I had 4 departments done then all of a sudden they where gone what happened to them?

marymarcel Jan 06 2022 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by BCLady (Post 6478162)
On my orange ship I had 4 departments done then all of a sudden they where gone what happened to them?

Hi BCLady :)

I had a look at your data and at this time, it shows only 2 containers loaded for your orange ship.

Before start loading a new one, please clear your memcache, link below, just in case there is a problem with the ship.

Click in the link and a new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that window and your farm if it is open in another tab. Then reopen your farm and start a new container and see if this time it stays.

Dana1971 Jan 11 2022 01:35 PM

Stuck at coming home
One of my ships is at a (Was) neighbor. I removed her as a neighbor after one full day, but she is still a Facebook friend. Anyhow, she has not been active, it's been 2 full day's now and my ship is in her port waiting to come home.
Can you all do anything to help please?

marymarcel Jan 11 2022 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dana1971 (Post 6478666)
One of my ships is at a (Was) neighbor. I removed her as a neighbor after one full day, but she is still a Facebook friend. Anyhow, she has not been active, it's been 2 full day's now and my ship is in her port waiting to come home.
Can you all do anything to help please?

Hi Dana :)

Im not sure why you removed her as neighbor as you can do other things to let your ship to continue the trip.

If the ship is not in the last port (30) then you can skip it or if you have the Overhead cranes, then you can fill the ship.

If it is in the last port, then sadly, you have to wait till 7 days have past and then the ship will go back home.

kperry7411 Jan 12 2022 07:07 AM

why is the prep time on my cargo ships changing While I'm working on them.
I got a new puppy last week which messed up my shipping some, but that doesn't seem right.

marymarcel Jan 12 2022 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by kperry7411 (Post 6478710)
why is the prep time on my cargo ships changing While I'm working on them.
I got a new puppy last week which messed up my shipping some, but that doesn't seem right.

Hi kperry :)

I moved your post to the thread about Cargo Ships.

Ships only stay on the dispatch list for exactly 7 days then they drop off the list.

If the preparation time changed while you were preparing containers, this is because the time is calculated according to how many ships you had previously dispatched in the last 7 days. For example: if you had dispatched 6 ships in the last 7 days and were preparing your Brown ship, the prep time would be 5.1 minutes, but if while you were preparing them one of those ships dropped from the list for being over 7 days old you would then change to a prep time of 5 dispatched ships, 10.2 minutes.

You have full information in the following link from our Game Guide:

michelle jo Jan 14 2022 01:43 AM

can i please ask why half of my containers start off at 4 point something or 5 point something does a few then they go up to 10 point something to load it's been doing it for last few days never done that before i have cleaned everything out and also send ships off everyday all full ships thank you

Tiger Jan 14 2022 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by michelle jo (Post 6478870)
can i please ask why half of my containers start off at 4 point something or 5 point something does a few then they go up to 10 point something to load it's been doing it for last few days never done that before i have cleaned everything out and also send ships off everyday all full ships thank you

Hi michelle jo,

Do you mean why do the container preparation times change?

Container preparation times are governed by not only the colour of the ship but also by how many ships you had dispatched in the last 7 days. If when you start preparing a ship you had 6 ships on the dispatch list, then one dropped from the list while you were still preparing a ship, leaving only 5 on the list, the time will then change to a longer one.

For example the brown ships shortest prep time would be 5.1 minutes with 6 ships dispatched in the last 7 days, but if while you were preparing it one dropped off the list it would then change to 10.2 minutes.

Container preparations times and how to check the dispatch list and times times while you are preparing a ship are explained in the Game Guide Chapter 32 Ships post#11

michelle jo Jan 14 2022 06:36 AM

it is when i start to prepare my ship and the time says say 5,.2 for each container then i will do a couple of containers and then they will suddenly change to 10.2 for the rest of the containers on the same ship i do a new ship every morning i sit and watch them fill so i can set it sailing as soon as they are all filled thank you hope you understand what i mean

Tiger Jan 14 2022 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by michelle jo (Post 6478886)
it is when i start to prepare my ship and the time says say 5,.2 for each container then i will do a couple of containers and then they will suddenly change to 10.2 for the rest of the containers on the same ship i do a new ship every morning i sit and watch them fill so i can set it sailing as soon as they are all filled thank you hope you understand what i mean

Hi michelle jo,

It's because when you started preparing the containers on todays ship, you started off with the dispatch list showing you had dispatched 6 ships in the last 7 days which gave you the time of 5.1.
Then when one of those ships on the dispatch list was over 7 days since it was dispatched it left you with only 5 ships on the dispatch list which changes the time to prepare a container. As you were still preparing a ship that meant the time to prepare changed to 10.2.
To avoid that happening you need to make sure you dispatch a ship every day.
If you are short on time on any day just prepare one container and dispatch it rather than not do one at all.

Tomorrow when you start preparing containers on your ship, check the dispatch list and see how many ships are on the dispatch list.
It will show you the date and times for each one so make a note of date and time of the oldest one on the list as that will drop off first.
If you are still preparing tomorrows ship when the oldest one on that list reaches 7 days since it was dispatched, then your container preparation time on tomorrows ship will change to a slower one.

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