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marymarcel Oct 06 2021 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6467194)
I got no reply to my question but all is working as it should now.

Hi dpruitt43 :)

When you posted the first time, your post was moved and answered in the following link:

We usually move posts to official threads, so if you dont find your post and the possible answers, please read the following thread:

Palmarina Oct 10 2021 12:28 PM

I worked factories and services of some of my neigbours this morning.
It is evening now here and the requests look odd. For each neighbour one request is still pink and can't be worked. The other request is uncoloured and can be worked.
Is it just me or is there a bug?

marymarcel Oct 10 2021 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6467478)
I worked factories and services of some of my neigbours this morning.
It is evening now here and the requests look odd. For each neighbour one request is still pink and can't be worked. The other request is uncoloured and can be worked.
Is it just me or is there a bug?

Hi Palmarina :)

Are all your neighbors requests in the wall request showing one pink one uncoloured or only some of them?

What color is the link "Click here to help" for the uncoloured request?

If that link is purple, I can only tell you that has happened to me when I worked the facilities but not all of them had available work by the time I visited them.
Then the request shows uncoloured but the link is purple and lets me work again. But when I enter the farms, I can only work the farms where those empty facilities were refilled, the rest of the farms show me the Oops message.

Palmarina Oct 11 2021 12:21 AM

Hi Taz, I will come back this evening.
I am now (early morning here) working my neighbours' facilities and will check the colours this evening, just to be sure that I give the correct answers.


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6467482)
Hi Palmarina :)

Are all your neighbors requests in the wall request showing one pink one uncoloured or only some of them?

What color is the link "Click here to help" for the uncoloured request?

If that link is purple, I can only tell you that has happened to me when I worked the facilities but not all of them had available work by the time I visited them.
Then the request shows uncoloured but the link is purple and lets me work again. But when I enter the farms, I can only work the farms where those empty facilities were refilled, the rest of the farms show me the Oops message.

Palmarina Oct 12 2021 05:24 AM

Hi, I think it was something temporarily. It is all good now.
Thank you.


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6467482)
Hi Palmarina :)

Are all your neighbors requests in the wall request showing one pink one uncoloured or only some of them?

What color is the link "Click here to help" for the uncoloured request?

If that link is purple, I can only tell you that has happened to me when I worked the facilities but not all of them had available work by the time I visited them.
Then the request shows uncoloured but the link is purple and lets me work again. But when I enter the farms, I can only work the farms where those empty facilities were refilled, the rest of the farms show me the Oops message.

marymarcel Oct 12 2021 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6467626)
Hi, I think it was something temporarily. It is all good now.
Thank you.

Glad it is fixed for you now and thanks for coming back to let us know :)

Sundos Oct 18 2021 10:00 AM

I always have problems with forums.. but I cannot find anything about this.

First. The posting of bonuses, facilities, ingredients .. is taking longer and longer for iot to come up .. been dealing with this for about 2 weeks now.

Second. When I post bonuses or work in facilities SOMETIMES it posts with a picture of the pig. Not of the facilities or not of the items.

Third. When I might finally get it without the pig (and without any picture) then I go look at my page and it is posted right, with the picture of the item or the facility. YEA!

Fourth. When I click to share it to a group for bonuses or ingredients AGAIN I may get the PIG or I may get no picture. If I share the pig I labeled it as what the item is and I do NOT receive ANY of this item for the next how ever many hours it is left. So I miss out on those bonuses (meadowsweet was the first I noticed this on about a week ago).

Fifth. If I copy the link of the correctly posted item on my page and go to the group to share it I can paste the link and then SOMETIMES the pig shows up again GRRRRR! and so I labeled it again what the post is actually for AND I GET NOTHING from that post!!

Fifth ALSO. If I copy and paste and it is the pig SOMETIMES I can cancel that post before I click return and repaste the link and it MIGHT NOT BE THE PIG and is the right item and then I can delete the pasted link above the picture of the item and say thanks to those that help me.

Taz D Oct 18 2021 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sundos (Post 6468662)
I always have problems with forums.. but I cannot find anything about this.

First. The posting of bonuses, facilities, ingredients .. is taking longer and longer for iot to come up .. been dealing with this for about 2 weeks now.

Second. When I post bonuses or work in facilities SOMETIMES it posts with a picture of the pig. Not of the facilities or not of the items.

Third. When I might finally get it without the pig (and without any picture) then I go look at my page and it is posted right, with the picture of the item or the facility. YEA!

Fourth. When I click to share it to a group for bonuses or ingredients AGAIN I may get the PIG or I may get no picture. If I share the pig I labeled it as what the item is and I do NOT receive ANY of this item for the next how ever many hours it is left. So I miss out on those bonuses (meadowsweet was the first I noticed this on about a week ago).

Fifth. If I copy the link of the correctly posted item on my page and go to the group to share it I can paste the link and then SOMETIMES the pig shows up again GRRRRR! and so I labeled it again what the post is actually for AND I GET NOTHING from that post!!

Fifth ALSO. If I copy and paste and it is the pig SOMETIMES I can cancel that post before I click return and repaste the link and it MIGHT NOT BE THE PIG and is the right item and then I can delete the pasted link above the picture of the item and say thanks to those that help me.

Hi Sundos,
I moved your post to the subject thread about Newsfeed and wall posts.

There are instructions in the following link for how to post in the forums:
Please try to find a thread that is about the subject of your thread instead of just posting in the top thread of the Help & Support section.

The posting to your newsfeed is a Facebook pop up. Farm Town has no control over how fast or slow it shows on your screen.

There isn't anything that can be done about the generic pig graphic showing specially when you are copy and pasting as that function is within Facebook and sometimes the right graphic may not copy.

Sundos Oct 18 2021 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6468666)
Hi Sundos,
I moved your post to the subject thread about Newsfeed and wall posts.

The posting to your newsfeed is a Facebook pop up. Farm Town has no control over how fast or slow it shows on your screen.

There isn't anything that can be done about the generic pig graphic showing specially when you are copy and pasting as that function is within Facebook and sometimes the right graphic may not copy.

hmmmm.. okay, so it is all a facebook thing and I will never get it fixed. Thanks Taz

dorbob Oct 23 2021 08:02 AM

Hi, when I go to the wall do do facilities some I am unable to do, when click on a name either comes up as no content or I can go to their page but it doesn;t show any facilites
My id is 616833466

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