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Double T Dude Ranch Jul 08 2011 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by mpwhitford (Post 4743874)
Thank you Double T dude. I swear I looked up and down the building twice and didn't see them. But there they are. So do you know if it matters which one you buy? I see they are both 28 FC but I would hate to buy the wrong one and then have it not go to facilities and have to buy the other one.

It shouldn't matter which one, either one holds horses (and camels) :)

I know, lots of stuff in the store, you glance over stuff :)

dianedrayson Jul 08 2011 03:15 PM

Does anyone know if there is a difference in size between the two stables? I would prefer to get the smaller one so I don't have to change my farm too much. You can't tell just by looking in the store.

matrix1272 Jul 08 2011 03:19 PM

This may be a Dumb question, but where do I get the horses and camels? And can you put the horses in the stables now? Thanks :-)

Double T Dude Ranch Jul 08 2011 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by matrix1272 (Post 4743902)
This may be a Dumb question, but where do I get the horses and camels? And can you put the horses in the stables now? Thanks :-)

Horses are gifted by friends, as are the camels I believe. Currently the camels have no purpose.

Yes you can put the horses in the stables, but can't harvest them until the devs do the update :)

dianedrayson Jul 08 2011 03:41 PM

Pop-up messages
Thank you for getting rid of the annoying pop-ups about axe and fishing rod. Now please get rid of the ones that tell me how to pan my farm, etc. It is far more efficient for me to use the arrows and minimise/expand buttons you have provided. It's frustrating to be told every time that I can do this with a method that is actually less efficient on my computer! Perhaps these pop-ups can be scheduled to stop after the second time they have come up on a farm?

Mimikrie Jul 08 2011 04:12 PM

if one of the stables is converted to coins I hope they give the fc back we had to spent to buy one when it first came out :)

Double T Dude Ranch Jul 08 2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mimikrie (Post 4743986)
if one of the stables is converted to coins I hope they give the fc back we had to spent to buy one when it first came out :)

I don't think that will happen, to be honest (the refunding bit) :) It's a beta game and we are the testers, so when things update, we kind of have to go with the flow so as to speak :)

mischellesteelersfan Jul 08 2011 04:18 PM

hey that school idea was mine !!!!

Double T Dude Ranch Jul 08 2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by mischellesteelersfan (Post 4743998)
hey that school idea was mine !!!!

We had several users request a school facility :) Kinda cool to see suggestions implemented huh? Lol :)

Soozy Jul 08 2011 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by gumballs678 (Post 4743486)
I love the new hire process. But I think its glitching, because I have to rehire the person for the farms that are ready. Even if I click on multiple farms. I love everything else and can't wait for the new trees and seeds.

I agree there is a glitch. It hires for farms with nothing on them and with a friend the multi hire greyed out 1 farm that had stuff ready.
Either I'm doing something wrong or maybe need a better explanation. LOL
But I LOVE the multi hire. Awesome!

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