Farm Town

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carolann43 Sep 04 2014 08:49 AM

Can't believe the whiners. If you don't want to put your "own" money into the game then don't. If you can't do all the quests, then don't. Because I have duplicates of most appliances in this house, for birthdays, anniversaries and Mother's day, I get FC. Then I watch and spend it wisely. I don't need the magic hand, biggest combine...I just work a little harder. It's a "GAME". I don't layer and don't do layered fields because it's too much stress on my computer. Some have spread sheets and all that. Where's the fun???? I have enjoyed this game, been frustrated but still play. They could charge you to play if you want all the bells and whistles.

Taz D Sep 04 2014 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Suntanned (Post 5868462)
Well sir, until recently I had only 230 pigs with manure units between 3 and 6 k. I think my mistake may be based on fertilizing every thing, rather than just farms with planted crops. I'll adjust that practice and see if I have been wasting ****! Thank you for your feed back.


ps - what am I going to do with all these porkers? Convert them to bacon?

Too bad we can't...bacon goes with everything...:)

sms1616 Sep 04 2014 12:04 PM

Not enough levels?
I was reading the comments section and came up with someone who was complaining about not enough levels etc to earn farm cash. I do agree there should be more levels. But with all the cheats around to up ur XPs to gain levels faster than when farm town started, it really doesn't make sense for slash key because I understand the company needs to make money to keep our farms alive. I feel it's fair that we are allowed to have others work on our farms using our tools and fuel. We can also go to our friends and neighbors to help with designing. I do think most of us have multiple accounts already and to allowed us to use those features is another way of slash key giving back to its loyal farmers. There are however a lot of premium tools we can purchase with our farm cash that we would like to have to save time on while working on our facilities but when we reached maximum levels, we can only rely on quests to give extra farm cash. So here are a couple of my suggestions.

1. have a premium membership option like game point and pogo so premium members can receive X amount of farm cash each month and option of purchasing premium items at a discount.

2. Continue to increase levels but only give farm cash at certain milestones such as level 750, level 1000 etc in which then people at that level will receive a free premium item or maybe 30 farm cash.

I do not do half of the quest because half of them required premium items and it makes no sense to purchase premium items for 30 - 40 farm cash to earn 1 point towards the weekly 1 or 2 farm cash incentive.

Just some of my thoughts on this topic.

Taz D Sep 04 2014 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by sms1616 (Post 5868642)
I was reading the comments section and came up with someone who was complaining about not enough levels etc to earn farm cash. I do agree there should be more levels. But with all the cheats around to up ur XPs to gain levels faster than when farm town started, it really doesn't make sense for slash key because I understand the company needs to make money to keep our farms alive. I feel it's fair that we are allowed to have others work on our farms using our tools and fuel. We can also go to our friends and neighbors to help with designing. I do think most of us have multiple accounts already and to allowed us to use those features is another way of slash key giving back to its loyal farmers. There are however a lot of premium tools we can purchase with our farm cash that we would like to have to save time on while working on our facilities but when we reached maximum levels, we can only rely on quests to give extra farm cash. So here are a couple of my suggestions.

1. have a premium membership option like game point and pogo so premium members can receive X amount of farm cash each month and option of purchasing premium items at a discount.

2. Continue to increase levels but only give farm cash at certain milestones such as level 750, level 1000 etc in which then people at that level will receive a free premium item or maybe 30 farm cash.

I do not do half of the quest because half of them required premium items and it makes no sense to purchase premium items for 30 - 40 farm cash to earn 1 point towards the weekly 1 or 2 farm cash incentive.

Just some of my thoughts on this topic.

Hi Sms,
I moved your post to the thread you are talking about. Please use the Reply button to post in the same thread you are replying to.
If you would like to make a suggestion for your ideas please post it in the Suggestions section. You can not start a new thread in that section, but you can reply to a thread that matches your suggestions.-

Petuniaflower Sep 04 2014 04:42 PM

A question
I would like to put request in SUGGESTIONS:If what I am suggesting could be the problem:confused: I would like to request :when working neighbors facilities:when would be able to hide everything(crops)

I have a few neighbors that layer,and their farms are the only ones,that I am experiencing,SLOW LOADING and ADOBE FLASH issues:

Please anyone,if hiding crops might solve the problem,THEN i WILL GO SUGGEST IT IN SUGGESTIONS. :D

crafty chris Sep 05 2014 05:33 AM

hiya petunia (nice to see you again :) ) i take it you hide everything already including the animals? if so and it is still slow then it wouldnt hurt to post in suggestions another thing i could suggest is to right click on the farm and scroll down to quality and select low see if that helps in any way :)

ccs Sep 05 2014 03:42 PM

Neighbor Lists for Gifts
Several months ago when an update was done our neighbor gift list were changed where we now have to do them individually since all neighbors do not show up on the three lists given to get them. Will this ever go back to the way it was where we could accept and send a gift to everyone in one shot?? It is so time consuming to me.

Taz D Sep 05 2014 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by ccs (Post 5869150)
Several months ago when an update was done our neighbor gift list were changed where we now have to do them individually since all neighbors do not show up on the three lists given to get them. Will this ever go back to the way it was where we could accept and send a gift to everyone in one shot?? It is so time consuming to me.

Those changes were done by Facebook and Farm Town doesn't have any control over how those lists are generated. They can only call them up to use. However with that said there is a way to create your own lists that you can use for gifting. There are instructions in the following link on how to create and use those lists:

YorkshireLassie Sep 06 2014 03:09 PM

Why can we only get experience points on plowing? I think all jobs should give experience points.


Taz D Sep 06 2014 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by YorkshireLassie (Post 5869570)
Why can we only get experience points on plowing? I think all jobs should give experience points.


Hi YorkshireLassie,
For all the other jobs you gain by getting product such as crops, tree harvest, fish and flowers. Additionally you get coins for some of those jobs too.
If you work from the market for strangers then you get additional experience and coins for completing all the jobs on a farm you were hired for.
You also get experience when you work your neighbors and friends facilities. You get experience when you fill your own facilities and when you plant your crops. So there are plenty of ways to gain experience.
If you wish to suggest that all jobs give experience then you need to post your suggestion in the Suggestions section of this forum. You cannot start a new thread there but you can reply to one that applies to your suggestion.

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