Farm Town

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LoreneC Dec 22 2009 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 2907110)
If it ant broke don't fix it . Well someone should have told them this before now because they broke it trying to fix it dumb dumb dumb!!!!!!!!!!

If you were one of those losing coins and XPs you would have thought it was broken before.

I harvested and plowed from the market this afternoon and again this evening. It is faster this evening.

Lance Seastrand Dec 22 2009 06:29 PM

I really hate this upgrade, I would rather lose coins and xp points than have it this way. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to fix the problems, but if it stays like this I am done playing Farm Town.

Franklyn Dec 22 2009 06:30 PM

Thank you for this upgrade. At last I can continue you plough and harvest quickly using a methodical method without plots disappearing from under me by 'invisible' and somewhat greedy farmers. I have not lost out at all tonight as my method is very quick unlike those who use a random method. Keep up the good work. :-)

joytheresa Dec 22 2009 06:30 PM

so ok i get why u made the change but can you tell me why my screen jumps when i try to drag it to move to a new position and when i click on the arrows to move the field??

courtneycjr Dec 22 2009 06:30 PM

why did u guys change it back to the old way so much slower i have a 3 yearold sister to be with now its going to take forever to do work at least i hope u didn't change the plowing eaither if pple where smart they hire one person to do the job or hire 2 good friends who share the stuff this is messed up

i know u did it on the coins and stuff but i never seen anything on it at all i just don't think this is a new release becuase u basicly made it the old way like it use to be its not new i play all the time on myspace

lulu836 Dec 22 2009 06:30 PM

Bye bye Farm was fun while it lasted.

Thanks Raul for letting us know it is a permanent change. I'm pretty sure that will solidify everyone's position on whether or not to continue to participate.

Thanks again.:rolleyes:

metalgouger Dec 22 2009 06:31 PM

Thank you Raul, your time and effort in this game is appreciated.
what I don't understand is when I'm working alone on a farm (at a request). Why are the xp/coins different on every square.
The new change was at a cost.... Consistancy

Sprout2441 Dec 22 2009 06:31 PM

No, you wouldn't like losing 40,000+ coins, etc. as has happened to me. And no telling how many xp. Thanks so much for fixing this and I can work with the new way of harvesting/plowing. We really appreciate all your hard work to make this the great game it is.

OWP Dec 22 2009 06:32 PM

Well this is a set the right way,this is the way it should of been to start with. This is almost like when the game first came out and it worked great that way. Now if I could just get the billion of coins that I have lost and the million of xp points that I lost. Other then that the game is great.

pamfosterling Dec 22 2009 06:33 PM

this new way is ridiculous for workers who are consistenly fast and accurate

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