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DitzyLuvBug2 Jun 11 2022 04:53 PM

sending neighbor request is not working now
Went to My Neighbor tab. Found person I wanted to send neighbor request. The pop-up came up and when you hit send it you get error message that says

"Sorry,This feature isn't available right now. An Error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later."

Then you have to close it. I got a friend to try and they get same thing. So this might be related to the new release coming in? or Facebook again?

Taz D Jun 11 2022 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by DitzyLuvBug2 (Post 6496578)
Went to My Neighbor tab. Found person I wanted to send neighbor request. The pop-up came up and when you hit send it you get error message that says

"Sorry,This feature isn't available right now. An Error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later."

Then you have to close it. I got a friend to try and they get same thing. So this might be related to the new release coming in? or Facebook again?

Hi DitzyLuvBug,
It is related to all the problems about sending gifts and train boosts. That is the same error we are getting for the the gifts and trains.

DitzyLuvBug2 Jun 11 2022 05:11 PM

problem with sending neighbor request

Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6496582)
Hi DitzyLuvBug,
It is related to all the problems about sending gifts and train boosts. That is the same error we are getting for the the gifts and trains.

Hi Taz. I haven't been able to send trains or gifts for a long time. But have always been able to send neighbor requests until today. So thought it was related to this release. Thank you for responding.

GRB Jun 11 2022 06:11 PM

Thanks for the update, looking forward to see what we are getting this time:)

buffaloboy Jun 11 2022 06:42 PM


tank you for the update :)

hughs from vienna


Aussie Rae Jun 11 2022 07:30 PM

you can still send gifts even though you get the error message.

Qivis Jun 11 2022 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by laditz (Post 6496542)
We have not had a new farm in almost a year or longer, I think only once or twice in the last 2.5 years, they keep making them bigger but do not add to where we can actually put more things on that farm, I use to be able to have 3 layers wall to wall but that ability stopped long ago, then after flash was gone , for those of us who do not have super fast internet speed or bandwidth or a brand new super duper computer we can barely do farming as it is, the farms are too big now, just adding things to fill up that last expansion made it so it now takes 3x longer for that farm to load and count down after doing anything to it. I have so many issues as I know so many others that do also. I quit working people farms in the market a year ago because of this issue, please stop just making them bigger, I know this is probably easy on the developers but not on the players. they use to add a farm, then switch to making them bigger for month and months then give a new farm, but they stopped with new farms. I need space for trees and flowers and like I said making the farms bigger and trying to add new things just makes the game more impossible to play. Please do not tell me to be patient, we all been beyond patient for over 2.5 years while they got things up to speed. I have also been patient month after month after month waiting for new farms so disappointing.

Technically the layering that you first mentioned is not sanctioned by the developers and many farmers actually have been either not layering at all or have been removing them because they have too many coins - somewhat difficult to spend trillions of coins. If you are experiencing slow loading times, try clearing the Farm Town Memory Cache as shown in the link below this message. I actually have it bookmarked in my browser I use it so often.

Qivis Jun 11 2022 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6496582)
Hi DitzyLuvBug,
It is related to all the problems about sending gifts and train boosts. That is the same error we are getting for the the gifts and trains.

I have noticed some farmers are still able to send gifts and others are not. I have tested it out using several farmers including one belonging to a friend on the opposite side of the world and they are still having the issue. Plus friends in Florida, Indiana, and countries like the UK and Spain have been sending me gifts today. So at the very least I think it is not geography related. But I shared your post in the Known Issues to the wall so friends who do not use the Forum would know it was not their computers. We will just have to be patient and wait for Facebook to learn rule number 1) say please - and rule number 2) don't fix what ain't broke!! According to a different error I got from another game they changed something in their approval procedure for apps or something.

bluehair Jun 11 2022 10:54 PM

look forward to the new levels

Palmarina Jun 12 2022 12:31 AM

Thanks for the update!
I had to look up what "boba tea" was. Never heard of it before :):):)

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