Farm Town

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crafty chris Feb 15 2013 08:19 PM

thanks :) ..... um when is farm 18 due need it badly to put all these trees lol

1fritz Feb 15 2013 08:20 PM

Thank you.... Need to check out all the new stuff.

crzy_ladee Feb 15 2013 08:21 PM

wooot wooot!! i went n got groceries, and i come home to this!!! LOVE IT!!! thanks raul and devs, u rock!!

Docperk Feb 15 2013 08:24 PM

Looking good thanks for the update

JW2009 Feb 15 2013 08:42 PM

hi, my neighbour bought the New Sprinkler and now she is having problems watering her friends flowers, it keeps showing her farm she told me.

Caren Katsmom Feb 15 2013 08:47 PM

Problem with Red and Brown Sprinklers is Back
A long time ago, when the red sprinkler was first introduced, we had problems because our brown sprinkler (for just watering flowers) was taken away, leaving us only the red sprinkler to both water flowers and irrigate (speed up) crop growth. Months later, we were given back the brown sprinkler... so we could choose to just water our flowers with the brown sprinkler without using up our once-per-day chance to irrigate crops on a farm with the red sprinkler. It stayed that way for a long time - a year, maybe? We could use the brown sprinkler for flowers, and the red sprinkler would remain available to use to speed up crop growth when we were ready to use it, even if it was an hour later.

Suddenly, the original problem is back. I just watered my flowers with my brown sprinkler, on farms that have mature, unharvested crops. I was shocked to see that my red sprinkler now says I have to wait 20 hours to irrigate crops on that same farm! Why did the game developers choose to take away our ability to use both sprinklers separately, for their separate purposes? Or is this a new glitch, perhaps caused by the addition of another new sprinkler (purple) to buy? The orange and green sprinklers didn't cause any problems, though... so why would the purple one?

Please... I need my brown sprinkler to JUST water flowers, completely independent of whatever crops I have planted, or growing on a farm. I have too many flowers on too many farms, to go back to worrying about planning everything to water at the same time. If this is a glitch, I'll try to be patient while the team works on a fix (again)... but if it was an intentional change, to go back to the way it worked before when the red sprinkler was introduced, I might have to quit Farm Town again. I work full time, and don't have enough time to coordinate all crops and flowers to get watered at the same time.

EDIT: I reloaded the game, and now the farms I used the brown sprinkler to water flowers are showing BOTH the brown and red sprinklers as ready to use (meaning, no "time to water" is displaying)... BUT... the name of the farm on the selector and the crops (already grown) both display (F,W) as they do when the red sprinkler is used. I'm not ready to try to use the red sprinkler on crops yet... but at least I have hope now that this IS a glitch, and not a deliberate change; and maybe we have to reload the game to be able to use the red sprinkler after using the brown one for watering flowers (until it's fixed).

Another Edit: Okay, so while I was experiencing this sprinkler problem and posting about it here, the game developers released a new update! I just realized that the purple sprinkler is BRAND new, and could very well be involved in a glitch with the sprinklers. I might just have been lucky enough to be watering flowers at the wrong time. If the problem continues, or if I'm unable to use the red sprinkler when I plant crops (after watering flowers), I'll update here. If others have problems with the sprinklers, too, since the new update... hopefully you will add your comments here. :)

SunnyD Feb 15 2013 08:47 PM

9. Multifarm Mobile Sprinkler: If you already own the Green Mobile Sprinkler, then you can buy this new Purple Mobile Sprinkler to Irrigate all your farms at once. You will see the same multifarm selector that is now shown with the Multifarm Manure Spreader explained above.

this is the Bomb!!! it waters for the neighbors farms all at one time yahoo Love this love this....

crzy_ladee Feb 15 2013 08:54 PM

are the planes going to be along the lines of the trains, as in bringing stuff? ora decoration for the farm? I AM SO EXCITED I CANT WAIT!!! :D:D:D

Ellen Betty Nelson Feb 15 2013 09:13 PM

thanks for the up-grade.

Everything looks great!

Would be nice if when the up-grade comes in that you can buy the older model for cash. I know we have a very small chainsaw for coins, but the 'new-bees' can't do much with only a 3x3 saw, not in any way compete with the newer models, when hired to work.

Pustekuchen Feb 15 2013 09:24 PM

And again: NO start-all for ALL facilities :-(

NONE of my neighbors from FT - beginning are playing anymore...I'm not has become a game of just click-click-click-click-click.....:mad:

Why should I buy the new sprinkler?...I only water ONE neighbor's farm and I don't need it for mine.
Don't need the new chopper either - does not save much time.

Oh well, saved some money today....

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