Farm Town

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firegold flames Aug 29 2015 10:33 PM

thanks for the updates

Docperk Aug 29 2015 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne (Post 5992494)
Hi Dockperk,

The farm owner needs to own those tools for fertilising and irrigating their own crops etc. He can use yours because you own them.

I realize that, and I realize I am in the wrong forum for this, but I was thinking that would be a good addition to maybe the next release that we could do this since it works for all other tools.

thank you

Taz D Aug 29 2015 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Snookie Sue (Post 5992722)
Has anyone else experienced planting fields that come out incorrectly over the past 2 days? I have had a problem with farms 26 and 27. What I plant loads to other plots nearby. A strange glitch I hope.

Hi Snookie SUe,
There have been some other posts on this specifically about quest farms where they are planting multiple crops on the same farm. Is that what you are doing? We are looking into this and have been doing some testing. Most of the posts about this are inthe following thread link in the Help and Support section:
They will be in the last few pages of that thread if you would like to add to the information there.

theperfectnina Aug 30 2015 01:20 AM

A great surprise to get new level therefore more every needed Farm Cash but I wish the below trees were on the list as well, maybe in the next train carriage along with flowers. Also, am I the ONLY person that is always running out of Zinc Ore, I can't believe it as it's only used for the Brass Sheets BUT the Brass Sheets are used for SO MANY items, hopefully this will be looked at in the near future.

Hope there are little easy glitches with this update so the great behind the scene people at Slashkey can have a break :-)

PK... Aug 30 2015 08:50 AM

Since the update, I have just noticed that the total quests shown on the quest screen differs from the totals shown on the "Show Quests" screen... Which do I believe?

I always wait several days after cashing in to start completing quests so they don't roll off if I get one I can't do, now I am completely confused... (Again!)

The total on the quest screen shows 4 completed and 1 in progress, while the "Show Quests" screen saays 6 completed in 7 days, with the earliest completed 5 days ago... If the quest screen is to be believed, I am in deep doo-doo... (This is true on other accounts as well..)

Farm in question is -

Thanks for any clarification you can give me...

Edited - the discrepancy is even worse on the co-op quests - 9 vs. 6. Clearing memcache did no good...

marymarcel Aug 30 2015 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by PK... (Post 5992866)
Since the update, I have just noticed that the total quests shown on the quest screen differs from the totals shown on the "Show Quests" screen... Which do I believe?

I always wait several days after cashing in to start completing quests so they don't roll off if I get one I can't do, now I am completely confused... (Again!)

The total on the quest screen shows 4 completed and 1 in progress, while the "Show Quests" screen saays 6 completed in 7 days, with the earliest completed 5 days ago... If the quest screen is to be believed, I am in deep doo-doo... (This is true on other accounts as well..)

Farm in question is -

Thanks for any clarification you can give me...

Edited - the discrepancy is even worse on the co-op quests - 9 vs. 6. Clearing memcache did no good...

Hi PK:)

Yesterday we had a few posts about this but after checking, one of the quests showed as coins had not been collected and sadly the users havent come back with a response.

I'm checking my coop quests now, and yes, 5 quests are showing up as completed in my chart but Show quests shows 6 completed quests.

We will check about this problem, thank you for reporting it.:)

PK... Aug 30 2015 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5992874)
Hi PK:)

Yesterday we had a few posts about this but after checking, one of the quests showed as coins had not been collected and sadly the users havent come back with a response.

I'm checking my coop quests now, and yes, 5 quests are showing up as completed in my chart but Show quests shows 6 completed quests.

We will check about this problem, thank you for reporting it.:)

The other interesting thing is that it "apparently" the quest numbers were reset to zero on the main screen at update, and I did not notice it, since you cannot access the "Show Quests" page until you have completed quests showing.

I was scratching my head a bit, but blaming it on all too frequent Senior moments... ;0))

Thanks for your quick response, and crossing my fingers it gets straightened out before losing earned FCs...

FarmerMcLashwood Aug 30 2015 09:17 AM

Well after reading PK comments I went and checked my quests.. its showing that 10 are completed. but if I open up the show quest tab. its actually showing 11.... and I don't have any that I haven't collected coins for. I have 3 open quests at present 2 of which have 2 and 4 hrs to be completed and I haven't started last step on the 3rd quest.

FarmerMcLashwood Aug 30 2015 09:23 AM

Just checked my regular quests...... and its happening to that as well... according to the Show Quest tab I have 3 completed... according to the figures at the bottom I only have 1 completed on Saturday....... and I know that is wrong but the show quest tab is correct. Seems since the update its all gone cockeyed

marymarcel Aug 30 2015 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by FarmerMcLashwood (Post 5992890)
Just checked my regular quests...... and its happening to that as well... according to the Show Quest tab I have 3 completed... according to the figures at the bottom I only have 1 completed on Saturday....... and I know that is wrong but the show quest tab is correct. Seems since the update its all gone cockeyed

Thank you FarmerMcLashwood, we are checking into this.:)

dave1949 Aug 30 2015 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by lollipopthebunny (Post 5992566)
Great update, Thanks Raul.

Now I just hope it starts 'speeding up' when working the farms both mine an for someone else. It seems to get slower an slower.

I still think having two markets for hiring would be beneficial! It is gotten very very hard to get upper level people to work on the bigger farms. Plus it isn't fair to the low level players not getting work themselves. Since the farms have gotten so big hiring a low level player is pretty much useless as they can't move around an can't use the bigger tools either.

Yes I agree with you

Stu3 Aug 30 2015 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by lollipopthebunny (Post 5992566)
Great update, Thanks Raul.

Now I just hope it starts 'speeding up' when working the farms both mine an for someone else. It seems to get slower an slower.

I still think having two markets for hiring would be beneficial! It is gotten very very hard to get upper level people to work on the bigger farms. Plus it isn't fair to the low level players not getting work themselves. Since the farms have gotten so big hiring a low level player is pretty much useless as they can't move around an can't use the bigger tools either.

they cant use big tools? this would happen if you don't share your tools or fuel with people you wish to hire if you do there should be no problem with new player using the biggest tools you own.

windella Aug 30 2015 04:52 PM

Thank you for all of your hard work! Is there anyway to make the black box pop up at the top or side? When it's loading fish or loading the harvests you have to move the screen around to harvest - it's in the way a lot!

marymarcel Aug 30 2015 06:08 PM

Hi all:)

From Raul's notes for the New Release

Known Problems

- Some users are experiencing issues when planting crops, when they reload the farm after planting, other crops appear in the farm or the layout is messed up.
- When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer.
- Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.

Lance75231 Aug 30 2015 09:58 PM

when i am hired to design a farm for someone,my tools for "sell in bulk" or add animals to storage, or "add to storage in bulk" tool does not come up for me since I have those tools, does the person that I am hired to design for have to have these tools for me to use them on their fields?

Taz D Aug 30 2015 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lance75231 (Post 5993198)
when i am hired to design a farm for someone,my tools for "sell in bulk" or add animals to storage, or "add to storage in bulk" tool does not come up for me since I have those tools, does the person that I am hired to design for have to have these tools for me to use them on their fields?

Hi Lance,
i am sorry biut those tools are not included in what you can use when hired for designing.

cmmcgee_writer92 Aug 31 2015 12:10 AM

Having a problem with tools, especially larger tools, not highlighting so that I can harvest, chop, etc.. I've had this problem on three different computers I've played on and my Dad has told me that he is having the same problem on his computer. The game also seems to be moving a bit slower the last couple days... again, a problem I've had on multiple computers... and yes, I've checked the internet connection for every computer I've played on and that is not the issue.... not to mention the fact that the only thing I've had any problems with regarding speed is Farm Town. Also... and issue regarding time until crops can be harvested... I logged in at about 7pm yesterday (Aug 30) and it told me that there was only 12.1 hours until my carrots would be ready to harvest which would make them ready to harvest a little after 7am today (Aug 31). I just went in to that farm again and moused over them and now, at 3:45 am on Aug 31 it's telling me there is still 5.6 hours left until they are ready to harvest... which means they now won't be ready until after 9 or 10 am today. And, hopefully the last issue I will find, sometimes when I mouse over the guest manager box in the upper left corner it will tell me that there is 1 cooperative quest that can be redeemed even though there aren't any cooperative quests that can be redeemed. I also have a suggestion regarding co-op quests. It would be great if it were easier to go to the market and find people participating in co-op quests without having to open the options menu for each person and click to show their co-op quests only to find they aren't participating in quests or go to each individuals farm only to discover the same thing... since not everybody participating in co-op quests indicates so in their character name. Not only would this be helpful in making it easier to find those individuals and buy ingredients from them but it would also make it easier to actually complete co-op quests since there have been several co-op quests I have been unable to finish in time because I can only ask for help on two or three ingredients but there ends up being four or more ingredients that I need help with because none of my neighbors doing the quests is selling those ingredients during the time allotted to complete the quests.

Lance75231 Aug 31 2015 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5993202)
Hi Lance,
i am sorry biut those tools are not included in what you can use when hired for designing.

thank you taz

shirl312 Aug 31 2015 03:22 AM

Must have happened on update, but when working neighbor's facilities, farmer says "Oops! Something happened that I could not work those facilities. Moving on to next farm" I ma not sure if this is a false message and I got the goodies, or I did not get goodies. I do not inventory before I work facilities.

Aussie Rae Aug 31 2015 04:58 AM

Released the Long Crops Freight Car and Long Fruits Freight Car. ty :)

Aussie Rae Aug 31 2015 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Seraphina Warrior (Post 5992322)
Hi Aussie Rae, When the Cooperative Design, was first announced, it was stated that when a Super Neighbour has the design permission on one of your farms, he/she will be allowed to move, delete coin items and even buy items with THEIR OWN coins to put on your farm (based on the farm owners level).

This means that a Super Neighbour will pay for any items that they choose to buy from the store, and place on the "Farm Owners" farm. This avoids the Farm Owners Coins, being severely depleted, by the Super Neighbour purchasing expensive items etc. If many many items, are required, then to avoid paying for those items, the super Neighbour, would need to ask the "Farm Owner" to purchase those items, in advance.

I hope this helps. :)

found this in the updates in the release re the farm owner paying for anything the super neighbor buys for the farmers farm he is designing... - "When Super Neighbour is hired for design, when he buys new items for the farm owner, the coins should be taken from the farm owner, not the designer."

marymarcel Aug 31 2015 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by ckerider (Post 5993342)
I have been trying to hire a farmer that I use a lot at the Inn. We are not neighbors, however we meet at the Inn and she does all my farms for me and we both get the bonuses. The last two days we cannot see each other, even when we meet at me farm first. She says it shows me as offline. Tried meeting at her farm first and still could nto see each other. Does anyone know why this is happening. Finally I have a great worker and now I can't use her for some reason. Please let me know what could be wrong.

Hi ckerider:)

Please make sure both of you have your language set to English.

WyoSugar Aug 31 2015 08:24 AM

Thanks for the great update....especially the new trains :)

ckerider Aug 31 2015 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5993346)
Hi ckerider:)

Please make sure both of you have your language set to English.

I will try that... will let you know if that is it or not. Thanks for trying to help

ckerider Aug 31 2015 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by ckerider (Post 5993434)
I will try that... will let you know if that is it or not. Thanks for trying to help

Sorry, but I do not know where to set it. Do you mean on my computer thing or in Farmtown?

marymarcel Aug 31 2015 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by ckerider (Post 5993438)
Sorry, but I do not know where to set it. Do you mean on my computer thing or in Farmtown?

Hi ckerider:)

Please click in your preferences, the wrench, the last option is for Language, make sure it is set to English.:)

GarrettHillBabe Aug 31 2015 10:57 AM

Here we go again, FT did something with our quests (can't remember exactly what they listed as doing), my regular quests are showing at bottom of screen only 1 completed BUT when I click on the show quests it CLEARLY shows 3 completed! I KNOW this part is correct.
With the CoOp quests, the bottom of screen shows 2 only 2 completed BUT show quests shows total of 4!
As I see it now I'll be gypped out of 2 on both types of quests.
I took a picture of both using the Snipping Tool program for a Farmtown discussion group I'm in however can not figure out how to load them here.

Seriously, we all know how difficult some quests are to get the entire "ingredients" to complete and now this? FT will owe me on both and that's a given unless all is repaired before I'll need to collect my hard earned "prize".

Will say was lovely to come on and see that 25FC and as soon as I complete both kinds of quests and hopefully receive the 2 FC per type I'll be able to buy the new cash facility. Can't spend anymore of my retirement funds until middle of September as I already overspent this month

This update would be totally wonderful IF not for the possible loss of my completed quests (which would not be lost any other way than the no credit showing for them)

Tiger Aug 31 2015 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by GarrettHillBabe (Post 5993454)
Here we go again, FT did something with our quests (can't remember exactly what they listed as doing), my regular quests are showing at bottom of screen only 1 completed BUT when I click on the show quests it CLEARLY shows 3 completed! I KNOW this part is correct.
With the CoOp quests, the bottom of screen shows 2 only 2 completed BUT show quests shows total of 4!
As I see it now I'll be gypped out of 2 on both types of quests.
I took a picture of both using the Snipping Tool program for a Farmtown discussion group I'm in however can not figure out how to load them here.

Seriously, we all know how difficult some quests are to get the entire "ingredients" to complete and now this? FT will owe me on both and that's a given unless all is repaired before I'll need to collect my hard earned "prize".

Will say was lovely to come on and see that 25FC and as soon as I complete both kinds of quests and hopefully receive the 2 FC per type I'll be able to buy the new cash facility. Can't spend anymore of my retirement funds until middle of September as I already overspent this month

This update would be totally wonderful IF not for the possible loss of my completed quests (which would not be lost any other way than the no credit showing for them)

Hi GarrettHillBabe,

Raul posted this in his notes about the Quest Manager >>

Known Issues
- Inconsistencies on the Show Quests window and the Quest Chart in the Quest Manager.

What Show Quests is doing at the moment is showing you a combination of quests completed for this week AND some of the quests already counted as part of last week, which you have already claimed FC for.

The quest chart at the bottom of the Quest manager, will show you how many quests you have completed and collected the coins for, that will count for this weeks quests.

If you would like us to check which quests count for this week since you last collected please supply your farm link. Also please let us know which quests you think should be counting towards your quest for this week and we will also check the information on those. Linking instructions, if you need them can be found........

Fireball Aug 31 2015 01:32 PM

Love the new train cars, so very tired of planting cotton and onions every day. It also will cut down on the amount of fruit trees I have to plant to keep up with demand. Thanks

ckerider Aug 31 2015 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 5993446)
Hi ckerider:)

Please click in your preferences, the wrench, the last option is for Language, make sure it is set to English.:)

Ok so both of us checked and we both have it on English. Now what can we do?

ckerider Aug 31 2015 01:42 PM

And also... I don't know why it keeps saying I am at level 1 when I post on these threads.

ckerider Aug 31 2015 01:52 PM

The new Trains have quantities that are so small it would not be worth the price to buy. It is actually kind of funny because we spend that kind of $$ to get that small amounts. This is all very frustrating to me with Farmtown. I have spent a lot of real money on this game but you guys don't give us back much in return, or so it seems. Maybe it's time to find some way other to fill my mornings and 2 hours in the pm. I know, I know.... I am not in a very good mood today and I guess it is showing!

Brian Sampson Aug 31 2015 05:45 PM

I was trying to help a friend who does not have good tools. But I couldn't use the tool to move a ton of trees to storage because it would not know what storage to move it too. I have a question, is the 'sell in bulk' tool work on a super neighbors farm.

Taz D Aug 31 2015 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Brian Sampson (Post 5993654)
I was trying to help a friend who does not have good tools. But I couldn't use the tool to move a ton of trees to storage because it would not know what storage to move it too. I have a question, is the 'sell in bulk' tool work on a super neighbors farm.

Hi Brian,
I am sorry but those tools will not work for the designing part of the Super Neighbor.

dianedrayson Aug 31 2015 06:24 PM

I have tried to boost both of my trains today and the window opens but no names show up for me to click on. All I see is the message (Preview: XX sent you a Farm Town Request ...), an empty box and the Done button at the bottom. This happened this morning and still this evening. I will try again tomorrow but I thought I'd post this in case it's an isolated glitch.

Taz D Aug 31 2015 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by dianedrayson (Post 5993698)
I have tried to boost both of my trains today and the window opens but no names show up for me to click on. All I see is the message (Preview: XX sent you a Farm Town Request ...), an empty box and the Done button at the bottom. This happened this morning and still this evening. I will try again tomorrow but I thought I'd post this in case it's an isolated glitch.

Hi diane,
Please try clearing your memcache (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again.

Clohar Aug 31 2015 08:33 PM

Since the new release came on I am experiencing problem Under the tab FRIENDS HELPING ME when I am trying to boost my trains. There is a friend picture appearing there

Kimmy0868 Aug 31 2015 08:38 PM

When hired on other farms, I cannot use the harvester available, I have to click each and every plot. Any fix available for this?

Taz D Aug 31 2015 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Clohar (Post 5993774)
Since the new release came on I am experiencing problem Under the tab FRIENDS HELPING ME when I am trying to boost my trains. There is a friend picture appearing there

Hi Clohar,
A couple others have had this too. Clearing the memcache seems to work (link below), then when the page of unsetting text opens close it and your farm, then clear your browser cache and close your browser. Reopen and try again.

Taz D Aug 31 2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kimmy0868 (Post 5993778)
When hired on other farms, I cannot use the harvester available, I have to click each and every plot. Any fix available for this?

Hi Kimmy,
Is the harvester yours or the employers? If it is yours do you have it in storage as it must be in storage when you go to other's farms to work. If it is their's did they set it to allow you to use their tools?

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