Farm Town

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LazyMare Jul 12 2014 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by LazyMare (Post 5845510)
Hi Rob T Taz D
The largest amount of product I have stored is 15260091 Iron Ore, the largest crop is 1404395 wheat. As my FT goal is to be able to restock my facilities to 100% immediately after posting them I do hoard, but I also regularly sell off anything over a 2 year supply.
Have done, or tried to do, everything in your help section, though a couple of the links seem to be for Forum Admins only. Also the clear memcache link that used to be sticky "I can't work my neighbours facilities" has disappeared. I can't remember what the reason for that is.
Have disabled pepperflash too as someone somewhere said that could help, but have to remember to re-enable it to play my favourite Z-word game. Should I be having doing that?
Mozilla loads the game more slowly than Chrome, but connects to server quicker.
Until this last week I've been playing relatively problem-free with macro global storage at 100, having forgotten that it needed to be raised manually after re-installing flash, so don't think that's the problem either.
My CPU meter tells me I have loads of free RAM and ROM memory and have tried with having only FT working/loads of stuff going on, only me using the broadband/everyone downloading stuff. Nothing seems to have any effect on the time it takes to connect to server once the game is loaded.
Working my neighbours facilities is my favourite part of the game, after quests, so am finding it very frustrating to be waiting 4 or 5 minutes to connect to server. I don't mind quite so much waiting for my own farm to connect, but obviously would prefer it to be almost instantaneous as it was until the beginning of this month. I took a long break from FT years ago when my farms wouldn't load at all, but am not yet at that level of frustration.
The restroom is still buggy (is that the same for everyone?). Have to unhide buildings and click on it manually before the mayor starts doing his business - pun intended.
There has been a recent change to how Chrome loads - window opening up "gracefully", but that didn't co-incide with the connect to server at a snail on lithium's pace issue. FB has changed the look of it's App/Gift page too. I have a backlog of gifts pending, but that's not unusual as I normally only do them once or twice a month, and am going to spend the rest of today clearing the backlog.
What am I missing? It must be something obvious.
Thanks in advance

I don't know what you guys have done (or it could have been FB?) but am back to normal - connecting to server instantly. Restroom still fouling up though 'how much toilet humour is there yet to come?)

Shellgirlmtl Jul 12 2014 10:03 AM

Restroom Facilities
I just got back from a month-long holiday, during which the June 17th release was released... I had bought 4 of the Restroom Supply Facs and filled them up to the max... I just collected about 8,500 units of items from each, making a total of almost 35,000 units of products that I could fill my Restrooms with and yet I have none in storage... each item tells me I have 0 in storage... I have not had a chance to read some of the posts in the Forum but I do believe that some players are having problems with the Restroom FACS as I am... I thought I would report it and if possible would appreciate getting my products back... Have cleared memcache etc. (didn't think it necessary since I haven't played much in the last month but did nevertheless)...

Thank you for the update, I still need to look thru all the new goodies but so far the Restroom problem is the only issue I have encountered... thank you to the Devs & Mods for all your hard work... Always appreciated...

SeamsToBeSew Jul 12 2014 10:08 AM

I to have the problem with not all facilities filling, while it's not alot of facilities, usually 6-10 of them do not fill when I click start all. I have all the tools necessary for the start all, even a duplicate on one of them, and still it doesn't start them all. I have every facility and service building. Like most, I do have more than one sawmill for instance, on different farms, and a few other facilities owned several times like the saw mill as well. I don't mind doing them manually, but since the farm tools for them do cost farm cash, I think they should fill all the facilities.

Taz D Jul 12 2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Shellgirlmtl (Post 5846454)
I just got back from a month-long holiday, during which the June 17th release was released... I had bought 4 of the Restroom Supply Facs and filled them up to the max... I just collected about 8,500 units of items from each, making a total of almost 35,000 units of products that I could fill my Restrooms with and yet I have none in storage... each item tells me I have 0 in storage... I have not had a chance to read some of the posts in the Forum but I do believe that some players are having problems with the Restroom FACS as I am... I thought I would report it and if possible would appreciate getting my products back... Have cleared memcache etc. (didn't think it necessary since I haven't played much in the last month but did nevertheless)...

Thank you for the update, I still need to look thru all the new goodies but so far the Restroom problem is the only issue I have encountered... thank you to the Devs & Mods for all your hard work... Always appreciated...

The problem others are having with the public restrooms is not having the products to fill them, but is getting them worked by people who do not have the trains for the mayor to work all facilities.
I see you have 4 restroom supply factories, but you have 6 public restrooms. So your supply will not totally fill all those.
There isn't any way that we or Support can return the items. The only thing that can be done is to give you the coins for those items, but you would have to know how many and what they are worth for Support to be able to do that. If you wish you can contact Support for a refund. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

Shellgirlmtl Jul 12 2014 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5846462)
The problem others are having with the public restrooms is not having the products to fill them, but is getting them worked by people who do not have the trains for the mayor to work all facilities.
I see you have 4 restroom supply factories, but you have 6 public restrooms. So your supply will not totally fill all those.
There isn't any way that we or Support can return the items. The only thing that can be done is to give you the coins for those items, but you would have to know how many and what they are worth for Support to be able to do that. If you wish you can contact Support for a refund. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

Thanks Taz for your reply... I have 5 not 6 Public Restrooms... After I read your reply I rechecked my Service Facs and noticed that the products I collected from the Restroom Supply Facs have been filled in the Public Restroom Facs, which they had not before... most likely they appeared after a certain delay, because they were not there before... I wouldn't want to bother the Devs for a ticket for a few million coins, they have more important issues to deal with, but in any case I don't need to now since they have appeared...
Thanks again for your reply, have a nice day!!!... :)

Taz D Jul 12 2014 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Shellgirlmtl (Post 5846490)
Thanks Taz for your reply... I have 5 not 6 Public Restrooms... After I read your reply I rechecked my Service Facs and noticed that the products I collected from the Restroom Supply Facs have been filled in the Public Restroom Facs, which they had not before... most likely they appeared after a certain delay, because they were not there before... I wouldn't want to bother the Devs for a ticket for a few million coins, they have more important issues to deal with, but in any case I don't need to now since they have appeared...
Thanks again for your reply, have a nice day!!!... :)

According to your data there are 6 public restrooms. Maybe you had one before when they were decorations and it isn't registered in the facility manager. That one would have to be put in storage and then back on the farm to register in the facility manager.

Shellgirlmtl Jul 12 2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5846494)
According to your data there are 6 public restrooms. Maybe you had one before when they were decorations and it isn't registered in the facility manager. That one would have to be put in storage and then back on the farm to register in the facility manager.

Ah, maybe I'll have to check my farms... maybe it is hidden somewhere and I never noticed... Thanks Taz, will have a look-see...

Shellgirlmtl Jul 12 2014 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Shellgirlmtl (Post 5846502)
Ah, maybe I'll have to check my farms... maybe it is hidden somewhere and I never noticed... Thanks Taz, will have a look-see...

Yes, you are right... I have one on my Farm 10 which is part of my decor and will leave as such until I have accumulated enough products to use it as a Service Fac... Thanks again Taz...

Taz D Jul 12 2014 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Shellgirlmtl (Post 5846514)
Yes, you are right... I have one on my Farm 10 which is part of my decor and will leave as such until I have accumulated enough products to use it as a Service Fac... Thanks again Taz...

You are welcome. :)

Rob T Jul 12 2014 09:05 PM

Hi, Thankyou all so much for all your input. I am now closing this thread. Please post any issues or feedback to the correct forums. Thankyou :)

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