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Farmer_Susan Dec 31 2016 10:09 AM

I'm still bummed about the 24 hour wait for each ship. The thing I don't like about it is this:

Say I start ship #1 at 7am my time. That's cool if I'm ALWAYS available at 7am to start my next ship. But I'm not. Life gets in the way. So eventually, I'm an hour late - can't launch whatever ship I'm on until 8am. Still not a major problem, I guess, but next time I'm an hour late, I'm now up to 9am, etc., and eventually I'm launching ships so late in the day that it's hard to get them full before bedtime.

What I'd LIKE to be able to do is know that I'll be able to launch my next ship when I first get up in the morning. Quests are like this because they're on a 20-hour schedule. That gives me lots of leeway about when I do my morning farming and yet I always know I'll be able to do my quest first thing.

I think the problem is, right now, we can only have one ship going at a time. That's one of the rules. So if we change the 24-hour wait time before we launch the next one, that means we'd also have to change the amount of time that gives a farmer to load a ship (i.e., we'd only have 20 hours to load it, too). That would be ok with me but some farmers wouldn't like get shorted on that end.

So now I'm wondering . . . do we have to only have one ship going at a time? I think other issues might come up if that gets changed - I'm not sure what they are, but it might get confusing. Just looking at my 7 ships, they're travelling at different rates. Some are going through ports like crazy, others are much slower. Maybe we could launch one as soon as it comes in? And each ship would still get 24 hours to load? Are there issues with that?

I hope to eventually have a suggestion on this issue but right now, I'm not sure what to suggest so was hoping maybe others have some input. :confused:

Joyinlife Dec 31 2016 05:18 PM

I have two ships out and going slowly. I have looked for two days and no ship at my port. Others have said they helped several people. What is my problem? Do I just need to be patient?

Tiger Dec 31 2016 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Joyinlife (Post 6126418)
I have two ships out and going slowly. I have looked for two days and no ship at my port. Others have said they helped several people. What is my problem? Do I just need to be patient?

Hi Joyinlife,

There no way of telling without asking your friends if any ships are going to yours. You just might be one of the later ports to visit.

JuliaK Dec 31 2016 05:33 PM

Good morning, firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to the team for creating and maintaining the best game on Facebook...
I have been working the ships since there appearance and I love the concept. I think the notifications in the toolbox are excellent, I think the manner in which we help dispatch our neighbours ship are excellent. BUT and I do say but... these ships are very time consuming and high maintenance... with the trains you send them off, pick your neighbours and sit back.. with the ships it is full on 24/7 if you want to be supportive and proactive. I have over the past week bought and dispatched all my ships.. currently I have 4 sitting empty because we can only prepare one ship in any given 24 hours...could we be able to work on 1 ship, finish it, send it on its way and then work on the next ship, finish it and send it on its way etc etc... having empty ships sitting idle it not being productive, too much time wasted.. no shipping would sit idle for any amount of time if they want to be productive....just a thought and would be happy to hear any opinions from other farmers... Happy famring!!!

Farmer_Susan Dec 31 2016 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Joyinlife (Post 6126418)
I have two ships out and going slowly. I have looked for two days and no ship at my port. Others have said they helped several people. What is my problem? Do I just need to be patient?

This happened to me at first, Joyinlife. I got very few ships in my port while others were saying they had a lot. Now I seem to be getting a steady stream. Maybe it does just take awhile for things to gear up.

Joyinlife Jan 01 2017 05:43 AM

Thanks for the responses. Is there a way notifications can be set up on Facebook when ships have arrived in your port? (Similar to what they do for games). I think it would speed up the process for everyone involved; the ones who need help and the ones to help.

Farmer_Susan Jan 01 2017 09:35 AM

I don't think so. But several of us have felt we'd like other ways of being notified. I'm not sure if that's been put in the Suggestion thread yet or not.

OzzieOzzOzz Jan 01 2017 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by StoneFace (Post 6118266)
It is a great move by the devs to bring the Cargo enhancement to the players for coin, and not for a ton of Farm Cash....

I think the cost will be much more than the $3-5 million coin for some of the facilities at each release.......... but..... no where near the $15-20 Billion coin required for the larger expansions of the farms.

so.... to bide the time till our ships come in.... (which I think, IMHO, will be in the next 24 hours).... what do you think will be the coin requirment for the ships or other items that might be available in the initial startup of this new addition to the game?

My guess... about $10 million for "minor" enhancements.... and maybe $20 million for ships.

We will know for sure soon.... soon.... soon:rolleyes:


If one has a stopwatch and stays awake 24/7, it will take 32-34 between ship launches. In practice, it will take 36-48 hours. Why not be more realistic and make it 20 h or 24 h between STARTS of boat preparation?

Aussie Rae Jan 01 2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan (Post 6127150)
I don't think so. But several of us have felt we'd like other ways of being notified. I'm not sure if that's been put in the Suggestion thread yet or not.

I would like something to tell me when my ship has returned home, and made that in the Suggestion section.

corogirl Jan 01 2017 10:35 PM

I think the ships are a huge pain in the bum. I have two and I set them off using tabs because there is no way I am going to muck about for hours setting up one container at a time. I can smell the whiff of FC being asked for in the very near future so we can set them off faster and if this happens they can stick the ships and the game right up where the sun don't shine. I am so over all this money money money to play this game. It used to be fun and now everyone is complaining ( amongst my friends anyway) about these stupid ships and constant messages ( some nasy so I have heard) to move on ships. People do have a life outside FT and they do sleep and we are all in different time zones!! Rant over... As you were.

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