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Tamblyne Apr 17 2011 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by ponygirl22 (Post 4591334)
Same here. It's awesome. But I'm still having trouble with people NOT reading the instructions and not finishing the work they were hired for. :mad:

Yes, there are a lot of people who either don't know about this new feature, or don't know how to use it. But I had a lady the other night who didn't finish -- even *after* I asked her if she knew how to do it!


Originally Posted by ponygirl22 (Post 4591374)
I've never had to wait on a multi hire job for my avatar to finish harvesting to be able to plow. When I'm done clicking, I go to the toolbox, get the plow and go to work.

I've finally figured out that I have to be smart when I'm harvesting if I don't want to get bogged down for the plowing. Jumping around from plot to plot causes the problem here, even just up or down one row here or there. If I just go in a straight line -- up one side and down the other -- when I'm harvesting, my plowing doesn't get ahead of the ol' girl. :-) People who show up on my farm and just scattershot the thing have no chance of plowing it without a rehire. Which is fine by me -- I hate when they do that. :-D

siobhan morris Apr 17 2011 03:00 AM

siobhan morris
A Big thankyou! :):):p;)

grarawlins Apr 17 2011 07:14 AM

Hire Mulitiple
When I get hired as multiple my tools are not acessable, why. I have been told to click my TOOL BOX but I don't have one! Help!!!!!! thanks

Tony D Apr 17 2011 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by grarawlins (Post 4592010)
When I get hired as multiple my tools are not acessable, why. I have been told to click my TOOL BOX but I don't have one! Help!!!!!! thanks

Hi you need to open the extended tool box.. If you hover your mouse over the yellow box at the bottom right of the screen more options should appear, at the top of the options there should be a green arrow, click on that... You can only use farm cash tools on other peoples farms

grarawlins Apr 17 2011 07:31 AM

Why don't i have a toolbox? am i looking in the wrong place, when i am hired for multiple all i have is my storage and a blank space where my harvester is supposed to be!!!!!!

lulu836 Apr 17 2011 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 4592014)
. You can only use farm cash tools on other peoples farms

I don't find that to be true.

Docperk Apr 17 2011 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by ponygirl22 (Post 4591374)
I've never had to wait on a multi hire job for my avatar to finish harvesting to be able to plow. When I'm done clicking, I go to the toolbox, get the plow and go to work.

I don't wait for it to finish to START plowing but I can't plow as fast as I normally would because the avatar is not finished. I plow and wait and plow and wait through the whole field. I somewhere in here this was cause by the field being stacked or layered but it happens on fields that have never been stacked or layered too.

Double T Dude Ranch Apr 17 2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by lulu836 (Post 4592230)

I don't find that to be true.

You can only use the farm cash tools on others farms if you want the big tools, but you can use the single plower and single harvester as well.

Duck Duck Goose Apr 17 2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tamblyne (Post 4591870)
People who show up on my farm and just scattershot the thing have no chance of plowing it without a rehire. Which is fine by me -- I hate when they do that. :-D

I hate that too. I call them "battleship players". Only thing is they'll never find my patrol boat that way cause its out in one of my sea coasts, not in the middle of my farm.

Makes me wish i had planted landmines instead of whatever crop i had them harvest.....

Taz D Apr 17 2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by grarawlins (Post 4592018)
Why don't i have a toolbox? am i looking in the wrong place, when i am hired for multiple all i have is my storage and a blank space where my harvester is supposed to be!!!!!!

See the inserted picture for where your toolbox is.

When you move mouse over it a few things pop-up. Click on the green arrow at the top of that list. That will open the extended toolbox. Your tools have to be in your storage for this to work.

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