Farm Town

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Snookie Sue Apr 19 2013 12:32 AM

I mean this in the best way possible but thanks for finally offering facilities I can live without. Will be spending my FC when ALL the factories can be loaded at once. XOX, Snookie.

earlgray Apr 19 2013 12:40 AM

I really love the new hide menu options. I've wanted for a long time to be able to hide all of a certain kind of tree, as opposed to hiding all trees. THANKS!!!

marobu52 Apr 19 2013 12:44 AM

Problem with new update.
The link is for a photo I posted on Facebook so that you could see the problem. The Hire All menu is not working properly. It reverted back to the Harvest Trees and Crops and Harvest Flowers and Crops. Even though the boxes are checked my husband did not get the flower harvester or tree shaker as tools.

Thought you might like to know.


Tony D Apr 19 2013 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by marobu52 (Post 5516954)
The link is for a photo I posted on Facebook so that you could see the problem. The Hire All menu is not working properly. It reverted back to the Harvest Trees and Crops and Harvest Flowers and Crops. Even though the boxes are checked my husband did not get the flower harvester or tree shaker as tools.

Thought you might like to know.


Hi we have advised the developers that quite a few players are having this problem since the new release.

Kathy813 Apr 19 2013 12:58 AM

Could not hire for multiple tasks. The old 'crops and trees' or 'crops and flowers' choices were back & pre-selected. If I tried hiring to harvest trees & chop trees for multiple farms, I got the message that I couldn't because the first farm didn't have trees to chop. If I tried hiring to harvest crops & trees, I got a message that I couldn't hire to harvest crops unless I had done so previously! Never heard of that one before. I could only hire to harvest trees & then pick multiple farms & then go back to hire for chopping trees in a separate hire. I could hire to harvest & plow but only if I didn't select anything to do with trees.

Since I have two accounts I use two different browsers, Chrome and Safari. This hiring problem occurred in both browsers and did not correct after I cleared caches, Memcache or Macromedia cache.

Llinx Apr 19 2013 12:58 AM

Pity. I was hoping for a one button to fill all facilities like we now have for clients rather than just directed at certain types. This is going to cost quite a bit of farm cash eventually isnt it? I know its a way to make money, but still... :(

HelenJS22 Apr 19 2013 01:04 AM

Thanks Raul, Love the new turbo tools, and the 'coming soon' harvest all. I have to be disciplined and wait until I get back from holidays before I can play on my farm this time. The new toys will give me incentive to get back to it :)

FarmerWitch Apr 19 2013 01:17 AM

Thank you!

RFMad Apr 19 2013 01:46 AM

Raul asked about flower issues. My flowers were supposed to be ready in 15.9 hrs but after I used the green mobile sprinkler, they showed as ready to harvest. I refreshed the farm and they went back to 15.9 till harvest. If I can really harvest them, that would be ok :)

FarmerWitch Apr 19 2013 02:26 AM

Tee hee ... the Animal Remedy Factory sounds as though it should supply the old age home too!

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