Farm Town

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w4rpe Keith Sep 12 2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces4444 (Post 3969214)
I'm trying to go into the Realtor's Office just now and it doesn't say "already have all upgrades". Just nothing. Do you think they are working on loading the sixth farm????????????????????????????????????????

Well, I went their and it came up with you have all the upgrades you need.


1fritz Sep 12 2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces4444 (Post 3969214)
I'm trying to go into the Realtor's Office just now and it doesn't say "already have all upgrades". Just nothing. Do you think they are working on loading the sixth farm????????????????????????????????????????

I sure hope so I'm getting really tired of checking....Was jus going to crawl under the big bed till tomorrow and see what happens:) then.

Taz D Sep 12 2010 11:05 PM

Is the Inn ever going to have a practical use? Like maybe for hiring and getting hired instead of in the market?

speedmonkey Sep 12 2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by ChrissieD (Post 3969098)
I enjoy the designing and growing side of the game... making sandwiches, pizzas, cheese etc just doesn't appeal to me... and as for sewing... putting a button is my limit ;)

OK that makes sense. I guess I should avoid asking questions that have obvious answers. Might be beneficial if I wait until fully awake before asking questions! :)

speedmonkey Sep 12 2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Texas Belle (Post 3969034)
You sound like me, are we addicted to this game or what? Glad to have company. Last night couldn't sleep and thought I am going to computer, started getting up and my husband said, "you are not going to the computer, are you?" So read instead, but my mind was here thinking Raul is going to do something and I am not there, lol

I usually have my farm open from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Heaven forbid we have to go anywhere. If I can't access my farm I have my kindle in hand reading through the forum. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that I got excellent wireless coverage on my kindle during an entire 200 mile road trip! I am certain that I have officially become a Farm Town addict. I bug my family to help me harvest and plow all the time. If I can't find a neighbor to help me harvest, I am instantly texting my sister! I literally fell asleep on my computer last night trying to get my flowers harvested at 4 AM :eek: ! Yet another night my husband had to literally take my computer away and send me to bed.

I guess that being an addict to such a wonderful game is better than being addicted to the any one of the other more dangerous things out there!

speedmonkey Sep 12 2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Weidknecht (Post 3969114)
I would like more storage space. I would love more farms. I would like to be able to get yeast faster. I would like to be able to gift tomatoes. Thank you for all you do. I love the game.

Farm 6 is already in the works. I have found that if I am patient enough I can get enough yeast to do everything that needs done if I just stockpile it for a few days without using any of it. The same thing with my honey, lobsters, and even my tomatoes. Right after we got the manure spreader I planted all five of my farms in tomatoes, fertilized and waited patiently for them to be ready. I just used the last of my tomatoes tonight and that is with keeping most of my facilities fully stocked!

Any item that we require lots of (wheat, tomatoes, yeast, corn...etc) I have discovered that if I practice a little patients I can gather enough to get on top of production and then do not require so many at once all the time. If I can get my facilities maxed out and then make sure that I don't let them get to empty I can plant and harvest at a fairly normal rate instead of trying to rush around gathering up enough stuff to keep my factories producing. If all else fails I know that I can always get some of what I need working for others, this being a social game, I find that many people are willing to help you get what you need!

bucknine Sep 13 2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by speedmonkey (Post 3969926)
I usually have my farm open from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Heaven forbid we have to go anywhere. If I can't access my farm I have my kindle in hand reading through the forum. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that I got excellent wireless coverage on my kindle during an entire 200 mile road trip! I am certain that I have officially become a Farm Town addict. I bug my family to help me harvest and plow all the time. If I can't find a neighbor to help me harvest, I am instantly texting my sister! I literally fell asleep on my computer last night trying to get my flowers harvested at 4 AM :eek: ! Yet another night my husband had to literally take my computer away and send me to bed.

I guess that being an addict to such a wonderful game is better than being addicted to the any one of the other more dangerous things out there!

I got one up on that I think. I purchased the new EVO phone with a mobile hotspot that allows for 8 devices to have wireless internet through the phone. On a recent trip from Indiana to Southern Florida my wife and I were on Farmtown all the way down and back. Fried the batteries in the wireless mouse though and had to buy new ones. LOL I'm really addicted also. HAPPY FARMING!

Steel Hip Sep 13 2010 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by speedmonkey (Post 3969966)
Farm 6 is already in the works. I have found that if I am patient enough I can get enough yeast to do everything that needs done if I just stockpile it for a few days without using any of it. The same thing with my honey, lobsters, and even my tomatoes. Right after we got the manure spreader I planted all five of my farms in tomatoes, fertilized and waited patiently for them to be ready. I just used the last of my tomatoes tonight and that is with keeping most of my facilities fully stocked!

Any item that we require lots of (wheat, tomatoes, yeast, corn...etc) I have discovered that if I practice a little patients I can gather enough to get on top of production and then do not require so many at once all the time. If I can get my facilities maxed out and then make sure that I don't let them get to empty I can plant and harvest at a fairly normal rate instead of trying to rush around gathering up enough stuff to keep my factories producing. If all else fails I know that I can always get some of what I need working for others, this being a social game, I find that many people are willing to help you get what you need!


Also I am betting that the update comes this weekend, as I will be away 4 days and unable to get on. I can feel the shakes coming on already :eek:

SunnyD Sep 13 2010 01:28 AM

I'm such a dope.......... just realized now that we have the Fuel refinery i could get that big harvester and use it ........ DUH!! i stayed away from it cause it uses fuel and normally i hire people LOL

speedmonkey Sep 13 2010 01:49 AM

:mad: Just a momentary rant. I was just in the market place, this girl comes in and says "who wants to harvest and plow." She then says "I hire only one, whoever wants it call my name." So I say her name, she says, if you want it go to my farm and I will hire you." So I go to her farm and she pops in and says "Hahahaha, its only a joke you idiot, hahaha! There was no work to be done, and she was so very rude. I hope that using the report feature in the game works. I reported her butt as fast as I could click on her, which she tried to avoid by moving all over the place and then leaving. HA HA to her, I got her and I hope she losses her account for doing it!

She probably reported me to cause I got upset :(

EDIT - OMG after a break from the game and some sleep this sounds almost as childish as the incident was! Please forgive my momentary lack of adult behavior! :eek:

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