Farm Town

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Tiger Jun 14 2019 08:23 AM

Chapter 25 Levels and Unlocking

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Tiger Jun 14 2019 08:50 AM

How many Levels are there and what are the Levels for?
There are currently 1475 Levels in the game.

The levels show your progress in the game.

The more you progress through the game, the more you unlock, more gifts to send, extra land unlocked, more items to purchase in the store and access to more features of the game.

Your level is shown at the top of the game screen in the oval. Just to the left of that is your XP (experience points). If you are below level 501 the name for the level is also displayed below the XP bar which shows your progress to the next level. If you hover over the XP amount a small window will drop down showing your XP amount and how many you need to reach the next level. When you are at the top level the progress bar does not move, even though you are still earning XP, and you will not see how many needed to reach the next level as there aren't any until more are released.

This is an example of Level 302 with 8482450 XP example.PNG

You will also earn Farm Cash every level which can be used to by luxury items in the game like bigger tools to work farms.

Tiger Jun 14 2019 08:54 AM

How do I level up?
You gain levels by earning XP (experience points)

There are several ways to earn XP:
  • Plowing your own fields or plowing for other farmers.
  • Sowing seeds in your fields.
  • Maintaining your neighbours' farms.
  • Purchasing items in the store.
  • Producing/loading goods in your facilities.
  • Working your friends facilities.

You can also earn additional XP by working for a stranger at market as you will receive a bonus chest when you complete all the work on a farm that you were hired to do. What you earn working for others and the Bonus Chest is explained in What do I receive for working on someones farm?

When you reach top level you still continue to earn XP for your work and when new levels are released you will automatically go up to the NEW level you reached according to the amount of XP you have already earned.

Note: harvesting fields, whether your own or for others', will gain you coins and crops but not XP points.

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:01 AM

How do I Post my Level change on Other Wall Requests?
As you reach each level, the game will notify you with a popup window.
Levels are not posted to Facebook.

In the Level Up popup you can chose to share or not share your new level with your farming friends.

To publish your new Level to Other Wall Requests:
Make sure the check mark is REMOVED in the box next to Don't share with Friends before you click on either the green check or red X.

The Level will be posted to the Other Wall Requests page where your farming friends will be able to see it when you click on either the green or red check mark.

You will not be able to see it yourself in Other Wall Requests.

When you are in the lower levels you may not want to post all the levels as that may be far too many in a short space of time and that uses up space in the Other Wall Request page where your farming friends will also be checking to help farmers with things like requested gifts, ingredients and bonuses.
To stop the level being published to the Other Wall Requests page:

The check mark needs to be ADDED to the box next to Don't share with Friends before you click on either the green check or red X.

Your level will NOT be posted the Other Wall Requests page!

What happens when you click either the Green check mark OR the Red X:

When you click on the green check mark you will see a bigger window showing the item(s) you will have unlocked.
To close the window once you have seen what your new level unlocked, click on the X top right.

If you have allowed the level to be published it will be published to the Other Wall Requests page when you click on the green check mark.

If you have not allowed the level to be published it will not be published to the Other Wall Requests page.

If you still see them as locked in the Store when you look for them, they should be unlocked when you next reload the game.

When you click on the red X it just closes the popup.
You won't see which item(s) your new level unlocked, which can be useful if you still have work to complete and want to continue working.

If you have allowed the level to be published it will be published to the Other Wall Requests page when you click on the green check mark.

If you have not allowed the level to be published it will not be published to the Other Wall Requests page.

Examples of a Level up popup and what one could look like to your farming friends when they look in the Other Wall Requests page: NOV 2023.png

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:11 AM

What Level do I unlock Seeds? pic.PNG

This is the seed list, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each seed:

  • Acorn Squash - Level 76
  • Alfalfa - Level 82
  • Aloe Vera - Level 55
  • Anise - Level 124
  • Artichoke - Level 24
  • Arugula - Level 184
  • Asparagus - Level 1

  • Bambusa - Level 168
  • Barley - Level 50
  • Basil - Level 23
  • Beets - Level 18
  • Bellpepper - Level 12
  • Black Beans - Level 92
  • Black Eyed Peas - Level 190
  • Black Pepper - Level 172
  • Blackberry - Level 35
  • Blue Agave - Level 128
  • Blueberry - Level 30, Gift Level 24
  • Bok Choy - Level 182
  • Broccoli - Level 32
  • Brussels Sprout - Level 88
  • Buckwheat - Level 150

  • Cabbage - Level 20
  • Cantaloupe - Level 51
  • Caraway - Level 188
  • Cardamom - Level 180
  • Carrot - Level 26
  • Cassava (Yuca) - Level 114
  • Catnip - Level 152
  • Cauliflower - Level 54
  • Celery - Level 37
  • Chamomile - Level 112
  • Chia - Level 138
  • Chickpeas - Level 90
  • Chives - Level 72
  • Cilantro - see Coriander (Cilantro)
  • Clover - Level 74
  • Coffee - Level 10
  • Collard Greens - Level 148
  • Coriander (Cilantro) - Level 84
  • Corn - Level 1
  • Cotton - Level 17
  • Cucumber - Level 7
  • Cumin - Level 174

  • Dandelion - Level 116
  • Dill - Level 170
  • Dragon Fruit - Level 144

  • Echinacea Purpurea - Level 118
  • Eggplant- Level 31
  • English Ivy - Level 120

  • Fava Beans - Level 176
  • Fennel - 110
  • Flax - level 62

  • Garlic - Level 41
  • Ginger - Level 40
  • Ginseng - level 57
  • Grape Tomatoes - Level 38
  • Green Beans - level 49
  • Green Grapes - Level 42

  • Hemp - Level 158
  • Hibiscus - Level 94
  • Honeydew - Level 130
  • Hop - Level 52
  • Horseradish - Level 156

  • Jute - Level 146

  • Kale - Level 126
  • Kidney Beans - Level 64

  • Lavender - Level 59
  • Leek - Level 136
  • Lemongrass - Level 102
  • Lentils - Level 66
  • Lettuce - Level 28

  • Meadowsweet - Level 166
  • Mint - Level 39
  • Mushroom - Level 9
  • Mustard - Level 43

  • Oat - Level 61
  • Okra - Level 78
  • Onions - Level 22
  • Oregano - Level 58

  • Parsley - Level 63
  • Parsnip - Level 132
  • Passionfruit - level 100
  • Peanut - Level 34
  • Peas - Level 19
  • Pepper - Level 27
  • Pigeon Peas - Level 154
  • Pineapple - Level 29, Gift Level 22
  • Pinto beans - Level 162
  • Potato - Level 1
  • Pumpkin - Level 25
  • Purple Grapes - Level 1

  • Quinoa - Level 104

  • Radish - Level 70
  • Raspberry - Level 11
  • Red Cabbage - Level 192
  • Reed - Level 178
  • Rhubarb - Level 56
  • Rice- Level 1
  • Rose Hips - Level 96
  • Rosemary - Level 36
  • Rye - Level 142

  • Saffron - Level 86
  • Sage - Level 33
  • Scallions - Level 80
  • Sesame seeds - Level 60
  • Sorghum - Level 106
  • Soybean - Level 21
  • Spinach - Level 53
  • Squash - Level 14
  • Strawberry - Level 4, Gift Level 22
  • Sugarcane - Level 16
  • Sunflower - Level 8
  • Sweet Potato - Level 15

  • Taro - Level 186
  • Tea - Level 48
  • Thyme - Level 134
  • Tomato - Level 1
  • Turmeric - Level 122
  • Turnip - Level 140

  • Vanilla - Level 44

  • Wasabi - Level 45
  • Watercress - Level 160
  • Watermelon - Level 13
  • Wheat- Level 6
  • White Beans - Level 108
  • Wild Rice - Level 164

  • Yerba Mate - Level 98

  • Zucchini - Level 68

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:27 AM

What Level do I unlock Trees? pic.PNG

Here are the tree lists, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each tree:

Trees that can be Harvested or Chopped:
  • Acacia Tree (for Arabic Gum) - Level 1 Gift Only
  • Acai Tree - Level 122
  • Achiote Tree (for Achiote pods) - Level 1 - Gift only
  • Almond Tree - Level 1 - Gift only
  • American Elm Tree - Level 106
  • Apple Tree - Level 1
  • Apricot Tree - Level 51
  • Acacia Tree (for Arabic Gum) - Level 1 Gift Only
  • Avocado Tree - Level 32
  • Bamboo Tree - Level 1
  • Banana Tree - Level 6 - Gift only
  • Bay Laurel Bush - Level 138
  • Big Pine Tree - Level 1
  • Birch Tree - Level 14
  • Brazil Nut Tree - Level 112
  • Caper Bush - Level 134
  • Cashew - Level 96
  • Cedar tree - level 22
  • Cherry Tree - Level 12 - Gift only
  • Chestnut Tree - Level 58
  • Chicle Tree - Level 116
  • Chokecherry Tree - Level 68
  • Cinnamon Tree - Level 1 - Gift only
  • Clove Tree - Level 66
  • Cocoa Tree - Level 9 - Gift only
  • Coconut Tree - Level 16 - Gift only
  • Cork Oak Tree - Level 1 - Gift Only
  • Cranberry Tree - Level 70
  • Date Tree - Level 108
  • Dieffenbachia Bush - Level 65
  • Dogwood Tree - Level 74
  • Durian Tree - Level 90
  • Ebony Tree - Level 86
  • Elderberry Tree - Level 120
  • Eucalyptus Tree - Level 128
  • Fig Tree - Level 39
  • Grapefruit Tree - Level 88
  • Guava Tree - Level 37
  • Hazelnut Tree - Level 1 Gift Only
  • Holly Bush - Level 7
  • Jackfruit Tree - Level 144
  • Juniper Tree - Level 1 Gift Only
  • Kiwi Tree - Level 98
  • Lemon Tree - Level 1
  • Lime Tree - Level 102
  • Lychee Tree - Level 118
  • Macademia Tree - Level 126
  • Magnolia Tree - Level 76
  • Mamey Tree - Level 53
  • Mandarin - Level 100
  • Mango Tree - Level 14 Gift only
  • Maple Tree - Level 78
  • Mugo Pine Bush - Level 92
  • Mulberry Tree (for Silk Worms) - Level 1 - Gift only
  • Nectarine Tree - Level 42
  • Nutmeg - Level 142
  • Oak Tree - Level 35
  • Olive Tree - Level 23 - Gift only
  • Orange Tree - Level 1
  • Palm Tree - Level 1
  • Papaya Tree - level 82
  • Peach Tree - Level 10 - Gift only
  • Pear Tree - Level 4 - Gift only
  • Pecan tree - level 80
  • Persimmon Tree - Level 44
  • Pimento Tree - Level 136
  • Pine Tree - Level 1
  • Pistachio Tree - level 84
  • Plantain Tree - Level 30
  • Plum Tree - Level 8 - Gift only
  • Pluot Tree - Level 55
  • Pomegranate Tree - Level 49
  • Prune Tree - Level 46
  • Queen Palm Tree - Level 110
  • Red maple (for Maple Sap) - Level 1 - Gift Only
  • Rubber Tree - Level 1 - Gift Only
  • Sandalwood Tree - Level 146
  • Shea Tree - Level 140
  • Small Pine Tree (for Pine Cones) - Level 1
  • Smoke Bush - Level 94
  • Snake Plant Bush - Level 65
  • Star Tree - Level 60
  • Tamarind tree - Level 72
  • Teak tree - Level 104
  • Walnut Tree - Level 19 - Gift only

Decorative Trees:
  • Autumn Tree - all four are Level 10
  • Azalea Bush - Level 7
  • Big Dead Tree - Level 12
  • Big Tuscan Cypress - Level 48
  • Burning Bush 1 - Level 28
  • Burning Bush 2 - Level 28
  • Butterfly Bush - Level 65
  • Ceiba Kapok Tree - Level 114
  • Cherry Blossom Tree (120,000c) - Level 1137
  • Cherry Blossom Tree (100,000c) - Level 1134
  • Cherry Blossom Tree (300c) - Level 1
  • Cypress Tree - Level 1173
  • Dead Tree - Level 12
  • Dracaena Gold Star Bush - Level 65
  • Elephant Ears Plant - Level 65
  • Fall Oak Tree - Level 1194
  • Fall Oak Tree - Level 1195
  • Fan Palm Tree - Level 110
  • Fern (1000c) - Level 25
  • Fern (1000c) - Level 25
  • Fern (1000c) - Level 25
  • Fern (1,200c) - Level 28
  • Fire Rose Bush - Level 1196
  • Forsythia Bush - Level 65
  • Foxtail Fern - Level 28
  • Gold Splash Bush - Level 65
  • Green Elephant Ears Plant - Level 65
  • Jacaranda Tree - Level 1172
  • Joshua Tree - Level 122
  • Lilac Tree - Level 1156
  • Pieris Japonica Bush - Level 92
  • Pink Dogwood Tree - Level 1170
  • Pink Flowering Almond Bush - Level 94
  • Pink Ribbon Tree - Level 1
  • Pink Hibiscus Tree - Level 1151
  • Ponytail Palm Tree - Level 880
  • Poplar Tree - Level 62
  • Poplar Tree - Level 1328
  • Rainforest Tree - Level 114
  • Red Hibiscus Tree - Level 1143
  • Red Ribbon Tree - Level 1
  • Redwood Tree - Level 130
  • Royal Poinciana Tree - Level 20
  • Rugosa Rose Bush - Level 92
  • Sausage Tree - Level 124
  • Savannah Tree - Level 112
  • Saw Palmettos Bush - Level 94
  • Sculptured Bush - Level 857
  • Sculptured Tree - Level 859
  • Sequoia Tree - Level 132
  • Small Tuscan Cypress Tree - Level 48
  • Snowy Blue Fir Tree - Level 1119
  • Snowy Bush - Level 1121
  • Spirea Bush (pale pink) - Level 94
  • Spirea Bush (white) - Level 94
  • Tuscan Cypress Tree - Level 48
  • White Dogwood Tree - Level 1336
  • Willow Tree - Level 18
  • Windmill Palm Tree - Level 1289
  • Yellow Hibiscus Tree - Level 1146
  • Yellow Ribbon Tree - Level 1
  • Yellow Palm Tree - Level 1340 (there are 2 of these at the same level)
  • Yellow Tab Tree - Level 16

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:35 AM

What Level do I unlock Flowers? pic.PNG

Here is the flower list, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each flower:
  • African Daisy - Level 112
  • Allium Globemaster - Level 122
  • Bird of Paradise - Level 42
  • Blue Hyacinth - Level 40
  • Blue Hydrangea - Level 106
  • Bromeliad - Level 94
  • Bush Anemone - Level 82

  • Calla Lily - Level 80
  • Carnation - Level 9
  • Champa Level 130
  • Chocolate Cosmos - Level 92
  • Chrysanthemums - Level 100
  • Cornflower - Level 84
  • Crown of Thorns - Level 1

  • Daffodil - Level 34
  • Daisy - Level 48
  • Daylily - Level 118

  • Forget Me Not - Level 38, Gift Level 16
  • Gerber Daisy - Level 66
  • Glads - Only available as Gifts - Gift Level 1

  • Iris - Level 46

  • Jasmine - Level 126

  • Lady Slippers - Level 60
  • Lady's Mantle - Level 120
  • Lantana - Level 124
  • Lilies - Level 29
  • Lisianthus - Level 86
  • Lotus - Level 128
  • Lupine - Level 56

  • Marigold - Level 12

  • Orange Lily - Level 88
  • Orange Marigold - Level 44
  • Orange Poppy - Level 25
  • Osiria Rose - Level 110

  • Pansy - Level 50
  • Peruvian Lily - Level 72
  • Petunia - Level 104
  • Pink Rose - Level 62, Gift Level 1
  • Pink Tulips - Level 20
  • Pink Zinnia - Level 54
  • Pom Pom Dahlia - Level 78
  • Poppy Anemone - Level 74
  • Prickly Pear Cactus - Level 116
  • Purple Crocus - Level 19
  • Purple Hyacinth - Level 24
  • Purple Orchid - Level 76

  • Queen of the Night - Level 96
  • Ranunculus - Level 102
  • Red Crocus - Level 27
  • Red Ginger - Level 68
  • Red Poppy - Level 23
  • Red Rose - Level 32, Gift Level 7

  • Sandersonia - Level 90
  • Sedum Autumn Joy - Level 98

  • Tulips - Level 18

  • Violets - Level 58

  • Water Lily - Level 114
  • Wax Begonia - Level 70
  • White Carnation - Level 17
  • White Rose - Level 14
  • Wild Mix - Level 52

  • Yellow Lilies - Level 22
  • Yellow Poppy - Level 26
  • Yellow Rose - Level 108

  • Zinnia - Level 36

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:43 AM

What Level do I unlock Animals? pic.PNG

Here is the animal list, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each animal:

  • Alligator - Level 71
  • Baby Deer - Level 53
  • Black Cat - Gift only - Level 15
  • Border Collie - Level 51
  • Brown Dog - Level 21
  • Buffalo - Level 49
  • Bull - Level 34
  • Bunny - Level 15
  • Calf - Level 45
  • Camel - Level 57
  • Cat (grey one in the store) - Level 1
  • Cat (black one on the gift page) - Level 1
  • Chicken - Level 01 does not produce hen eggs!
  • Clydesdale - Gift only - Level 1
  • Cow - Gift only - Level 9
  • Dog - Gift only - Level 5
  • Donkey - Level 29
  • Duck - Level 25
  • Flamingo - Level 75
  • Goat - Gift only - Level 18
  • Goose - Gift only - Level 17
  • Hen - Gift only - Level 1
  • Horse - Gift only - Level 11
  • Heavy Wool Llama - Level 50 - Cost 5 Farmcash
  • Holstein Cow - Level 50 - Cost 5 Farmcash
  • Lamb - Level 43
  • Leghorn Hen - Level 50 - Cost 5 Farmcash
  • Llama - Level 23
  • Longwool Sheep - Level 50 - Cost 5 Farmcash
  • Ostrich - Level 59
  • Panda - Level 69
  • Peacock - Level 55
  • Penguin - Level 61
  • Pig - Gift only - Level 07
  • Polar Bear - Level 63
  • Ram - Level 73
  • Rooster - Level 15
  • Seal - Level 65
  • Sheep - Level 1
  • Skunk - Level 79
  • Squirrel - Level 19
  • Stag - Level 47
  • Turkey - Gift only - Level 12
  • White Rabbit - Level 8
  • White Tiger - Level 67
  • Wild Boar - Level 77

Tiger Jun 14 2019 09:53 AM

What Level do I unlock Ponds? pic.PNG

Here is the ponds list, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each pond:

  • Beach With Sand - Level 204
  • Beach Without Sand - Level 204
  • Big Lake - Level 56
  • Big Lake With Boat - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Big Patch of Water - Level 206
  • Big Pond - Level 15
  • Big Sea Coast - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Big Wave - Cost 2 Farmcash
  • Bridges - Level 27
  • Frozen Lake - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Huge Patch of Water - Level 206
  • Koi Pond 1 - Level 322
  • Koi Pond 2 - Level 236
  • Koi Pond 3 - Level 1030
  • Long Rivers - Level 32
  • Medium Patch of Water - Level 206
  • Narrow Rivers - Level 37
  • Rivers, River Corners - Level 24
  • River end top, river end bottom, River Shapes - Level 27
  • Small Lake - Cost 16 Farmcash
  • Small Patch of Water - Level 206
  • Small Pond - Level 12
  • Small Sea Coasts - Level 48
  • Small Sea Foam - Level 210
  • Small Wave - Cost 1 Farmcash
  • Tiny Sea Foam - Level 210
  • Wide Rivers - Level 42

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:09 AM

What Level or requirements do I unlock Trains? pic.PNG

Here is the Trains and cars list, alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each of them.

  • Bulkhead Car - Level 128
  • Caboose - Level 140
  • Cattle Car - Level 128
  • Circus Locomotive - Level 80
  • Circus Wagon - Level 80
  • Container Car - Level 32
  • Empty Hopper Car - Level 96
  • Enhanced Freight Locomotive - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Gondola Car - Level 96
  • Green Passenger Locomotive - Level 51
  • Green passenger Wagon - Level 51
  • Hand Car - Level 90
  • Hopper Car - Level 96
  • Loaded Hopper Car - Level 96
  • Long Animal products Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Bulkhead Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Cattle Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Container Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Crops Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Fish Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Flowers Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Fruits Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Gondola Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Hopper Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Logs Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Lumber Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long One-Door Boxcar - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Quarry Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Refrigerated Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Sliding-Door Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Tank Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Two-Door Boxcar - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Long Well Car - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Lumber Car - Level 128
  • Modern Passenger Locomotive - Level 65
  • Modern Passenger Wagon - Level 65
  • One-Door Boxcar - Level 32
  • Red Passenger Locomotive - Level 35
  • Red Passenger Wagon - Level 35
  • Refrigerated Car - Level 64
  • Sliding-Door Car - Level 64
  • Standard Freight Locomotive - Level 32
  • Supreme Freight Locomotive - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Tank Car - Level 64
  • Turbo Freight Locomotive - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Two-Door Boxcar - Level 32
  • Ultimate Freight Locomotive - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Well Car - Level 96

To find out which of the Trains and long cars bring products and help with working facilities click on Chapter 29: Freight Trains

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:26 AM

What Level do I unlock Ships? pic.PNG

Here is the Ships list, sorted by level, and the requirements to unlock them.
You can load up to 10 containers on a ship.

  • Cargo Ship Blue - Level 100 requires 10 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Orange - Level 200 requires 15 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Green - Level 300 requires 20 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Purple - Level 400 requires 25 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Brown - Level 500 requires 30 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Pink - Level 600 requires 35 neighbours
  • Cargo Ship Yellow - Level 700 requires 40 neighbours

To find out all about the ships and how to use them click on Chapter 32 - Ships

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:40 AM

What Level or requirements do I unlock Tools? (A to F)
Here is a list of available tools, their price, and level or requirement to unlock them (A to F).

  • Armored Truck - Cost 30 Farmcash

  • Belt Dryer - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Bottling Machine - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Bulldozer (2x2) - Cost 80,000 coins - Level 19
  • Bulldozer (3x3) - Cost 250,000 coins - Level 47
  • Bulldozer (4x4) - Cost 15 Farmcash
  • Bulldozer (5x5) - Cost 10 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 4x4
  • Bulldozer (6x6) - Cost 15 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 5x5
  • Bulldozer (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash Requires Bulldozer 6x6
  • Bulldozer (12x12) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 8x8
  • Bulldozer (16x16) - Cost 30 Farmcash Requires Bulldozer 12x12
  • Bulldozer (20x20) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 16x16
  • Bulldozer Ex (8x8) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 12x12

  • Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) and Seeder (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5), Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) and Seeder (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6), Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) and Seeder (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8), Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) and Seeder (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10), Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) and Seeder (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12), Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) and Seeder (14x14)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14), Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) and Seeder (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16), Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) and Seeder (18x18)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18), Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) and Seeder (20x20)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20), Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) and Seeder (22x22)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22), Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) and Seeder (24x24)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24), Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) and Seeder (28x28)

  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5), Seeder Ex (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6), Seeder EX (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7), Seeder Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 8x8 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8), Seeder Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 9x9 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (8x8), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Seeder Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 10x10 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (9x9), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Seeder Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 11x11 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (10x10), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11), Seeder Ex (11x11)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 12x12 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (11x11), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (12x12), Seeder Ex (12x12)

  • Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (5x5) and Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5), Harvester (6x6) and Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6), Harvester (8x8) and Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8), Harvester (10x10) and Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10), Harvester (12x12) and Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12), Harvester (14x14) and Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14), Harvester (16x16) and Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16), Harvester (18x18) and Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18), Harvester (20x20) and Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20), Harvester (22x22) and Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22), Harvester (24x24) and Plower (24x24)- Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24), Harvester (28x28) and Plower (28x28)- Solar Powered

  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (5x5) and Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered and Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5), Harvester Ex (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6), Harvester Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7), Harvester Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8), Harvester Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Harvester Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Harvester Ex (11x11)

  • Conveyors - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Crop Replanter Implement - Cost 120 Farmcash (upgrade for the Combine Harvest-Plant tools that enables replanting the same crop) - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5)
    BEFORE you purchase the Crop Replanter Implement please read the information about what it enables and how replant method works. If you are still not sure, always ask questions about it to make sure that it will be useful for what you like to do with your farms or as a Super Neighbour.
    To see more information on this tool CLICK HERE

  • Drive Thru System - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Egg Collector - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Excavator - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Express Checkout Station - Cost 40 Farmcash

  • Fishing Boat (2x2) - Cost 1,300,000 coins - Level 19
  • Fishing Boat (3x3) - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Fishing Boat (5x5) - Cost 25 Farmcash - Requires Fishing Boat (3x3)

  • Turbo Fishing Boat - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Fishing Boat (5x5)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (4x4) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (8x8) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (4x4)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (8x8)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (16x16) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (12x12)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (16x16)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (20x20)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (24x24)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (28x28)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (32x32)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (36x36)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (40x40)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (44x44)

  • Flower Freezer - Unfreezer Tool - Cost 50 Farmcash

  • Flower Harvester (3x3) - Cost 1,200,000 coins - Level 49
  • Flower Harvester (8x4) - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Flower Harvester (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (8x4)
  • Flower Harvester (12x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (8x8)
  • Flower Harvester (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (12x8)
  • Flower Harvester (16x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (12x12)
  • Flower Harvester (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (16x12)
  • Flower Harvester (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (16x16)
  • Flower Harvester (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (20x20)
  • Flower Harvester (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (24x24)
  • Flower Harvester (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (28x28)
  • Flower Harvester (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (32x32)
  • Flower Harvester (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (36x36)
  • Flower Harvester (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (40x40)
  • Flower Harvester (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (44x44)

  • Forklift (green) - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Forklift (purple) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires forklift (green)

  • Freestyle Farm Designer (orange)- Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (green)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires orange freestlyle farm designer
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (purple)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires green freestlyle farm designer

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:55 AM

What Level or requirements do I unlock Tools? (G to L)
Here is a list of available tools, their price, and level or requirement to unlock them. (G to L)

  • Gifting machine (grey)- Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Gifting machine(red)- Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires grey gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(orange)- Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires red gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(green)- Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Gifting machine(purple)- Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires green gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(brown)- Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires purple gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(pink)- Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires green gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(yellow)- Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires pink gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(blue)- Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires brown gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(light blue)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires blue gifting machine
  • Harvester (2x1) - Cost 15,000 coins - Level 10
  • Harvester (2x2) - Cost 30,000 coins - Level 16
  • Harvester (3x3) - Cost 500,000 coins - Level 44
  • Harvester (4x4) - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Harvester (5x5) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (4x4)
  • Harvester (6x6) - Cost 20 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (5x5)
  • Harvester (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (6x6)
  • Harvester (10x10) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (8x8)
  • Harvester (12x12) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (10x10)
  • Harvester (14x14) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (12x12)
  • Harvester (16x16) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (14x14)
  • Harvester (18x18) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (16x16)
  • Harvester (20x20) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (18x18)
  • Harvester (22x22) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (20x20)
  • Harvester (24x24) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (22x22)
  • Harvester (28x28) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (24x24)

  • Harvester Ex (5x5) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (16x16)
  • Harvester Ex (6x6) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (5x5)
  • Harvester Ex (7x7) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (6x6)
  • Harvester Ex (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (7x7)
  • Harvester Ex (9x9) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (8x8)
  • Harvester Ex (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (9x9)
  • Harvester Ex (11x11) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (10x10)

  • Herding Robot - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Loader - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (3x3) - Cost 1,100,000 coins - Level 48
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x4) - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x4)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x8)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x8)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x12)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x12)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x16)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (20x20)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (24x24)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (28x28)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (32x32)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (36x36)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (40x40)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Log Truck With Chainsaw (44x44)

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:56 AM

What Level or requirements do I unlock Tools? (M to S)
Here is a list of available tools, their price, and level or requirement to unlock them. (M to S)

  • Manual Lift Truck - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Manure Collector - Costs 20 Farmcash

  • Manure Spreader (red) - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Manure Spreader (orange) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Manure Spreader (red)

  • Milking Station - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Mixer - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Mobile Lookout Tower - Cost 100 Farmcash

  • Mobile Sprinkler (Brown) - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Red) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Mobile Sprinkler (Brown)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Orange) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Mobile Sprinkler (Red)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Green) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Mobile Sprinkler (Orange)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Purple) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Mobile Sprinkler (Green)

  • Mobile Utility Cart - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Multi Planter 4x4 - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Multi Planter 8x8 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 4x4
  • Multi Planter 12x12 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 8x8
  • Multi Planter 16x16 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 12x12
  • Multi Planter 24x24 - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 16x16
  • Multi Planter 32x32 - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 24x24
  • Multi Planter 40x40 - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Multi Planter 32x32

  • Ordering Station W/Trailer - Cost 40 Farmcash

  • Overhead Crane Blue - costs 100,000,000 coins
  • Overhead Crane Orange - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Blue
  • Overhead Crane Green - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Orange
  • Overhead Crane Purple - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Green
  • Overhead Crane Brown - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Purple
  • Overhead Crane Pink - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Brown
  • Overhead Crane Yellow - Cost 35 Farmcash requires Overhead Crane Pink

  • Packaging Machine - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Plower (2X2)-Solar Powered - Cost 60,000 - Level 18
  • Plower (3x3)-Solar Powered - Cost 1,000,000 coins - Level 46
  • Plower (4x4)-Solar Powered - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (4x4)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered - Cost 20 Farmcash - Requires Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (24x24)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (28x28)-Solar Powered - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Plower (24x24)-Solar Powered

  • Seeder (2x1) - Cost 20,000 coins - Level 11
  • Seeder (2x2) - Cost 40,000 - Level 17
  • Seeder (3x3) - Cost 750,000 - Level 45
  • Seeder (4x4) - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Seeder (5x5) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (4x4)
  • Seeder (6x6) - Cost 20 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (5x5)
  • Seeder (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (6x6)
  • Seeder (10x10) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (8x8)
  • Seeder (12x12) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (10x10)
  • Seeder (14x14) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (12x12)
  • Seeder (16x16) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (14x14)
  • Seeder (18x18) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (16x16)
  • Seeder (20x20) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (18x18)
  • Seeder (22x22) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (20x20)
  • Seeder (24x24) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (22x22)
  • Seeder (28x28) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (24x24)

  • Seeder Ex (5x5) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder (16x16)
  • Seeder Ex (6x6) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (5x5)
  • Seeder Ex (7x7) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (6x6)
  • Seeder Ex (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (7x7)
  • Seeder Ex (9x9) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (8x8)
  • Seeder Ex (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (9x9)
  • Seeder Ex (11x11) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (10x10)
  • Seeder Ex (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Seeder Ex (11x11)

  • Semi-Trailer Truck - Cost 22 Farmcash - can be placed on the same farm as the Turbo Electric Semi Truck

  • Shearing and Cutting Set - Cost 45 Farmcash

  • Super Storage (Red) - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Super Storage (Orange) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Super Storage (Red)
  • Super Storage (Green) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Super Storage (Orange)
  • Super Storage (Purple) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Super Storage (Green)

Tiger Jun 14 2019 10:58 AM

What Level or requirements do I unlock Tools? (T to W)
Here is a list of available tools, their price, and level or requirement to unlock them. (T to W)

  • Tables And Chairs - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Tower Crane - Cost 50 Farmcash

  • Trading Advertising Banner - S - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Trading Advertising Banner - M- Cost 40 Farmcash - requires Trading Advertising Banner - S
  • Trading Advertising Banner - L- Cost 45 Farmcash - requires Trading Advertising Banner - M
  • Trading Advertising Banner - XL- Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Trading Advertising Banner - L

  • Transplanter 4x4 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Multi Planter 4x4
  • Transplanter 8x8 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 4x4 and Multi Planter 8x8
  • Transplanter 12x12 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 8x8 and Multi Planter 12x12
  • Transplanter 16x16 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 12x12 and Multi Planter 16x16
  • Transplanter 24x24 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 16x16 and Multi Planter 24x24
  • Transplanter 32x32 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 24x24 and Multi Planter 32x32
  • Transplanter 40x40 - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 32x32 and Multi Planter 40x40
  • EX Transplanter (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - requires Transplanter 40x40

  • Tree Shaker (3x3) - Cost 1,250,000 - Level 50
  • Tree Shaker (8x4) - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Tree Shaker (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (8x4)
  • Tree Shaker (12x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (8x8)
  • Tree Shaker (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (12x8)
  • Tree Shaker (16x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (12x12)
  • Tree Shaker (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (16x12)
  • Tree Shaker (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (16x16)
  • Tree Shaker (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (20x20)
  • Tree Shaker (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (24x24)
  • Tree Shaker (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (28x28)
  • Tree Shaker (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (32x32)
  • Tree Shaker (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (36x36)
  • Tree Shaker (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (40x40)
  • Tree Shaker (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Tree Shaker (44x44)

  • Turbo Belt Dryer - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Belt Dryer
  • Turbo Bottling Machine - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Bottling Machine
  • Turbo Checkout Station - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Express Checkout Station
  • Turbo Conveyors -Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Conveyors
  • Turbo Drive Thru System - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Drive Thru System

  • Turbo Electric Semi Truck - Cost 75 Farmcash - can be placed on the same farm as the Semi-Trailer Truck.

  • Turbo Loader - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Loader
  • Turbo Manual Lift Truck - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Manual Lift Truck
  • Turbo Mixer - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Mixer
  • Turbo Mobile Utility Cart - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Mobile Utility Cart
  • Turbo Ordering Station - Cost 20 Farmcash - Requires Ordering Station w/trailer
  • Turbo Packaging Machine - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Packaging Machine
  • Turbo Tables and Chairs - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Tables and Chairs
  • Turbo Workbenches - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Workbenches
  • Workbenches- Cost 35 Farmcash

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:04 AM

What Level do I unlock Facilities? (A to F)
Here is the facilities list (A to F), alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each facility:

  • Adverstising Agency - Level 631
  • African Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Air Fresheners Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Airline Catering Facility - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Airline Supplies Factory - Level 193
  • Airline Terminal - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • All Natural Animal Clinic - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • All Ravioli Restaurant - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Ambulance - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Ambulance Supplies Factory- Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Accessories Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Feed Store - Level 189
  • Animal Remedy Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Shelter - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Animal Shelter Supplies- - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Sports Supplies Factory - Level 191
  • Antique Replica Factory- Level 323
  • Appliance Parts Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Appliance Service Center - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Aquarium Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Aquarium Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Argentinian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Art Gallery - Level 131
  • Art Studio - Level 129
  • Artificial Turf Installers - Level 623
  • Artificial Turf Supplies - Level 621
  • Artisan Cheese Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Cheese Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Artisan Jewelry Studio - Level 271
  • Artisan Pizza Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Ravioli Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Soap Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Soap Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Australian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Austrian Restaurant - Level 527

  • BBQ Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Baby Foods Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Baby Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Baby Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bakery - Level 28
  • Balloon Bust Booth - Level 341
  • Bank - Level 229
  • Bank Supplies Factory - Level 701
  • Banquet Hall - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bar Supplies Factory - Level 387
  • Bar Supplies Shop - Level 389
  • Barber Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Barber Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Bar - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Gear Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Gear Rental - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Beach Motel - Level 449
  • Beauty Salon - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bed and Breakfast - Level 111
  • Bee Farm - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Beekeeping Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Beekeeping Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Belgian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bike Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bike World - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Billiard Hall - Level 497
  • Billiard Supplies Factory - Level 495
  • Biotech Research Facility - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Biotech Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bird Shop - Level 541
  • Bird Supplies Factory - Level 539
  • Blacksmith Shop - Level 345
  • Blacksmith Supplies Factory - Level 343
  • Blood Bank - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Blood Mobile - Level 687
  • Blood Bank Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Boba Tea Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Boba Tea Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Boba Tea Supplies Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Board Games Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Boat Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Boat Yard - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bolivian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bookstore - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bottle Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bottling Plant - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bowling Alley - Level 269
  • Brazilian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Bread Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Breakfast Restaurant - Level 79
  • Brewery - Cost 33 Farmcash
  • Bridal Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bridge Building Contractor - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Bridge Building Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • British Pie Shop - Level 437
  • British Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Brunch Buffet - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Buddha Shop - Level 435
  • Buddhist Supplies Factory - Level 433
  • Bulgarian Restaurant - Level 633
  • Butter Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Butter Making Supplies Factory - Level 563

  • Cabaret - Level 561
  • Cabaret Supplies Factory - Level 559
  • Cajun Restaurant - Level 367
  • Canadian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Candle Palace - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Candied Fruit Factory - Level 669
  • Candied Fruit Stand - Level 671
  • Candy Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Car Dealer - Level 333
  • Car Dealer Supplies Factory - Level 331
  • Car Parts Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Car Repair Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Car Wash - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Car Wash Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cargo Port - Level 397
  • Cargo Port Supplies Factory - Level 395
  • Carpenter Shop - Level 579
  • Carpenter Supplies Factory - Level 577
  • Casino - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Casino Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cattle Show Facility - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cattle Show Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Ceramic Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cereal Factory - Level 61
  • Charcoal Retort - Level 185
  • Cheese- Butter Crafters World - Level 569
  • Cheese Making Supplies Factory - Level 567
  • Chicken Coop - Level 14
  • Chilean Restaurant - Level 613
  • China Buffet - Level 143
  • Chinese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Chocolate Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cider House - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cidery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cinnamon Factory - Cost 27 Farmcash
  • Circus - Level 135
  • Circus Supplies Factory - Level 133
  • Classical Music Band - Level 423
  • Clock Shop - Level 533
  • Clock Supplies Factory - Level 531
  • Cobbler Shop - Level 479
  • Cobbler Supplies Factory - Level 477
  • Coffee Grinder - Level 46
  • Coffee And Tea Shop - Cost 33 Farmcash
  • Coffee World - Level 471
  • Coin laundry - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Confectionery Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Contemporary Pharmacy Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Colombian Restaurant - Level 431
  • Community Bank - Level 703
  • Composting Equipment Factory - Level 585
  • Composting Supplies Shop Level - 587
  • [b]Computer Repair Factory - Level 705
  • [b]Computr Repair Shop - Level 707
  • Construction Materials Factory - Level 181
  • Cookie Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cookie Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cookware Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cosmetics Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cosmetics Surgery Center - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cosmetics Surgery Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Courthouse - Level 293
  • Courthouse supplies - Level 291
  • Cowboy Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cracker Factory - Level 601
  • Cracker Shop - Level 603
  • Craft Store - Level 221
  • Crafting Supplies Factory - Level 219
  • Critter Control Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Cruise Ship - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Cruise Supplies Factory - Level 347
  • Cuban Restaurant - Level 311
  • Culinary School - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Currency Supplies Factory - Level 203
  • Czech Restaurant - Level 641

  • Dairy Processing Plant - Level 12
  • Dairy Shed - Level 10
  • Dance Club - Cost 28 Farmcash
  • Dance Studio - Level 305
  • Dance Supplies Factory - Level 303
  • Data Center - Level 457
  • Day Care - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Day Spa - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Deli - Cost 33 Farmcash
  • Dental Clinic - Level 265
  • Dental Supplies Factory - Level 263
  • Dessert Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Dinner Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Disability Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Disaster Protection Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Distillery - Level 75
  • Dollar Store - Level 249
  • Dominican Restaurant - Level 523
  • Donut Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Drying Facility - Level 88
  • Dutch Restaurant - Level 493

  • Ecuadorian Restaurant - Level 571
  • Egyptian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Electrician Shop - Level 517
  • Electrical Supplies Factory - Level 515
  • Electronic Components Factory - Level 161
  • Electronic Equipment Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Electronics Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Equestrian Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Essential Oils Plant - Level 69
  • Ethiopian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Event Catering Services - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Explorer Accessories Factory - Level 137
  • Explorer Shop - Level 139
  • Eye Clinic - Cost 30 Farmcash

  • Fair Food Building - Level 183
  • Fair Food Stand - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Fancy Food Show - Level 233
  • Farm Buildings Factory - Level 251
  • Farm Depot - Level 253
  • FarmTown Janitorial Services - Level 147
  • FarmTown Septic Services - Level 513
  • Farmart - Level 115
  • Farming Tools Factory - Level 109
  • Farrier Service Shop - Level 591
  • Farrier Supplies Factory Level - Level 589
  • Fashion Accessories Factory - Level 617
  • Fashion Boutique - Level 619
  • Fashion Clothing Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fashion World - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Federal Reserve Building - Level 205
  • Feed Supplement Plant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fencing Store - Level 217
  • Fencing and Wall Factory - Level 215
  • Fidget Toy Factory - Level 609
  • Fidget Toy Store - Level 611
  • Filipino Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Film Making Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fire Station - Level 349
  • Fireworks Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fireworks Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Fish Cannery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fish Farming Plant - Cost 28 Farmcash
  • Fish Market - Level 369
  • Fish n Chips - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fishing Accessories Factory - Level 113
  • Fishing Tackle Shop - Level 123
  • Fitness Equipment Factory - Level 125
  • Flavored Coffee Factory - Level 469
  • Flavored Pistachio Factory - Level 605
  • Flavored Popcorn Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Flavored Water Factory - Level 447
  • Flooring Tiles Factory - Level 279
  • Flower Shop - Cost 25 Farmcash
  • Flower Stand - Level 439
  • Fodder Factory - Level 187
  • Food Art Caterer - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Food Art Show - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Food Colouring Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Food Container Factory - Level 481
  • Food Flavouring Factory - Level 231
  • Food Ingredients Factory - Level 407
  • Food Preserve Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Fortune Teller Supplies Factory - Level 451
  • Fortune Teller Wagon- Level 453
  • Framing Factory - Level 275
  • Framing Shop - Level 277
  • French Creperie - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • French Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fresh Veggies Stand - Level 681
  • Frozen Food Factory - Level 83
  • Frozen Treats Factory - Level 243
  • Frozen Yogurt Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Frozen Yogurt Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fruit Stand - Level 261
  • FTown Landscaping Services- Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Funeral Home - Level 175
  • Funeral Supplies Factory - Level 173
  • Furniture Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Furniture Repair Shop - Level 475

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:09 AM

What Level do I unlock Facilities? (G to O)
Here is the facilities list (G to O), alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each facility:

  • Garage Door Store - Level 875
  • Garage Door Supplies - Level 873
  • Garden Center - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Gardening Tools Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Gas Station - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • German Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Gift Shop - Level 225
  • Glass Factory - Level 97
  • Gluten Free Mix Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Gluten Free Snack Shack - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Golf Pro Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Butter Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Popcorn Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Restaurant - Level 117
  • Grandmas Country Kitchen - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Greek Taverna - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Gutter Repair Services - Level 537
  • Gutter Supplies Factory - Level 535
  • Gym - Level 127
  • Guyanese Restaurant - Level 649

  • Haberdashery Store - Level 467
  • Haberdashery Supplies Factory - Level 465
  • Hair Accessories Factory - Level 247
  • Hamburger Restaurant - Level 81
  • Handmade Jewelry Stall - Level 273
  • Handyman Tools Factory - Level 163
  • Hardware Shop - Level 167
  • Hat Factory - Level 359
  • Hat Shop - Level 361
  • Hawaiian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Healthy Juice Stand - Level 259
  • Herbal Tea Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Hibachi Japanese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Hippodrome - Level 193
  • Hobby Shop - Level 549
  • Hobby Supplies Factory - Level 547
  • Holiday Decor Factory - Level 327
  • Holiday Shop - Level 329
  • Home Decor Store - Level 213
  • Home Depot Store - Level 99
  • Hong Kong Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Home Supply Factory - Level 98
  • Honey Derivatives Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Honey Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Hospital - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Hospitality Supplies Factory - Level 335
  • Hotel - Level 337
  • House Building Company - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • House Construction Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • House of Pancakes - Level 491
  • Household Linens Store - Level 237
  • Hungarian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Ice Cream Factory - Level 20
  • Ice Cream Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Ice Fishing Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Ice Rink - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Ice Rink Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Indian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Indian Trading Post - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Indonesian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Indoor Playground - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Indoor Playground Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Ink And Pigments Factory - Level 63
  • Instant Food Factory - Level 105
  • Interior Design Decor Factory - Level 211
  • International Breakfast Buffet - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • International Dog House - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Iranian Restaurant - Level 505
  • Iraqi Restaurant - Level 657
  • Irish Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Irrigation Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Irrigation Supplies Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • IT Supplies Factory Level 455
  • Italian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Jam and Jelly Factory - Level 409
  • Jamaican Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Jams Palace - Level 411
  • Janitorial Supplies Factory - Level 145
  • Jazz Music Band - Level 425
  • Jewelry Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Jewish Restaurant- Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Juice Factory - Cost 28 Farmcash

  • K9 Training Facility - Level 461
  • K9 Training Supplies Factory - Level 459
  • Kids Breakfast Club - Level 565
  • Kids Clothing Mill - Level 443
  • Kids Clothing Palace - Level 445
  • Kids Discovery Academy - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Kids Sports Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Kids Sports Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Knitting And Knotting Mill - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Korean Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Lanolin Factory - Level 575
  • Lamp Factory - Level 507
  • Lamp Shop - Level 509
  • Landscaping Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Latin American Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Laundry Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Lawn Games Shop - Level 429
  • Lawn Games Supplies Factory - Level 427
  • Learning Toys Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Lebanese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Library - Level 297
  • Library Supplies Factory - Level 295
  • Linen Supplies Factory - Level 235
  • Lingerie Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Lingerie Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Liquor Store - Level 691
  • Locksmith Shop - Level 405
  • Locksmith Supplies Factory - Level 403
  • Log Cabin Supplies Factory - Level 555
  • Log Cabin Supplies Store - Level 557
  • Lumberjack Shop - Level 373
  • Lumberjack Supplies Factory - Level 371
  • Lunch Truck - Level 245
  • Luxury Apartments Building - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Luxury Hotel - Level 119

  • Magicians Clubhouse - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Magicians Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Malaysian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Marina - Level 401
  • Marina Supplies Factory - Level 399
  • Marketing Supplies Factory - Level 629
  • Martial Arts School - Level 285
  • Martial Arts Supplies Factory - Level 283
  • Mascot Factory - Level 339
  • Meadery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Meal Rental Supplies Factory - Level 197
  • Medical Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Mediterranean Restaurant - Level 165
  • Metal Mill - Level 71
  • Meteorology Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Mexican Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Midwest American Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Milking Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Milking Supplies Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mineral Mine - Level 56 - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Turbo Mineral Mine
  • Mini Mall - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mobile Accessories Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Mobile Carrier Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mobile Catering Trailer - Level 195
  • Modern School - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mold Remediation Services - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mold Remediation Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Movie Studio - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Moroccan Restaurant- Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Movie Theater - Level 94
  • Multi Level Parking - Level 201
  • Music Band Supplies Factory - Level 421
  • Music Conservatory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Musical Instruments Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Nail Salon- Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Nail Salon Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Native American Restuarant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Natural History Museum - Level 325
  • Natural Remedy Shop - Level 58
  • New England Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • New Zealand Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Nicaraguan Restaurant - Level 597
  • Nursing Home - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Nut Shop - Level 313
  • Nutritional Supplement Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Nutritional Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Oast And Malt House - Level 52
  • Office Depot - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Office-School Supply Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Offshore Oil Rig - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Oil Pump.
  • Oil Factory - Cost 12 Farmcash
  • Oil Pump - Level 8 - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Offshore Oil Rig.
  • Oil Refinery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Open-Pit Mine - Level 65
  • Optical Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Orchard Supplies Factory - Level 319
  • Orchard Supplies Shop - Level 321
  • Orphanage - Level 683
  • Outdoor Living Store - Cost 30 Farmcash

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:11 AM

What Level do I unlock Facilities? (P to S)
Here is the facilities list (P to S), alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each facility:

  • Paint Shop - Level 353
  • Painting Supplies Factory - Level 351
  • Pakistani Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Paper Mill - Level 36
  • Parade Float - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Party Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Party Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pasta Factory - Level 54
  • Pasta Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pediatric Clinic - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Pediatric Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Perfume Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Personal Aid Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Personal Care Goods Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Peruvian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pet Accessories Factory - Level 287
  • Pet Foods Factory - Level 101
  • Pet Shop - Level 103
  • Petrochemical Plant - Level 67
  • Pharmacy Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Photography Studio - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Photography Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Phlebotomy Supplies Factory - Level 685
  • Physiotherapy Equip.Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pickles and Relish Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pickles and Relish Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Pig Show Facility - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Pig Show Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pig Sty - Level 26
  • Pistachio Land - Level 607
  • Pizza Restaurant - Level 18
  • Plant Milk factory - Level 157
  • Plant Nursery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Playground - Level 171
  • Playground Gear Factory - Level 169
  • Plumbing Shop - Level 393
  • Plumbing Supplies Factory - Level 391
  • Police Station - Level 151
  • Police-Fireman Supplies Factory - Level 149
  • Polish Pub - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Polish Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pool Bar - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pool Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Pool Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Portuguese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Post Office - Level 155
  • Power Plant - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Power Utility Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Premium Fodder Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Prenatal Care Center - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Prenatal Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Printing-Packaging Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Pub - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Public Restrooms - Level 257
  • Public Transport Office - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Puerto Rican Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Quilt Factory - Level 697
  • Quilt Shop - Level 699

  • Rabbit Hutch - Level 30
  • Railroad Supplies Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Reading Accessories Factory - Level 289
  • Real Estate Office - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Realtor Shop - Level 381
  • Realtor Supplies Factory - Level 379
  • Red Windmill - Level 8 - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Stone Windmill.
  • Rehabilitation Center - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Restaurant Supplies Factory - Level 363
  • Restaurant Supplies Shop - Level 365
  • Restroom Suppiles Factory - Level 255
  • Retail Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Roasted Nut Gift Factory - Level 299
  • Rodeo - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Romanian Restaurant - Level 551
  • Roof Repair Services - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Roofing Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Rubber Factory - Level 73
  • Rug and Mat Factory - Level 383
  • Rug and Mat Outlet - Level 385
  • Rural Craft Studio- Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Russian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Safety Supplies Factory - Level 677
  • Safety Supplies Store - Level 679
  • Salvadoran Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Sandwich Restaurant - Level 32
  • Sauce and Condiments Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Sawmill - Level 44
  • Scandinavian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Scented Candle Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Science Club - Level 639
  • Science Supplies Factory - Level 637
  • Scottish Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Scout Shop - Level 357
  • Scout Supplies Factory - Level 355
  • Seafood Buffet - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Seafood Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Seaquarium - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Seaquarium Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Septic Supplies Factory - Level 511
  • Sewing Mill - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Shaved Ice Cart - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Sheep Show Facility - Level 545
  • Sheep Show Supplies Factory - Level 543
  • Shelf and Cabinets Factory - Level 417
  • Shelf Genie - Level 419
  • Shipping Supplies Factory - Level 153
  • Shoe Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Sign Factory - Level 375
  • Signworks Shop - Level 377
  • Singaporean Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Slovakian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Smartphone Repair Shop - Level 595
  • Smartphone Repair Tools Factory - Level 593
  • Smokehouse - Level 86
  • Snack Factory - Level 38
  • Snack Machine - Level 107
  • Soft Drinks Factory - Level 90
  • Soup Kitchen - Level 483
  • Soup Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Souvenir Factory - Level 223
  • Spa Supplies Factory - Level 227
  • Spanish Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Spearfishing Supplies Factory - Level 519
  • Spearfishing Shop - Level 521
  • Special Needs School - Level 501
  • Special Needs Supplies Factory - Level 499
  • Specialty Bread Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Specialty Vodka Distillery - Level 689
  • Spice Factory - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Sports Accessories Factory - Level 95
  • Sports Arena - Level 96
  • Squishmallow Factory - Level 845
  • Squishmallow Store - Level 847
  • Stables 1 - Cost 25 Farmcash
  • Stables 2 - Cost 28 Farmcash
  • Stone Windmill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Red Windmill.
  • Storm Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Straw Market - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Sugar Refinery - Level 22
  • Summer Gear Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Summer Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Super Chicken Coup - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Super Dairy Shed - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Super Rabbit Hutch - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Super Stables - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Super Wool Shed - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Supermarket - Level 92
  • Surgical Supplies Factory - Level 653
  • Sushi Restaurant - Level 50
  • Swiss Restaurant - Level 581
  • Syrup Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:14 AM

What Level do I unlock Facilities? (T to Z)
Here is the facilities list (T to Z), alphabetically sorted, and the level required to unlock each facility:

  • Tack Shop - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taco Restaurant - Level 40
  • Taiwanese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Tanning Salon - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Tanning Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Taste of Africa - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Argentina - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Australia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Austria - Level 529
  • Taste of Belgium - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Bolivia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Brazil - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Britain - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Bulgaria - Level 635
  • Taste of Canada - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Chile - Level 615
  • Taste of China - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Colombia - Level 489
  • Taste of Cuba - Level 441
  • Taste of Czech Republic - Level 643
  • Taste of Dominican Republic - Level 525
  • Taste of Ecuador - Level 573
  • Taste of Egypt - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Ethiopia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of El Salvador - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of France - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Germany - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Greece - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Guyana - Level 651
  • Taste of Hawaii - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Hong Kong - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Hungary - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of India - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Indonesia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Iraq - Level 659
  • Taste of Iran - Level 507
  • Taste of Ireland - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Italy - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Jamaica - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Japan - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Jewish Culture - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Korea - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Latin America - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Lebanon - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Malaysia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Mediterranea - Level 413
  • Taste of Mexico - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Midwest America - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Morocco - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Native America - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of New England - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of New Orleans - Level 463
  • Taste of New Zealand - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Nicaragua - Level 599
  • Taste of Pakistan - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Peru - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Poland - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Portugal - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Puerto Rico - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Romania Level 553
  • Taste of Russia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Scandinavia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Scotland - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Singapore - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Slovakia - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Spain - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Switzerland - Level 583
  • Taste of Taiwan - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Thailand - Level 415
  • Taste of The Netherlands - Level 503
  • Taste of The Philippines - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Turkey- Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Ukraine - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Uruguay - Level 663
  • Taste of Venezuela - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Vietnam - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of West America - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Turron-Nougat Factory - Level 665
  • Turron-Nougat Shop - Level 667

  • Tea Factory - Level 48
  • Tea House - Cost 30Farmcash
  • Textile And Spinning Mill - Level 34
  • Thai restaurant - Level 159
  • Theater - Level 209
  • Theater Suppiles Factory - Level 207
  • Tile Outlet - Level 281
  • Townmart - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Toy Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Track Repair Company- Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Trading Post Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Traditional Japanese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Train Depot - Level 487
  • Train Supplies Factory - Level 485
  • Transport Supplies Factory - Level 199
  • Travel Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Travel and Luggage Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Trophy Factory - Level 141
  • Trophy Shop - Level 301
  • Tropical Shakes Stand - Level 267

  • Turbo Bakery - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Bakery.
  • Turbo Bee Farm - Cost 84 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Bee Farm.
  • Turbo Cinnamon Factory - Cost 81 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Cinnamon Factory.
  • Turbo Dairy Processing Plant - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Dairy Processing Plant.
  • Turbo Turbo Fish Farming Plant - Cost 84 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Fish Farming Plant.
  • Turbo Ink and Pigments Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Ink and Pigments Factory.
  • Turbo Metal Mill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Metal Mill.
  • Turbo Mineral Mine - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Mineral Mine.
  • Turbo Oil Factory - Cost 36 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Oil Factory.
  • Turbo Oil Refinery - Cost 96 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Oil Refinery.
  • Turbo Open-Pit Mine - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Open-Pit Mine.
  • Turbo Paper Mill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Paper Mill.
  • Turbo Petrochemical Plant - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Petrochemical Plant.
  • Turbo Rubber Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Rubber Factory.
  • Turbo Spice Factory - Cost 90 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Spice Factory.
  • Turbo Watermill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Watermill.
  • Turbo Winery - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Winery.

  • Turkish Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Turbo Sawmill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Sawmill.
  • Turbo Sugar Refinery - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Sugar Refinery.
  • Turbo Textile and Spinning Mill - Cost 32 Farmcash - This facility can be placed on the same farm as the Textile and Spinning Mill.

  • Ukrainian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Uniform Factory - Level 307
  • Uniform Outlet - Level 309
  • Upholstery Supplies Factory - Level 473
  • Urgent Care Center - Level 655
  • Uruguayan Restaurant - Level 661

  • Vegan Market - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Vegan Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Vegetarian Restaurant - Level 121
  • Venezuelan Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Veteran Club - Level 627
  • Veteran Supplies Factory - Level 625
  • Vietnamese Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Water Plant - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Water Utility Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Watermill - Level 24
  • Weather Station - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Wedding Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • West American Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Western Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Wildlife Removal Services - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Window Cleaning Services - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Window Cleaning Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Windows and Doors Factory - Level 315
  • Windows and Doors Shop - Level 317
  • Wine Cellar - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Winery - Level 42
  • Winter Sports Rentals - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Winter Sports Supplies - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Winter Store - Level 241
  • Winter Supplies Factory - Level 239
  • Wool Shed - Level 22

  • Yard Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Zoo Park - Level 179
  • Zoo Supplies Factory - Level 177

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:18 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1 to 100
Level 1 ( 0 XP ) - Getting Started
Level 2 ( 20 XP ) - Just Moved In
Level 3 ( 50 XP ) - Learning the rope
Level 4 ( 100 XP ) - Apprentice
Level 5 ( 250 XP ) - Farmer
Level 6 ( 500 XP ) - Adept
Level 7 ( 750 XP ) - Promising Farmer
Level 8 ( 1,000 XP ) - Green Thumb
Level 9 ( 1,500 XP ) - Popular Farmer
Level 10 ( 2,000 XP ) - Superb Farmer
Level 11 ( 2,500 XP ) - Talented Farmer
Level 12 ( 3,000 XP ) - Talk of the Town
Level 13 ( 3,500 XP ) - Distinguished Farmer
Level 14 ( 4,000 XP ) - Specialist
Level 15 ( 4,500 XP ) - Inspiring Farmer
Level 16 ( 5,000 XP ) - VIP
Level 17 ( 6,000 XP ) - High Achiever
Level 18 ( 7,000 XP ) - Master Farmer
Level 19 ( 8,000 XP ) - Influential Farmer
Level 20 ( 9,000 XP ) - Expert Farmer*
Level 21 ( 10,000 XP ) - Eminent Farmer*
Level 22 ( 11,000 XP ) - Mighty Farmer*
Level 23 ( 12,500 XP ) - Gifted Farmer
Level 24 ( 15,000 XP ) - Green Ace
Level 25 ( 20,000 XP ) - Aclaimed Farmer
Level 26 ( 25,000 XP ) - Just Brilliant
Level 27 ( 31,000 XP ) - Extraordinary Farmer*
Level 28 ( 37,000 XP ) - Virtuoso*
Level 29 ( 44,000 XP ) - Green Prodigy
Level 30 ( 51,000 XP ) - Awe Inspiring
Level 31 ( 58,000 XP ) - Force of Nature
Level 32 ( 66,000 XP ) - Green Genius
Level 33 ( 74,000 XP ) - Tycoon*
Level 34 ( 82,000 XP ) - Green Wizard
Level 35 ( 91,000 XP ) - Enchanted Farmer*
Level 36 ( 100,000 XP ) - Green Entrepreneur
Level 37 ( 109,000 XP ) - Green Conjurer
Level 38 ( 119,000 XP ) - Regal Farmer
Level 39 ( 129,000 XP ) - Divin Green Thumb
Level 40 ( 139,000 XP ) - Cosmic Green Thumb
Level 41 ( 150,000 XP ) - Absolute Farmer
Level 42 ( 161,000 XP ) - Celestial Green Force
Level 43 ( 172,000 XP ) - Elite Farmer
Level 44 ( 180,000 XP ) - Plowing PowerBall
Level 45 ( 188,000 XP ) - Paramount Farmer
Level 46 ( 196,000 XP ) - Green Olympian
Level 47 ( 205,000 XP ) - Immortal Green Thumb
Level 48 ( 214,000 XP ) - Green Sage
Level 49 ( 223,000 XP ) - King of Crops*
Level 50 ( 233,000 XP ) - Green Dazzler
Level 51 ( 243,000 XP ) - Green Millionaire
Level 52 ( 253,000 XP ) - Fearless Plower
Level 53 ( 264,000 XP ) - Harvest Ninja
Level 54 ( 275,000 XP ) - Rogue Farmer
Level 55 ( 286,000 XP ) - Rogue Harvester
Level 56 ( 295,000 XP ) - Harvest Warrior
Level 57 ( 304,000 XP ) - Sultan Farmer
Level 58 ( 313,000 XP ) - Green Godhead
Level 59 ( 323,000 XP ) - Zenith Farmer
Level 60 ( 333,000 XP ) - Green Mogul*
Level 61 ( 343,000 XP ) - Landscaper
Level 62 ( 353,000 XP ) - Super Rancher
Level 63 ( 364,000 XP ) - Adroit Gardner
Level 64 ( 375,000 XP ) - Keen Groundskeeper
Level 65 ( 386,000 XP ) - Nursery Manager
Level 66 ( 395,000 XP ) - Hyper Harvester
Level 67 ( 404,000 XP ) - Astute Farmer
Level 68 ( 413,000 XP ) - Seed Master
Level 69 ( 423,000 XP ) - Ultra Cultivator
Level 70 ( 433,000 XP ) - Great Horticulturist
Level 71 ( 443,000 XP ) - Dexterous Tiller
Level 72 ( 454,000 XP ) - Resourceful Farmer
Level 73 ( 465,000 XP ) - Brilliant Caretaker
Level 74 ( 476,000 XP ) - Seeds Person
Level 75 ( 485,000 XP ) - Country Person
Level 76 ( 494,000 XP ) - Homesteader
Level 77 ( 503,000 XP ) - Agronomist
Level 78 ( 513,000 XP ) - Super Seeder
Level 79 ( 523,000 XP ) - Uber Producer
Level 80 ( 533,000 XP ) - Agricultural Genius
Level 81 ( 544,000 XP ) - Green Governor
Level 82 ( 555,000 XP ) - Amazing Developer
Level 83 ( 566,000 XP ) - Impressive Laborer
Level 84 ( 578,000 XP ) - Brilliant Trader
Level 85 ( 593,000 XP ) - Astounding Contractor
Level 86 ( 602,000 XP ) - Plant Whisperer
Level 87 ( 612,000 XP ) - Farm Manager
Level 88 ( 622,000 XP ) - Minister of Seeds
Level 89 ( 632,000 XP ) - Growth Mediator
Level 90 ( 643,000 XP ) - Factory Genius
Level 91 ( 654,000 XP ) - Green Commando
Level 92 ( 665,000 XP ) - Pasture Owner
Level 93 ( 677,000 XP ) - Ranch Hand
Level 94 ( 689,000 XP ) - Acre Manager
Level 95 ( 701,000 XP ) - King of Plants
Level 96 ( 714,000 XP ) - Turf Fan
Level 97 ( 727,000 XP ) - Farm Boss
Level 98 ( 740,000 XP ) - Sprout Master
Level 99 ( 751,000 XP ) - Production Strategist
Level 100 ( 762,000 XP ) - Greenery Giant

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:43 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 101 to 200?
Level 101 ( 773000 XP ) - Prime Produccer
Level 102 ( 785000 XP ) - Master Cultivator
Level 103 ( 797000 XP ) - Horticulture Guru
Level 104 ( 809000 XP ) - Chief Cropper
Level 105 ( 822000 XP ) - Homestead Whiz
Level 106 ( 835000 XP ) - Agrarian Idol
Level 107 ( 848000 XP ) - Outdoor Designer
Level 108 ( 862,000 XP ) - Production Pro
Level 109 ( 876,000 XP ) - Elite Seedsman
Level 110 ( 890,000 XP ) - Five Star Grower
Level 111 ( 905,000 XP ) - Principal Planter
Level 112 ( 920,000 XP ) - Brilliant Botanist
Level 113 ( 935,000 XP ) - Ace Agriculturist
Level 114 ( 948,000 XP ) - Workshop Warrior
Level 115 ( 961,000 XP ) - Industry Leader
Level 116 ( 974,000 XP ) - Orchard Savant
Level 117 ( 987,000 XP ) - Esteemed Employer
Level 118 ( 1,002,000 XP ) - Greatest Grower
Level 119 ( 1,017,000 XP ) - Royal Raker
Level 120 ( 1,032,000 XP ) - Splendid Seedsman
Level 121 ( 1,049,000 XP ) - Bountiful Producer
Level 122 ( 1,066,000 XP ) - Greatest Gatherer
Level 123 ( 1,083,000 XP ) - Famous Fisherman
Level 124 ( 1,102,000 XP ) - Production Buff
Level 125 ( 1,121,000 XP ) - Fertilitiy Guru
Level 126 ( 1,140,000 XP ) - Grand Greenskeeper
Level 127 ( 1,161,000 XP ) - TranscendentTiller
Level 128 ( 1,182,000 XP ) - Champion Craftsman
Level 129 ( 1,203,000 XP ) - Matchless Manufacturer
Level 130 ( 1,226,000 XP ) - Industry Expert
Level 131 ( 1,249,000 XP ) - Top Chef
Level 132 ( 1,272,000 XP ) - Celebrity Farmer
Level 133 ( 1,297,000 XP ) - Expert Artisan
Level 134 ( 1,322,000 XP ) - Rockstar Rancher
Level 135 ( 1,347,000 XP ) - Elite Entrepreneur
Level 136 ( 1,347,000 XP ) - Organic-ist
Level 137 ( 1,401,000 XP ) - Blooming Gardener
Level 138 ( 1,428,000 XP ) - Total Insomniac
Level 139 ( 1,457,000 XP ) - Great Fisherman
Level 140 ( 1,486,000 XP ) - Fruitful Farmer
Level 141 ( 1,515,000 XP ) - Town n Country
Level 142 ( 1,546,000 XP ) - Powerful Plower
Level 143 ( 1,577,000 XP ) - Acclaimed Employer
Level 144 ( 1,608,000 XP ) - Savvy Seeder
Level 145 ( 1,641,000 XP ) - Farm Fanatic
Level 146 ( 1,674,000 XP ) - Top Floriculturist
Level 147 ( 1,707,000 XP ) - Farm-a-holic
Level 148 ( 1,742,000 XP ) - Storage Lover
Level 149 ( 1,777,000 XP ) - Innovative Farmer
Level 150 ( 1,812,000 XP ) - Farmer of Farmers
Level 151 ( 1,849,000 XP ) - Natural Born Farmer
Level 152 ( 1,886,000 XP ) - Farming Satisfaction
Level 153 ( 1,923,000 XP ) - Soil Tenders Paradise
Level 154 ( 1,962,000 XP ) - Chainsaw Master
Level 155 ( 2,001,000 XP ) - Exceeding Expectations
Level 156 ( 2,040,000 XP ) - Greatest of Producers
Level 157 ( 2,069,000 XP ) - Absolute Power
Level 158 ( 2,098,000 XP ) - Mastery of Greenery
Level 159 ( 2,127,000 XP ) - Outstanding Creations
Level 160 ( 2,158,000 XP ) - Super Duper Farmer
Level 161 ( 2,189,000 XP ) - Farm Accountant
Level 162 ( 2,220,000 XP ) - Agricultural Artiste
Level 163 ( 2,253,000 XP ) - Level Headed
Level 164 ( 2,286,000 XP ) - Super Seller
Level 165 ( 2,319,000 XP ) - Facility Director
Level 166 ( 2,354,000 XP ) - Futuristic Farmer
Level 167 ( 2,389,000 XP ) - Earth Moving Expert
Level 168 ( 2,424,000 XP ) - Eternal Farm Story
Level 169 ( 2,461,000 XP ) - Farming on the Brain
Level 170 ( 2,498,000 XP ) - Marketing Manager
Level 171 ( 2,535,000 XP ) - Champion of the Land
Level 172 ( 2,574,000 XP ) - Unstoppable Farmer
Level 173 ( 2,613,000 XP ) - Terrific Peasant
Level 174 ( 2,652,000 XP ) - Risky Cultivator
Level 175 ( 2,693,000 XP ) - Golden Harvester
Level 176 ( 2,734,000 XP ) - Fruitful Mind
Level 177 ( 2,775,000 XP ) - Facility Fabricator
Level 178 ( 2,818,000 XP ) - Crop Commander
Level 179 ( 2,861,000 XP ) - Super Stylist
Level 180 ( 2,904,000 XP ) - Brave Miner
Level 181 ( 2,935,000 XP ) - Hoes Down Harvester
Level 182 ( 2,966,000 XP ) - Farm Magnate
Level 183 ( 2,997,000 XP ) - Luxurious Landscaper
Level 184 ( 3,030,000 XP ) - Incredible Implementer
Level 185 ( 3,063,000 XP ) - Money Maker
Level 186 ( 3,096,000 XP ) - First Class Worker
Level 187 ( 3,131,000 XP ) - Soil Explorer
Level 188 ( 3,166,000 XP ) - Creative Farmhand
Level 189 ( 3,201,000 XP ) - Land Savior
Level 190 ( 3,238,000 XP ) - Superhuman Sower
Level 191 ( 3,275,000 XP ) - Magnificent Farmhand
Level 192 ( 3,312,000 XP ) - Prolific Planter
Level 193 ( 3,351,000 XP ) - Elite Agronomist
Level 194 ( 3,390,000 XP ) - Horticultural Ace
Level 195 ( 3,429,000 XP ) - Fateful Farmer
Level 196 ( 3,470,000 XP ) - Farm Lover
Level 197 ( 3,511,000 XP ) - Eco Connoisseur
Level 198 ( 3,552,000 XP ) - Productive Laboror
Level 199 ( 3,595,000 XP ) - Man Of The Soil
Level 200 ( 3,638,000 XP ) - Wealthy Farmer

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:45 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 201 to 300?
Level 201 ( 3,681,000 XP ) - Determined Planter
Level 202 ( 3,726,000 XP ) - Farm Designer
Level 203 ( 3,771,000 XP ) - Sultan Of Green
Level 204 ( 3,816,000 XP ) - Passionate Producer
Level 205 ( 3,863,000 XP ) - Opulent Farmer
Level 206 ( 3,910,000 XP ) - Platinum Player
Level 207 ( 3,957,000 XP ) - Seasoned Seeder
Level 208 ( 3,992,000 XP ) - Jubilant Journeyman
Level 209 ( 4,027,000 XP ) - Factory Fanatic
Level 210 ( 4,062,000 XP ) - Five Star Farmer
Level 211 ( 4,099,000 XP ) - Gargantuan Grower
Level 212 ( 4,136,000 XP ) - Fancy Farmer
Level 213 ( 4,173,000 XP ) - Farmer Extraordinaire
Level 214 ( 4,212,000 XP ) - Famous Builder
Level 215 ( 4,251,000 XP ) - Profit Crazy
Level 216 ( 4,290,000 XP ) - Cashcrop King
Level 217 ( 4,331,000 XP ) - Produce Professional
Level 218 ( 4,372,000 XP ) - Society Builder
Level 219 ( 4,413,000 XP ) - All-Time Great
Level 220 ( 4,456,000 XP ) - Ultimate Achiever
Level 221 ( 4,499,000 XP ) - Barnyard Lover
Level 222 ( 4,542,000 XP ) - All About Acres
Level 223 ( 4,587,000 XP ) - Tool Obsesive
Level 224 ( 4,632,000 XP ) - Established Player
Level 225 ( 4,677,000 XP ) - Gold Winner
Level 226 ( 4,724,000 XP ) - Livestock Lover
Level 227 ( 4,771,000 XP ) - Tireless Worker
Level 228 ( 4,818,000 XP ) - Agricultural Scientist
Level 229 ( 4,867,000 XP ) - Proud Manufacturer
Level 230 ( 4,916,000 XP ) - Plantation Owner
Level 231 ( 4,965,000 XP ) - The Real Deal
Level 232 ( 5,016,000 XP ) - Proficient Seller
Level 233 ( 5,067,000 XP ) - Reowned Worker
Level 234 ( 5,118,000 XP ) - Facility Champion
Level 235 ( 5,157,000 XP ) - Market Megastar
Level 236 ( 5,196,000 XP ) - Captain of Crops
Level 237 ( 5,235,000 XP ) - Harvesting Hero
Level 238 ( 5,276,000 XP ) - Towering Farmer
Level 239 ( 5,317,000 XP ) - Exceptional Farmer
Level 240 ( 5,358,000 XP ) - Superior Talent
Level 241 ( 5,401,000 XP ) - Master Of Pasture
Level 242 ( 5,444,000 XP ) - Prominent Farmer
Level 243 ( 5,487,000 XP ) - Big League Farmer
Level 244 ( 5,532,000 XP ) - Clever Groundskeeper
Level 245 ( 5,577,000 XP ) - A Cut Above
Level 246 ( 5,622,000 XP ) - Farming Authority
Level 247 ( 5,669,000 XP ) - Woodsman
Level 248 ( 5,716,000 XP ) - Uber Farmer
Level 249 ( 5,763,000 XP ) - Dazzling Rancher
Level 250 ( 5,812,000 XP ) - Reaper Addict
Level 251 ( 5,861,000 XP ) - Admirable Farmer
Level 252 ( 5,910,000 XP ) - Slick Gardener
Level 253 ( 5,961,000 XP ) - Skilled Crafter
Level 254 ( 6,012,000 XP ) - LBorn Artisan
Level 255 ( 6,063,000 XP ) - Mover And Shaker
Level 256 ( 6,116,000 XP ) - Bold Talent
Level 257 ( 6,169,000 XP ) - Exceeding Abilities
Level 258 ( 6,222,000 XP ) - High Caliber
Level 259 ( 6,277,000 XP ) - Astute Homesteader
Level 260 ( 6,332,000 XP ) - Factory Boss
Level 261 ( 6,387,000 XP ) - Factory Magician
Level 262 ( 6,430,000 XP ) - Shopping Wizard
Level 263 ( 6,473,000 XP ) - Super Grower
Level 264 ( 6,516,000 XP ) - Professional Plower
Level 265 ( 6,561,000 XP ) - Behemoth Producer
Level 266 ( 6,060,000 XP ) - Meticulous Trader
Level 267 ( 6,651,000 XP ) - Thoughtful Designer
Level 268 ( 6,698,000 XP ) - Sensational Farmer
Level 269 ( 6,745,000 XP ) - Clever Planner
Level 270 ( 6,792,000 XP ) - Model Farmer
Level 271 ( 6,841,000 XP ) - Sophisticated Farmer
Level 272 ( 6,890,000 XP ) - Accomplished Leader
Level 273 ( 6,939,000 XP ) - Grand Master Grower
Level 274 ( 6,990,000 XP ) - Great Neighbor
Level 275 ( 7,041,000 XP ) - Educated Buyer
Level 276 ( 7,092,000 XP ) - Hay Master
Level 277 ( 7,145,000 XP ) - Industrial Champion
Level 278 ( 7,198,000 XP ) - Uber Talented
Level 279 ( 7,251,000 XP ) - Sparkling Gardener
Level 280 ( 7,306,000 XP ) - Crafty Grower
Level 281 ( 7,361,000 XP ) - Farming Mastermind
Level 282 ( 7,416,000 XP ) - Superior Businessman
Level 283 ( 7,473,000 XP ) - Premium Seller
Level 284 ( 7,530,000 XP ) - Sharp Negotiator
Level 285 ( 7,587,000 XP ) - Cash King
Level 286 ( 7,646,000 XP ) - Phantastic Pharmer
Level 287 ( 7,705,000 XP ) - Roaming Rotavator
Level 288 ( 7,764,000 XP ) - Crop Facilitator
Level 289 ( 7,811,000 XP ) - Super Leaguer
Level 290 ( 7,858,000 XP ) - Treepicker Nerd
Level 291 ( 7,905,000 XP ) - Plantation Treelander
Level 292 ( 7,954,000 XP ) - Farming Addict
Level 293 ( 8,003,000 XP ) - Landlord
Level 294 ( 8,052,000 XP ) - Market Maestro
Level 295 ( 8,103,000 XP ) - Farmyard Flyer
Level 296 ( 8,154,000 XP ) - Galloping Grower
Level 297 ( 8,205,000 XP ) - Factory Maestro
Level 298 ( 8,258,000 XP ) - Prolific Poulterer
Level 299 ( 8,311,000 XP ) - Grandois Grazier
Level 300 ( 8,364,000 XP ) - Restless Rancher

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:47 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 301 to 400?
Level 301 ( 8,419,000 XP ) - Swift Seeder
Level 302 ( 8,474,000 XP ) - Sedated Sower
Level 303 ( 8,529,000 XP ) - Prompt Planter
Level 304 ( 8,586,000 XP ) - Addictive Avatar
Level 305 ( 8,643,000 XP ) - Jolly Rancher
Level 306 ( 8,700,000 XP ) - Frantic Farmer
Level 307 ( 8,759,000 XP ) - Hopeless Harvester
Level 308 ( 8,818,000 XP ) - Diligent Decorator
Level 309 ( 8,877,000 XP ) - Funny Farmer
Level 310 ( 8,938,000 XP ) - Bewitched Farmer
Level 311 ( 8,999,000 XP ) - Patient Industrialist
Level 312 ( 9,060,000 XP ) - Winning Tree Planter
Level 313 ( 9,123,000 XP ) - Calculating Combiner
Level 314 ( 9,186,000 XP ) - Steady Sickle Swinger
Level 315 ( 9,249,000 XP ) - Jubilant Addict
Level 316 ( 9,300,000 XP ) - Superfluous farmer
Level 317 ( 9,351,000 XP ) - Firmly Planted
Level 318 ( 9,402,000 XP ) - Sunshine Star
Level 319 ( 9,455,000 XP ) - Fabulous Farmer
Level 320 ( 9,508,000 XP ) - Cropaholic
Level 321 ( 9,561,000 XP ) - Lumber Baron
Level 322 ( 9,616,000 XP ) - Facility Facilitator
Level 323 ( 9,671,000 XP ) - Insightful Investor
Level 324 ( 9,726,000 XP ) - Dreaming Acres
Level 325 ( 9,783,000 XP ) - Wheat King
Level 326 ( 9,840,000 XP ) - Cotton Gennie
Level 327 ( 9,897,000 XP ) - Farmtown Aroma
Level 328 ( 9,956,000 XP ) - Busy As A Bee
Level 329 ( 10,015,000 XP ) - Abundant Bliss
Level 330 ( 10,074,000 XP ) - Native Farmer
Level 331 ( 10,135,000 XP ) - Happy Lumberjack
Level 332 ( 10,196,000 XP ) - Black Stump
Level 333 ( 10,257,000 XP ) - Hoe-ly Cow
Level 334 ( 10,320,000 XP ) - Are We There Yet
Level 335 ( 10,383,000 XP ) - Never Ending
Level 336 ( 10,446,000 XP ) - Hospitable Harvester
Level 337 ( 10,511,000 XP ) - Bony Fingered Farmer
Level 338 ( 10,576,000 XP ) - Teetering Tree Grower
Level 339 ( 10,641,000 XP ) - Sunday Farmer
Level 340 ( 10,708,000 XP ) - Fantasy Fisher
Level 341 ( 10,775,000 XP ) - Production Potentate
Level 342 ( 10,842,000 XP ) - Service Fanatic
Level 343 ( 10,897,000 XP ) - Patient Designer
Level 344 ( 10,952,000 XP ) - Addicted Producer
Level 345 ( 11,007,000 XP ) - Blooming Farmer
Level 346 ( 11,064,000 XP ) - Harvest Head
Level 347 ( 11,121,000 XP ) - Rocky Mountain Farmer
Level 348 ( 11,178,000 XP ) - Epiphany Farmer
Level 349 ( 11,237,000 XP ) - Stump Remover
Level 350 ( 11,296,000 XP ) - Weed Killer
Level 351 ( 11,355,000 XP ) - Hole Digger
Level 352 ( 11,416,000 XP ) - Flower Power
Level 353 ( 11,477,000 XP ) - XP Frenzy
Level 354 ( 11,538,000 XP ) - The Philanthropist
Level 355 ( 11,601,000 XP ) - Day Dreamer
Level 356 ( 11,664,000 XP ) - Insane Irrigator
Level 357 ( 11,727,000 XP ) - Supreme Sensei
Level 358 ( 11,792,000 XP ) - Green Machine
Level 359 ( 11,857,000 XP ) - Peak Performer
Level 360 ( 11,922,000 XP ) - Surprisingly Great
Level 361 ( 11,989,000 XP ) - Metal Magnate
Level 362 ( 12,056,000 XP ) - Overlap King
Level 363 ( 12,123,000 XP ) - Money Bags Gifter
Level 364 ( 12,192,000 XP ) - Crazy Cropper
Level 365 ( 12,261,000 XP ) - Plowzilla
Level 366 ( 12,330,000 XP ) - Tractor Horsepower
Level 367 ( 12,401,000 XP ) - Artistic Arborist
Level 368 ( 12,472,000 XP ) - Canny Grower
Level 369 ( 12,543,000 XP ) - Bountiful Builder
Level 370 ( 12,602,000 XP ) - Determined Dowser
Level 371 ( 12,661,000 XP ) - Erosion Eradicator
Level 372 ( 12,720,000 XP ) - Frenzied Fertiliser
Level 373 ( 12,781,000 XP ) - Gourmet Cultivator
Level 374 ( 12,842,000 XP ) - Manic Manurer
Level 375 ( 12,903,000 XP ) - Serendipitious Creator
Level 376 ( 12,966,000 XP ) - Organic Organizer
Level 377 ( 13,029,000 XP ) - Random Roller
Level 378 ( 13,092,000 XP ) - Super Sprayer
Level 379 ( 13,157,000 XP ) - Level Consistent Upgrader
Level 380 ( 13,222,000 XP ) - Versatile Vendor
Level 381 ( 13,287,000 XP ) - Thrashing Tiller
Level 382 ( 13,354,000 XP ) - Tools Collector
Level 383 ( 13,421,000 XP ) - Obsessive Fisher
Level 384 ( 13,488,000 XP ) - Compulsive Negotiator
Level 385 ( 13,557,000 XP ) - Train Master
Level 386 ( 13,626,000 XP ) - Good Samaritan
Level 387 ( 13,695,000 XP ) - High Profile
Level 388 ( 13,766,000 XP ) - High Roller
Level 389 ( 13,837,000 XP ) - Generous Farmer
Level 390 ( 13,908,000 XP ) - Wood Lover
Level 391 ( 13,981,000 XP ) - Prolific Producer
Level 392 ( 14,054,000 XP ) - Remarkable Donor
Level 393 ( 14,127,000 XP ) - Obsessive Worker
Level 394 ( 14,202,000 XP ) - Socialite
Level 395 ( 14,277,000 XP ) - Animal Lover
Level 396 ( 14,352,000 XP ) - Megastar Designer
Level 397 ( 14,415,000 XP ) - Historic Dealer
Level 398 ( 14,478,000 XP ) - Ultimate Shaker
Level 399 ( 14,541,000 XP ) - Cream Of The Crop
Level 400 ( 14,606,000 XP ) - Lead Architect

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:50 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 401 to 500?
Level 401 ( 14,671,000 XP ) - Lord Of The Land
Level 402 ( 14,736,000 XP ) - Renowned Trader
Level 403 ( 14,803,000 XP ) - Royal Farmer
Level 404 ( 14,870,000 XP ) - Product Superstar
Level 405 ( 14,937,000 XP ) - Uberstar Planter
Level 406 ( 15,006,000 XP ) - Risk Taker
Level 407 ( 15,075,000 XP ) - Heroic Farmer
Level 408 ( 15,144,000 XP ) - Neighbour Helper
Level 409 ( 15,215,000 XP ) - Money Saver
Level 410 ( 15,286,000 XP ) - Compulsive Player
Level 411 ( 15,357,000 XP ) - XP Fanatic
Level 412 ( 15,430,000 XP ) - Agricultural Dreamer
Level 413 ( 15,503,000 XP ) - Thoughtful Cropper
Level 414 ( 15,576,000 XP ) - Resourceful Grower
Level 415 ( 15,651,000 XP ) - Zoologist
Level 416 ( 15,726,000 XP ) - Competitive Leader
Level 417 ( 15,801,000 XP ) - Influential Worker
Level 418 ( 15,878,000 XP ) - Acclaimed Gardener
Level 419 ( 15,955,000 XP ) - Generous Gifter
Level 420 ( 16,032,000 XP ) - Animal Trader
Level 421 ( 16,111,000 XP ) - Coins Collector
Level 422 ( 16,190,000 XP ) - Platinum Businessman
Level 423 ( 16,269,000 XP ) - Historic Developer
Level 424 ( 16,336,000 XP ) - Ultimate Builder
Level 425 ( 16,403,000 XP ) - Farmtown Envy
Level 426 ( 16,470,000 XP ) - Yellow Belt Farmer
Level 427 ( 16,539,000 XP ) - Field Expert
Level 428 ( 16,608,000 XP ) - Nimble Farmer
Level 429 ( 16,677,000 XP ) - Savvy Fisherman
Level 430 ( 16,748,000 XP ) - Splendid Producer
Level 431 ( 16,819,000 XP ) - Hot Shot Farmer
Level 432 ( 16,890,000 XP ) - Super Shoveler
Level 433 ( 16,963,000 XP ) - Barnyard Master
Level 434 ( 17,036,000 XP ) - Land Rockstar
Level 435 ( 17,109,000 XP ) - Plantation Builder
Level 436 ( 17,184,000 XP ) - Sensational Player
Level 437 ( 17,259,000 XP ) - Magnificent Friend
Level 438 ( 17,334,000 XP ) - Decor Virtuoso
Level 439 ( 17,411,000 XP ) - Hay Roller
Level 440 ( 17,488,000 XP ) - Tiller Champ
Level 441 ( 17,565,000 XP ) - Mc-Donalds Pal
Level 442 ( 17,644,000 XP ) - Cashcrop Planner
Level 443 ( 17,723,000 XP ) - Model Neighbour
Level 444 ( 17,802,000 XP ) - Frugal Trader
Level 445 ( 17,883,000 XP ) - Big League Producer
Level 446 ( 17,964,000 XP ) - Excelent Ploughman
Level 447 ( 18,045,000 XP ) - County Fair Planner
Level 448 ( 18,128,000 XP ) - Proficient Fisherman
Level 449 ( 18,211,000 XP ) - Practiced Trader
Level 450 ( 18,294,000 XP ) - Livestock Lord
Level 451 ( 18,365,000 XP ) - State Fair Champ
Level 452 ( 18,436,000 XP ) - Patient Fisher
Level 453 ( 18,507,000 XP ) - Facility Fanatic
Level 454 ( 18,580,000 XP ) - Blue Belt Farmer
Level 455 ( 18,653,000 XP ) - Roaming Rotovato
Level 456 ( 18,726,000 XP ) - Manufacturing Maestro
Level 457 ( 18,801,000 XP ) - Restless Trader
Level 458 ( 18,876,000 XP ) - Triumphant Farmer
Level 459 ( 18,951,000 XP ) - Agile Decorator
Level 460 ( 19,028,000 XP ) - Combine Fanatic
Level 461 ( 19,105,000 XP ) - Genius Industrialist
Level 462 ( 19,182,000 XP ) - Methodic Planter
Level 463 ( 19,261,000 XP ) - Quest Addict
Level 464 ( 19,340,000 XP ) - Fantasy Fisher
Level 465 ( 19,419,000 XP ) - Iron Lumberjack
Level 466 ( 19,500,000 XP ) - Obsessive Miner
Level 467 ( 19,581,000 XP ) - Sleep Deprived Farmer
Level 468 ( 19,662,000 XP ) - Rain Lover
Level 469 ( 19,745,000 XP ) - Farmzilla
Level 470 ( 19,828,000 XP ) - Patch Excellence
Level 471 ( 19,911,000 XP ) - Organic Grower
Level 472 ( 19,996,000 XP ) - Random Planter
Level 473 ( 20,081,000 XP ) - Instant Upgrader
Level 474 ( 20,166,000 XP ) - Supreme Sansai
Level 475 ( 20,253,000 XP ) - Facility Collector
Level 476 ( 20,340,000 XP ) - Phantstic Farmer
Level 477 ( 20,427,000 XP ) - Market Butterfly
Level 478 ( 20,502,000 XP ) - Obsessive Manufacturer
Level 479 ( 20,577,000 XP ) - Grandiose Planner
Level 480 ( 20,652,000 XP ) - Colorful Avatar
Level 481 ( 20,729,000 XP ) - Triumphant Neighbour
Level 482 ( 20,806,000 XP ) - Impatient Trader
Level 483 ( 20,883,000 XP ) - 20,883,000
Level 484 ( 20,962,000 XP ) - Farm Expander
Level 485 ( 21,041,000 XP ) - The Farm Maker
Level 486 ( 21,120,000 XP ) - Fun Chatter
Level 487 ( 21,201,000 XP ) - Party Leader
Level 488 ( 21,282,000 XP ) - Tractor Dreamer
Level 489 ( 21,363,000 XP ) - Careful Arborist
Level 490 ( 21,446,000 XP ) - Weed Eradicator
Level 491 ( 21,529,000 XP ) - Fish Maniac
Level 492 ( 21,612,000 XP ) - Fresh Food Only
Level 493 ( 21,697,000 XP ) - Farm-an-a-tor
Level 494 ( 21,782,000 XP ) - Workers Motivator
Level 495 ( 21,867,000 XP ) - Restaurant Collector
Level 496 ( 21,954,000 XP ) - Train Dispatcher
Level 497 ( 22,041,000 XP ) - Work Provider
Level 498 ( 22,128,000 XP ) - Brilliant Decorator
Level 499 ( 22,217,000 XP ) - Winter Farmer
Level 500 ( 22,306,000 XP ) - All Seasons Farmer

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:56 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 501 to 600?
From this point on there are no more names for levels.

Level 501 ( 22,395,000 XP )
Level 502 ( 22,486,000 XP )
Level 503 ( 22,577,000 XP )
Level 504 ( 22,668,000 XP )
Level 505 ( 22,747,000 XP )
Level 506 ( 22,826,000 XP )
Level 507 ( 22,905,000 XP )
Level 508 ( 22,986,000 XP )
Level 509 ( 23,067,000 XP )
Level 510 ( 23,148,000 XP )
Level 511 ( 23,231,000 XP )
Level 512 ( 23,314,000 XP )
Level 513 ( 23,397,000 XP )
Level 514 ( 23,482,000 XP )
Level 515 ( 23,567,000 XP )
Level 516 ( 23,652,000 XP )
Level 517 ( 23,739,000 XP )
Level 518 ( 23,826,000 XP )
Level 519 ( 23,913,000 XP )
Level 520 ( 24,002,000 XP )
Level 521 ( 24,091,000 XP )
Level 522 ( 24,180,000 XP )
Level 523 ( 24,271,000 XP )
Level 524 ( 24,362,000 XP )
Level 525 ( 24,453,000 XP )
Level 526 ( 24,546,000 XP )
Level 527 ( 24,639,000 XP )
Level 528 ( 24,732,000 XP )
Level 529 ( 24,827,000 XP )
Level 530 ( 24,922,000 XP )
Level 531 ( 25,017,000 XP )
Level 532 ( 25,100,000 XP )
Level 533 ( 25,183,000 XP )
Level 534 ( 25,266,000 XP )
Level 535 ( 25,351,000 XP )
Level 536 ( 25,436,000 XP )
Level 537 ( 25,521,000 XP )
Level 538 ( 25,608,000 XP )
Level 539 ( 25,695,000 XP )
Level 540 ( 25,782,000 XP )
Level 541 ( 25,871,000 XP )
Level 542 ( 25,960,000 XP )
Level 543 ( 26,049,000 XP )
Level 544 ( 26,140,000 XP )
Level 545 ( 26,231,000 XP )
Level 546 ( 26,322,000 XP )
Level 547 ( 26,415,000 XP )
Level 548 ( 26,508,000 XP )
Level 549 ( 26,601,000 XP )
Level 550 ( 26,696,000 XP )
Level 551 ( 26,791,000 XP )
Level 552 ( 26,886,000 XP )
Level 553 ( 26,983,000 XP )
Level 554 ( 27,080,000 XP )
Level 555 ( 27,177,000 XP )
Level 556 ( 27,276,000 XP )
Level 557 ( 27,375,000 XP )
Level 558 ( 27,474,000 XP )
Level 559 ( 27,561,000 XP )
Level 560 ( 27,648,000 XP )
Level 561 ( 27,735,000 XP )
Level 562 ( 27,824,000 XP )
Level 563 ( 27,913,000 XP )
Level 564 ( 28,002,000 XP )
Level 565 ( 28,093,000 XP )
Level 566 ( 28,184,000 XP )
Level 567 ( 28,275,000 XP )
Level 568 ( 28,368,000 XP )
Level 569 ( 28,461,000 XP )
Level 570 ( 28,554,000 XP )
Level 571 ( 28,649,000 XP )
Level 572 ( 28,744,000 XP )
Level 573 ( 28,839,000 XP )
Level 574 ( 28,936,000 XP )
Level 575 ( 29,033,000 XP )
Level 576 ( 29,130,000 XP )
Level 577 ( 29,229,000 XP )
Level 578 ( 29,328,000 XP )
Level 579 ( 29,427,000 XP )
Level 580 ( 29,528,000 XP )
Level 581 ( 29,629,000 XP )
Level 582 ( 29,730,000 XP )
Level 583 ( 29,833,000 XP )
Level 584 ( 29,936,000 XP )
Level 585 ( 30,039,000 XP )
Level 586 ( 30,130,000 XP )
Level 587 ( 30,221,000 XP )
Level 588 ( 30,312,000 XP )
Level 589 ( 30,405,000 XP )
Level 590 ( 30,498,000 XP )
Level 591 ( 30,591,000 XP )
Level 592 ( 30,686,000 XP )
Level 593 ( 30,781,000 XP )
Level 594 ( 30,876,000 XP )
Level 595 ( 30,973,000 XP )
Level 596 ( 31,070,000 XP )
Level 597 ( 31,167,000 XP )
Level 598 ( 31,266,000 XP )
Level 599 ( 31,365,000 XP )
Level 600 ( 31,464,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 14 2019 11:58 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 601 to 700?
Level 601 ( 31,565,000 XP )
Level 602 ( 31,666,000 XP )
Level 603 ( 31,767,000 XP )
Level 604 ( 31,870,000 XP )
Level 605 ( 31,973,000 XP )
Level 606 ( 32,076,000 XP )
Level 607 ( 32,181,000 XP )
Level 608 ( 32,286,000 XP )
Level 609 ( 32,391,000 XP )
Level 610 ( 32,498,000 XP )
Level 611 ( 32,605,000 XP )
Level 612 ( 32,712,000 XP )
Level 613 ( 32,807,000 XP )
Level 614 ( 32,902,000 XP )
Level 615 ( 32,997,000 XP )
Level 616 ( 33,094,000 XP )
Level 617 ( 33,191,000 XP )
Level 618 ( 33,288,000 XP )
Level 619 ( 33,387,000 XP )
Level 620 ( 33,486,000 XP )
Level 621 ( 33,585,000 XP )
Level 622 ( 33,686,000 XP )
Level 623 ( 33,787,000 XP )
Level 624 ( 33,888,000 XP )
Level 625 ( 33,991,000 XP )
Level 626 ( 34,094,000 XP )
Level 627 ( 34,197,000 XP )
Level 628 ( 34,302,000 XP )
Level 629 ( 34,407,000 XP )
Level 630 ( 34,512,000 XP )
Level 631 ( 34,619,000 XP )
Level 632 ( 34,726,000 XP )
Level 633 ( 34,833,000 XP )
Level 634 ( 34,942,000 XP )
Level 635 ( 35,051,000 XP )
Level 636 ( 35,160,000 XP )
Level 637 ( 35,271,000 XP )
Level 638 ( 35,382,000 XP )
Level 639 ( 35,493,000 XP )
Level 640 ( 35,592,000 XP )
Level 641 ( 35,691,000 XP )
Level 642 ( 35,790,000 XP )
Level 643 ( 35,891,000 XP )
Level 644 ( 35,992,000 XP )
Level 645 ( 36,093,000 XP )
Level 646 ( 36,196,000 XP )
Level 647 ( 36,299,000 XP )
Level 648 ( 36,402,000 XP )
Level 649 ( 36,507,000 XP )
Level 650 ( 36,612,000 XP )
Level 651 ( 36,717,000 XP )
Level 652 ( 36,824,000 XP )
Level 653 ( 36,931,000 XP )
Level 654 ( 37,038,000 XP )
Level 655 ( 37,147,000 XP )
Level 656 ( 37,256,000 XP )
Level 657 ( 37,365,000 XP )
Level 658 ( 37,476,000 XP )
Level 659 ( 37,587,000 XP )
Level 660 ( 37,698,000 XP )
Level 661 ( 37,811,000 XP )
Level 662 ( 37,924,000 XP )
Level 663 ( 38,037,000 XP )
Level 664 ( 38,152,000 XP )
Level 665 ( 38,267,000 XP )
Level 666 ( 38,382,000 XP )
Level 667 ( 38,485,000 XP )
Level 668 ( 38,588,000 XP )
Level 669 ( 38,691,000 XP )
Level 670 ( 38,796,000 XP )
Level 671 ( 38,901,000 XP )
Level 672 ( 39,006,000 XP )
Level 673 ( 39,113,000 XP )
Level 674 ( 39,220,000 XP )
Level 675 ( 39,327,000 XP )
Level 676 ( 39,436,000 XP )
Level 677 ( 39,545,000 XP )
Level 678 ( 39,654,000 XP )
Level 679 ( 39,765,000 XP )
Level 680 ( 39,876,000 XP )
Level 681 ( 39,987,000 XP )
Level 682 ( 40,100,000 XP )
Level 683 ( 40,213,000 XP )
Level 684 ( 40,326,000 XP )
Level 685 ( 40,441,000 XP )
Level 686 ( 40,556,000 XP )
Level 687 ( 40,671,000 XP )
Level 688 ( 40,788,000 XP )
Level 689 ( 40,905,000 XP )
Level 690 ( 41,022,000 XP )
Level 691 ( 41,141,000 XP )
Level 692 ( 41,260,000 XP )
Level 693 ( 41,379,000 XP )
Level 694 ( 41,486,000 XP )
Level 695 ( 41,593,000 XP )
Level 696 ( 41,700,000 XP )
Level 697 ( 41,809,000 XP )
Level 698 ( 41,918,000 XP )
Level 699 ( 42,027,000 XP )
Level 700 ( 42,138,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 14 2019 12:00 PM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 701 to 800?
Level 701 ( 42,249,000 XP )
Level 702 ( 42,360,000 XP )
Level 703 ( 42,473,000 XP )
Level 704 ( 42,586,000 XP )
Level 705 ( 42,699,000 XP )
Level 706 ( 42,814,000 XP )
Level 707 ( 42,929,000 XP )
Level 708 ( 43,044,000 XP )
Level 709 ( 43,161,000 XP )
Level 710 ( 43,278,000 XP )
Level 711 ( 43,395,000 XP )
Level 712 ( 43,514,000 XP )
Level 713 ( 43,633,000 XP )
Level 714 ( 43,752,000 XP )
Level 715 ( 43,873,000 XP )
Level 716 ( 43,994,000 XP )
Level 717 ( 44,115,000 XP )
Level 718 ( 44,238,000 XP )
Level 719 ( 44,361,000 XP )
Level 720 ( 44,484,000 XP )
Level 721 ( 44,595,000 XP )
Level 722 ( 44,706,000 XP )
Level 723 ( 44,817,000 XP )
Level 724 ( 44,930,000 XP )
Level 725 ( 45,043,000 XP )
Level 726 ( 45,156,000 XP )
Level 727 ( 45,271,000 XP )
Level 728 ( 45,386,000 XP )
Level 729 ( 45,501,000 XP )
Level 730 ( 45,618,000 XP )
Level 731 ( 45,735,000 XP )
Level 732 ( 45,852,000 XP )
Level 733 ( 45,971,000 XP )
Level 734 ( 46,090,000 XP )
Level 735 ( 46,209,000 XP )
Level 736 ( 46,330,000 XP )
Level 737 ( 46,451,000 XP )
Level 738 ( 46,572,000 XP )
Level 739 ( 46,695,000 XP )
Level 740 ( 46,818,000 XP )
Level 741 ( 46,941,000 XP )
Level 742 ( 47,066,000 XP )
Level 743 ( 47,191,000 XP )
Level 744 ( 47,316,000 XP )
Level 745 ( 47,443,000 XP )
Level 746 ( 47,570,000 XP )
Level 747 ( 47,697,000 XP )
Level 748 ( 47,812,000 XP )
Level 749 ( 47,927,000 XP )
Level 750 ( 48,042,000 XP )
Level 751 ( 48,159,000 XP )
Level 752 ( 48,276,000 XP )
Level 753 ( 48,393,000 XP )
Level 754 ( 48,512,000 XP )
Level 755 ( 48,631,000 XP )
Level 756 ( 48,750,000 XP )
Level 757 ( 48,871,000 XP )
Level 758 ( 48,992,000 XP )
Level 759 ( 49,113,000 XP )
Level 760 ( 49,236,000 XP )
Level 761 ( 49,359,000 XP )
Level 762 ( 49,482,000 XP )
Level 763 ( 49,607,000 XP )
Level 764 ( 49,732,000 XP )
Level 765 ( 49,857,000 XP )
Level 766 ( 49,984,000 XP )
Level 767 ( 50,111,000 XP )
Level 768 ( 50,238,000 XP )
Level 769 ( 50,367,000 XP )
Level 770 ( 50,496,000 XP )
Level 771 ( 50,625,000 XP )
Level 772 ( 50,756,000 XP )
Level 773 ( 50,887,000 XP )
Level 774 ( 51,018,000 XP )
Level 775 ( 51,137,000 XP )
Level 776 ( 51,256,000 XP )
Level 777 ( 51,375,000 XP )
Level 778 ( 51,496,000 XP )
Level 779 ( 51,617,000 XP )
Level 780 ( 51,738,000 XP )
Level 781 ( 51,861,000 XP )
Level 782 ( 51,984,000 XP )
Level 783 ( 52,107,000 XP )
Level 784 ( 52,232,000 XP )
Level 785 ( 52,357,000 XP )
Level 786 ( 52,482,000 XP )
Level 787 ( 52,609,000 XP )
Level 788 ( 52,736,000 XP )
Level 789 ( 52,863,000 XP )
Level 790 ( 52,992,000 XP )
Level 791 ( 53,121,000 XP )
Level 792 ( 53,250,000 XP )
Level 793 ( 53,381,000 XP )
Level 794 ( 53,512,000 XP )
Level 795 ( 53,643,000 XP )
Level 796 ( 53,776,000 XP )
Level 797 ( 53,909,000 XP )
Level 798 ( 54,042,000 XP )
Level 799 ( 54,177,000 XP )
Level 800 ( 54,312,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 14 2019 12:02 PM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 801 to 900?
Level 801 ( 54,412,000 XP )
Level 802 ( 54,512,000 XP )
Level 803 ( 54,662,000 XP )
Level 804 ( 54,862,000 XP )
Level 805 ( 55,112,000 XP )
Level 806 ( 55,412,000 XP )
Level 807 ( 55,762,000 XP )
Level 808 ( 56,162,000 XP )
Level 809 ( 56,612,000 XP )
Level 810 ( 57,112,000 XP )
Level 811 ( 57,662,000 XP )
Level 812 ( 58,262,000 XP )
Level 813 ( 58,912,000 XP )
Level 814 ( 59,612,000 XP )
Level 815 ( 60,362,000 XP )
Level 816 ( 61,162,000 XP )
Level 817 ( 62,012,000 XP )
Level 818 ( 62,912,000 XP )
Level 819 ( 63,862,000 XP )
Level 820 ( 64,862,000 XP )
Level 821 ( 65,912,000 XP )
Level 822 ( 67,012,000 XP )
Level 823 ( 68,162,000 XP )
Level 824 ( 69,362,000 XP )
Level 825 ( 70,612,000 XP )
Level 826 ( 70,712,000 XP )
Level 827 ( 70,837,000 XP )
Level 828 ( 70,987,000 XP )
Level 829 ( 71,162,000 XP )
Level 830 ( 71,362,000 XP )
Level 831 ( 71,587,000 XP )
Level 832 ( 71,837,000 XP )
Level 833 ( 72,112,000 XP )
Level 834 ( 72,412,000 XP )
Level 835 ( 72,737,000 XP )
Level 836 ( 73,087,000 XP )
Level 837 ( 73,462,000 XP )
Level 838 ( 73,862,000 XP )
Level 839 ( 74,287,000 XP )
Level 840 ( 74,737,000 XP )
Level 841 ( 75,212,000 XP )
Level 842 ( 75,712,000 XP )
Level 843 ( 76,237,000 XP )
Level 844 ( 76,787,000 XP )
Level 845 ( 77,362,000 XP )
Level 846 ( 77,962,000 XP )
Level 847 ( 78,587,000 XP )
Level 848 ( 79,237,000 XP )
Level 849 ( 79,912,000 XP )
Level 850 ( 80,612,000 XP )
Level 851 ( 80,712,000 XP )
Level 852 ( 80,847,000 XP )
Level 853 ( 81,017,000 XP )
Level 854 ( 81,222,000 XP )
Level 855 ( 81,462,000 XP )
Level 856 ( 81,737,000 XP )
Level 857 ( 82,047,000 XP )
Level 858 ( 82,392,000 XP )
Level 859 ( 82,772,000 XP )
Level 860 ( 83,187,000 XP )
Level 861 ( 83,637,000 XP )
Level 862 ( 84,122,000 XP )
Level 863 ( 84,642,000 XP )
Level 864 ( 85,197,000 XP )
Level 865 ( 85,787,000 XP )
Level 866 ( 86,412,000 XP )
Level 867 ( 87,072,000 XP )
Level 868 ( 87,767,000 XP )
Level 869 ( 88,497,000 XP )
Level 870 ( 89,262,000 XP )
Level 871 ( 90,062,000 XP )
Level 872 ( 90,897,000 XP )
Level 873 ( 91,767,000 XP )
Level 874 ( 92,672,000 XP )
Level 875 ( 93,612,000 XP )
Level 876 ( 93,712,000 XP )
Level 877 ( 93,857,000 XP )
Level 878 ( 94,047,000 XP )
Level 879 ( 94,282,000 XP )
Level 880 ( 94,562,000 XP )
Level 881 ( 94,887,000 XP )
Level 882 ( 95,257,000 XP )
Level 883 ( 95,672,000 XP )
Level 884 ( 96,132,000 XP )
Level 885 ( 96,637,000 XP )
Level 886 ( 97,187,000 XP )
Level 887 ( 97,782,000 XP )
Level 888 ( 98,422,000 XP )
Level 889 ( 99,107,000 XP )
Level 890 ( 99,837,000 XP )
Level 891 ( 100,612,000 XP )
Level 892 ( 101,432,000 XP )
Level 893 ( 102,297,000 XP )
Level 894 ( 103,207,000 XP )
Level 895 ( 104,162,000 XP )
Level 896 ( 105,162,000 XP )
Level 897 ( 106,207,000 XP )
Level 898 ( 107,297,000 XP )
Level 899 ( 108,432,000 XP )
Level 900 ( 109,612,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 14 2019 12:03 PM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 901 to 1000?
Level 901 ( 109,712,000 XP )
Level 902 ( 109,837,000 XP )
Level 903 ( 109,987,000 XP )
Level 904 ( 110,162,000 XP )
Level 905 ( 110,362,000 XP )
Level 906 ( 110,587,000 XP )
Level 907 ( 110,837,000 XP )
Level 908 ( 111,112,000 XP )
Level 909 ( 111,412,000 XP )
Level 910 ( 111,737,000 XP )
Level 911 ( 112,087,000 XP )
Level 912 ( 112,462,000 XP )
Level 913 ( 112,862,000 XP )
Level 914 ( 113,287,000 XP )
Level 915 ( 113,737,000 XP )
Level 916 ( 114,212,000 XP )
Level 917 ( 114,712,000 XP )
Level 918 ( 115,237,000 XP )
Level 919 ( 115,787,000 XP )
Level 920 ( 116,362,000 XP )
Level 921 ( 116,962,000 XP )
Level 922 ( 117,587,000 XP )
Level 923 ( 118,237,000 XP )
Level 924 ( 118,912,000 XP )
Level 925 ( 119,612,000 XP )
Level 926 ( 119,712,000 XP )
Level 927 ( 119,847,000 XP )
Level 928 ( 120,017,000 XP )
Level 929 ( 120,222,000 XP )
Level 930 ( 120,462,000 XP )
Level 931 ( 120,737,000 XP )
Level 932 ( 121,047,000 XP )
Level 933 ( 121,392,000 XP )
Level 934 ( 121,772,000 XP )
Level 935 ( 122,187,000 XP )
Level 936 ( 122,637,000 XP )
Level 937 ( 123,122,000 XP )
Level 938 ( 123,642,000 XP )
Level 939 ( 124,197,000 XP )
Level 940 ( 124,787,000 XP )
Level 941 ( 125,412,000 XP )
Level 942 ( 126,072,000 XP )
Level 943 ( 126,767,000 XP )
Level 944 ( 127,497,000 XP )
Level 945 ( 128,262,000 XP )
Level 946 ( 129,062,000 XP )
Level 947 ( 129,897,000 XP )
Level 948 ( 130,767,000 XP )
Level 949 ( 131,672,000 XP )
Level 950 ( 132,612,000 XP )
Level 951 ( 132,712,000 XP )
Level 952 ( 132,857,000 XP )
Level 953 ( 133,047,000 XP )
Level 954 ( 133,282,000 XP )
Level 955 ( 133,562,000 XP )
Level 956 ( 133,887,000 XP )
Level 957 ( 134,257,000 XP )
Level 958 ( 134,672,000 XP )
Level 959 ( 135,132,000 XP )
Level 960 ( 135,637,000 XP )
Level 961 ( 136,187,000 XP )
Level 962 ( 136,782,000 XP )
Level 963 ( 137,422,000 XP )
Level 964 ( 138,107,000 XP )
Level 965 ( 138,837,000 XP )
Level 966 ( 139,612,000 XP )
Level 967 ( 140,432,000 XP )
Level 968 ( 141,297,000 XP )
Level 969 ( 142,207,000 XP )
Level 970 ( 143,162,000 XP )
Level 971 ( 144,162,000 XP )
Level 972 ( 145,207,000 XP )
Level 973 ( 146,297,000 XP )
Level 974 ( 147,432,000 XP )
Level 975 ( 148,612,000 XP )
Level 976 ( 148,712,000 XP )
Level 977 ( 148,872,000 XP )
Level 978 ( 149,092,000 XP )
Level 979 ( 149,372,000 XP )
Level 980 ( 149,712,000 XP )
Level 981 ( 150,112,000 XP )
Level 982 ( 150,572,000 XP )
Level 983 ( 151,092,000 XP )
Level 984 ( 151,672,000 XP )
Level 985 ( 152,312,000 XP )
Level 986 ( 153,012,000 XP )
Level 987 ( 153,772,000 XP )
Level 988 ( 154,592,000 XP )
Level 989 ( 155,472,000 XP )
Level 990 ( 156,412,000 XP )
Level 991 ( 157,412,000 XP )
Level 992 ( 158,472,000 XP )
Level 993 ( 159,592,000 XP )
Level 994 ( 160,772,000 XP )
Level 995 ( 162,012,000 XP )
Level 996 ( 163,312,000 XP )
Level 997 ( 164,672,000 XP )
Level 998 ( 166,092,000 XP )
Level 999 ( 167,572,000 XP )
Level 1000 ( 169,112,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 14 2019 12:05 PM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1001 to 1100?
Level 1001 ( 169,212,000 XP )
Level 1002 ( 169,357,000 XP )
Level 1003 ( 169,547,000 XP )
Level 1004 ( 169,782,000 XP )
Level 1005 ( 170,062,000 XP )
Level 1006 ( 170,387,000 XP )
Level 1007 ( 170,757,000 XP )
Level 1008 ( 171,172,000 XP )
Level 1009 ( 171,632,000 XP )
Level 1010 ( 172,137,000 XP )
Level 1011 ( 172,687,000 XP )
Level 1012 ( 173,282,000 XP )
Level 1013 ( 173,922,000 XP )
Level 1014 ( 174,607,000 XP )
Level 1015 ( 175,337,000 XP )
Level 1016 ( 176,112,000 XP )
Level 1017 ( 176,932,000 XP )
Level 1018 ( 177,797,000 XP )
Level 1019 ( 178,707,000 XP )
Level 1020 ( 179,662,000 XP )
Level 1021 ( 180,662,000 XP )
Level 1022 ( 181,707,000 XP )
Level 1023 ( 182,797,000 XP )
Level 1024 ( 183,932,000 XP )
Level 1025 ( 185,112,000 XP )
Level 1026 ( 185,212,000 XP )
Level 1027 ( 185,362,000 XP )
Level 1028 ( 185,562,000 XP )
Level 1029 ( 185,812,000 XP )
Level 1030 ( 186,112,000 XP )
Level 1031 ( 186,462,000 XP )
Level 1032 ( 186,862,000 XP )
Level 1033 ( 187,312,000 XP )
Level 1034 ( 187,812,000 XP )
Level 1035 ( 188,362,000 XP )
Level 1036 ( 188,962,000 XP )
Level 1037 ( 189,612,000 XP )
Level 1038 ( 190,312,000 XP )
Level 1039 ( 191,062,000 XP )
Level 1040 ( 191,862,000 XP )
Level 1041 ( 192,712,000 XP )
Level 1042 ( 193,612,000 XP )
Level 1043 ( 194,562,000 XP )
Level 1044 ( 195,562,000 XP )
Level 1045 ( 196,612,000 XP )
Level 1046 ( 197,712,000 XP )
Level 1047 ( 198,862,000 XP )
Level 1048 ( 200,062,000 XP )
Level 1049 ( 201,312,000 XP )
Level 1050 ( 202,612,000 XP )
Level 1051 ( 202,712,000 XP )
Level 1052 ( 202,867,000 XP )
Level 1053 ( 203,077,000 XP )
Level 1054 ( 203,342,000 XP )
Level 1055 ( 203,662,000 XP )
Level 1056 ( 204,037,000 XP )
Level 1057 ( 204,467,000 XP )
Level 1058 ( 204,952,000 XP )
Level 1059 ( 205,492,000 XP )
Level 1060 ( 206,087,000 XP )
Level 1061 ( 206,737,000 XP )
Level 1062 ( 207,442,000 XP )
Level 1063 ( 208,202,000 XP )
Level 1064 ( 209,017,000 XP )
Level 1065 ( 209,887,000 XP )
Level 1066 ( 210,812,000 XP )
Level 1067 ( 211,792,000 XP )
Level 1068 ( 212,827,000 XP )
Level 1069 ( 213,917,000 XP )
Level 1070 ( 215,062,000 XP )
Level 1071 ( 216,262,000 XP )
Level 1072 ( 217,517,000 XP )
Level 1073 ( 218,827,000 XP )
Level 1074 ( 220,192,000 XP )
Level 1075 ( 221,612,000 XP )
Level 1076 ( 221,712,000 XP )
Level 1077 ( 221,872,000 XP )
Level 1078 ( 222,092,000 XP )
Level 1079 ( 222,372,000 XP )
Level 1080 ( 222,712,000 XP )
Level 1081 ( 223,112,000 XP )
Level 1082 ( 223,572,000 XP )
Level 1083 ( 224,092,000 XP )
Level 1084 ( 224,672,000 XP )
Level 1085 ( 225,312,000 XP )
Level 1086 ( 226,012,000 XP )
Level 1087 ( 226,772,000 XP )
Level 1088 ( 227,592,000 XP )
Level 1089 ( 228,472,000 XP )
Level 1090 ( 229,412,000 XP )
Level 1091 ( 230,412,000 XP )
Level 1092 ( 231,472,000 XP )
Level 1093 ( 232,592,000 XP )
Level 1094 ( 233,772,000 XP )
Level 1095 ( 235,012,000 XP )
Level 1096 ( 236,312,000 XP )
Level 1097 ( 237,672,000 XP )
Level 1098 ( 239,092,000 XP )
Level 1099 ( 240,572,000 XP )
Level 1100 ( 242,112,000 XP )

Tiger Jan 22 2020 05:08 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1101 to 1200?
Level 1101 ( 242,212,000 XP )
Level 1102 ( 242,367,000 XP )
Level 1103 ( 242,577,000 XP )
Level 1104 ( 242,842,000 XP )
Level 1105 ( 243,162,000 XP )
Level 1106 ( 243,537,000 XP )
Level 1107 ( 243,967,000 XP )
Level 1108 ( 244,452,000 XP )
Level 1109 ( 244,992,000 XP )
Level 1110 ( 245,587,000 XP )
Level 1111 ( 246,237,000 XP )
Level 1112 ( 246,942,000 XP )
Level 1113 ( 247,702,000 XP )
Level 1114 ( 248,517,000 XP )
Level 1115 ( 249,387,000 XP )
Level 1116 ( 250,312,000 XP )
Level 1117 ( 251,292,000 XP )
Level 1118 ( 252,327,000 XP )
Level 1119 ( 253,417,000 XP )
Level 1120 ( 254,562,000 XP )
Level 1121 ( 255,762,000 XP )
Level 1122 ( 257,017,000 XP )
Level 1123 ( 258,327,000 XP )
Level 1124 ( 259,692,000 XP )
Level 1125 ( 261,112,000 XP )
Level 1126 ( 261,212,000 XP )
Level 1127 ( 261,372,000 XP )
Level 1128 ( 261,592,000 XP )
Level 1129 ( 261,872,000 XP )
Level 1130 ( 262,212,000 XP )
Level 1131 ( 262,612,000 XP )
Level 1132 ( 263,072,000 XP )
Level 1133 ( 263,592,000 XP )
Level 1134 ( 264,172,000 XP )
Level 1135 ( 264,812,000 XP )
Level 1136 ( 265,512,000 XP )
Level 1137 ( 266,272,000 XP )
Level 1138 ( 267,092,000 XP )
Level 1139 ( 267,972,000 XP )
Level 1140 ( 268,912,000 XP )
Level 1141 ( 269,912,000 XP )
Level 1142 ( 270,972,000 XP )
Level 1143 ( 272,092,000 XP )
Level 1144 ( 273,272,000 XP )
Level 1145 ( 274,512,000 XP )
Level 1146 ( 275,812,000 XP )
Level 1147 ( 277,172,000 XP )
Level 1148 ( 278,592,000 XP )
Level 1149 ( 280,072,000 XP )
Level 1150 ( 281,612,000 XP )
Level 1151 ( 281,712,000 XP )
Level 1152 ( 281,877,000 XP )
Level 1153 ( 282,107,000 XP )
Level 1154 ( 282,402,000 XP )
Level 1155 ( 282,762,000 XP )
Level 1156 ( 283,187,000 XP )
Level 1157 ( 283,677,000 XP )
Level 1158 ( 284,232,000 XP )
Level 1159 ( 284,852,000 XP )
Level 1160 ( 285,537,000 XP )
Level 1161 ( 286,287,000 XP )
Level 1162 ( 287,102,000 XP )
Level 1163 ( 287,982,000 XP )
Level 1164 ( 288,927,000 XP )
Level 1165 ( 289,937,000 XP )
Level 1166 ( 291,012,000 XP )
Level 1167 ( 292,152,000 XP )
Level 1168 ( 293,357,000 XP )
Level 1169 ( 294,627,000 XP )
Level 1170 ( 295,962,000 XP )
Level 1171 ( 297,362,000 XP )
Level 1172 ( 298,827,000 XP )
Level 1173 ( 300,357,000 XP )
Level 1174 ( 301,952,000 XP )
Level 1175 ( 303,612,000 XP )
Level 1176 ( 303,712,000 XP )
Level 1177 ( 303,882,000 XP )
Level 1178 ( 304,122,000 XP )
Level 1179 ( 304,432,000 XP )
Level 1180 ( 304,812,000 XP )
Level 1181 ( 305,262,000 XP )
Level 1182 ( 305,782,000 XP )
Level 1183 ( 306,372,000 XP )
Level 1184 ( 307,032,000 XP )
Level 1185 ( 307,762,000 XP )
Level 1186 ( 308,562,000 XP )
Level 1187 ( 309,432,000 XP )
Level 1188 ( 310,372,000 XP )
Level 1189 ( 311,382,000 XP )
Level 1190 ( 312,462,000 XP )
Level 1191 ( 313,612,000 XP )
Level 1192 ( 314,832,000 XP )
Level 1193 ( 316,122,000 XP )
Level 1194 ( 317,482,000 XP )
Level 1195 ( 318,912,000 XP )
Level 1196 ( 320,412,000 XP )
Level 1197 ( 321,982,000 XP )
Level 1198 ( 323,622,000 XP )
Level 1199 ( 325,332,000 XP )
Level 1200 ( 327,112,000 XP )

Tiger Jun 30 2021 08:10 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1201 to 1300?
Level 1201 ( 327,212,000 XP )
Level 1202 ( 327,377,000 XP )
Level 1203 ( 327,607,000 XP )
Level 1204 ( 327,902,000 XP )
Level 1205 ( 328,262,000 XP )
Level 1206 ( 328,687,000 XP )
Level 1207 ( 329,177,000 XP )
Level 1208 ( 329,732,000 XP )
Level 1209 ( 330,352,000 XP )
Level 1210 ( 331,037,000 XP )
Level 1211 ( 331,787,000 XP )
Level 1212 ( 332,602,000 XP )
Level 1213 ( 333,482,000 XP )
Level 1214 ( 334,427,000 XP )
Level 1215 ( 335,437,000 XP )
Level 1216 ( 336,512,000 XP )
Level 1217 ( 337,652,000 XP )
Level 1218 ( 338,857,000 XP )
Level 1219 ( 340,127,000 XP )
Level 1220 ( 341,462,000 XP )
Level 1221 ( 342,862,000 XP )
Level 1222 ( 344,327,000 XP )
Level 1223 ( 345,857,000 XP )
Level 1224 ( 347,452,000 XP )
Level 1225 ( 349,112,000 XP )
Level 1226 ( 349,212,000 XP )
Level 1227 ( 349,382,000 XP )
Level 1228 ( 349,622,000 XP )
Level 1229 ( 349,932,000 XP )
Level 1230 ( 350,312,000 XP )
Level 1231 ( 350,762,000 XP )
Level 1232 ( 351,282,000 XP )
Level 1233 ( 351,872,000 XP )
Level 1234 ( 352,532,000 XP )
Level 1235 ( 353,262,000 XP )
Level 1236 ( 354,062,000 XP )
Level 1237 ( 354,932,000 XP )
Level 1238 ( 355,872,000 XP )
Level 1239 ( 356,882,000 XP )
Level 1240 ( 357,962,000 XP )
Level 1241 ( 359,112,000 XP )
Level 1242 ( 360,332,000 XP )
Level 1243 ( 361,622,000 XP )
Level 1244 ( 362,982,000 XP )
Level 1245 ( 364,412,000 XP )
Level 1246 ( 365,912,000 XP )
Level 1247 ( 367,482,000 XP )
Level 1248 ( 369,122,000 XP )
Level 1249 ( 370,832,000 XP )
Level 1250 ( 372,612,000 XP )
Level 1251 ( 372,712,000 XP )
Level 1252 ( 372,887,000 XP )
Level 1253 ( 373,137,000 XP )
Level 1254 ( 373,462,000 XP )
Level 1255 ( 373,862,000 XP )
Level 1256 ( 374,337,000 XP )
Level 1257 ( 374,887,000 XP )
Level 1258 ( 375,512,000 XP )
Level 1259 ( 376,212,000 XP )
Level 1260 ( 376,987,000 XP )
Level 1261 ( 377,837,000 XP )
Level 1262 ( 378,762,000 XP )
Level 1263 ( 379,762,000 XP )
Level 1264 ( 380,837,000 XP )
Level 1265 ( 381,987,000 XP )
Level 1266 ( 383,212,000 XP )
Level 1267 ( 384,512,000 XP )
Level 1268 ( 385,887,000 XP )
Level 1269 ( 387,337,000 XP )
Level 1270 ( 388,862,000 XP )
Level 1271 ( 390,462,000 XP )
Level 1272 ( 392,137,000 XP )
Level 1273 ( 393,887,000 XP )
Level 1274 ( 395,712,000 XP )
Level 1275 ( 397,612,000 XP )
Level 1276 ( 397,712,000 XP )
Level 1277 ( 397,892,000 XP )
Level 1278 ( 398,152,000 XP )
Level 1279 ( 398,492,000 XP )
Level 1280 ( 398,912,000 XP )
Level 1281 ( 399,412,000 XP )
Level 1282 ( 399,992,000 XP )
Level 1283 ( 400,652,000 XP )
Level 1284 ( 401,392,000 XP )
Level 1285 ( 402,212,000 XP )
Level 1286 ( 403,112,000 XP )
Level 1287 ( 404,092,000 XP )
Level 1288 ( 405,152,000 XP )
Level 1289 ( 406,292,000 XP )
Level 1290 ( 407,512,000 XP )
Level 1291 ( 408,812,000 XP )
Level 1292 ( 410,192,000 XP )
Level 1293 ( 411,652,000 XP )
Level 1294 ( 413,192,000 XP )
Level 1295 ( 414,812,000 XP )
Level 1296 ( 416,512,000 XP )
Level 1297 ( 418,292,000 XP )
Level 1298 ( 420,152,000 XP )
Level 1299 ( 422,092,000 XP )
Level 1300 ( 424,112,000 XP )

Tiger Oct 22 2022 09:24 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1301 to 1400?
Level 1301 ( 424,212,000 XP )
Level 1302 ( 424,387,000 XP )
Level 1303 ( 424,637,000 XP )
Level 1304 ( 424,962,000 XP )
Level 1305 ( 425,362,000 XP )
Level 1306 ( 425,837,000 XP )
Level 1307 ( 426,387,000 XP )
Level 1308 ( 427,012,000 XP )
Level 1309 ( 427,712,000 XP )
Level 1310 ( 428,487,000 XP )
Level 1311 ( 429,337,000 XP )
Level 1312 ( 430,262,000 XP )
Level 1313 ( 431,262,000 XP )
Level 1314 ( 432,337,000 XP )
Level 1315 ( 433,487,000 XP )
Level 1316 ( 434,712,000 XP )
Level 1317 ( 436,012,000 XP )
Level 1318 ( 437,387,000 XP )
Level 1319 ( 438,837,000 XP )
Level 1320 ( 440,362,000 XP )
Level 1321 ( 441,962,000 XP )
Level 1322 ( 443,637,000 XP )
Level 1323 ( 445,387,000 XP )
Level 1324 ( 447,212,000 XP )
Level 1325 ( 449,112,000 XP )
Level 1326 ( 449,212,000 XP )
Level 1327 ( 449,392,000 XP )
Level 1328 ( 449,652,000 XP )
Level 1329 ( 449,992,000 XP )
Level 1330 ( 450,412,000 XP )
Level 1331 ( 450,912,000 XP )
Level 1332 ( 451,492,000 XP )
Level 1333 ( 452,152,000 XP )
Level 1334 ( 452,892,000 XP )
Level 1335 ( 453,712,000 XP )
Level 1336 ( 454,612,000 XP )
Level 1337 ( 455,592,000 XP )
Level 1338 ( 456,652,000 XP )
Level 1339 ( 457,792,000 XP )
Level 1340 ( 459,012,000 XP )
Level 1341 ( 460,312,000 XP )
Level 1342 ( 461,692,000 XP )
Level 1343 ( 463,152,000 XP )
Level 1344 ( 464,692,000 XP )
Level 1345 ( 466,312,000 XP )
Level 1346 ( 468,012,000 XP )
Level 1347 ( 469,792,000 XP )
Level 1348 ( 471,652,000 XP )
Level 1349 ( 473,592,000 XP )
Level 1350 ( 475,612,000 XP )
Level 1351 ( 475,712,000 XP )
Level 1352 ( 475,897,000 XP )
Level 1353 ( 476,167,000 XP )
Level 1354 ( 476,522,000 XP )
Level 1355 ( 476,962,000 XP )
Level 1356 ( 477,487,000 XP )
Level 1357 ( 478,097,000 XP )
Level 1358 ( 478,792,000 XP )
Level 1359 ( 479,572,000 XP )
Level 1360 ( 480,437,000 XP )
Level 1361 ( 481,387,000 XP )
Level 1362 ( 482,422,000 XP )
Level 1363 ( 483,542,000 XP )
Level 1364 ( 484,747,000 XP )
Level 1365 ( 486,037,000 XP )
Level 1366 ( 487,412,000 XP )
Level 1367 ( 488,872,000 XP )
Level 1368 ( 490,417,000 XP )
Level 1369 ( 492,047,000 XP )
Level 1370 ( 493,762,000 XP )
Level 1371 ( 495,562,000 XP )
Level 1372 ( 497,447,000 XP )
Level 1373 ( 499,417,000 XP )
Level 1374 ( 501,472,000 XP )
Level 1375 ( 503,612,000 XP )
Level 1376 ( 503,712,000 XP )
Level 1377 ( 503,902,000 XP )
Level 1378 ( 504,182,000 XP )
Level 1379 ( 504,552,000 XP )
Level 1380 ( 505,012,000 XP )
Level 1381 ( 505,562,000 XP )
Level 1382 ( 506,202,000 XP )
Level 1383 ( 506,932,000 XP )
Level 1384 ( 507,752,000 XP )
Level 1385 ( 508,662,000 XP )
Level 1386 ( 509,662,000 XP )
Level 1387 ( 510,752,000 XP )
Level 1388 ( 511,932,000 XP )
Level 1389 ( 513,202,000 XP )
Level 1390 ( 514,562,000 XP )
Level 1391 ( 516,012,000 XP )
Level 1392 ( 517,552,000 XP )
Level 1393 ( 519,182,000 XP )
Level 1394 ( 520,902,000 XP )
Level 1395 ( 522,712,000 XP )
Level 1396 ( 524,612,000 XP )
Level 1397 ( 526,602,000 XP )
Level 1398 ( 528,682,000 XP )
Level 1399 ( 530,852,000 XP )
Level 1400 ( 533,112,000 XP )

Tiger Aug 09 2023 08:41 AM

How many XP (experience points) do I need for Levels 1401 to 1475?
Level 1401 ( 533,212,000 XP )
Level 1402 ( 533,397,000 XP )
Level 1403 ( 533,667,000 XP )
Level 1404 ( 534,022,000 XP )
Level 1405 ( 534,462,000 XP )
Level 1406 ( 534,987,000 XP )
Level 1407 ( 535,597,000 XP )
Level 1408 ( 536,292,000 XP )
Level 1409 ( 537,072,000 XP )
Level 1410 ( 537,937,000 XP )
Level 1411 ( 538,887,000 XP )
Level 1412 ( 539,922,000 XP )
Level 1413 ( 541,042,000 XP )
Level 1414 ( 542,247,000 XP )
Level 1415 ( 543,537,000 XP )
Level 1416 ( 544,912,000 XP )
Level 1417 ( 546,372,000 XP )
Level 1418 ( 547,917,000 XP )
Level 1419 ( 549,547,000 XP )
Level 1420 ( 551,262,000 XP )
Level 1421 ( 553,062,000 XP )
Level 1422 ( 554,947,000 XP )
Level 1423 ( 556,917,000 XP )
Level 1424 ( 558,972,000 XP )
Level 1425 ( 561,112,000 XP )
Level 1426 ( 561,212,000 XP )
Level 1427 ( 561,402,000 XP )
Level 1428 ( 561,682,000 XP )
Level 1429 ( 562,052,000 XP )
Level 1430 ( 562,512,000 XP )
Level 1431 ( 563,062,000 XP )
Level 1432 ( 563,702,000 XP )
Level 1433 ( 564,432,000 XP )
Level 1434 ( 565,252,000 XP )
Level 1435 ( 566,162,000 XP )
Level 1436 ( 567,162,000 XP )
Level 1437 ( 568,252,000 XP )
Level 1438 ( 569,432,000 XP )
Level 1439 ( 570,702,000 XP )
Level 1440 ( 572,062,000 XP )
Level 1441 ( 573,512,000 XP )
Level 1442 ( 575,052,000 XP )
Level 1443 ( 576,682,000 XP )
Level 1444 ( 578,402,000 XP )
Level 1445 ( 580,212,000 XP )
Level 1446 ( 582,112,000 XP )
Level 1447 ( 584,102,000 XP )
Level 1448 ( 586,182,000 XP )
Level 1449 ( 588,352,000 XP )
Level 1450 ( 590,612,000 XP )
Level 1451 ( 590,712,000 XP )
Level 1452 ( 590,907,000 XP )
Level 1453 ( 591,197,000 XP )
Level 1454 ( 591,582,000 XP )
Level 1455 ( 592,062,000 XP )
Level 1456 ( 592,637,000 XP )
Level 1457 ( 593,307,000 XP )
Level 1458 ( 594,072,000 XP )
Level 1459 ( 594,932,000 XP )
Level 1460 ( 595,887,000 XP )
Level 1461 ( 596,937,000 XP )
Level 1462 ( 598,082,000 XP )
Level 1463 ( 599,322,000 XP )
Level 1464 ( 600,657,000 XP )
Level 1465 ( 602,087,000 XP )
Level 1466 ( 603,612,000 XP )
Level 1467 ( 605,232,000 XP )
Level 1468 ( 606,947,000 XP )
Level 1469 ( 608,757,000 XP )
Level 1470 ( 610,662,000 XP )
Level 1471 ( 612,662,000 XP )
Level 1472 ( 614,757,000 XP )
Level 1473 ( 616,947,000 XP )
Level 1474 ( 619,232,000 XP )
Level 1475 ( 621,612,000 XP )

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 08:32 PM.