Farm Town

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Raul Jun 02 2016 11:40 PM

New Release -- June 3rd, 2016
See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last changes released on July 1st, 1:50AM.

Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following new features and bug fixes: EN ESPAÑOL AQUI
En français ICI

1. 13 Fathers Day items: 5 as gifts and 8 in the Fathers Day category in the store, 4 at the top and 4 at the bottom.

2. 25 New Levels: 25 items, all in coins, in the Buildings, Fun, Motion, Other and Farm Decor categories in the Store.

3. Last 5 expansions for Farm 29: See prices below:

34x34 - 15500000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
36x36 - 16000000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
38x38 - 16500000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
40x40 - 17000000000 coins or 30 FarmCash
42x42 - 20000000000 coins or 30 FarmCash

4. Added 'Store' button for animals in the Gift Box: Now you can store your animals by type instead of all at once, from your Gift Box to your Animal Buildings.

5. Option to remove yourself from other farmer's buddies and neighbour lists: When you visit the farm of a farmer, there will be a ToolBox icon on the bottom left containing the usual Trophy and Belt icons, plus 2 new icons, one will remove yourself from the farm owner buddies and the other one from the farm owner neighbours.

6. Pink and Yellow Gifting Machines (FC): When you receive a gift from a friend the Pink Gifting Machine will put 3 gifts in your Gift Box instead of one. The Yellow Gifting Machine will put 4 gifts instead of one.

7. Improvements to the Neighborhood Chains Contest.

a) When a contest ends and your Neighborhood ranked in the first 3 positions:
-a.1) You will have a chance to thank your top 10 most performing neighbours. To do that you can go to the 'My Neighborhood Chains' tab and click the 'Thanks' button next to each neighbour.
-a.2) You will have a chance to post your final rank to facebook

b) When one of your neighbours buy a FarmCash facility participating in the contest, or the corresponding extra Coin facility allowed, you will see a red counter next to that neighbour and you will also have a chance to thank the neighbour for that contribution to your Neighborhood Chain.

In the near future, the Thanks you send will also carry ingredient prizes for the receiving neighbour.

8. Other Fixes and Improvements:

a) The Fueling Station can now display up to 999 Million fuel
b) Your total Coins counter on the top left can now display up to 99 Billion coins
c) Better accuracy when showing information about all the work available for fishing in cases where water items were not fully depleted
d) We were approaching a limit in the game for the total amount of items available in the Store. We did some major redesign in our systems to remove this limitation.
e) Storing baits from the Gift Box should now correctly go toward your farm available baits used when fishing, instead of your storage. This was fixed 2 weeks ago.
d) Fixed all bugs related to posting to facebook for facility help, ingredients, etc. This was fixed 2 weeks ago.

9. New Buckwheat Crop: Used in the Russian Restaurant.

10. Russian Restaurant (FC): Produces Russian Food.

Buckwheat Kasha
Beet Borscht
Russian Salad
Dressed Herring
Beef Stroganoff

New products from other facilities: Sour Cream in the Dairy Processing Plant.

11. Painting Supplies Factory (Coins): Produces Painting Supplies.

Stir Sticks
Paint Scraper
Masking Tape
Paint Chips
Sprayer Gun
Paint Brush
Oil Paint
Latex Paint

New products from other facilities: Linseed Oil in the Oil Factory. Acrylic Resin from the Semi-Trailer Truck.

12. Indoor Playground Supplies (FC): Produces Indoor Playground Supplies.

Shoe Cubbies
Indoor Slide
ID Wristbands
Puzzle Floor Tiles
Popcorn Machine
Bean Bag
Watercolor Paint Set

13. Paint Shop (Coins): Provides Painting Supplies Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Painting Supplies Factory.



Post-Release Updates - June 3rd, 10:15PM

- Released the Russian Restaurant and the Indoor Playground Supplies.
- Fixed an X025 error when opening the Store

Post-Release Updates - June 4th, 2:00AM

BugFix: All crops were showing white Belts in the Store.
BugFix: Image of the new facilities were too big in the facility manager.

Post-Release Updates - June 6th, 5:00AM

- Enabled storing animals from GiftBox, either by animal type or all at once via the top 'Store Animals' button.

Post-Release Updates - June 7th, 6:20AM

BugFix: Some users can't load the game because it's stuck at the Joining Room phase
BugFix: Some users have issues showing the Neighborhood Chains Contest screen, it freezes when trying to show all the Thanks that have been sent from users
BugFix: Farm Stats not reporting animals inside the Sheds
BugFix: Farm Selector covering the Envelope for sending messages for users with a Farm Count equal or less than 8.
BugFix: Some users, specially those who do heavy layering/stacking, were seeing unexpected gone to waste buckwheat fields

Post-Release Updates - June 7th, 8:30PM

- BugFix: There were issues representing the Thanks buttons according to the rules mentioned in the post above. It was appearing on most neighbours, instead of only those who have contributed facilities to the contest.

Post-Release Updates - June 8th, 2:30AM

- Released the Fathers Day items.

Post-Release Updates - June 8th, 7:20PM

BugFix: Trying to work friends facilities was failing frequently if there were farmers working at your farms at the same time, this shouldn't happen anymore, please report if this is not the case. Don't forget to reload the game.

Post-Release Updates - June 21th, 3:30AM

- Implemented a workaround for the Facebook bug that affected players with large amount of friends. These players should now be able to interact with all their friends and not just their neighbours, to send gifts, boost trains, work facilities, etc. Please post in this thread if you are still having issues.

Post-Release Updates - June 22th, 6:20PM

- The main issues with fishing with the Turbo Boat should be solved now, this includes granting the correct amount of coins and bonus while fishing and as part of the job completion bonus, and also when working by yourself or as an employee.

- These recent bugs in the fishing functionality were a consequence of several optimizations performed recently, as a result of those optimizations server responses while using the Turbo Boat are much faster, specially when fishing heavy loaded farms with water items, the feedback on coins/fish is shown faster and when working as an employee you don't have to wait much for all the feedback to finish and to be able to navigate to the next farm.

This will also allow the release of more Turbo Boats N x N that will allow you to fish faster several water items with one click.

Post-Release Updates - June 23rd, 6:00PM

- Released 25 new levels.

Post-Release Updates - June 23rd, 7:10PM

- Fixed and issue with the Airboat item
- Moved the Joshua Tree from the Farm Decor to the Trees category in the store

Post-Release Updates - June 25th, 10:30PM

- There were some intermittent issues with the Ingredient Planer yesterday, it should be OK now. Notice that the screen may take a while to show up, depending on how many facilities you have.

Post-Release Updates - June 30th, 4:30PM

- All these fish / Turbo Boat related bugs are now fixed:

- When fishing there were extra duplicated (Large) fish in your storage
- When moving water items using the Free Style Designer hands, they always default to the original rotation
- Some users were finding rivers and lakes in their harvest storage
- Correct amount of bonus fish ending up in the storage of the employer and employee without needing to reload the game
- When fishing for others, the text '[Object]' is showing up instead of the amount of bonus received
- When fishing by yourself the game was incorrectly showing messages like this one: "Jones has just added 2 (fish) to your storage."

Post-Release Updates - July 1st, 1:50AM

- Released additional fixes to the fishing with the Turbo Boat.
- In addition to improvements made by facebook, we have released additional workarounds to the issue related to only being able to interact with friends that are neighbours, this was happening intermittently for some users. If you are still encountering this issue please report it on this thread.

Known Issues

- We just confirmed that the latest update of Chrome introduced a few issues:

a) Some text is thinner and more difficult to read
b) Using the mouse wheel in full screen mode is generating mouse clicks as well

They are aware of the problem and working on a solution.

Taz D Jun 02 2016 11:48 PM

Thanks Raul!

bruhelmboldt Jun 03 2016 12:07 AM

Thanks team!!!!

peekachoo Jun 03 2016 12:29 AM

Thanks for the thing, the picture of the Paint Shop and the Painting Supplies Factory in the Facility Manager are bigger than all the others.

Have a great weekend all.

Darrell Joe Jun 03 2016 02:14 AM

Thanks! Just planted buckwheat :-) curious!!!!!!!!!!

Aussie Rae Jun 03 2016 02:36 AM

thank you! :)

kejusa Jun 03 2016 03:30 AM

Thank you for the updates, but why can't I see my animals - message state that either the barns are full or not present!!

theperfectnina Jun 03 2016 04:06 AM

Thank you Raul for the upgrade.

One issue so far though, I upgraded my farm 29 to full 42 x 42 but it is only showing 38 x
38??? Thank goodness I posted to my wall for most of them but mainly the last one 42x42. What do I do?

Just did mem cache and it is showing I still had 40x40 and 42x42 left to buy, BUT I had already bought the last two upgrades to the farm.

maggiel29 Jun 03 2016 04:09 AM

Thank you - :)

horsecrazy4life Jun 03 2016 04:10 AM

Thank you for the update :)

WillowTreeFarm Jun 03 2016 04:17 AM

I don't see the new sour cream in the dairy processing plant, or will it not be released until tomorrow with the new restaurant? Thank you for the new goodies!

matt88 Jun 03 2016 04:42 AM

Thank you.
Can't see any of my animals in farm stats and it won't let me load my geese from storage, it says "animals buildings not present or are full on this farm"

boduke66 Jun 03 2016 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by WillowTreeFarm (Post 6073322)
I don't see the new sour cream in the dairy processing plant, or will it not be released until tomorrow with the new restaurant? Thank you for the new goodies!

Not showing up in my dairy processing facilities either,and Raul's note says nothing about a delay of it being released either,just wondering

kejusa Jun 03 2016 04:52 AM

Missing Animals
Accepted a load of geese from neighbours - they're GONE!!:confused:

bobadopalis Jun 03 2016 04:56 AM

Thank you for the up to date information always spot on

FarmerWitch Jun 03 2016 05:09 AM

What is the point of point 5

5. Option to remove yourself from other farmer's buddies and neighbour lists: When you visit the farm of a farmer, there will be a ToolBox icon on the bottom left containing the usual Trophy and Belt icons, plus 2 new icons, one will remove yourself from the farm owner buddies and the other one from the farm owner neighbours.

didda1 Jun 03 2016 05:26 AM

All my animals have vanished from the sheds and the game does not seem to recognise animals. I see others have this problem too.:)

Alexandra_J Jun 03 2016 05:31 AM

No Sour Cream in the Dairy Processing Plant Factory unless it will be released with the Russian Restaurant tomorrow.

Alexandra_J Jun 03 2016 05:49 AM

My Animals are missing from my sheds too :( I hope to get them ALL back it took me ages to get them

hicall80 Jun 03 2016 06:00 AM

I have a question about the gifting machines. Do I have to buy ALL the previous ones to get one of the new ones???


WillowTreeFarm Jun 03 2016 06:10 AM

Oh no!! My animals are missing from their sheds too!

brenda steele Jun 03 2016 06:29 AM

Sour Cream
If I go into my dairy plant I cant see any Sour cream have they forgotten to put it in there lol

amazinggrace1 Jun 03 2016 06:33 AM

I am missing animals from all of my animal sheds, including tons of animals that i paid Farmcash for on my Farm 1. I hope this is rectified very soon, as this could be the final straw for me. I've spent way too much money on this game recently and over the past 7 years, and this could be the final straw for me after seven years of playing. :(

lkendter Jun 03 2016 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by amazinggrace1 (Post 6073398)
I am missing animals from my sheds, including animals that i paid farmcash for.

It is a display glitch - my chicken coop showed empty, but I hit collect and got a ton of eggs.

theperfectnina Jun 03 2016 06:42 AM

I've also lost my animals and heaps of Farm Cash bought ones as well. I hope this will be rectified very soon.

BUT I can still harvest the animals, even though when I go into them barn say, there are no animals in there.

So thankfully it's just a glitch

amanda1955 Jun 03 2016 06:47 AM

thanks for the updates got a problem though all animals from the sheds are all missing

brenda steele Jun 03 2016 06:50 AM

All the animals in the sheds are missing looks like its affecting everyone

RozeeS Jun 03 2016 06:50 AM

Thank you for the update.

My observations:- Normally we would have got new levels in this update but you have delayed for 3 weeks! What happened to giving us new levels every 3 months? Is this another way of delaying incentives to play?

Removing FT buddies and neighbours from our list has come a bit too late for those of use that wanted to remove those people years ago and still reliant on the other party to remove our good selves. If we have already removed them we are not able to visit their farms and do this!

I feel that Farm Town really needs to address buddies and neighbours on FT that when one party removes it should automatically remove the said person for the list.

And there are games on FB that give us community neighbours. I feel that FT should be exploring this option instead of expecting us to have FB friends to play this game

And just to add I feel you should actually test your updates instead of frantically putting it out. So many problems and you are expecting us, your players to report on here problems with your latest update!

knolan Jun 03 2016 06:53 AM

My animals flew the coop too, where did they go? I hope this isn't an invasion of the animal snatchers. :confused:

boduke66 Jun 03 2016 06:58 AM

animals missing
same here,and like my dairy shed for instance,i had 200 of each animal,now missing,hope this gets fixed soon,i seem to recall this happening once before.

FarmerMcLashwood Jun 03 2016 06:58 AM

Although when I open each individual animal barn there doesn't appear to be anything in there...... If I open my facility Manager and harvest each individual animal barn I am getting the harvests :-) so it just must be a glitch showing the animal barns but still get the goods when you harvest them from facility manager :-)

Alexandra_J Jun 03 2016 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by FarmerMcLashwood (Post 6073438)
Although when I open each individual animal barn there doesn't appear to be anything in there...... If I open my facility Manager and harvest each individual animal barn I am getting the harvests :-) so it just must be a glitch showing the animal barns but still get the goods when you harvest them from facility manager :-)

Thanks Debs for letting me know :D

knolan Jun 03 2016 07:02 AM

My animals have also disappeared from their barns, what happens if I fill some of them with the animals I have in my storage & then farmtown puts our original animals back in their homes? Will I then have the 200 plus those I just put back in their barns? :confused:
I need to harvest some dairy from cows for a quest, if I put a few cows in the barn, and then farmtown corrects the problem of the missing ones, will I have the 200 plus the ones I just put in there?

LizaLee Jun 03 2016 07:03 AM

Thanks! looking forward to using these new features :)

auntsusie59 Jun 03 2016 07:50 AM

The buckwheat in the store doesn't show that it is being used in the restraunnt Otherwise thank you for the release.

<Rosa Jun 03 2016 08:02 AM

Gifting machines
I bought a gifting machine.
I want to buy the green one now, but it continues locked,
What is wrong?

stevet160 Jun 03 2016 08:19 AM

A lot of my animals have disappeared and it says there is no pig sty present when trying to add to it.

Tiger Jun 03 2016 08:31 AM

Hi Everyone,

We have sent a report off to the game developers about the animal sheds. Please try to be patient while we wait for this to be fixed.

In the meantime, those with animals already in the sheds, that look like they are missing, you can still harvest them and you will get the products.

If you are desperate to get those animals into their sheds right now, the only way to do it at the moment, is to put them on the farm and then store them, perhaps with the tower crane if you own it, for speed. Then move them from storage to the sheds.

Stover Jun 03 2016 08:32 AM

I am having the same problem

mduby Jun 03 2016 08:40 AM

Thank you Raul!

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