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Tony D Oct 18 2011 05:10 AM

Discussions about Quests
General Feedback on both Regular and Co-operative Quests icon.jpg op icon.png

This thread is for all feedback on the Quests.

Please note that if you have a Help question there are Official threads in Help & Support:
Regular Quests
Co-operative Quests

If you have a suggestion about either type of Quest, please click on the following link and post your idea in that thread: Quests, Co-op Quests

We will endeavor to allow a bit more latitude in this section than in the other sections of the forum, however, please bear in mind we must stave off chaos.

Debates are allowed but posts which go beyond simple debates and fall into attacks against another member or out right name calling, or take a thread completely off track, will be removed.

amfwells Jan 21 2012 10:43 AM

:eek: Please tell me it isn't so..The one reason I love FT is NO quests and begging for stuff..I hope they aren't going to start quests as it will ruin a great fun game..

crafty chris Jan 21 2012 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by amfwells (Post 5018982)
:eek: Please tell me it isn't so..The one reason I love FT is NO quests and begging for stuff..I hope they aren't going to start quests as it will ruin a great fun game..

at the moment we dont know what the quests are until they come out but like the other game you dont have to do them if you dont want to :) .... i personally am keeping my options open and wait until they are released before i decide :)

LoreneC Jan 21 2012 11:26 AM

Raul said there would be quests but I did not see anything in his description that involved begging. Also, it is optional.

StoneFace Jan 21 2012 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by LoreneC (Post 5019078)
Raul said there would be quests but I did not see anything in his description that involved begging. Also, it is optional.

If you look in the toolbox there is already an Icon for Quests. This would strongly imply that a farmer must CHOOSE to open the Quests and participate.

or not


artisanrox Jan 25 2012 07:48 AM

As long as there isn't an OBNOXIOUS GIGANTIC ARROW or something big and stupid in my way begging me to do quests, and they are optional, I don't care what they do with quests. i'm so busy farming and decorating that I don't need them, however if they are reasonable and do not involve begging I'll try them. :)

Farmgirl_Su Jan 26 2012 04:47 PM

What is a Quest??
A quest is a Journey to an end
The objects of quests require great exertion on the part of the hero, and the overcoming of many obstacles......

So the Quests on Farmtown are meant to be the same...something we have to work out and struggle to get to a significant successful ending!!!!!

SPOTSROCK Jan 26 2012 05:02 PM

other quest discussion is closed???
So i don't have all the facilities .... and my first quest is to produce 10 bowling pens.... well don't have that factory .... think the devs need to think this thru and little bit more... .. .

JAS0643 Jan 26 2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by SPOTSROCK (Post 5025290)
So i don't have all the facilities .... and my first quest is to produce 10 bowling pens.... well don't have that factory .... think the devs need to think this thru and little bit more... .. .

If it is the sports accessories factory you don't have then buy it it cost coins not fc so what is the problem with your quest. If it is a factory for one of the other parts of the quest and it cost fc again buy it or don't do that quest. No where was it said the quest would only be based on what you have the point of quest are to get people to buy or do things they may not already have or may not be doing. Jan 26 2012 06:59 PM

Are all the Quest the same for all players each day?

zippity Jan 26 2012 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 5025442)
Are all the Quest the same for all players each day?

No. They are different for everyone

twyda Jan 26 2012 07:22 PM

why are they dif? shouldn't they all be the same for everyone?

jcassemjr Jan 26 2012 08:16 PM

They are random. From reading all of the post, it appears to be a finished good that has to have each and every step completed from scratch (if you have the ingredient crop already planted, it accepts the harvest).

This way the DEV's don't have to generate a new quest every day. We can have an almost limited less number of quests.

If everyone had the same quest, everyone would have the same crops planted, which wouldn't be nice for all of the other functions of the game. If I needed Strawberries for normal production, but everyone was planting and trying harvest corn, when I went to the market seeking that work, it wouldn't be available.

harfis01 Jan 26 2012 08:35 PM

My quest was to get copper ore and then make copper sheets.

I have neither a mine or the Metal Mill.


SPOTSROCK Jan 26 2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by harfis01 (Post 5025594)
My quest was to get copper ore and then make copper sheets.

I have neither a mine or the Metal Mill.


THUS my point ... i know we don't have to complete every quest .. BUT it has been hinted that if we do and get them done in a timely manner ...we could be awarded FC which is almost GOLD in this game..... thus i feel the DEVS should reconsider how we can complete the quest the very least let us work at X facility to get part of the quest complete... ..
just my two cents...

dixiegirl Jan 26 2012 09:26 PM

to complete the quest
My first quest required a facility that I do not have, and one that cost FC. So I won't be buying it. I can't do the quest which is ok, I was just disappointed that my first one was one I can't do. All my neighbors that I have talked to have the same problem. None of us had a quest that included a facility we had.

Taz D Jan 26 2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by harfis01 (Post 5025594)
My quest was to get copper ore and then make copper sheets.

I have neither a mine or the Metal Mill.


Both of those facilities are for coin. Why not buy them?

blue nile Jan 27 2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Farmgirl_Su (Post 5025266)
A quest is a Journey to an end
The objects of quests require great exertion on the part of the hero, and the overcoming of many obstacles......

So the Quests on Farmtown are meant to be the same...something we have to work out and struggle to get to a significant successful ending!!!!!

Ha ha so true!! I learned the hard way by rushing in to my first quest and messing it up!! Now i am on my second (make 40 chilli powders). The key thing will be to only make 40 by single clicking in facility!! Need to wait for my peppers to grow first!! Anyway i think i am going to like doing them and from what i have read the coin rewards are quite good.

pythonis Jan 27 2012 01:13 AM

Personally, I wouldve thought the devs wouldve made the quests more teamwork oriented. Example, having to harvest a field of raspberries. Quite easy to plant/harvest your own but a bit more difficult to go to the market and do job after job until you finally get hired for a raspberry field.

Taz D Jan 27 2012 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by blue nile (Post 5025842)
Ha ha so true!! I learned the hard way by rushing in to my first quest and messing it up!! Now i am on my second (make 40 chilli powders). The key thing will be to only make 40 by single clicking in facility!! Need to wait for my peppers to grow first!! Anyway i think i am going to like doing them and from what i have read the coin rewards are quite good.

From what I have seen posted so far and the ones I have none of the requirements need more than 1 batch of anything except for harvested items.

Farmgirl_Su Jan 27 2012 02:31 AM

I think many are missing the point..a Quest isnt supposed to be isnt supposed to always complete. If FC are a possible reward then not everyone will finish every Quest. If you haven't got the facility/time/items then just play as before..
I messed up my first I added too much wheat to the I'll try the next one...if I want..These quests are just an added bonus and the very last thing the Devs should do are tell to in minute detail how to win a quest..
Quests like I put in the opening post are an obstacle course not an A to Z map of how ot do it.

blue nile Jan 27 2012 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 5025902)
From what I have seen posted so far and the ones I have none of the requirements need more than 1 batch of anything except for harvested items.

Thanks for that Taz!! I was still missing the point lol. Now i realise ONE single click will provide a batch of 40. :)

StoneFace Jan 27 2012 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by SPOTSROCK (Post 5025290)
So i don't have all the facilities .... and my first quest is to produce 10 bowling pens.... well don't have that factory .... think the devs need to think this thru and little bit more... .. .

I think they are working that thru....

for now, each Quest has to be completed by yourself alone... but there was an indication that at some point the work neighbors do for you, and you do for them will be part of the method to complete Quests.

time will tell.....

feistyfarmergirl76 Jan 28 2012 12:47 AM

I was skeptical about quests initially, but tried it out today. My first quest, while a bit lackluster, did net me about a million coins with minimal effort, so I really can't complain. I imagine as we go along, they will get more complex. I agree with Pythonis in that I hope they will eventually make the quests more team oriented. I think they are starting off simply to see how it goes and to work out the programming bugs before getting more ambitious.
What I love about the FT quests is they are not mandatory for advancing levels: You play them if you want but you're under no obligation to if you don't. Just my two cents. :)

dixiegirl Jan 28 2012 09:46 AM

Whine... Moan.. (that is me not being able to do quest)
Yep... thats me.... whinneeeeee,.... moannnnn.... I want to playy tooooo!!!

Let me say right off the bat here that I LOVE this game. I am super addicted, been playing since June 09.

I was so looking forward to the quest as a new fun part of the game. But so far they aren't working for me. Why? I don't have the facilities. Yes some of them are coin and I could buy them. But why? For one quest. If I dont have the goods to fill them on a regular basis that is a waste of coin. Or perhaps they don't fit my "scheme". We have always been able to pick and chose the ones we want to use on our farms. So yes to an extend this one is my own fault. So I didn't do quest number 1.
That brings us to quest number 2. Finally got that... I was thinking this one I will be able to do. Nope it is worse. It requires 4 facilities to product dog snacks. None of which I have. And 2 are for real cash. So I'm out again. On this one I have no option cause I don't have the cash to spend. Again on something I might need just for the quest. I am really bummed.

I mean I really want to play. And I can't. And I am missing out on the goodies, the cash that others are getting. I mean it is great for them. Not mention down the line we are supposed to get more goodies based on how many we complete. So far I'm batting zero. And talking to my neighbors I am not the only one.

Ok Whine over, this may be moved, it may get locked, but I know I am not the only one that feels this way. I seldom post but this time I felt I just had to. Before anyone says anything, I have spent real money on this game. A lot of it. But I just want to play !!!! :D

jcassemjr Jan 28 2012 10:05 AM

So you are basically upset that you cannot play the quests because of how you choose to play the game?

As for the facilities that you don't have, which may or may not fit into one of 13 schemes you have developed, you don't want to buy them for a little quest reward. What about the coins you would earn from selling the finished goods day after day after day from those additional facilities? I haven't had a facility that didn't pay for it self, and then some within weeks of buying it. Decorations never pay for themselves, but I still have many decorative items.

We all choose to play how we want to play, and that will limit us in some way or form. When the Crop Belts came out, I removed every single decoration I had, jammed every facility I owned as close together that is looked like a box of random puzzle pieces, just to maximize my space for crops. I have every crop except 2 of the last ones released at the 6th Degree Dan, and have been able to go back and decorate each and every farm in the fashion I desire. During the time I was working on the Belts & Dan's, I couldn't have nice looking farms, because of how I wanted to play. My choice, not an issue that the DEV's needed to address.

IMHO, I think you have to make a choice, buy the other facilities to be able to participate in all of the quests, or play the game how you want.

LoreneC Jan 28 2012 10:14 AM

My first quest required the pet food factory which is coins and I did not have it. I purchased it, did the quest, and will put the pet food factory in storage. The 5.7 mill I made more than paid for it.

I do not have each and every facility either and eventually I will run into a quest that I can not do. I also like to decorate and do not like to place items that mess with my decorations. Since it was temporary I made room and went with it. Sometimes it gets tricky balancing decorating and earning coins.

I do understand where you are coming from since you did not do the first two, although it sounds like the first quest was a choice since it required a coin, rather than a cash facility.

Also, I did not think your post was whiney and of course the devs want all viewpoints. I am just presenting a different one!

dixiegirl Jan 28 2012 10:24 AM

I did say the first quest was my own fault. I openly admit that I didn't want the facility so I didn't do it. Yes that is how I chose to play the game, I openly admitted that.

But the second quest is not of my doing. I simply at this time do not have the FC to send on the facilities. So I am missing out on being able to take part and earn extra awards.

I think some of you didn't understand the point I was trying to make, that we should be offered some way to opt out or refuse a quest or something. A lot of players simply do not have cash at given points in time to put into the game.

The biggest whine I have is that the awards given will also be based on how many quest we complete and if we don't have the FC items then we are not completing quest. I know they say at some point we will be able to get help from others and help others, and I look forward to that. But in the meantime a lot of players are going to end up behind the curve.

artisanrox Jan 28 2012 10:37 AM

My first quest involves making 25 hot chocolate drinks. I have all the facilities for that, so that's not the problem. We'll see what the future brings.

I hope all of you begging for to-do lists are happy. -_-

jcassemjr Jan 28 2012 10:52 AM

By opting out or refuse, are you saying that you should be given a different quest to see if you can do that one as well? Because, if that is what you are asking for, I could see that there would be players that sit there refusing quest after quest until there is one with everything that they have ready to harvest, and room to start in their facilities, so that they could rush through it to get a higher bonus.

As players, many of us were asking for a new, challenging dynamic to the game. And I think the quests are just such an item. I think for those without some of the facilities will be be challenged to get those facilities. Some players will spend some real currency to get Farm Coins for some of the facilities they don't have, so that they can participate in the quests. But it will be their choice if they want to alter they way they choose to play to participate.

dixiegirl Jan 28 2012 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by jcassemjr (Post 5027810)
By opting out or refuse, are you saying that you should be given a different quest to see if you can do that one as well? Because, if that is what you are asking for, I could see that there would be players that sit there refusing quest after quest until there is one with everything that they have ready to harvest, and room to start in their facilities, so that they could rush through it to get a higher bonus.

As players, many of us were asking for a new, challenging dynamic to the game. And I think the quests are just such an item. I think for those without some of the facilities will be be challenged to get those facilities. Some players will spend some real currency to get Farm Coins for some of the facilities they don't have, so that they can participate in the quests. But it will be their choice if they want to alter they way they choose to play to participate.

No that is not what I am saying, not as a general rule. But on the ones that require FC items we should be able to request an optional quest for ones we own, or just let it expire without penalizing us.
I to was asking for a challenge, and if your reread my original post you will see I said how much I was looking forward to it. And still do, that was my point.
I think you are missing the point about the FC items. Some people simply dont have the money at a given time to put into, and the quest expire before they do.
It is everyone choice how they play, but if they don't have the money then they don't have the choice and are being penalized.
Happy Farming!

jcassemjr Jan 28 2012 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by dixiegirl (Post 5027822)
I think you are missing the point about the FC items. Some people simply dont have the money at a given time to put into, and the quest expire before they do.
It is everyone choice how they play, but if they don't have the money then they don't have the choice and are being penalized.
Happy Farming!

What penalty are you getting hit with? Are they taking coins or your farm cash away because you cannot complete a Quest? In football, a penalty cost loss of yards, in basket ball your opponent gets free throws. I don't see a penalty being imposed here.

Is it unfair in the game of Monopoly if you are sent to jail that there isn't a set of dice that Parker Brother's gives to every players that will always roll a set of doubles to get out? Or that they don't give every player all the money they would need to buy every property on the board with all of the hotels?

As for players not having real cash to spend on the game, there are still surveys and other items one can do to earn FB credits, with will allow them to be converted into Farm Cash. I'm sure if most people that really want to have farm cash could find $0.67USD a day to be able to buy 120 Farm Cash a month.

I know you have said that you have spent real money on the game, many of the advanced players have. Shouldn't there be some reward or advantage for those players? The players that have and continue to buy Farm Cash are the ones paying for the game to exist.

dixiegirl Jan 28 2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by jcassemjr (Post 5027834)
What penalty are you getting hit with? Are they taking coins or your farm cash away because you cannot complete a Quest? In football, a penalty cost loss of yards, in basket ball your opponent gets free throws. I don't see a penalty being imposed here.

Is it unfair in the game of Monopoly if you are sent to jail that there isn't a set of dice that Parker Brother's gives to every players that will always roll a set of doubles to get out? Or that they don't give every player all the money they would need to buy every property on the board with all of the hotels?

As for players not having real cash to spend on the game, there are still surveys and other items one can do to earn FB credits, with will allow them to be converted into Farm Cash. I'm sure if most people that really want to have farm cash could find $0.67USD a day to be able to buy 120 Farm Cash a month.

I know you have said that you have spent real money on the game, many of the advanced players have. Shouldn't there be some reward or advantage for those players? The players that have and continue to buy Farm Cash are the ones paying for the game to exist.

Ok you can have the last word. I started this on a light note, even poking fun at myself. Whatever. You totally missed my point!

The penalty I am referring to is the information that was given saying some future rewards would be based on how many quest a person completes.

I think spending real money on FC comes under the heading of playing the game like one chooses. I have supported and will continue to support the Dev and this game. Last word... Im going to play!

Tuckertbnc Jan 28 2012 12:50 PM

Quest Planting ??
Hi Everyone ,,, I just 'found' the quests awhile ago and I'm now doing my 1st > the Petro one :)

.... I 've been reading everyone's posts :p and I've decided I'll make one farm a Quest crop farm and plant a bunch of small plots of all the different crops .....

What is the Highest number of plots per crop so far :confused:

I will really appreciate any feed back so I can plan on how to do my plots ... x 9's or 16's or 25's or a mix ...

Oh the planning :D

Reta J Jan 28 2012 01:24 PM


So far the highest number I have had is 10 wheat.
I like your idea along with another I saw to plant a few of each tree needed... oh the ideas going through my brain lol

eleflump Jan 28 2012 03:05 PM

i want to moan about not being able to do quest too... only my problem is no matter how many maple trees i chop down they wont register!!!

jars7 Jan 28 2012 05:55 PM

Where do you find the quests? I can't find them.

countryroads Jan 28 2012 06:08 PM

Yes, I would think 10 would be a good number, especially when it comes to corn, sugarcane and wheat since all of these require 10 to start a unit (for corn flour, sugar and flour). The only one I've needed so far that took 10, was wheat for making flour but I imagine if I come across one that requires sugar or corn flour, that it will also need 10 harvests. I keep wheat planted every day so that's not really too much of a problem and the same with sugarcane. However, I don't plant corn every day so I may keep 10 or so of those going. I planted a few trees in groups of five and hopefully, that will take care of any tree harvests that I need. And I'm keeping a mineral mine and open pit mine in storage and just taking them out when the quest calls for something from them. I keep my others in full production all the time and this way, I won't have to wait a long time for whatever I need. I ran into that with my first quest because it required something from one of the mines and they were already in full production. So far, I've enjoyed the quests and think they'll be even more fun when they open up some of the other features they others helping, for instance.

Mr. H Jan 28 2012 06:24 PM

I see your point, dixiegirl. A player shouldn't be required to have FC facilities to do the quests. That will only alienate players that can't afford them or chose not to purchase them.

I haven't done any quests that involve trees yet but I don't think we should have to plant trees for a quest when we already have dozens, or in my case, hundreds of most of the important trees.

I'm sure the quests will change and evolve over time and many of the kinks will be worked out.

eleflump Jan 28 2012 06:41 PM

cant do quest as trees dont register
Hi harvest moon yes I tried buying new trees and chopping those after the first couple of hundred didnt register lol but that made no difference either. Wull try agaun tomorrow once they regrow.i also used the axe not chainsaw though a friend had pine quest yesterday and used chainsaw and it worked so might try that if its still not working. Failing all of that I guess i,ll just have to wait 4 days for time to run out,and hope I have better luck on next one lol happy farming:-D

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