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Rob T Mar 25 2013 08:27 PM

Tools and Fuel

This thread is for reporting problems concerning any of the Tools you can buy in Farm Town or any issues with Fuel.

Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread. Thank you!

Check Out The Game Guide:

Chapter 02 - What is the Tool Box? - Basic guide to the icons in the tool box with links to explain what those are for.

Chapter 20: Fuel Everything you need to know about fuel is included here.

Chapter 21: Tools Everything you need to know about tools is included here.

It is now possible to have more than 4 Billion fuel.
As of May 2020 you can now top up your fuel, it no longer gets replaced when you refuel.

Important Things To Remember About The Tools You Own:
  1. Any of the Farm Cash tools for harvesting (crops, trees, flowers), plowing, chopping, fishing can be used to work on other peoples farms, including the 3x3 coin tools. These tools MUST be in storage for this to work. The bigger tools will use fuel.
  2. Once your tools are in your Item Storage, you can use them via your Yellow Toolbox, there isn't any need to take them out of storage.
  3. Farm Cash tools do NOT use up any of your Item capacity space.

Important Things To Remember About Fuel
You only will be able to refuel once per day. You will be able to refuel again after midnight Eastern time.

If you have already refuelled that day and you want to know when you can next refuel, click on the fuel station icon again and if you have to wait, there will be a time showing at the bottom of the pop-up. For example it could say "You will be able to refuel in 5 hours and twenty minutes"

If it seems you are using fuel quicker than expected. You could be using more fuel due to some of these:
  • Buying Land Upgrades/New Farms and adding more workable items that require Fuel to work them.
  • Increasing what is on existing farms that require Fuel to work them.
  • Working your own farms. Farming and Planting more often - perhaps on days where more work is ready to do than there is on another day or on days when you require the short timed crops so will be planting more often
  • Working for other farmers, the bigger the farms, the more on them, the more fuel you will need if you are using your own fuel to work those.
  • The more facilities you have, using the start All tools and refilling them more often will use more fuel.
    Using the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager uses Fuel (turbo tools)
    Using the Store All at the top of the Facility Manager uses Fuel (Forklifts)
    Cashing out uses Fuel (Armored Truck, Farm Cash Item not the decoration) Unless your Harvests & Products is getting full or you need the coins, you do not need to cash out every day. Remember you can zip your Harvests & Products storage to help if your capacity limit is getting full.
  • Dispatching Trains and Ships uses fuel. The more containers on them, the more you use.
  • Fuel is sold in the Gas Station service facility. It does NOT give you more fuel tanks. If you are low on fuel, do not load it into that facility. If you own the load tool for that facility, you open the facility and remove the check mark on the Fuel Tanks so it's not loaded into it to be sold.
The Difference between sending friends Bonuses of Fuel Tanks OR sending Ingredients to make Fuel Tanks
A common mistake is not reading the information in a request to know if you're going to be sending and receiving Fuel Tanks or if you are instead sending and receiving the ingredient crude oil which is need to make Fuel Tanks.

Both requesting Ingredients to make Fuel Tank and a request to send a Bonus of Fuel Tanks have the same Fuel tank Icon.

Read the information to the right of the icon!

When it tells you:

"Can you send me ingredients to make 68 x Fuel Tank (4 batches)? YOU will get 50%!" and the link says Send Ingredients, you are sending and receiving the ingredient to make the Fuel Tanks which is Crude Oil.
When it tells you a bonus or dan has been earned:

"I just reached the Fuel Tank Black Belt! Help me claim a 278 x Fuel Tank Bonus and YOU will get 50%" and the link says Get Bonus, that's when you send and receive Fuel Tanks instead of Crude Oil!
The limits for sending/receiving bonuses are listed in Chapter 30 Belts/Dans:
Missing a tool? Please read the first post HERE

For Suggestions for Tools post in Machinery/tools both functional and non-functional

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user.


santafesandbar Jan 11 2021 04:57 AM

I added shortcuts where I used to have neighbors with no problems following directions in Game Guide. my question is How Do I remove those extra shortcuts and show the neighbors again.

Tiger Jan 11 2021 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6405938)
I added shortcuts where I used to have neighbors with no problems following directions in Game Guide. my question is How Do I remove those extra shortcuts and show the neighbors again.

Hi passngas, Click on the shortcut icon.

Then click on any of the tools you have in the extra neighbour bar spaces, for example the tool furthest left, doesn't matter if it's the top one or the one underneath,then you will see the menu for Additional Spaces.

To remove all the extra spaces you click on Do Not Use Any Slots.

santafesandbar Jan 11 2021 11:28 PM

Thanks Tiger!

nj_uncle_phil Jan 12 2021 01:51 AM

Most of my shortcuts are missing. as a result, I cannot find my giftbox. also, the purple hand is missing. How can I get these back?

WolfKat7 Jan 12 2021 03:09 AM

Tool Box Gets Stuck on Stupid
When I hit my tool box to choose something then decide to exit it keeps popping back open over and over and over - LOL Have to reload game or just choose something to use.

Rob T Jan 12 2021 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by nj_uncle_phil (Post 6407038)
Most of my shortcuts are missing. as a result, I cannot find my giftbox. also, the purple hand is missing. How can I get these back?

Hi nj_uncle_phil,

The new version for the moment is a restricted version as explained above the game. We realize this is frustrating to have missing features, but rest assured, they will all be added back to the game over the next few weeks. Please be patient.

Rob T Jan 12 2021 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by WolfKat7 (Post 6407174)
When I hit my tool box to choose something then decide to exit it keeps popping back open over and over and over - LOL Have to reload game or just choose something to use.

Hi WolfKat7,

I Have moved your post to the Tools & Fuel thread in order to keep things together.

I am not experiencing this issue, the only time it opens for me is if i hover my mouse over the toolbox icon. That happens if you click the white X and move your mouse away?

AMonet Jan 12 2021 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by jjgodwin02 (Post 6405414)
Thank you!

My fuel is still being used even if the functions are disabled...when I harvest on my land, it uses my fuel.

marymarcel Jan 12 2021 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by AMonet (Post 6408870)
My fuel is still being used even if the functions are disabled...when I harvest on my land, it uses my fuel.

Hi AMonet :)

While you are working fuel will go down, but it will go back to the original amount when you stop working.

Please take note how much fuel you have before and after working a farm. :)

JNelson Jan 12 2021 06:26 PM

my purple sprinkler is showing as usable in tools but it is not letting pick specific farms, it try both single and multiple, the fields will not check mark .....

is sprinklers not working yet?

Taz D Jan 12 2021 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6409698)
my purple sprinkler is showing as usable in tools but it is not letting pick specific farms, it try both single and multiple, the fields will not check mark .....

is sprinklers not working yet?

Hi JNelson,
The greyed out farms are already irrigated. You can only irrigate the ones that have a check box. This shows when you choose the multiple farms.

Taz D Jan 12 2021 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma Cross (Post 6409746)
When you have the mobile lookout tower and are working on superneighbours farms, it shows all farms that have stuff ready to do in blue. I wonder if this function could be extended to our own farms if you have this tool. Maybe this is something that could be added while they are getting these functions working again in the new format.

Not much to do on my farms now, can't work on neighbours farms, so I'm bored and looking for things to fill in time. LOL.

Hi Enigma Cross,
Please ost any suggestions in the Suggestions section where they are organized by subject for the developers to see.

Crystal Jan 12 2021 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6405950)
Hi passngas, Click on the shortcut icon.

Then click on any of the tools you have in the extra neighbour bar spaces, for example the tool furthest left, doesn't matter if it's the top one or the one underneath,then you will see the menu for Additional Spaces.

To remove all the extra spaces you click on Do Not Use Any Slots.

The tools does not work for me.

Taz D Jan 12 2021 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Crystal (Post 6409886)
The tools does not work for me.

Hi Crystal,
If you mean the shortcuts they are not available yet. Your tools are in your toolbox.

JNelson Jan 12 2021 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6409726)
Hi JNelson,
The greyed out farms are already irrigated. You can only irrigate the ones that have a check box. This shows when you choose the multiple farms.

ok thank you, will be glad when show times etc... is back ..... so lost

Jeremywooferman Jan 12 2021 08:37 PM

Hi, When I go to my toolbox to harvest flowers and trees, the tool isn't there. I can only chop which doesn't work on my flowers & certain trees. Thank you.

Taz D Jan 12 2021 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremywooferman (Post 6409986)
Hi, When I go to my toolbox to harvest flowers and trees, the tool isn't there. I can only chop which doesn't work on my flowers & certain trees. Thank you.

Hi Jeremy,
There are a couple pages of those tools. Have you tried clicking the arrow at the top or bottom of those columns?

Jeremywooferman Jan 12 2021 08:51 PM

Hi Taz,

I logged out and back in. Weird because I did that a few time already. Now it is there. Thank you for all your help.

LisaScobee Jan 12 2021 08:52 PM

Frustrated Farmer
Why do my tools not work when farming for neighbors? Also can't make shortcuts for the tools like I had in the Flash version of the game.

Taz D Jan 12 2021 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Starstruck Farm (Post 6410014)
Why do my tools not work when farming for neighbors? Also can't make shortcuts for the tools like I had in the Flash version of the game.

Hi Starstruck,

Because the Super Neighbor function has not been added back in. The only thing you can do is visit them.

Bina Schmunk Jan 12 2021 10:15 PM

Fishing boat not consistently working
# 100002308610159. When I use my fishing boat it does not consistently work. I can click on the water numerous times and it does not work.

Taz D Jan 12 2021 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bina Schmunk (Post 6410170)
# 100002308610159. When I use my fishing boat it does not consistently work. I can click on the water numerous times and it does not work.

Hi Bina,
I moved your post to the subject thread about tools. If you have heavily layered waters on the farm then you may have problems at this time. It may not be recording all the clicks. Only thing I can suggest is to slow down.

BABANAN Jan 16 2021 08:17 AM

Fuel Consumption
When I work my farms the fuel is still going down and your note states that it will not.

Tiger Jan 16 2021 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by BABANAN (Post 6415462)
When I work my farms the fuel is still going down and your note states that it will not.


When you stop using tools that use fuel you will see the counter corrects to the original amount.

forsylviaw Jan 16 2021 10:37 AM

My tools have disappeared!
My tools are sitting on my farm but are not useable. Where did they go. It's trying to make me buy more tools!

Taz D Jan 16 2021 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by forsylviaw (Post 6415642)
My tools are sitting on my farm but are not useable. Where did they go. It's trying to make me buy more tools!

Hi forsylviaw,
Please add your tools to your storage as the toolbox can not recognize them if they are on a farm.

cottond Jan 17 2021 03:25 AM

Yellow Hand
Sorry to be fairly new, but what does the yellow hand do?

Tiger Jan 17 2021 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by cottond (Post 6416490)
Sorry to be fairly new, but what does the yellow hand do?

Hi cottond,

No need to be sorry, everyone here is happy to help a fellow farmer :)

The yellow hand is a quicker method to move something on your farm rather than using several steps to move each one ( you can't use it to move a crop field). The slow method to move something is to mouse over the item until it highlights, click on it to open the menu, then scroll down to the "move" option to move it, then it picks it up, you move your mouse to the new location and click your mouse again to set it down. You would need to repeat that for every item.

It's also particularly useful should an animal get stuck if it's ended up sitting on top of growing crops or too close to something and won't let you highlight it to open the menu.

To use it you just click on the yellow hand then click on the item you want to move, it's picks it up for you, you then move your mouse to another clear area on your farm and click again to set that item down, repeat that for everything you want to move. When you are done, you click on the green man to stop using the yellow hand.

When you get to the stage where you want to start buying the Farm Cash versions called the Freestyle Farm Designers, which many like to call the green hand, orange hand, purple hand, those will allow you to do more than the yellow hand can do.

You can read up about those in the Tools Chapter of the Game Guide. Here's the link to the specific post about those if you would like to go read the information about them. Click on the link and it will take you there:

harpsher Jan 17 2021 09:13 AM

Purchases I've already purchased
Game is asking me to purchase items I've already purchased, such as seeders, plowers and harvesters. I'm using up all my coins with inability to make more because of facilities not working yet. Please help

cottond Jan 17 2021 09:14 AM

Yellow Hand
Thank Tiger, still learning the ropes. Have a good day!

Taz D Jan 17 2021 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by harpsher (Post 6416614)
Game is asking me to purchase items I've already purchased, such as seeders, plowers and harvesters. I'm using up all my coins with inability to make more because of facilities not working yet. Please help

Hi harpsher,
I moved your post to the subject thread about tools. Don't buy more tools. Move your tools from the farm into storage. The toolbox will not see them if they are on you farms.

rockcandymountain Jan 17 2021 11:03 AM

I thought I posted this question but I don't see it anywhere. When deciding what to plant based on growing time, I used to go to a farm and hover over the sprinkler and it would tell me how long before it could be irrigated.

That feature isn't working yet. But, before harvesting, I check to see if it has an 'I' after the crop name.

If there is no 'I', then it is ready to be irrigated, correct? So, I plant a 3 day crop only to see that the farm is greyed out when I go to irrigate it.

Taz D Jan 17 2021 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6416706)
I thought I posted this question but I don't see it anywhere. When deciding what to plant based on growing time, I used to go to a farm and hover over the sprinkler and it would tell me how long before it could be irrigated.

That feature isn't working yet. But, before harvesting, I check to see if it has an 'I' after the crop name.

If there is no 'I', then it is ready to be irrigated, correct? So, I plant a 3 day crop only to see that the farm is greyed out when I go to irrigate it.

Hi Rockcandymountain,
I moved your post to the subject thread about tools.
If the previous crop does have the I then definately the farm is not ready to be irrigated again.

You can also pick up the sprinkler in the multi farms tab, click on a farm to irrigate and it will show all the farms. Those greyed out can not be irrigated at that time. The ones with the check boxes can be.

rockcandymountain Jan 17 2021 02:14 PM

I totally understand how the irrigating works. What I am saying here is that the farm does not have the I after the crop. Which tells me that it is not irrigated.

But when I go to the sprinkler, then multi farms tab, the farm(s) are greyed out telling me they cant be irrigated.

There is a conflict of information being shown

Taz D Jan 17 2021 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6416886)
I totally understand how the irrigating works. What I am saying here is that the farm does not have the I after the crop. Which tells me that it is not irrigated.

But when I go to the sprinkler, then multi farms tab, the farm(s) are greyed out telling me they cant be irrigated.

There is a conflict of information being shown

Hi rockcandymountain,
If a farm is greyed out in there then its 20 hours between irrigation is not up. Even if the I is not after the crop you previously planted or is that does not tell you if you can irrigate again. The only thing that shows is in that chart.

For example if you planted a 4 hour crop and irrigated it, then when it was ready you planted another 4 hour crop. When you look at the first crop before harvesting it may show the I, but the 2nd crop would not because it wasn't irrigated. However, you still would not be able to irrigate the next crop because your 20 hours are not up.

Judith Schwill Jan 23 2021 07:36 AM

Fuel is getting used up

Sorry, I don't know how to find my Farm Town ID.

When harvesting/sowing/plowing my farm I've noticed it's using the fuel up even though I understood that this would be switched off until using the facilities is available again?

Once it runs out I won't be able to refill the fuel while the facilities are still unavailable.
Could you please switch my fuel consumption off?

Thank you very much in advance :-)

Kind regards
Judith Schwill

marymarcel Jan 23 2021 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Judith Schwill (Post 6420506)

Sorry, I don't know how to find my Farm Town ID.

When harvesting/sowing/plowing my farm I've noticed it's using the fuel up even though I understood that this would be switched off until using the facilities is available again?

Once it runs out I won't be able to refill the fuel while the facilities are still unavailable.
Could you please switch my fuel consumption off?

Thank you very much in advance :-)

Kind regards
Judith Schwill

Hi Judith Schwill :)

I moved your post to the thread about Fuel.

Fuel has been disabled for all of us long time ago. When you start working your farms, you will see the fuel amount decreases but as soon as you drop the tool then that amount goes back to the original amount.

Please take note of your fuel amount before you start working and check how much you have when you are done.

Judith Schwill Jan 23 2021 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6420526)
Hi Judith Schwill :)

I moved your post to the thread about Fuel.

Fuel has been disabled for all of us long time ago. When you start working your farms, you will see the fuel amount decreases but as soon as you drop the tool then that amount goes back to the original amount.

Please take note of your fuel amount before you start working and check how much you have when you are done.

Hi Marymarcel!

Oh, I didn't realise it did that! Yes, I will do that and check it before and after - thank you so much for your help and for your time. Happy Farming :-)

marymarcel Jan 23 2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Judith Schwill (Post 6420582)
Hi Marymarcel!

Oh, I didn't realise it did that! Yes, I will do that and check it before and after - thank you so much for your help and for your time. Happy Farming :-)

You're welcome Judith :)

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