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Tony D Mar 22 2010 09:19 PM

Discussions about Farm Cash

All discussions about Farm Cash and Facebook credits

Hi, due to the number of posts we are receiving in relation to Farm Cash in the feedback section we have decided to make an Official thread for the topic. If you wish to provide feedback on this topic please post in this thread.

We are aware that there are some grey areas between feedback and suggestions, however if you only want to make a suggestion we ask that you post in the Suggestion section. This thread is the one to post in for suggestions about Farm Cash..

We will endeavor to allow a bit more latitude in this section than in the other sections of the forum, however, please bear in mind we must stave off chaos.

Debates are allowed but posts which go beyond simple debates and fall into attacks against another member or out right name calling, or take a thread completely off track, will be removed.

MarciaBess Jan 18 2011 12:43 PM

Working for Farm Cash
Today I had a message at my farm saying I had agreed to work for another farmer and would earn farm cash. I took a chance and went to the farm (no one I knew) and worked in one facility and voila.....earned 2 Farm Cash. Does anyone know how this works???? Thanks farmers!

Double T Dude Ranch Jan 18 2011 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by MarciaBess (Post 4356650)
Today I had a message at my farm saying I had agreed to work for another farmer and would earn farm cash. I took a chance and went to the farm (no one I knew) and worked in one facility and voila.....earned 2 Farm Cash. Does anyone know how this works???? Thanks farmers!

It's a thing the devs set up to help get more new neighbors. It's legit :)

You'll see an offer bar up top sometimes.

MarciaBess Jan 18 2011 02:48 PM

Thank you....guess I've been asleep

Victorious Vivian Jan 18 2011 08:45 PM

I wish this would happen to me. It would be nice if there was more ways to earn farmcash.

tien45 Jan 19 2011 10:27 AM

farm town cash
i have stopped having the "hire for farmtown cash" banner appearing on my farm...why is that?

jeanieNGMsfarm Jan 21 2011 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by tien45 (Post 4360438)
i have stopped having the "hire for farmtown cash" banner appearing on my farm...why is that?

you can also find this option when sending gifts. choose gift when it takes you to the select friends click on cash challange. you can only do it one time per day so make sure you click on everyone you want then or you have to wait untill the next day to do it again

campbell daddy Jan 22 2011 03:13 PM

farm cash
i just got hired for farm cash and have been looking for the link to do it can not find it anywhere looked in the gift section can someone help

Taz D Jan 22 2011 06:40 PM

It is up top. The first choice for selecting friend sort options.

Victorious Vivian Feb 12 2011 08:00 AM

I had accepted a request for farmcash and worked the farmer's facilities for the 2 fc and did it. However, I did not get the farmcash. I had in the mean time accepted another request to earn farmcash and went to the farm and the pop up asking me if I wanted to earn the first one did not pop up. Is there a problem receiving them????????

Judy Mitchell Feb 13 2011 12:39 PM

Farm Cash offers don't work
Today I tried (again) to earn FT Cash by clicking on the offer. Although I took part on the survey the 4$ cash that was suppose to appear in my FT account within 15 minutes never did appear (it's been 3 hours now). This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened and I am wondering why.

Judy Mitchell Feb 13 2011 01:41 PM

thanks tarawa - I did not take a screenshot - the offer I took sent me to a donation site or another survey!! I"ll look for the explanation.
Thanks again

jlonestar Feb 14 2011 06:11 PM

The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

SPOTSROCK Feb 14 2011 06:56 PM

have u tried the '' inviting new friends to harvest and work your factory ?"' it works sometimes sometimes it does not...

frustrating .. but all part of the game...

Indigo Rose Feb 14 2011 11:03 PM

Some work, some don't. I have given up the the survey type, I find they don't work. The games ones generally do as do some others. I managed to get about 5 this past week, not many but helped me along to get a boat. I now just consider them a bonus if I get them, can't be bothered chasing them up if they don't come thru.

Whoopsidaisy Feb 15 2011 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by jlonestar (Post 4454918)
The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

That is the one that I really hate the most. They give you a page full of items to click, tell you that YOU DO qualify, then give you three pages of things to check off and tell you YOU DON'T qualify. Who are they kidding?? You just answered all their questions and they didn't follow through on their promise to pay. Burns me, lol. However there are others that do pay and annoying as it is, you just have to keep trying. Eventually you run into some that pay out. I've earned over 100 Farm Cash through offers.

wendyl Feb 15 2011 06:27 AM

I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!

amberdh Feb 15 2011 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by wendyl (Post 4456538)
I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!

Hi wendyl. Sorry for the troubles.

Take a screen shot of the app and don't take NO for an answer. Sometimes you need to get right bossy with them guys.

SPOTSROCK Feb 15 2011 08:25 PM

So all my neighbors are reaping the benefits of getting FC for harvesting and working facilities ... i did for two / three days now i don't... i am invited to work for FC , i accept and then nothing... this is very frustrating...
any ideas as to why now i can't do this .. and before i could..?????

i have cleaned out my computer , actually do it nightly ..

any other ideas as why this is no longer working....


alyceclover Feb 15 2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by jlonestar (Post 4454918)
The "surveys" are annoying. You spend 15 minutes taking them only to get a note indicating you don't qualify. Grrr.

I noticed the fine print on the Offer page will say who they are looking for; example, I knew prior to trying a survey because I was over the female age they wanted.

My problem with offers is the page is slow loading and often freezes my computer. I have always gotten my cash when doing any offers.

Wild Feb 16 2011 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by SPOTSROCK (Post 4457930)
So all my neighbors are reaping the benefits of getting FC for harvesting and working facilities ... i did for two / three days now i don't... i am invited to work for FC , i accept and then nothing... this is very frustrating...
any ideas as to why now i can't do this .. and before i could..?????

i have cleaned out my computer , actually do it nightly ..

any other ideas as why this is no longer working....


It is not designed to work on an on-going basis. This is designed to bring NEW players to the game or to bring back those who have left and not played for a long time. Only FB friends who are not playing the game appear on the list of people you can send the invite to and if you get the invite, it only works once for facilities and once for working on their farm (harvesting, plowing, etc.)

annie2011 Feb 16 2011 12:55 AM

i have had that happen to me few times now so i dont bother anymore. I know its not slashkey so now ijust play and hope more levels will come soon so i can get fc

.fred flintstone Feb 16 2011 01:56 AM

I have givebn up on these farmcash offers, the only result with thenm is your mail inbox full of ****, your computer loaded to buggery with spyware and trojans and NO FREEKIN FARM$$$$ THEY ARE A RIP_OFF designed to simply fill your computer wth ****. I should add I have about 180 farm$ owing, yet screenshotas continously emailed give NO response

Victorious Vivian Feb 17 2011 12:24 PM

My problem with this is when I get new neighbors I dont get the bar that asks about earning farmcash. When I accept the request from my neighobrs I do not go to there farm only to mine or to send gifts. So far I must of lost almost 24 farmcash by not being able to do this. My grandson accepts the requests and is able to earn them. I would like to know why this is as well as only a select few only get the bar to ask others to earn fc. The ones that havent received the fc are we going to be able to get them? I am frustrated with not being able to do this and think it is a good thing to have if it only works properly.

Grammy 11 Feb 17 2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by amberdh (Post 4456686)
Hi wendyl. Sorry for the troubles.

Take a screen shot of the app and don't take NO for an answer. Sometimes you need to get right bossy with them guys.

I too sent Super Rewards a report saying I have not gotten my FC and that I was not sent an email, not to ask for it, I wasn't sent it. Perhaps you could tell me how to take a screen shot. I have a Mac, don't know if that matters, but I have never been able to get instructions that worked.

It doesn't bother me to pay for FC but if free offers are there I should be able to take advantage of them, they should work.

SPOTSROCK Feb 17 2011 05:40 PM

i was able to accpet the work and get the fc .. but not the last few days at all.. no offers either.. :( haven't a clue why not either..


Originally Posted by Victorious Vivian (Post 4460782)
My problem with this is when I get new neighbors I dont get the bar that asks about earning farmcash. When I accept the request from my neighobrs I do not go to there farm only to mine or to send gifts. So far I must of lost almost 24 farmcash by not being able to do this. My grandson accepts the requests and is able to earn them. I would like to know why this is as well as only a select few only get the bar to ask others to earn fc. The ones that havent received the fc are we going to be able to get them? I am frustrated with not being able to do this and think it is a good thing to have if it only works properly.

SPOTSROCK Feb 17 2011 05:45 PM

i don't see a cash challange.. ?/


Originally Posted by jeanieNGMsfarm (Post 4369938)
you can also find this option when sending gifts. choose gift when it takes you to the select friends click on cash challange. you can only do it one time per day so make sure you click on everyone you want then or you have to wait untill the next day to do it again

Tony D Feb 17 2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by SPOTSROCK (Post 4461282)
i don't see a cash challange.. ?/

Hi , I think it says "Earn farm cash"

Tiger Feb 17 2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Grammy Snowbird (Post 4461066)
I too sent Super Rewards a report saying I have not gotten my FC and that I was not sent an email, not to ask for it, I wasn't sent it. Perhaps you could tell me how to take a screen shot. I have a Mac, don't know if that matters, but I have never been able to get instructions that worked.

It doesn't bother me to pay for FC but if free offers are there I should be able to take advantage of them, they should work.


I'm not a mac user, but did a quick search for you.....
On Mac OS X
Command+Shift+3: takes a screenshot of the full screen (or screens if multiple monitors), and save it as a file to the desktop.

(Note: the Command key on some older Mac keyboards has an Apple logo on it )

Hope that helps

Henry Piccalo Feb 19 2011 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by wendyl (Post 4456538)
I could afford the things I want to buy if I actually was awarded the farm cash I deserve. I added the car app today and no $ awarded. I wrote and complained and all I got was a letter saying that I needed to send them a confirmation email to prove that I added the app. However since you actually don't get a darn confirmation email, how do actually do that. This totally sucks!!!

I cant get any free farm cash even if I watch the videos.
I think the free farm cash so called offers are A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND SPACE!
And to invite non users is A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!

annie2011 Feb 19 2011 08:01 AM

I am actually really disappointed with the earn fc also the buying my husband just started playing the game and also other family members because we used our credit card for their farms we r now under review so they probably won't want to play anymore. I love the game but i can't always pay for fc, the one time we can this happens:(

bagoshen Feb 22 2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 4461286)
Hi , I think it says "Earn farm cash"

I don't see Earn farm cash or cash challange, doesn't even show up at the top for the past week. :(

Tony D Feb 22 2011 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by bagoshen (Post 4473362)
I don't see Earn farm cash or cash challange, doesn't even show up at the top for the past week. :(

Hi, does it show up on the gift page when you get to the send gift to window ?

SPOTSROCK Feb 22 2011 06:57 PM

have to say mine has quit coming up too ... for a while i saw the ''ticker tape'' on top of my farm... hasn't been there now for over 2 weeks..

bagoshen Feb 23 2011 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tony D (Post 4473450)
Hi, does it show up on the gift page when you get to the send gift to window ?

nope not at all

GB Miller Feb 24 2011 09:57 PM

I'm puzzled. I got a request also, but it was from someone who is already my neighbor. And I did receive the 1 Farm Cash. ????

Lance75231 Feb 24 2011 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Farmslave (Post 4375698)
It is up top. The first choice for selecting friend sort options.

I do not have this slection, anyone know how i can get the option to come up?

Lance75231 Feb 24 2011 11:45 PM

i do not see the offer anywhere for the farm cash challenge - anyone know where to find it or if it is coming back?

robertlp2 Feb 25 2011 03:04 PM

I have a little problem concerning " working to earn 2 FC" I have accepted this and been sent to the neighbors farm. Fine. When I click on the dialog to work in their facility, I don't end up there. The harvesting scythe appears and I get a note saying that it is not the proper tool. Am I doing something wrong?

Tiger Feb 25 2011 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by robertlp2 (Post 4479338)
I have a little problem concerning " working to earn 2 FC" I have accepted this and been sent to the neighbors farm. Fine. When I click on the dialog to work in their facility, I don't end up there. The harvesting scythe appears and I get a note saying that it is not the proper tool. Am I doing something wrong?


Next time you do it. When it comes to working the facility, just click on the green man which will get rid of the sythe and then it should let you click on the facility to work it :)

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