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Raul Feb 15 2013 07:31 PM

New Release -- February 15th, 2013
See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Changes at the end of this post. Last changes released at Mar 1st, 17:10PM EST.

Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes:

1. New Train Related Decorations plus a new Airplane Decoration: See item details below:

Railroad Track End Buffers (Other category)
2 Train Stations (Buildings category)
Asphalt Train Tracks (Paths category)
White Dirt Train Tracks (Paths category)
Caboose (Trains category)
Empty and Loaded Hopper Cars (Trains category)
Roundhouse (Buildings category)
Train Switch Tracks (Paths category)
Airplane (Motion category)

2. 32 x 32 Farm Expansions for farms 15 - 17: Here are the prices -> 4,000,000,000 Coins or 30 FarmCash.

3. Belts and Dans for Facility Products: The next 10 Facilities (in order of appearance in the Store) now have Belts and Dans enabled for each product. With each Belt or Dan you achieve you will increase your chances of getting a "free" Batch automatically for every Batch you start from that point on.

4. Log Truck with Chainsaw 12 x 8 (FC): If you already own the Log Truck with Chainsaw 8 x 8, then you can buy this new Log Truck with Chainsaw to chop faster, up to 96 at a time.

5. Time Manager - A few days ago we added this new information:

Reaccelerate Trains (Gamewide tab)
Train Timings (Trains tab) -> Train timing is now already adjusted accordingly when it has been boosted by your friends
Minigame Reward Timings (Minigames tab)

6. Facility Manager Filter Improvement: The Dropdown filter in the Facility Manager has been upgraded to a full Window, from there you will have better filtering capabilities. For now, it has the same as it had before, plus you can also filter based on the Facility Type, for ex: Animal Buildings, Regular Facilites and/or Service Facilities.

7. More information for "Start All" tools in facilities: When we release new facilities you will now see on the top right corner of it's Help screen the "Start All" tool corresponding to that facility. You can also open the Help screen for any "Start All" tool in the store and you will see a list of all the facilities to which that tool applies.

8. Multifarm Manure Spreader Improvement: When you use the Multifarm Manure Spreader you will now see the same Window you see when you are hiring farmers. From this window you can quickly select the exact farm you want to fertilize (First Tab) or you can choose a set of farms (or all farms) to be fertilized at once (in the second tab)

9. Multifarm Mobile Sprinkler: If you already own the Green Mobile Sprinkler, then you can buy this new Purple Mobile Sprinkler to Irrigate all your farms at once. You will see the same multifarm selector that is now shown with the Multifarm Manure Spreader explained above.

10. Flower Improvements:

- When you Freeze a flower it will remain in the same stage, it will not revert back to a previous stage like happened sometimes
- When you Unfreeze a flower it will remain in the same stage, it will not revert back to stage 1
- When Watering dead flowers in a non-final stage you will not see the "Ready to Harvest" text anymore when you mouseover them

11. Other Minor Improvements:

- You can mouseover the Coins or Fuel icon and you will see complete coins or fuel amount in a tooltip, usefull for players with more than 1Billion coins
- Farm Index are now always shown for all facilities in the Facility Manager, before they were truncated for some facilities
- Irrigated farms will now show a 'W' next to the farm name when you mouse over the Farm Selector

12. Airline Supplies Factory (Coins): Produces Airline Supplies.

Toilet Seat Covers
Flight Attendant Cap
Pilot Ranks
Sleeping Cushion
Travel Ticket
Oxygen Mask
Seat Belt

New products on other facilities:

Polyester Fiber in the Petrochemical Plant
Polyester Webbing Roll in the Textile Mill

13. Airline Catering Facility (FC): Produces In-Flight Meals.

Lounge Snack
Economy Snack
Economy Burrito Meal
Economy Pasta Meal
First Class Drink
First Class Snack
First Class Breakfast
First Class Meal

New products on other facilities:

Honey Roasted Peanuts and Mixed Nuts in the Snack Factory

14. Mobile Catering Trailer (coins): Provides Remote Site Food Service and can be stocked with the products below:

Egg Rolls
Mushroom Pizza
Ham Pizza
Ground Meat soft taco
Chicken Quesadilla
Spaghetti with meatballs
Roasted Chicken
Cherry Pie
Coffee Waffle Cone
Ice Cream Sandwich

15. Airline Terminal (FC): Provides Air Transport Services and can be stocked with the products below:

Lounge Snack
Economy Snack
Economy Burrito Meal
Economy Pasta Meal
First Class Drink
First Class Snack
First Class Breakfast
First Class Meal
Toilet Seat Covers
Flight Attendant Cap
Pilot Ranks
Sleeping Cushion
Travel Ticket
Oxygen Mask
Seat Belt



Post Release Updates - Feb 19th, 11:10PM EST:

- When using the Brown Sprinkler to Water neighbour flowers it now shows the farm names of your neighbour farms

- If you use the Brown Sprinkler to Water flowers, you can now use the other Sprinklers to accelerate growth right after that

- Sprinklers should now accelerate all plants in a farm, not partially

- Production Chain for Textile Mill adjusted, it is now after the Petrochemical Plant which is the one producing the Polyester Fiber

- We changed a few wording on the game and the Store so you can understand better the differences between the Brown Sprinkler and the Rest. The Brown Sprinkler is the Upgrate to the Watering Can, it just Water flowers in one click. The other Sprinklers are about Irrigation and accelerate growth and extend Gone to Waste time. As a bonus, the Sprinklers that accelerate growth also Water the flowers so you can do this 2 things at once, as there is no negative side effects in this case.

Based on this, we decided to have 2 different letters (status) in Farm Selector to indicate when you have Watered the flowers using the Brown Sprinkler that day (W), or when you have Irrigated the plants using the other Sprinklers that day (I). We did this same separation in the Time Manager. Also, on the farm, accelerated flowers/crops/trees will show an (I) instead of a (W).

Post Release Updates - Mar 1st, 17:10PM EST:

- New Train decorations and new Airplane decoration are now live, see top of this post for details.

Known Issues:

- We can't confirm if there are still weird issues with the flowers, like watering flowers then harvesting and then all flowers appearing Ready to Harvest again after a refresh. If you experience any weird behaivor with the flowers please report the details on this thread.

Tony D Feb 15 2013 07:31 PM

Thanks Mate :)

MIRIAM DEL VALLE Feb 15 2013 07:32 PM

thanks, kisses

Molly Mew Feb 15 2013 07:32 PM

Cheers Raul.

max_river Feb 15 2013 07:34 PM

ty for new stuff

sod farmer Feb 15 2013 07:35 PM

New stuff! Off to check it all out!! Thanks Raul and devs :)

JW2009 Feb 15 2013 07:35 PM

Thank you so much Raul for the Airport, you made my day and thank you also to the DEV. - Thank you and Happy Farming ;)

al_bundy Feb 15 2013 07:36 PM

Thanks Raul :)

beautysmom Feb 15 2013 07:36 PM

Cool, and thanks so much! What is the Airplane going to cost, please?

tengunn Feb 15 2013 07:37 PM

Thanks for the update. Love the new things.

pelicn Feb 15 2013 07:37 PM

Thanks Raul!! Off to check out the new stuff!!

chrisluvsanimals Feb 15 2013 07:38 PM

Thanks for the update! Great as usual~

TerriFlynn Feb 15 2013 07:39 PM

Thank you Raul, can't wait for the airplane!!!! Now for a fill all facilities at once please!

Rob T Feb 15 2013 07:40 PM

Thankyou Raul :)

liza1214 Feb 15 2013 07:49 PM


many thanks raul!!!!


Bonnie Jo Feb 15 2013 07:51 PM

I love the farm selector for fertilizing and irrigating and the sort option in facility manager!!!!! Thank you thank you!!

LoreneC Feb 15 2013 08:06 PM


- When you Freeze a flower it will remain in the same stage, it will not revert back to a previous stage like happened sometimes.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!


sandra.l.huffman Feb 15 2013 08:07 PM

Sweetheart Farms
Thank you soooooooooooo much it well be fun to see where to put more Trees and how the new train stuff well work.... 8*) Lovey
p. s. been waiting for the airport... when well we have a cargo plain and a and passenger plane .... and maybe a sturdiest uniform for my avatar .. lolol to much to ask lololol Thank You again

GoalieAunt Feb 15 2013 08:07 PM

My personal wish list was to have the facility manager to separate the different types of facilities. I was thinking tabs (animal, regular facilities, service and "not neighbor workable) but the check boxes work even better. I would still like to add the non workable, but I'm happy.

maprewitt Feb 15 2013 08:14 PM

Thank you! We were having a contest on One Stop Shoppe to guess when they would come out! Boy did we have some guesses! haha

crafty chris Feb 15 2013 08:19 PM

thanks :) ..... um when is farm 18 due need it badly to put all these trees lol

1fritz Feb 15 2013 08:20 PM

Thank you.... Need to check out all the new stuff.

crzy_ladee Feb 15 2013 08:21 PM

wooot wooot!! i went n got groceries, and i come home to this!!! LOVE IT!!! thanks raul and devs, u rock!!

Docperk Feb 15 2013 08:24 PM

Looking good thanks for the update

JW2009 Feb 15 2013 08:42 PM

hi, my neighbour bought the New Sprinkler and now she is having problems watering her friends flowers, it keeps showing her farm she told me.

Caren Katsmom Feb 15 2013 08:47 PM

Problem with Red and Brown Sprinklers is Back
A long time ago, when the red sprinkler was first introduced, we had problems because our brown sprinkler (for just watering flowers) was taken away, leaving us only the red sprinkler to both water flowers and irrigate (speed up) crop growth. Months later, we were given back the brown sprinkler... so we could choose to just water our flowers with the brown sprinkler without using up our once-per-day chance to irrigate crops on a farm with the red sprinkler. It stayed that way for a long time - a year, maybe? We could use the brown sprinkler for flowers, and the red sprinkler would remain available to use to speed up crop growth when we were ready to use it, even if it was an hour later.

Suddenly, the original problem is back. I just watered my flowers with my brown sprinkler, on farms that have mature, unharvested crops. I was shocked to see that my red sprinkler now says I have to wait 20 hours to irrigate crops on that same farm! Why did the game developers choose to take away our ability to use both sprinklers separately, for their separate purposes? Or is this a new glitch, perhaps caused by the addition of another new sprinkler (purple) to buy? The orange and green sprinklers didn't cause any problems, though... so why would the purple one?

Please... I need my brown sprinkler to JUST water flowers, completely independent of whatever crops I have planted, or growing on a farm. I have too many flowers on too many farms, to go back to worrying about planning everything to water at the same time. If this is a glitch, I'll try to be patient while the team works on a fix (again)... but if it was an intentional change, to go back to the way it worked before when the red sprinkler was introduced, I might have to quit Farm Town again. I work full time, and don't have enough time to coordinate all crops and flowers to get watered at the same time.

EDIT: I reloaded the game, and now the farms I used the brown sprinkler to water flowers are showing BOTH the brown and red sprinklers as ready to use (meaning, no "time to water" is displaying)... BUT... the name of the farm on the selector and the crops (already grown) both display (F,W) as they do when the red sprinkler is used. I'm not ready to try to use the red sprinkler on crops yet... but at least I have hope now that this IS a glitch, and not a deliberate change; and maybe we have to reload the game to be able to use the red sprinkler after using the brown one for watering flowers (until it's fixed).

Another Edit: Okay, so while I was experiencing this sprinkler problem and posting about it here, the game developers released a new update! I just realized that the purple sprinkler is BRAND new, and could very well be involved in a glitch with the sprinklers. I might just have been lucky enough to be watering flowers at the wrong time. If the problem continues, or if I'm unable to use the red sprinkler when I plant crops (after watering flowers), I'll update here. If others have problems with the sprinklers, too, since the new update... hopefully you will add your comments here. :)

SunnyD Feb 15 2013 08:47 PM

9. Multifarm Mobile Sprinkler: If you already own the Green Mobile Sprinkler, then you can buy this new Purple Mobile Sprinkler to Irrigate all your farms at once. You will see the same multifarm selector that is now shown with the Multifarm Manure Spreader explained above.

this is the Bomb!!! it waters for the neighbors farms all at one time yahoo Love this love this....

crzy_ladee Feb 15 2013 08:54 PM

are the planes going to be along the lines of the trains, as in bringing stuff? ora decoration for the farm? I AM SO EXCITED I CANT WAIT!!! :D:D:D

Ellen Betty Nelson Feb 15 2013 09:13 PM

thanks for the up-grade.

Everything looks great!

Would be nice if when the up-grade comes in that you can buy the older model for cash. I know we have a very small chainsaw for coins, but the 'new-bees' can't do much with only a 3x3 saw, not in any way compete with the newer models, when hired to work.

Pustekuchen Feb 15 2013 09:24 PM

And again: NO start-all for ALL facilities :-(

NONE of my neighbors from FT - beginning are playing anymore...I'm not has become a game of just click-click-click-click-click.....:mad:

Why should I buy the new sprinkler?...I only water ONE neighbor's farm and I don't need it for mine.
Don't need the new chopper either - does not save much time.

Oh well, saved some money today....

thunders storm Feb 15 2013 09:30 PM

uhumm thanks for the things you brought today.. pardon.. where to find the "flight attendant cap" (blushing)
ohh .. (still blushing).. i found it lol too eager to refill didn't check it out..

Petuniaflower Feb 15 2013 09:59 PM

Thank you Raul I hope the airplane transports onions, mushrooms and tomatoes.I don't layer and I am already short on these :confused:

Bonnie Jo Feb 15 2013 10:01 PM

Yes the problem is back. After buying the purple sprinkler my brown one doesn't work for just flowers.

Bonnie Jo Feb 15 2013 10:03 PM

The release notes says "Airplane Decoration". I'm thinking it won't transport anything.

Aussie Rae Feb 15 2013 10:05 PM

love the new update but will NOT be buying that purple irrigator that does all farms at one!!! omg!!! no have to have the crops planted before irrigating and if you use this tool and have an empty farm, or one where the irrigation has run out, but with a crop still on it and not harvested, the next crop planted will not benefit from an extended waste time....

Bonnie Jo Feb 15 2013 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Aussie Rae (Post 5440982)
love the new update but will NOT be buying that purple irrigator that does all farms at one!!! omg!!! no have to have the crops planted before irrigating and if you use this tool and have an empty farm, or one where the irrigation has run out, but with a crop still on it and not harvested, the next crop planted will not benefit from an extended waste time....

I thought that too, but it has a window where you can select which farms to irrigate.

Gregh Feb 15 2013 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Aussie Rae (Post 5440982)
love the new update but will NOT be buying that purple irrigator that does all farms at one!!! omg!!! no have to have the crops planted before irrigating and if you use this tool and have an empty farm, or one where the irrigation has run out, but with a crop still on it and not harvested, the next crop planted will not benefit from an extended waste time....


Originally Posted by Bonnie Jo (Post 5440994)
I thought that too, but it has a window where you can select which farms to irrigate.

The purple sprinkler will indeed cheerfully water a completely empty farm. :rolleyes: No biggie, the time saved by the new tool versus having to trot through seventeen farms to find which ones need watering is worth it.

Aussie Rae Feb 15 2013 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Bonnie Jo (Post 5440994)
I thought that too, but it has a window where you can select which farms to irrigate.

will still give it a miss as I prefer to be sure that once my farms that have trees and crop which has the same growth time, get irrigated as soon as I reload ft after all the harvesting and replanting is done...I have one farm with 2 day trees, 2 farms with 3 day trees, one with 4 day and one with 5 day....makes life easier if the crop and trees get harvested at the same time.....leaves me with 3 flower only farms and 7 crop only farms and 1 quest farm.....

Petuniaflower Feb 15 2013 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Gregh (Post 5441002)
The purple sprinkler will indeed cheerfully water a completely empty farm. :rolleyes: No biggie, the time saved by the new tool versus having to trot through seventeen farms to find which ones need watering is worth it.

I bought the purple sprinkler,but started having doubts. Does it do everything the green one does. And it only waters a farm that needs it, like the new mature spreader does right???? you just don't have to go to that farm right?????

Petuniaflower Feb 15 2013 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Petuniaflower (Post 5441018)
I bought the purple sprinkler,but started having doubts. Does it do everything the green one does. And it only waters a farm that needs it, like the new mature spreader does right???? you just don't have to go to that farm right?????

I will answer my own post..I just used it..Great!!!!!! The names of all your farms comes up and you pick which ones need watering :D

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