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Rob T Feb 24 2013 03:02 PM

Flowers / Sprinklers / Flower Harvester/Flower tools

Flower Freezer-Unfreezer tool is not available to use yet.

This thread is for reporting problems concerning flowers, watering flowers, the mobile sprinkler, flower freezer and the flower harvester.
Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread. Thank you!

Check Out The Game Guide:

Chapter 11 - Flowers Everything you need to know about flowers and watering is included here.
What is the flower harvester? will tell you about the available tools to harvest flowers.
What is the Flower Freezer - Unfreezer Tool? will tell you how that tool works.

Important Things to Remember:

1. To use the flower harvester or the sprinkler on any farms but your own, the tool needs to be placed in your storage. Once at the farm you are going to be working on, click on the tool's icon located in the toolbox and then click on the farm. Note: To harvest someones flowers you will need to be first sent a hire request or be their Super Neighbour with permission to harvest flowers..

2. Flowers can only be watered once a day. When you water your own flowers, coins will be deducted from your total. When you water your neighbor's flowers, coins will be added. It is not possible to water someone's flowers if they are not your neighbor.

3. If you choose to place a flower in storage, that flower will be set back to zero growth.

4. You can not harvest flowers that are frozen or have become wilted. To un-wilt a flower, simply water it.

NOTE: Suggestions for flowers, please post your idea in Crops, Fruits and Plants

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user.

Tractor Man Jan 24 2021 04:40 AM

Flower Harvesting
Just a bug I think but when harvesting flowers with 400x400 harvester it is leaving flowers behind and you have to click them again, sometimes two or three times. This is happening on all my farms with flowers.

Just thought you would like to know in case you didn't already.

Tiger Jan 24 2021 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6420970)
Just a bug I think but when harvesting flowers with 400x400 harvester it is leaving flowers behind and you have to click them again, sometimes two or three times. This is happening on all my farms with flowers.

Just thought you would like to know in case you didn't already.

Hi Tractor Man,

Are any of the flowers layered? Meaning flowers in exactly the same spot as another flower? Those you would have to click more than once to get the other layers. This can be caused by deliberate layering or unintentional layering. There's no easy way to check for unintentional layering at this time, a clue would be that it's only missing getting a few scattered flowers rather than a large amount of flowers per click.

I've tested the 400x400 flower harvester on both layered and non layered flowers and it is performing correctly for me.

When you are next able to harvest flowers, please check if another size tool has the same problem.

Tractor Man Jan 26 2021 03:58 AM

Flower Harvesting
Thanks Tiger, I did not have the problem with the flash version when harvesting flowers but I will check your suggestion as soon as I can, I will move the flowers left over to storage and then I can see if they were layered and will post back here the results for you and anyone else it may help. Funny thing is I do not know how to layer so if that is the problem I did not know I did it.

Tractor Man

LisaScobee Feb 06 2021 11:09 PM

does the purple sprinkler irrigate everything??

Taz D Feb 06 2021 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6426726)
does the purple sprinkler irrigate everything??

Hi LisaScobee,
Yes it does. You can find all the information on the sprinklers in the Game Guide chapter 21 about tools:

Tractor Man Feb 11 2021 06:34 AM

Hi Tiger, it appears I do have lots of flowers on various farms that are layered, hopefully in the future there will be an easy way to find them, not easy at all right now.
I have never layered so I do not know how I managed this, is there any information about this anywhere as I would like to make sure I do not do it again.

Tractor Man

Tiger Feb 11 2021 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6427802)
Hi Tiger, it appears I do have lots of flowers on various farms that are layered, hopefully in the future there will be an easy way to find them, not easy at all right now.
I have never layered so I do not know how I managed this, is there any information about this anywhere as I would like to make sure I do not do it again.

Tractor Man

Hi Tractor Man,

Accidental layering has been known to happen when more than one worker is working or designing the same farm, or when someone has more than one tab open with the game loaded in it and does something that can cause it.
I'm afraid I can be specific about any steps that would cause it as we're not permitted to post them or allowed them to be posted due to the problems layering/overlapping crops etc can cause. I can see that you know to overlap crops so you may be aware of more than one method on how to layer something. We know that not all methods of layering are working at the moment.

When it's only a few things layered rather than a lot of them, pinning down the actual cause can be impossible to find especially when you can't see immediately what has happened so may not notice until you revisit the farm, or as in your case with the flowers, it didn't show up until you tried to harvest the flowers.

What you can do depends on how many flowers are layered and what space you have on that farm or what storage space you have available to use.

The first thing would be to run memcahe to clear any stray data from your farm that may be causing a problem. Try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then reload.
You might also want to go a step further and also clear your browser caches, close the browser for a few minutes then reopen it. If you choose to do that as well, you may find first load slower as the game has to get all the graphics for what is on your farms again.

If it's only a few flowers, harvest the flowers once, don't click more than once in the same spot, the ones that didn't harvest are usually the layered ones.
Now if you have space on your farm to to it, what you can do is move the flower not harvested to another spot, then refresh the farm and see if another one is in that spot showing either harvested or ready to harvest. If the one showing in the original spot is harvested then that's the original layer, so you can get rid of the one you moved.

If there are a considerable amount of layered flowers, then the easiest thing to do is to delete them all, reload the game and get rid of any more that show up, repeat that until you are back to ground cover, then plant them again.

If you have space in storage, you can certainly store them rather than sell them.

If after trying those you are unable to get rid of the layered flowers come back and let us know which farm has the problem and we will go take a look and see what else we can offer you to resolve it.

Tractor Man Feb 12 2021 06:06 AM

Thanks Tiger, if I have crops over layered not sure how I managed that. Very strange but I just harvested all my flowers and the extra ones have disappeared, did not have to click twice. If they show up again I will move them as you suggest. Many thanks for your help.
Is there any news yet on when we can play FT on gameroom again?

Thanks again

Tractor Man

Tiger Feb 12 2021 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6428142)
Thanks Tiger, if I have crops over layered not sure how I managed that. Very strange but I just harvested all my flowers and the extra ones have disappeared, did not have to click twice. If they show up again I will move them as you suggest. Many thanks for your help.
Is there any news yet on when we can play FT on gameroom again?

Thanks again

Tractor Man

Hi Tractor Man,

Glad to hear your flowers are behaving again, thanks for coming back to let us know. If it happens again, try to remember what you were doing prior to it happening and then without harvesting them again, refresh that farm and see if it corrects them. If it doesn't correct them come back an let us know please.

I'm sorry but the last news we heard about Facebook have announced that they will be closing Facebook Gameroom entirely on June 30,2021 due to the end of support for flash. If you are not able to play FT on it now then I don't think that it's going to change in the few months that are left before they close it.

Tractor Man Feb 21 2021 02:42 AM

Well Tiger, the mystery deepens. I harvested my flowers and the extra ones showed up again, so I moved the extra ones to storage and the field showed flowers underneath them. I refreshed the farm and now the field shows holes where I removed the "extra" ones. I went to storage to put the flowers back but storage would only let me sell them, not use them. Strange! maybe the use feature is not available yet.

Tiger Feb 21 2021 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6430510)
Well Tiger, the mystery deepens. I harvested my flowers and the extra ones showed up again, so I moved the extra ones to storage and the field showed flowers underneath them. I refreshed the farm and now the field shows holes where I removed the "extra" ones. I went to storage to put the flowers back but storage would only let me sell them, not use them. Strange! maybe the use feature is not available yet.

Hi Tractor Man,

When we last spoke about this is, I asked you to refresh the farm first after harvesting, to see if the harvested flowers corrected and if they did not to come back and let us know. We could have taken a look at what was showing up to see if we were seeing the same as you or if it was just a temporary display issue.

Did you refresh the farm first, or did you just store the ones that were not harvested? It's sounding like you did the opposite, stored them, then refreshed the farm.

Once you did that did you reload the game and go back to that farm?

If this is your farm called Shire Farm then it does look like have some problems with the flowers on that farm which would prevent you placing a flower down if all you can see is an empty spot where you took the flower from to store it.

I've done some clearing for you, please reload your game then go to the farm that you are having problem with and see what's happening with the flowers there now. If there is still a problem, don't do anything to that farm, come back and let us know which farm it is so we can be sure we're looking at the correct farm and can go see what we are seeing, when we visit it, in case it's different to what you are seeing.

Tractor Man Feb 22 2021 06:34 AM

Thanks, will do. The other farm with the same issue is Flower power farm, farm 43 on my game. I will harvest next time and then refresh as you say and let you know. Looks like I did not follow your instructions, sorry about that.

Tiger Feb 22 2021 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6430882)
Thanks, will do. The other farm with the same issue is Flower power farm, farm 43 on my game. I will harvest next time and then refresh as you say and let you know. Looks like I did not follow your instructions, sorry about that.

Hi Tractor Man,

OK, thanks for coming back to let us know.

If you see this soon, can you go to Farm 43 please and see if you're seeing the same thing I am for your pink zinnias. I can see 4 of them are not at the same growth time as the rest of the flowers on that farm. At the moment those 4 are easy to spot as 4 of them are at 17.5 hours so are showing a different graphic to the ones just harvested, they are taller and showing partial pink petals.

If you can, try not to harvest those 4 flowers until all the rest of the flowers on that farm until are also ready to harvest. Then harvest them, and see if any show back up.

If they do try refreshing that farm and see if they correct or still show as ready to harvest.

murielkf Feb 22 2021 05:09 PM

Flower Harvester Doesn't Work
When I click on it, it sends me to the store to buy one.:mad:

Taz D Feb 22 2021 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by murielkf (Post 6431062)
When I click on it, it sends me to the store to buy one.:mad:

Hi Murielkf,
Please put your tools in your storage. The toolbox and store will not recognize them for you to use if they are on a farm.

Tractor Man Feb 23 2021 04:02 AM

Hi Tiger,

you are correct on Farm 43, I see the flowers. Will let the others grow to harvest and see what happens when I harvest them. I just harvested the flowers on another farm and I did see some that did not harvest, I refreshed the farm and they were gone so I guess it's a bug somewhere. Of course the flowers I had sent to storage have left holes in the field so I will put them back when storage is fixed and we have the use button available, right now all you can do is sell them. Thanks for all your help with my problems.

Tractor Man

Tiger Feb 23 2021 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6431174)
Hi Tiger,

you are correct on Farm 43, I see the flowers. Will let the others grow to harvest and see what happens when I harvest them. I just harvested the flowers on another farm and I did see some that did not harvest, I refreshed the farm and they were gone so I guess it's a bug somewhere. Of course the flowers I had sent to storage have left holes in the field so I will put them back when storage is fixed and we have the use button available, right now all you can do is sell them. Thanks for all your help with my problems.

Tractor Man

Hi Tractor Man,

Thanks for confirming that the flowers corrected on refresh.
As you have a display issue with the flowers, have you noticed any other display issues with anything else you do on your farms?

What is it that you can't get out of storage?
When you mentioned that you were unable to put flowers back out on a farm after storing them, I did test doing that and was able to do it fine. Are you not able to get anything out of storage or is it a specific item?

What I would like you to do is try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window.

Then clear your browser caches/history of your browser, that will then clear the game graphics. When you next load the game, it will load slower until it's got a fresh lot of graphics for the game. The the next loads after that should go back to normal speed for you.

See if that helps with your flowers showing ready to harvest after harvesting them, and then please also check your issue with getting an item out of storage.

If you are still not able to get something out of storage, please describe exactly what you are trying to get out of Item storage and put on which farm and at what point it does not work for you.

Tractor Man Feb 24 2021 05:32 AM

Hi Tiger,

thanks again for your continuing help. I refreshed everything as you said, now we wait and see. Getting things out of storage, no problem, it was my fault not paying attention.
Before the refresh I harvested farm 43, there were big blocks of unharvested flowers left, I refreshed and they were still there so I harvested them. Perhaps next time that farm is ready to harvest I should leave it alone and let you know, I assume you can work on my farm, and see the problem for yourself. I do have the same problem with crops on one or two of my farms, small blocks of 8 or 10 do not harvest the first time, I will check though and see if they may be layered and I do not know it.

Tractor Man

Tiger Feb 24 2021 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Tractor Man (Post 6431494)
Hi Tiger,

thanks again for your continuing help. I refreshed everything as you said, now we wait and see. Getting things out of storage, no problem, it was my fault not paying attention.
Before the refresh I harvested farm 43, there were big blocks of unharvested flowers left, I refreshed and they were still there so I harvested them. Perhaps next time that farm is ready to harvest I should leave it alone and let you know, I assume you can work on my farm, and see the problem for yourself. I do have the same problem with crops on one or two of my farms, small blocks of 8 or 10 do not harvest the first time, I will check though and see if they may be layered and I do not know it.

Tractor Man

Hi Tractor Man,

Glad to hear your storage issue is resolved.

No we do not go work anyone's farms, we would need to be hired to work a farm and that's not possible at the moment.

Each time you see something that doesn't harvest first time, mouseover the crop/flower that hasn't cleared and see if it's saying that it's ready to harvest or if it's showing a time until ready. It's not always easy to spot when something isn't quite ready to harvest depending on the graphic for that item at a particular stage of growth so mouse over it to get the display information for it to verify that it is fully grown. If the remaining items show ready to harvest, refresh the farm and see if they correct, if they do not, then we need to take a look at that farm before you do anything else to it.

If you are continually getting the problem of them only correcting when refreshing, then the other ways to test the issues would be if you had another computer, or perhaps try another browser to see if you get the same problems there. If you have one that communicates well with you, you could ask a super neighbor to try working that farm to see if the same thing happens to them when they work that farm. If they also see some not clearing, then you go to that farm and see if you can see what they are describing to you as not cleared and see if it's the exact same items in the same positions on that farm.

Tractor Man Feb 25 2021 03:21 AM

Thanks again Tiger,

will pay close attention and see what happens. Today everything harvested as normal, I only plant crops on each farm that are ready to harvest at the same time so it was not a case of something not being ready. I think clearing all settings may have fixed the problem.

Tractor Man

cottond Apr 16 2021 05:39 AM

Watering plants
When I try to water, it says plant cant be watered but once a day, but does not water. It worked fine yesterday.

marymarcel Apr 16 2021 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by cottond (Post 6441382)
When I try to water, it says plant cant be watered but once a day, but does not water. It worked fine yesterday.

Hi cottond :)

I moved your post to the thread about Flowers and Sprinklers.

Please open your tools box and hover your mouse on the brown sprinkler, if your flowers for that farm cant be watered yet, then you will see how much time you have to wait to water the flowers again.

cottond Apr 16 2021 12:43 PM

Thank you for the help.

sassy cat Apr 20 2021 11:51 AM

My SN can't water my flowers with my flower sprinkler. everyone else can but she can't. Does she have to be at a certain level?. I have it marked that she can. She says that it has always been grayed out. Thank you for your help.

Taz D Apr 20 2021 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by sassy cat (Post 6442246)
My SN can't water my flowers with my flower sprinkler. everyone else can but she can't. Does she have to be at a certain level?. I have it marked that she can. She says that it has always been grayed out. Thank you for your help.

Hi Sassy cat,
If she can do other things as SN then no her level wouldn't make any difference. Can she see the water can? Make sure she is looking at the right sprinkler. The flower freezer is at the bottom above the can and then the flower sprinkler and above that is whatever other sprinkler you have.
Is this a quest farm? She would not be able to water on a quest farm.

Donna Henderson Apr 21 2021 03:31 PM

Flower Unfreeze/Freeze Tool
I must confess I cannot find the method to post a new thread!! So, I'm tagging my question onto this one. The second confession, I have no clue where to find answers/responses to any of my previous posts. Directions, please???
My Flower tool for freezing and unfreezing flowers remains grayed out in my tools. I do own the tool. When I go to the store it shows a duplicate when I attempt to purchase. Is this tool unavailable for use? If it has been described as not yet available in any of the forum updates, I have missed it.
Thank you.
Donna Henderson

marymarcel Apr 21 2021 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Donna Henderson (Post 6442522)
I must confess I cannot find the method to post a new thread!! So, I'm tagging my question onto this one. The second confession, I have no clue where to find answers/responses to any of my previous posts. Directions, please???
My Flower tool for freezing and unfreezing flowers remains grayed out in my tools. I do own the tool. When I go to the store it shows a duplicate when I attempt to purchase. Is this tool unavailable for use? If it has been described as not yet available in any of the forum updates, I have missed it.
Thank you.
Donna Henderson

Hi Donna Henderson :)

If you have a question or problem, then it is always better to look for an official thread about it and then post there instead of opening a new thread. You did the correct thing. :)

The Flower freezer/unfreezer tool has not been added back to the game yet, that is why you see it greyed out in your tool box.

If you want to check the updates about Migration, please go to the following link, if you scroll down the page you will find a Quick list to help you:

To find your own posts and the possible responses, please follow the instructions given in the following thread:

hillbillydevia Apr 23 2021 01:21 AM

why is it not letting me water my flowers, it either says they can be only watered once a day or nothing at all

Tiger Apr 23 2021 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by hillbillydevia (Post 6442846)
why is it not letting me water my flowers, it either says they can be only watered once a day or nothing at all

Hi hillbillydevia,

What tool are you using to water your flowers?

If it's the watering can please look in the FT console under your game screen and see if any error shows up when you try to use it. If yuou are seeing one please let us know what it is and also supply your USER ID which is n the message above your game screen.

I have found a problem with the watering can so have let the developers know about it and will copy your post to the relevant closed thread where they want to see it.

In the meantime if you don't own a mobile sprinkler and have any friends that own one, they can water your flowers for you and if none are free, you may find someone at market that has one will help you out as well.

goldendreamer May 16 2021 01:30 AM

Can't harvest Flowers on Farm 38
My flowers are ready and I can't harvest them. I have tried 3 browesrs, reloaded the Mimi cache nothing happens. I can work on other farms but not that one.508155642

Tiger May 16 2021 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by goldendreamer (Post 6446806)
My flowers are ready and I can't harvest them. I have tried 3 browesrs, reloaded the Mimi cache nothing happens. I can work on other farms but not that one.508155642

Hi goldendreamer,

I have moved you post to the thread about the flowers and tools for working and watering those.

Are you still having problems with that farm, those flowers look like they were harvested not long ago. They show 3.2 days until fully grown.

Do you mean that you cleared memcache? It doesn't look like you have run that today. In case the link you used isn't working, to run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window and that's it done.

Unicorns1972 May 22 2021 01:19 AM

Extra flowers
I thought this was quite weird. This was the other day.
I was moving my flowers on my farm since I had expanded it a little.
I got some moved to where I want them for now, but when I tried to move others, invisible versions of previously moved flowers showed up (and became visible when I placed them). I had a hard time moving some of the flowers I could see. :confused:
I eventually got all my flowers moved to where I wanted them, but when I moved my mouse over the area that the invisible flowers were coming from, the names of those flowers were still showing up.
Checking the area today, the invisible flowers were not there when I rolled the mouse over the area they came from, and the extras that came from them are now gone.
I'm not complaining that they're gone or that they showed up in the first place, it was just a little frustrating that it happened and that the seeming glitch was hindering my efforts of moving the flowers I started out with.

Thank you,
USER ID number ( 100000381377743 )

Tiger May 22 2021 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Unicorns1972 (Post 6447766)
I thought this was quite weird. This was the other day.
I was moving my flowers on my farm since I had expanded it a little.
I got some moved to where I want them for now, but when I tried to move others, invisible versions of previously moved flowers showed up (and became visible when I placed them). I had a hard time moving some of the flowers I could see. :confused:
I eventually got all my flowers moved to where I wanted them, but when I moved my mouse over the area that the invisible flowers were coming from, the names of those flowers were still showing up.
Checking the area today, the invisible flowers were not there when I rolled the mouse over the area they came from, and the extras that came from them are now gone.
I'm not complaining that they're gone or that they showed up in the first place, it was just a little frustrating that it happened and that the seeming glitch was hindering my efforts of moving the flowers I started out with.

Thank you,
USER ID number ( 100000381377743 )

Hi Unicorns1972,

I'm not getting any duplicated flowers or invisible flowers when I move them to an expansion either one by one or with a transplanter tool.

Did you move them to the expansion or just to a different spot on that farm?
When you ran into problems did you try try refreshing the farm to see if the display corrected or try reloading the game to see if it corrected?
Was it a particular flower that did this or several different ones?

Please describe the exact method you used to move the flowers and which tools and size of tool you used to move them if you used a transplanter to move them.

As you are having a problem with the display of the flowers when you move them please do the following if you have not already done so:

Try clearing your FT memcache. To run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window. Please also clear your browser caches, close browser, then reload. After doing this the first time your farms are loaded, they will load slightly slower as all the graphics need to be loaded from a fresh start.

Unicorns1972 May 22 2021 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6447778)
Hi Unicorns1972,

I'm not getting any duplicated flowers or invisible flowers when I move them to an expansion either one by one or with a transplanter tool. I don't have a transplanter.

Did you move them to the expansion or just to a different spot on that farm?
When you ran into problems did you try try refreshing the farm to see if the display corrected or try reloading the game to see if it corrected?
Was it a particular flower that did this or several different ones?

Please describe the exact method you used to move the flowers and which tools and size of tool you used to move them if you used a transplanter to move them.

As you are having a problem with the display of the flowers when you move them please do the following if you have not already done so:

Try clearing your FT memcache. To run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window. Please also clear your browser caches, close browser, then reload. After doing this the first time your farms are loaded, they will load slightly slower as all the graphics need to be loaded from a fresh start.

I was just using the edit tool to move them one by one on my farm. I don't know how to use the transplanter tool. It was multiple different types of flowers.
When I came back to the game last night, the extra flowers that had appeared were gone, and there were no invisible flower names showing up under my mouse icon. So, it looks like it corrected itself in the meantime.
My meaning of expansion was that I made my farm area a bit bigger. I only have the one farm.

Tiger May 22 2021 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Unicorns1972 (Post 6447830)
I was just using the edit tool to move them one by one on my farm. I don't know how to use the transplanter tool. It was multiple different types of flowers.
When I came back to the game last night, the extra flowers that had appeared were gone, and there were no invisible flower names showing up under my mouse icon. So, it looks like it corrected itself in the meantime.
My meaning of expansion was that I made my farm area a bit bigger. I only have the one farm.

Hi Unicorns1972,

Ok I did try that, sounds like it may have been an odd issue that may not come back again. If it happens again, stop what you are doing when it starts playing up and reload the game and see if the display corrects then continue and see if it happens again, if it does do come back and let us know please.

tmlbluedove Jul 01 2021 01:50 PM

How do we stop neighbor and/ or anyone from irrigating our farms, i don't mind them watering my flowers but they always irrigate at the wrong time, which messes me up

Taz D Jul 01 2021 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by tmlbluedove (Post 6454714)
How do we stop neighbor and/ or anyone from irrigating our farms, i don't mind them watering my flowers but they always irrigate at the wrong time, which messes me up

Hi tmlbluedove,
Only super neighbors can do the irrigating. Normal neighbors/friends/visitors to your farms can only water flowers.

If that is happening from one of your super neighbors then the only thing you can do is talk to them or remove them as a super neighbor.

tmlbluedove Jul 01 2021 02:39 PM

besides taking them off sn, is there any other away to keep them from doing the irrigation

Taz D Jul 01 2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by tmlbluedove (Post 6454734)
besides taking them off sn, is there any other away to keep them from doing the irrigation

Hi tmlbluedove,
You can set the farm to a quest farm or private and then no one besides yourself can irrigate or water those. There isn't a separate setting for the irrigation in the super neighbor settings.

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