Farm Town

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Raul Jun 07 2010 07:09 PM

New Release -- June 7th, 2010
Hey there,

We just released a new version of FarmTown with the following features/fixes:

1. 10 new levels: More than 20 items, all in coins. More levels comming soon.

2. Textile Mill (coins): Allows you to produce:

- Cotton Textile Rolls from the Cottom crop
- Wool Textile Rolls from the sheep and llamas wool
- Silk Textile Rolls from the Silk Worms. You get the Silk Worms by harvesting the mulberry trees where they live. You get the mulberry tree as gift from friends

3. Sewing Mill (30FC): Allows you to produce:

- Shirts, T-Shirts, Horse Rugs, Harvesting Gloves, Wool Hats, Overalls, Ties and Wedding Dresses

It uses the Textile Rolls from the Textile Mill

4. 2 New crops: Cucumber and Green Grapes

5. You can now produce pickles from the cucumbers on the Food Preserver Factory

6. Winery (Coins): Allows you to produce non-aged wine containers from the Purple and Green Grapes in your storage.

- White Wine Barrel from Green Grapes
- Red Wine Container from Purple Grapes
- Champagne Barrel from Green Grapes

7. Wine Cellar (30FC): Allows you to produce Aged Wine Bottles out of the non-aged Wine Containers that you produced in the Winery. The aged wines can be:

- White Wine Bottles aged 1 and 2 years
- Red Wine Bottles aged 3 and 4 years
- Champagne Bottles aged 5 and 6 years

8. You can now hire others to fish at your farms

9. When you work for others to harvest crops, trees, flowers or to fish, in addition to the coins you get, the Mayor (not from the harvest of the employer) will compensate you with a share of the products:

- When harvesting crops or trees for others you'll get about 10% of what you harvest
- When harvesting flowers for others you'll get about 25% of what you harvest
- When fishing for others you'll get about 50% of what you catch

All products you earn this way will go into your storage.

10. The issue with the fuel should be resolved by now, you can refuel now up to 9999999 gallons at the same time.


Update 1: All new items for the new levels are at the end of the Buildings and Decorations categories.
Update 2: We are currently working on a way to keep incentivized people with 650K+ XP or 90+ level, stay tunned.
Update 3: On point #9, the extra crops for the Employee comes from the Mayor, not the Employer, similar to the way the facilities work.


Mrs Borgies Jun 07 2010 07:12 PM

I am gob smacked!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! Doing a happy dance here!!!!!

SirDaywalker Jun 07 2010 07:13 PM

You guys are so hella Groovy

So if I can make Overalls,
does this mean we finally get a change of clothes?


Tiger Jun 07 2010 07:14 PM

thank you very much Raul for all the new information :)

Big Honking Toe Jun 07 2010 07:14 PM

awesome but I am already level 90.

BelliBut10 Jun 07 2010 07:15 PM

Raul - this is great - but when a person reaches level 90 - what number amount do you have to have - is there a level chart someplace on here? I have 1.250 million xp's and know others have way under a million and have reached 90 - I'm sad - I have so many more than them and we are all the same level - I hope you level up real fast - and maybe for those over a million xp's - give us 2 or 3 FC per level - it would inspire others to reach the levels instead of quitting ;) Farmtown rocks - I am so into it - but need more FC to buy stuff - I'll work my butt off for it !!!!

Old Goat Jun 07 2010 07:16 PM

Thanks Raul. So, tell me, do the wine bottles use natural or plastic cork? :D

Saylorgirl Jun 07 2010 07:21 PM

Raul these are awesome updates!! Thanks for the good work!

pursley001 Jun 07 2010 07:24 PM

You have just made me and a lot of other folks happy here!

HLeeV Jun 07 2010 07:26 PM

Just when I decided to make my first farm all pretty and reduce the amount of crops on it, you go and add new crops and facilities.

Guess my avatar will have to wait to have a nice house and some land to enjoy. :p :D

Now it's off to plant some crops.

Clint454 Jun 07 2010 07:27 PM


sharles48 Jun 07 2010 07:27 PM

OMG.......... so funtastic. I positively LOVE what ius happening in farmtown these days. Well down

Red_Rooster Jun 07 2010 07:29 PM

Yay update!

Will we be able to make white grape juice in the future?

jesdreher Jun 07 2010 07:29 PM

Your awesomeness knows no bounds, Slashkey. Thank you thank you thank you. Now I have to figure out where to put everything!!

Momma Woods Jun 07 2010 07:31 PM

I love it My only concern is how to produce enough crops, etc to keep facilities working; maybe shortening the time from plant to harvest. What do u think of that?? I went to 90 immediately.

dottyF Jun 07 2010 07:31 PM

I have a question do you have to put the clothing stuff on the same farm as your sheep and lama and the wool shed?

Dbutrfli Jun 07 2010 07:32 PM

New things.
You are just awesome and keep us soooooooooo addicted. Love, love, love this application!!! None can compare. Now we need a coffee place to ground our coffee and sell coffee drinks.:)

Farmer_Susan Jun 07 2010 07:34 PM

AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much! Can hardly wait to go buy stuff! LOL

ohiosweetheart Jun 07 2010 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dbutrfli (Post 3597446)
You are just awesome and keep us soooooooooo addicted. Love, love, love this application!!! None can compare. Now we need a coffee place to ground our coffee and sell coffee drinks.:)

hahah I was SO hoping for a coffee shop this time around, to both grind coffee and sell coffee drinks.

I jumped right to level 90, so looking forward to more new levels as mentioned in Raul's post.

I agree, none can compare with FarmTown! Thanks Raul and devs, you da best! :D

ohiosweetheart Jun 07 2010 07:40 PM

Oh MY... 4 DAYS for cucumbers??? C'mon devs, 3 days is long enough! PLEASE PLEASE shorten the cukes by at least 1 day, if not more???

dottyF Jun 07 2010 07:43 PM

Well I bought the new farm spa and all that stuff I got the winery stuff but I dont know where to put the textile stuff I wish i knew if you need the wool shed and sheep and lama on the same farm.

animekaye Jun 07 2010 07:43 PM

So glad for the new stuff!!! But you guys always add things right after I spend $$!! Now I'm back down to $11 million after all the upgrades to 20x20 on fourth farm & all the fixings I already spent $25million last week!!

But this is gonna be fun making more $ to buy more stuff to make more $$!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs Borgies Jun 07 2010 07:52 PM

I have been thinking with it so hard to keep up with the crops for the Facilities, this is the best part of the update. Now to find the extra time to spend in the marketplace! :D


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 3597322)
9. When you work for others to harvest crops, trees, flowers or to fish, in addition to the coins you get, the Mayor will compensate you with a share of the products:

- When harvesting crops or trees for others you'll get about 10% of what you harvest
- When harvesting flowers for others you'll get about 25% of what you harvest
- When fishing for others you'll get about 50% of what you catch

All products you earn this way will go into your storage.



L-S Jun 07 2010 07:55 PM

eh...still two farm cash short of being able to buy the 3rd farm

Chakwaina Jun 07 2010 07:57 PM

Thanx Devs!!!!!!

Mare Contrare Jun 07 2010 08:01 PM

All the new items are welcome, but I especially appreciate the 10% product gain from harvesting for others. The ability to gather crops in this manner will make the game even more enjoyable.

valuesforless Jun 07 2010 08:03 PM

Love the new changes. Jumped to level 90 and am now rockin and rollin in clothes and wine.

nitz22002 Jun 07 2010 08:05 PM

awesome i built a skycrapers in my third farm :)

jesdreher Jun 07 2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by nitz22002 (Post 3597570)
awesome i built a skycrapers in my third farm :)

Absolutely love it! Must've taken a while to do.

Lavenda Jun 07 2010 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by dottyF (Post 3597490)
Well I bought the new farm spa and all that stuff I got the winery stuff but I dont know where to put the textile stuff I wish i knew if you need the wool shed and sheep and lama on the same farm.

your sheep and llamas need to be ont he same farm as the wool shed for the shed to be able to harvest them. The textile mill can be on a different farm to the wool shed and the animals

jennieileen Jun 07 2010 08:28 PM

YES,YES, lets do the happy dance.. woohoo...

Tony D Jun 07 2010 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 3597322)
Hey there,

We just released a new version of FarmTown with the following features/fixes:


You guys have got to be kidding ..... I had my first Monday off work this year and you bring out new things and levels on Tuesday morning (Aussie Time)... Sheesh no wonder I spend so much time in the RR ...

Lucky I'm addicted to this game or I would be heading straight for the I quit thread :p

Seriously ...Thanks for all the new things (Especially the Winery)

meemee1955 Jun 07 2010 08:37 PM

I Love this but I want an upgrade on farm 4, I have all the other farms, I have over 100 neighbors and the cash to buy. Yet every time I got to upgrade it is still locked. please help I have tried linking my farm to here and I am out of things to do.

ScottLanter Jun 07 2010 08:40 PM

Thanks, Raul. As usual, you guys are awesome! Very nice update.

newattic Jun 07 2010 08:41 PM

I cannot get into Farm Town from my frustrating!!!!!!!!!!

chinds97 Jun 07 2010 08:44 PM

I really wish that you would have added more than just 10 levels.. there are tons of us that are over 1mil in the XP Points and we just sit and have no excitement of moving up in the levels like the others.. also there are people that are way below me in the XP Points and are at the same level as I most of the others like me that have over 1mil we bust our a$$es daily and just seem to get nowhere anymore.
Something needs to be added along with the more levels like a Millionaire XP something where we get something for our loyalty day in and day out hours at a time on here

angela morfin Jun 07 2010 08:54 PM

Mulberry trees???
You need silk worms from the Mulberry trees to produce silk textile rolls, and you get the trees as gifts from friends....BUT, there are no trees in the gift section to send to friends & vice vesa, and they're not able to be bought from the store. Soooooooooo.....where do we get them??? Anyone know????

chinds97 Jun 07 2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by angela morfin (Post 3597750)
You need silk worms from the Mulberry trees to produce silk textile rolls, and you get the trees as gifts from friends....BUT, there are no trees in the gift section to send to friends & vice vesa, and they're not able to be bought from the store. Soooooooooo.....where do we get them??? Anyone know????

The Mullberry trees ARE in the GIft Section.. I know have 30 of them on my farm all my friends sent tham off to me.. they are towards the bottom:eek:

marie0112 Jun 07 2010 08:57 PM

Raul, THANK YOU!! not only for the new levels BUT for the new crops, facilities and the ability to hire some one to fish!! I'm stoked!! Good job!!

ema1976 Jun 07 2010 08:59 PM

Ya'll are flippin' awesome! Thanks for all the new updates recently. I LOVE the winery! Thanks for continuing to make changes & add new levels, decor, etc.

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