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Rob T Mar 25 2013 08:27 PM

Belt / Dan Bonuses
Belt/Dan Bonuses

This thread is for reporting problems concerning Belt/Dan Bonuses. Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread.

For details on Belts/Dans please read the information in Chapter 30: Belt/Dan Bonuses

Thank you!

UPDATE JAN 30TH,2024 - You can now choose whether or not to post your bonuses to Facebook or to only post them to Other Wall Requests.

You can achieve different Belt and Dan Ranks (like in Judo) on every product in various categories.
The Belts and have a single color for each Rank.
The Dans have two colours for each Rank.
You need to be at level 150 to achieve the Dan belts.

A new Belt for a product can be achieved by harvesting that product a number of times.

The current Belt/Dan achieved for a crop/tree/flower is shown in the store.

Belts/Dans for making products, fish and any gift trees or flowers can be seen in the Belt Manager.

If you mouse over the product icon you will see how many harvests/products are required to reach the next Belt.
Every time you or an employee harvest in your farm the counter for the harvested product is incremented by one.

***The employee counters are not incremented***
When you reach a new Belt there will be more chances that in future harvests for that product you get an extra product. Please refer to the Game Guide Chapter 30: Belt/Dan Bonuses for the amounts you receive as a bonus.

Remember: You need to be at level 150 to achieve the Dan belts.
Common Problems/Questions:
  • If you have clicked the checkbox to not show the belt/dan bonuses. You can undo this by reloading Farm Town.
  • Why did I not get the full amount of XP when I filled my facilities?

    When you fill your facilities the mayor gives you back some free ingredients for starting batches.
    For example: if you have a 32% bonus, only 68% of what's used has come from your own storage, the rest is free. You do not get the XP for those bonus batches so that part of the XP is then deducted from the initial amount seen.

*** This thread is for questions/Problems about the belt rank system and the bonus chest feature. Off topic posts maybe removed without notice ***

0202NWOTMRAF Jan 02 2021 08:06 PM

i do forum searches before making my inquiries but sometimes i just overlook or miss things.

i see in the official dan/belts thread it says we can post 5 at any one time. is there a way to increase this. it is tough seeing 20 belts but can only choose 5 and then usually the rest expire before can post them. have to wait for new ones to come in.

t.i.a. :)

Taz D Jan 02 2021 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by 0202NWOTMRAF (Post 6403434)
i do forum searches before making my inquiries but sometimes i just overlook or miss things.

i see in the official dan/belts thread it says we can post 5 at any one time. is there a way to increase this. it is tough seeing 20 belts but can only choose 5 and then usually the rest expire before can post them. have to wait for new ones to come in.

t.i.a. :)

Hi 0202nwotmraf,
No I am sorry there isn't any way to increase it. You can only post 5 in 12 hours. This was done to keep from flooding everyone's newsfeed in Facebook and causing Facebook to put you in Facebook timeout for posting too many times.

Cottoneye Mo Jan 04 2021 04:59 PM

Hi, please could you tell me what is the highest level you can get with Crops.
I know you go to Dans but how many does it go up to or is there anything above that?

marymarcel Jan 04 2021 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Cottoneye Mo (Post 6404034)
Hi, please could you tell me what is the highest level you can get with Crops.
I know you go to Dans but how many does it go up to or is there anything above that?

Hi Cottoneye Mo :)

I moved your post to the thread about Belts/Dans.

It is 7th Dan. You have all information in our Game Guide in the following link: Feb 11 2021 06:45 PM

dans and bait bonus
When will the dans be active as well as the fishing bait right now they are not it would have been nice to have these active before the facilities came online

Taz D Feb 11 2021 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6428042)
When will the dans be active as well as the fishing bait right now they are not it would have been nice to have these active before the facilities came online

Hi chbruce,
I have moved your post to the subject thread about the dans and belts.

The dans and belts you have currently are providing the bonus amounts. Adding the ability to go up in dans o rbelts and seeing them in the facilities is not available yet. When the developers will add those only they know as they do not tell us in advance of when. Feb 12 2021 07:11 AM

When will these be working when we harvest our crops right now we are only getting what we plant no bonus when we harvest

Taz D Feb 12 2021 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6428170)
When will these be working when we harvest our crops right now we are only getting what we plant no bonus when we harvest

Hi Chbruce,
I moved your post to the subject thread about the dans and belts. We do not know when the developers will add them for you to earn more if you have some not completed to top dan.

You are getting the bonus for the dans and belts you have now. The bonus amounts are not added until after you restart your farms right now. That should be fix to add all of your harvest including bonuses probably when they belts function is added into the game. Jul 22 2021 06:44 PM

dans and belts
Hi there
was wondering if dans and belts are working
i have been advancing in the coloured level for cardamon and remember posting for brown and black belt
but have not had any other direction for boosting requests since and i have just gone up to level 5 cheers Ellen

Taz D Jul 22 2021 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6457778)
Hi there
was wondering if dans and belts are working
i have been advancing in the coloured level for cardamon and remember posting for brown and black belt
but have not had any other direction for boosting requests since and i have just gone up to level 5 cheers Ellen

Hi Ellen,
I moved your post to the subject thread about belts and dans. Yes they are working. You will need to check in the Recent Belts to find them.

sonny4u2 Aug 10 2021 07:37 AM

The number to the next bonus isn't correct. "111 batches to reach 2nd dan", in my facilities.
My farm ID 1641406154

marymarcel Aug 10 2021 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by sonny4u2 (Post 6460198)
The number to the next bonus isn't correct. "111 batches to reach 2nd dan", in my facilities.
My farm ID 1641406154

Hi sonny4u2 :)

I moved your post to the thread about Belts and Dans.

Why do you think that number is incorrect?

Please open your tool box and click in Your belts icon.

In the new window, click in Products button.
Then you can set the A/Z to Product Name so you can search alphabetically for the product you want.
And set the Funnel to All so you can see all products belts or dans.

Then check for the product you want and see if you get the same amount of batches to reach the new Dan.

Just a little note about bonus batches> Bonus batches that the mayor provides the ingredients for do not count for your experience total when you start products in a facility.

When you start products in facilities, the XP amount you see in the notification is what you would have got for all of the batches had all your ingredients been used for them all, BUT what happens next is that you get free bonus batches for filling them. The ingredients for those bonus batches are returned to you by the mayor so then the game deducts the XP for those bonus batches which is why you end up with less XP than you initially saw.

The XP amount it deducts doesn't show in the game. The amount deducted can vary as not every product earns the same amount of XP for starting a single batch and the chances you have of earning bonus batches depends on the belt/dan earned for a particular product.

sonny4u2 Aug 11 2021 07:53 AM

Hi marymarcel,
I opened a Mineral Mine, hoovered my mouse over Tin Ore. It said I had 3000+ more batches before my next dan. I am careful to start only enough batches so I can get the most out of every dan. I have noticed in the past that when new things are added to game, like new levels, crops. etc, it messes up things, like actual number of batches to receive next dan. Thank you for helping.

marymarcel Aug 11 2021 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by sonny4u2 (Post 6460266)
Hi marymarcel,
I opened a Mineral Mine, hoovered my mouse over Tin Ore. It said I had 3000+ more batches before my next dan. I am careful to start only enough batches so I can get the most out of every dan. I have noticed in the past that when new things are added to game, like new levels, crops. etc, it messes up things, like actual number of batches to receive next dan. Thank you for helping.

Hi sonny4u2 :)

Not sure if this will help you but tin ore for me shows up 3,308 batches for my next dan.
Please take in mind that the Mineral mine cant be worked by friends so you have to wait the exact time for every batch to be done. For tin ore you have to wait 8 hours to start a new batch.

Amazing Amber Oct 08 2021 05:59 PM

I have gotten dans/belts and haven't been able to post the last one. I am not maxed out as it has 5 on it. Is it a glitch??

marymarcel Oct 08 2021 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Amazing Amber (Post 6467346)
I have gotten dans/belts and haven't been able to post the last one. I am not maxed out as it has 5 on it. Is it a glitch??

Hi Amzing Amber :)

I moved your post to the thread about Belts/Dans.

Im sorry but we do not have data to check how many bonuses you have posted.

If you are sure you have only posted 4 then you can reload your game and see if you can post the next one or also run memcache.
Click in the following link to run memcache, a new window will open. Close that window and your farm if it was open in another tab. Then reopen your farm and check again.

If you still cant post the bonus then Im sorry but there is nothing we can do about it.

Franny2 Nov 29 2021 10:52 AM

I hope this is the correct place to post a bonus problem. When I get a new bonus, I am not able to send a bonus request to my FarmTown friends. All it does is show me my Dans.

Tiger Nov 29 2021 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Franny2 (Post 6473502)
I hope this is the correct place to post a bonus problem. When I get a new bonus, I am not able to send a bonus request to my FarmTown friends. All it does is show me my Dans.

Hi Franny2,

I have moved your post to help and support for Belts and Dans.

Are you looking in the in the Recent Belts section of your Belt Manager in your Toolbox? If you are, make sure that you click on the funnel icon top right of that window check if it is set to All and not a specific belt. When it isn't set to All you won't see all of the other belts/dans you have earned.

If you are already in that section, are you seeing a Blue button that says Request Bonus?
If you are not look at the top of that window and see if there is information in red text that tells you how many bonuses you can request in the next 12 hours.

Franny2 Nov 29 2021 02:02 PM

I know how to view the belts and dans but the problem is that whenever I am told I got a bonus from the facilities, it does not let me send the request to my farmer list.

Franny2 Nov 29 2021 02:03 PM

I will look for the blue button.

Franny2 Nov 29 2021 02:06 PM

I just followed your instructions and did find the blue button and submitted the request. The window was just new to me. Thanks, Tiger!!

Tiger Nov 29 2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Franny2 (Post 6473522)
I just followed your instructions and did find the blue button and submitted the request. The window was just new to me. Thanks, Tiger!!

Hi Franny2,

You're welcome. Glad you found it.
The game guide Chapter 30 has it all explained in detail should you need further information. Here's the ink to that chapter:

Palmarina Dec 04 2021 01:22 AM

For the last few days I noticed that there might be a problem with posting bonuses for the circuit board. A few neighbours posted their brown belt bonus request (on their facebook timeline) and when I clicked it there (on their facebook timeline) there was a warning that the bonus already expired, although the neighbours said it was a very new bonus. When I clicked on the bonus request on my own Farm town request wall it was normal, there was no message saying it was expired. Did other farmers notice this too?

Tiger Dec 04 2021 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6473962)
For the last few days I noticed that there might be a problem with posting bonuses for the circuit board. A few neighbours posted their brown belt bonus request (on their facebook timeline) and when I clicked it there (on their facebook timeline) there was a warning that the bonus already expired, although the neighbours said it was a very new bonus. When I clicked on the bonus request on my own Farm town request wall it was normal, there was no message saying it was expired. Did other farmers notice this too?

Hi Palmarina,

When that happens the usual culprit is that it simply did not post to Facebook correctly even though visibly it looks fine on Facebook. The only thing you can do is exactly what you did and try the link via My Requests.

The owner could try refreshing the attachment on the post on their profile if they know it's happening and see if that corrects it but it might not.

We don't have any brown belts for circuit boards to try. Was it only the brown belt causing it, did you have any other belts for the circuit board to try, if you did were those fine?

Palmarina Dec 04 2021 04:59 AM

Yes it was only the brown belt for circuit boards.
I didn't see any other belts. Therefore I went to check in groups for sharing bonuses and ingredients, but couldn't find any other belts for the circuit board.

I'll tell her to refresh her posting.

Thanks for your reply Tiger.
Have a nice weekend!


Originally Posted by Tiger (Post 6473966)
Hi Palmarina,

When that happens the usual culprit is that it simply did not post to Facebook correctly even though visibly it looks fine on Facebook. The only thing you can do is exactly what you did and try the link via My Requests.

The owner could try refreshing the attachment on the post on their profile if they know it's happening and see if that corrects it but it might not.

We don't have any brown belts for circuit boards to try. Was it only the brown belt causing it, did you have any other belts for the circuit board to try, if you did were those fine?

Palmarina Dec 04 2021 11:45 PM

Hi Marymarcel
I made a 1st dan bonus for CIRCUIT BOARDS on my helping farm.
Link to facebook timeline
It gives that message being expired too.
Maybe a developer should look at this product's bonuses?


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6473978)
Yes it was only the brown belt for circuit boards.
I didn't see any other belts. Therefore I went to check in groups for sharing bonuses and ingredients, but couldn't find any other belts for the circuit board.

I'll tell her to refresh her posting.

Thanks for your reply Tiger.
Have a nice weekend!

marymarcel Dec 05 2021 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6474062)
Hi Marymarcel
I made a 1st dan bonus for CIRCUIT BOARDS on my helping farm.
Link to facebook timeline
It gives that message being expired too.
Maybe a developer should look at this product's bonuses?

Hi Palmarina :)

I just tried that bonus for circuit board and got the expired message but got speakers one without problems.

Please report this to support to let them check into this problem. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you dont get the automatic response then read the following thread:

Palmarina Dec 05 2021 11:17 AM

OK I will report it.
Thanks for the assistance.


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6474098)
Hi Palmarina :)

I just tried that bonus for circuit board and got the expired message but got speakers one without problems.

Please report this to support to let them check into this problem. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you dont get the automatic response then read the following thread:

marymarcel Dec 05 2021 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6474110)
OK I will report it.
Thanks for the assistance.

You are welcome Palmarina :)

tootfarm Jan 24 2022 03:51 AM

Hi. I have been posting bonus and ingredients requests in various groups. Fellow players have responded but I am not seeing or benefiting from those ingredients in my storage area. How can this be rectified?

Tiger Jan 24 2022 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by tootfarm (Post 6479718)
Hi. I have been posting bonus and ingredients requests in various groups. Fellow players have responded but I am not seeing or benefiting from those ingredients in my storage area. How can this be rectified?

Hi tootfarm,

Once you store them from your gift box you should be able to see the items you requested are added to storage. The only time you would not get them is if you had reached your maximum coin allowance for bonuses and ingredients.

Ask your friends if when they send you a bonus or ingredient if they are seeing a message like this:
"No items were sent since your friend already reached the limit of xxx Coins worth of products every 12 hours"

If you try to send someone a bonus/ingredient and were at your maximum, the message you could see would be like this:
"No items were sent to your storage by the Mayor since you already reached the limit of xx Coins worth of products every 12 hours”

If that's not the problem, what bonuses & ingredients did you request that is not sending products to your storage?

tootfarm Jan 24 2022 01:06 PM

Ok, thanks for your help.

famer charlie Feb 02 2022 01:13 PM

belts and dans
when are we getting belts and dans for the rest of the factory's

marymarcel Feb 02 2022 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by famer charlie (Post 6483170)
when are we getting belts and dans for the rest of the factory's

Hi famer charlie :)

Im sorry but only the developers know and they dont tell us in advance.

JNelson Feb 03 2022 07:12 AM

we allowed to post 5 ingredient request and 5 bonuses ... i posted 5 ingr requests and after 4 bonueses when i went to post to wall the 5th one i got a warning from FB that I posted too many and to stop to avoid possible restriction - and one of those checks where you have to pick a picture of something your not a robot ... is there a way for slashkey to ask them to allow 10 posts for FT as game is designed to do - this happened first on account 114315986223683 - i did take the chance and posted the 5th one, hoping they will recognize it RE FT , crossing fingers

marymarcel Feb 03 2022 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6483234)
we allowed to post 5 ingredient request and 5 bonuses ... i posted 5 ingr requests and after 4 bonueses when i went to post to wall the 5th one i got a warning from FB that I posted too many and to stop to avoid possible restriction - and one of those checks where you have to pick a picture of something your not a robot ... is there a way for slashkey to ask them to allow 10 posts for FT as game is designed to do - this happened first on account 114315986223683 - i did take the chance and posted the 5th one, hoping they will recognize it RE FT , crossing fingers

Hi JNelson :)

Im sorry this happened to you, most of the times it is due to how fast you are posting them and/or if you are sharing them to fb groups at the same time.

Spammers usually post very quickly to have the oportunity to share the spam to many sites at the same time and if facebook thinks you were doing the same, then that is why they sent you a warning.

If you wish you can report this to Support to see if they can do something about the problem you are reporting.

JNelson Feb 03 2022 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6483242)
Hi JNelson :)

Im sorry this happened to you, most of the times it is due to how fast you are posting them and/or if you are sharing them to fb groups at the same time.

Spammers usually post very quickly to have the oportunity to share the spam to many sites at the same time and if facebook thinks you were doing the same, then that is why they sent you a warning.

If you wish you can report this to Support to see if they can do something about the problem you are reporting.

not posting to groups just middle age human with bad hands speed , if i get this again today i will contact support directly as you suggest

Irene L. Newstead Feb 25 2022 02:21 PM

Not allowing to collect bonuses
I frequently am stoped from collectng bonuses and get the message that we are only allowed to get so many in a 12 hour period even when I haven't collected any bonuses for over 14 or more hours.

marymarcel Feb 25 2022 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Irene L. Newstead (Post 6485326)
I frequently am stoped from collectng bonuses and get the message that we are only allowed to get so many in a 12 hour period even when I haven't collected any bonuses for over 14 or more hours.

Hi Irene :)

I moved your post to the thread about Belts and Dans Bonuses.

Please read the following information and see if that helps you:

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