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Rob T Mar 25 2013 08:27 PM

Facilities and Facility Manager
This thread is for reporting problems concerning facilities and the Facility Manager. Please read the following information BEFORE posting in this thread.

Most posting using the Website does not post to Facebook!
UPDATE: Sept 29th 2023 - You can now post your facility work requests to Facebook.

Remember - not every farmer you have as a Neighbour/Buddy may have a Facebook account to be able to see the posts on Facebook or they may not be your Facebook Friends.

Please make sure that you have read the information in the Web Guide to see what differences there are now that you are playing Farm Town on the Website!

Thank you!

Check Out The Game Guide: Chapter 13 - Facilities
Everything you need to know about facilities and using the Facility Manager is included here.
For the full list of Non-Workable Facilities go to Chapter 13: What are the Non-Workable Facilities?

For the full list of Production Facilities go to Chapter 13.1 Production Facilities

For the full list of Service Facilities go to Chapter 13.2 Service Facilities.

For a list of Ingredients that are used in Facilities and what can be stocked in service facilities go to Chapter 27 Ingredients of Farm Town

Most posting does not post to Facebook box anymore!
The exception to this is that you can post your Facility work request to Facebook if you wish.
Posting to Facebook is governed by Facebook rules.
Posting too many times too frequently can still get you a temp ban by Facebook. They will never list what that criteria will be to prevent spammers finding out. They can change the criteria for spam detection at any time and as often as they feel necessary, to protect their users from spammers.

When you click on the green check mark to post your facility work requests you will see a brief message saying Request Sent then your post will show up to those that have you as their Neighbour or Buddy in the Facility Wall Requests page.

You can not prevent your facility posts showing up in Facility Wall Requests.

If you are posting to Facebook make sure that cookies and popups are allowed in your browser to be able to see the Facebook posting box

Your Neighbours and Buddies posts are also in the Facility Wall Requests page.

For details on how to find and use Wall Requests please click on What are Wall Requests?
The facilities/tools that you fill with coins rather than product, ie: the semi trailer truck, the bee farm, can not be used to post facility work.

Religious and Funeral Facilities can not be used to post facility work.

Can I Have More Than One Of The Same Facility?
  1. You can buy and place the EXACT same facility on DIFFERENT farms and they will each produce for you.
    NOTE: If you put more than one on the SAME farm, the duplicates would only copy the production information in the others but not actually produce anything extra, they will be considered as decoration.
  2. You can have a Turbo version of a facility AND the regular version of a facility on the same farm. For example. the Turbo Oil Refinery and the Oil Refinery can be placed on the same farm. ONE of each!
  3. You can NOT have a Super Animal Shed and a regular Animal shed on the same farm. It has to be one or the other not both!
  4. Note: For facilities to work as intended, your computer's clock and calendar need to be set accurately.

Is there a Limit on how many Facilities I can put on a farm?
Yes. It's the limit is between 350 and 400. However, that amount can also be affected by how much production you have in those facilities that have not been stored. If you see a message telling you that you have too many facilities on a farm, the first thing we suggest is to store all production from those facilities then refresh farm and see if the message goes away. If it does then do not add any more facilities to that farm and remember to store regularly. If it comes back, store all production and move some facilities to another farm.
NOTE: Train locomotives and their long cars also count as part of this limit, one for each locomotive and one for each long car, so you need to take into account those as well if you have the trains on the same farms your facilities are on.

When you have more than one farm there is a quick way to find out how many facilities of each type you have on a farm. This does not include the trains in the count. You can find information on how to do that Chapter 13 of the Game Guide, or you can click this link: What is Show Facility Info?
Working Neighbour and Buddies Facilities: This is to explain the time between working a neighbours facilities before you can rework that same neighbor's post again. To simplify the answer it was originally stated that you had to wait a day.

Notice that if you spend at least 8 straight hours in a day without playing farmtown (when you sleep, eat breakfast, etc, most people will fall in this category) then you will in fact be able to work your friends facilities at least once per day.

IF at Noon/Midday you stop working ALL friends facilities and take a minimum 8 hour break where you do NOT work any facilities at all for any of your friends.
After 8pm you will be able to work ALL your friends facilities, including the ones you worked before Noon.
NOTE: If you are only one second too early this will not work!!!

There is a countdown timer that resets to 8 hours each time you work facilities. There is one for Regular Facilities and another one for Service Facilities.

To help you with this, there is a tool in your toolbox called Show Times (looks like a clock). Click on it and then Look in the Gamewide section. Toward the bottom are the timers for Facilities.

Always reload your game before you want to rework facilities and check the Show Times! CLOCK.png

If you want to be 100% sure that you have had a long enough gap between working each type facilities make sure that before you work any at all for any friend, that you check that you have a green check mark for Rework Facilities and Rework Service Facilties. Then, and only then, can you rework the facilities. SECTION.png MINI.png

If there are no green check marks showing you are too soon to start working them and need to wait longer. The time showing will help you know when that will be,, you can mouseover the times to see more informtaion, but always check for those green check marks.

We hope this information helps.
To post Suggestions for NEW Facilites, please click on the link below to post in New Facilities, Buildings, and Super Facility.

To post Suggestions for Changes, additions to EXISTING Facilites, please click on the link below to post in Other uses/improvements for existing items on the farm.

This thread is for players to report problems only. Any off topic posts will be removed by a moderator without notice to the user. Apr 12 2021 01:20 PM

My Cindy Farmington account has 5 Fodder Factories that are not producing Copra. When I get sent ingredients I just get more coconuts. All other products seem to work. I had this problem with Copra a couple of years ago, but I don't know what was done to correct it.

Taz D Apr 12 2021 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6440714)
My Cindy Farmington account has 5 Fodder Factories that are not producing Copra. When I get sent ingredients I just get more coconuts. All other products seem to work. I had this problem with Copra a couple of years ago, but I don't know what was done to correct it.

Hi Judyjor,
If your fodder facilities are not producing the Copra Meal, then open one of the facilities and make sure there is a check in the box for that product.

Also make sure you have enough coconut to fill all the facilities you have that use that.
If you want us to check that account you will need to give us the account ID as we do not have any way to search by avatar name.

Heididinges Apr 17 2021 10:34 AM

Facility Manager
All I can get to in my Facility Manager is the Post Office.

Taz D Apr 17 2021 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Heididinges (Post 6441658)
All I can get to in my Facility Manager is the Post Office.

Hi Heididinges,
I moved your post to the subject thread about the facility manager. icon.PNG Please open you Facility Manger and click on the Funnel Icon top right and make sure it is set like this. If it's not please change it to this and remember to click the green check mark at the bottom to save your changes: ALL.PNG

tina7447 Apr 25 2021 11:38 AM

I had a frozen lake and a lake with boat on farm 33 purchased a long time ago. A couple of days ago I bought one more frozen lake and two lakes with boats. I put them on farm 33 and when I checked there yesterday the new lakes with boats have dissappeared. The frozen lake is still there. Help please.1665486885.

Taz D Apr 25 2021 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by tina7447 (Post 6443686)
I had a frozen lake and a lake with boat on farm 33 purchased a long time ago. A couple of days ago I bought one more frozen lake and two lakes with boats. I put them on farm 33 and when I checked there yesterday the new lakes with boats have dissappeared. The frozen lake is still there. Help please.1665486885.

Hi Tina,

Your first post about this was moved to the thread about missing items and answered. You can find them in the following link:

Palmarina Apr 28 2021 01:10 PM

USER ID number ( 1145656868 )

Hello, in the facility manager I had selected the "Workable by friends" query and yet the dairy shed and the chicken coop were visible. Maybe someone should have a look at it?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

marymarcel Apr 28 2021 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6444110)
USER ID number ( 1145656868 )

Hello, in the facility manager I had selected the "Workable by friends" query and yet the dairy shed and the chicken coop were visible. Maybe someone should have a look at it?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

Hi Palmarina :)

You have to uncheck Animal buildings so they dont show up.

Palmarina Apr 28 2021 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6444114)
Hi Palmarina :)

You have to uncheck Animal buildings so they dont show up.

yes of course! Silly me :p
thank you and I apologize for the stupid question :o

marymarcel Apr 28 2021 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Palmarina (Post 6444118)
yes of course! Silly me :p
thank you and I apologize for the stupid question :o

You are very welcome Palmarina and there are not silly questions here, they are always usefull for other farmer :)

AnnaWalls Apr 30 2021 01:16 PM

I discovered yesterday that I have no sheep's wool. I usually don't go looking until something runs short. Today I could harvest those barns, but still, in my storage, wool is not listed. If I scroll down my list of facilities in my facility manager until I find one that needs wool, it tells me that I have plenty available (can't remember the number), but I can't load wool. I looked again in my storage and it's not listed at all. Kinda odd. Here's the numbers: My textile mill tells me I should have 676 wool in my storage, but there's no listing at all in my storage. I should have more than that - I haven't run out of wool in YEARS.

marymarcel Apr 30 2021 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by AnnaWalls (Post 6444658)
I discovered yesterday that I have no sheep's wool. I usually don't go looking until something runs short. Today I could harvest those barns, but still, in my storage, wool is not listed. If I scroll down my list of facilities in my facility manager until I find one that needs wool, it tells me that I have plenty available (can't remember the number), but I can't load wool. I looked again in my storage and it's not listed at all. Kinda odd. Here's the numbers: My textile mill tells me I should have 676 wool in my storage, but there's no listing at all in my storage. I should have more than that - I haven't run out of wool in YEARS.

Hi AnnaWalls :)

I had a look at your data and you indeed only have 676 sheep wool stored.
I also checked how many Wool sheds you have and you only own 3, the ones on farms 34 and 35 have sheep but the one on farm 36 only has Llamas.

You have all the factories using sheep wool, and the total amount of sheep you have (2000) is not enough to all of them.

You will need to add more sheep and more wool sheds.

Open your storage, click in Harvest Products button. Set the filter to Animal products and the A/Z filter to Alphabetically and check if you can find your sheep wool.

LisaScobee May 03 2021 08:17 PM

My Facility Manager says I have two 'Nut Shops". Neither "Nut Shop" will let me load the "Fruity Nuts" from the "Roasted Nut Factory".

ID in "signature".

Taz D May 03 2021 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6445218)
My Facility Manager says I have two 'Nut Shops". Neither "Nut Shop" will let me load the "Fruity Nuts" from the "Roasted Nut Factory".

ID in "signature".

Hi LisaScobee,
If they are full with pending products then it won't let you start one. They only take an hour for a batch to finish so you should be able to add one soon.
EDIT: You do not have any of the Fruity Nuts in your storage.

LisaScobee May 03 2021 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6445222)
Hi LisaScobee,
If they are full with pending products then it won't let you start one. They only take an hour for a batch to finish so you should be able to add one soon.
EDIT: You do not have any of the Fruity Nuts in your storage.

Yes right after I saw where you answered me the game let me load the fruity nuts into the fruit and nut shop. Guess I'm just impatient :):o

wiggles1080 May 04 2021 02:05 PM

Factories and tools gone
All my factories have disappeared from the factory manager. I have the service facilities but none of my working facilities. I can click on them on my farm but that is a lot of work to fill them all. Is this one of the bugs that they're working on? My user ID is: 1512038608
Thanks, Diane

marymarcel May 04 2021 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by wiggles1080 (Post 6445306)
All my factories have disappeared from the factory manager. I have the service facilities but none of my working facilities. I can click on them on my farm but that is a lot of work to fill them all. Is this one of the bugs that they're working on? My user ID is: 1512038608
Thanks, Diane

Hi Diane :)

I moved your post to the thread about Facilities and Facility Manager.

Please click in your Facility Manager and then click in the Funnel icon.PNG

Be sure it is set the following way, so you can see and work all facilities in all farms from the Facility Manager. ALL.PNG

If you have to change any setting, please remember to click in the green check mark to save changes.

deenites May 12 2021 02:47 PM

working facilities
I am noticing more frequently that when I am working facilities it does a few of refer clients then for rest tells me opps already done those today. I did some on a friends farm today for whom I haven't worked for over a month and it told me already done today... this is happening a lot now... it seems the working on factories is fine it is the refer clients this happens on.

marymarcel May 12 2021 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by deenites (Post 6446450)
I am noticing more frequently that when I am working facilities it does a few of refer clients then for rest tells me opps already done those today. I did some on a friends farm today for whom I haven't worked for over a month and it told me already done today... this is happening a lot now... it seems the working on factories is fine it is the refer clients this happens on.

Hi deenites :)

I moved your post to the thread about facilities.

It is very strange you got those messages working for a friend you hadnt worked for a month.

The only times I get the oops messages for facilities or services is when friends refill them and if I try to work them again, then I get the messages for the ones I already worked but get products for the ones which were empty the first time I tried them.

Not sure if this will help you but please clear your memcache, link below. A new window will open with a short list of unsettings. Close that windows and your farm if it is open in another tab. Then reopen your farms.

rockcandymountain May 12 2021 08:27 PM

Mutliple facilities
I have been moving some facilities around and I noticed that If i have a few of the same facilities in storage and go to place them, it wont stop me from putting more than one of a particular factories on the same farm. Are we going to be able to have multiple factories of 1 kind on the same farm?

Taz D May 12 2021 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by rockcandymountain (Post 6446510)
I have been moving some facilities around and I noticed that If i have a few of the same facilities in storage and go to place them, it wont stop me from putting more than one of a particular factories on the same farm. Are we going to be able to have multiple factories of 1 kind on the same farm?

Hi Rockcandymountain,
I moved your post to the subject thread about facilities.
No you will not be able to have multiples of the same facility on a farm. If you do place more than one of a facility on a farm then the additional facilities will only be decorations and will not produce any products. Even in Flash it did not stop you from placing more that one of a facility on a farm.

Dr. Dirt May 18 2021 03:58 AM

I have the quest to do macaroni-beef veggies in a facility. When I go to the semi truck to start the meat it says delivers in 30 minutes. When I go back to the quest it takes an hour. I only need one meet. Why does it double the time?

Tiger May 18 2021 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Dirt (Post 6447134)
I have the quest to do macaroni-beef veggies in a facility. When I go to the semi truck to start the meat it says delivers in 30 minutes. When I go back to the quest it takes an hour. I only need one meet. Why does it double the time?

Hi Dr.Dirt,

It's always been the same in Quests for semi trailer products, it did this in flash as well. The step initially recognizes you own the ordering station that brings the products in quicker for the semi, but then reverts to the original time of 1 hour.

Majik Merlin May 20 2021 05:09 AM

HELP~~ How do I find which of my many farms has a specific facility? I apparently need to manually start products.

The facility manager is not allowing me to start any production of any facility; however it does not even show this specific facility. And, yet...when I go to store to see about buying it, the store says I alread own one. Specifically, I need to produce product in the Irish Cafe to finish a quest. Do I have the Irish restaurant or not? There fore, how can I find it if I do have it. I do NOT want to buy a secon one if I already have one as the store says I do.

Any help would be appreciated, especially before I lose my quest.

Tiger May 20 2021 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Majik Merlin (Post 6447374)
HELP~~ How do I find which of my many farms has a specific facility? I apparently need to manually start products.

The facility manager is not allowing me to start any production of any facility; however it does not even show this specific facility. And, yet...when I go to store to see about buying it, the store says I alread own one. Specifically, I need to produce product in the Irish Cafe to finish a quest. Do I have the Irish restaurant or not? There fore, how can I find it if I do have it. I do NOT want to buy a secon one if I already have one as the store says I do.

Any help would be appreciated, especially before I lose my quest.

Hi MajiK Merlin,

It is sounding like you don't have your Facility Manger set to show all facilities on all farms, you may have changed some of the filters which is why it may not be showing up in there. icon.PNGPlease open your Facility Manager and then click on the Funnel icon and set ALL the filters like this: ALL.PNG

If you make any changes, please remember to click in the green check mark to save them, then see if you can see your Irish Restaurant.

For speed your Irish Restaurant is on your farm called Beyond Sanity, so if you still can't see the facility in the FM you can go to that farm and start a single batch of the quest step you need from the facility itself.

If you already have the filters in the FM set like shown above and still can't see the Irish restaurant, let us know and we have another instruction you can try to resolve that.

Majik Merlin May 20 2021 09:39 AM

Looks like that did the trick, many thanks.

Tiger May 20 2021 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Majik Merlin (Post 6447414)
Looks like that did the trick, many thanks.

That's great Majik Merlin, thanks for coming back to let us know.

Grasshopper12455 May 21 2021 10:20 AM

CASH OUT ALL no longer working
Beginning 5/20/21 the Cash Out All button in the facility manager is no longer correctly calculating coins. I typically get more than 2 billion dollars each time a farmer works my factories and services and make 12-25 billion a day. Now, even after 10-15 people worked my facilities I ended up with only a few hundred million. Prior to yesterday, the feature was working fine.

Taz D May 21 2021 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Grasshopper12455 (Post 6447630)
Beginning 5/20/21 the Cash Out All button in the facility manager is no longer correctly calculating coins. I typically get more than 2 billion dollars each time a farmer works my factories and services and make 12-25 billion a day. Now, even after 10-15 people worked my facilities I ended up with only a few hundred million. Prior to yesterday, the feature was working fine.

Hi Grasshopper,
I moved your post to the subject thread about the facility manager.
The Cashout is working correctly. If it wasn't then you would get no coins at all. After you cash out go through and check your service facilities and see if they still have a lot of completed batches. I think you will find that they do not and have been cashed out.

Maybe not as many neighbors or friends are working them now. From what I see in your data is that you cash out several times a day and most are in the millions, not billions. May 23 2021 10:40 AM

All my Facilities are not all displayed under Facility Manager
I've noticed this morning that a few of my Facilities were not listed under Facility Manager. Specifically, I was looking for the location of my Food Preserve Factory as well as my Spice Factory. They weren't listed when I pulled up Facility Manager so I had to go to each of my farms and found them that way (eg, Food Preserve Factory on Farm 9; Spice Factory on Farm 3). How can I be sure to have all facilities previously purchased listed under Facility Manager going forward? Thank you.

Taz D May 23 2021 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6447998)
I've noticed this morning that a few of my Facilities were not listed under Facility Manager. Specifically, I was looking for the location of my Food Preserve Factory as well as my Spice Factory. They weren't listed when I pulled up Facility Manager so I had to go to each of my farms and found them that way (eg, Food Preserve Factory on Farm 9; Spice Factory on Farm 3). How can I be sure to have all facilities previously purchased listed under Facility Manager going forward? Thank you.

Hi B_wmoo,
I moved your post to the subject thread about the facility manager. icon.PNGPlease open your Facility Manager and click on the Funnel Icon top right of the window that opens, then make sure that it is set like this for your facility tools to work on all facilities on all farms. Please remember to click the green check mark to save any changes. ALL.PNG May 23 2021 05:05 PM

It's working. Thanks!

Frankie59 May 24 2021 02:16 AM

Facility Manager adds not the correct amount of XP
1 Attachment(s)
The Facility Manager adds less than the displayed number of XP to the total sum of XP
Example: Air Fresheners Factory.
XP Total before the start : 61024497.
Display after klickeing the 'start all' button: + 990 XP
Expectet value after starting: 61025487
Total XP Points after the task: 61025193.
Coclusion: 294 points less than it should be.
Restart of the game has no effect, XP points are still 61025193.
This happens with all facilities I checked.
Please check an fix the problem.
Many thanks in advance

Tiger May 24 2021 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Frankie59 (Post 6448082)
The Facility Manager adds less than the displayed number of XP to the total sum of XP
Example: Air Fresheners Factory.
XP Total before the start : 61024497.
Display after klickeing the 'start all' button: + 990 XP
Expectet value after starting: 61025487
Total XP Points after the task: 61025193.
Coclusion: 294 points less than it should be.
Restart of the game has no effect, XP points are still 61025193.
This happens with all facilities I checked.
Please check an fix the problem.
Many thanks in advance

Hi Frankie,

I have moved your post to the help and support thread about facilities.

When you start products in facilities, the XP amount you see is what you would have got for all of the batches, BUT what happens next is that you get bonus batches back for filling them. The ingredients for those bonus batches are returned to you by the mayor so then the game deducts the XP for those bonus batches which is why you end up with less XP than you initially saw. May 29 2021 12:54 PM

Store all/Cash Out all
Since the migration, my store all/cash out all have not worked properly. Before the migration, one click on these stored everything in all farms or cashed out all farms, now I have to go to several farms to perform this function. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

marymarcel May 29 2021 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6449182)
Since the migration, my store all/cash out all have not worked properly. Before the migration, one click on these stored everything in all farms or cashed out all farms, now I have to go to several farms to perform this function. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Hi honkycat :)

I moved your post to the thread about Facilities. icon.PNGPlease open your Facility Manger and click on the Funnel Icon top right of the window that opens, then make sure that it is set like this for your facility tools to work on all facilities on all farms. Please remember to click the green check mark to save any changes. ALL.PNG
I had a look at your data and your Armored Truck, which allows you to Cash out all, is missing.
You can go to the Store and buy a duplicate using coins.
If you wish to contact Support. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you dont find the automatic response please read the following information:

Caren Katsmom May 29 2021 02:13 PM

MaryMarcel, before the migration to HTML5, we could "Store All" and "Cash
Out All" by clicking those buttons without needing to have check marks in the boxes to display all Regular and all Service facilities. In the new version of the game, clicking to store or cash out all results in a pop-up message that says "The "Store All" operation has no effect on any of the facilities that you have in your farms." Ditto for the "Cash Out All" operation (same message). I used to keep check marks in the boxes for showing Animal Buildings only.. because those are the ones I use every day. In the new version, I have to keep all three kinds of buildings "checked" in my Facility Manager... and the order "Production Chain" in order to be able to see ONLY the animal buildings at the top of the list for daily harvesting, while still being able to store all and cash out all Regular and Service facilities whenever I want to. The alternative is to keep checking and un-checking the boxes for Regular and Service facilities whenever I want to Store All or Cash Out All in the Facility Manager. I hope this makes sense? I can do screenshots if it will help.

marymarcel May 29 2021 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Caren Katsmom (Post 6449214)
MaryMarcel, before the migration to HTML5, we could "Store All" and "Cash
Out All" by clicking those buttons without needing to have check marks in the boxes to display all Regular and all Service facilities. In the new version of the game, clicking to store or cash out all results in a pop-up message that says "The "Store All" operation has no effect on any of the facilities that you have in your farms." Ditto for the "Cash Out All" operation (same message). I used to keep check marks in the boxes for showing Animal Buildings only.. because those are the ones I use every day. In the new version, I have to keep all three kinds of buildings "checked" in my Facility Manager... and the order "Production Chain" in order to be able to see ONLY the animal buildings at the top of the list for daily harvesting, while still being able to store all and cash out all Regular and Service facilities whenever I want to. The alternative is to keep checking and un-checking the boxes for Regular and Service facilities whenever I want to Store All or Cash Out All in the Facility Manager. I hope this makes sense? I can do screenshots if it will help.

Hi Caren Katsmom :)

As far as I remember, the funnel gives you the option to decide what to fill/load and what to store/cash out.

You need to have an option checked in Facility Type for Regular Facilities and for Service Facilities.
If you dont have any check mark for any of the options, then you cant store or cash out as no facilities are showed up in the Facility manager screen.

For example if you only wanted to start or store all products from Non workable facilities by friends, you have to change the option from All to Non workable by friends in the Regular Facilities.

That way you only start or store products from mines, bee farms, fish farming plants, banks, semi, oil pumps, etc without starting or storing products from other regular facilities.

You can have the setting for Production chain and also have Animal buildings unchecked and the animal sheds are harvested without problems by clicking in Harvest all above the Facility Manager.

Caren Katsmom May 29 2021 02:45 PM

That is not how it worked in the Flash version of the game. The buttons to Store All and Cash Out All worked independently of what facilities or buildings you were displaying in the Facility Manager. I always displayed ONLY my Animal Buldings, but was always able to store and cash out everything, every time I clicked one of those buttons. Surely the developers know about this change?

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 02:47 PM.