Farm Town

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Raul Apr 13 2010 04:06 PM

New Release -- April 13, 2010
Hey there,

We just released a new version with these new features/fixes:

More Pizzas:
Pepperoni Pizza ( get pepperoni as gift from friends )
Ham Pizza ( get ham as gift from friends )
Hawaian Pizza ( get ham as gift from friends )

Publish to wall to get these gifts is just an option, not required.

More Juices:
Tomato Juice
Cranberry Juice

New Icecream Factory (in coins)
Chocolate Ice cream
Strawberry Ice cream
Coffee Ice cream ( for now, get ground coffee as gift from friends )
Mango Ice cream
Pineapple Ice cream
Coconut Ice cream

You can now send several ingredients to your friends for them to use in their facilities, which includes eggs, milk, chocolate liquor, ham, pepperoni, sugar, flour and boxes with different fruits (already harvested).

Several items on the gift page were moved to the store.

Increased productivity of the Chocolate Liquor Facility, it produces now 40 Units per hour instead of 20.

Each Fuel tank you receive as gift now provides you with 300 Fuel units instead of 100.

When you send flowers as gifts to friends they comes now in batches of 5.

The Crops and Trees sections on the store now shows the level at which the crop or tree is unlocked.

We are now showing the Unit Price (as well as the Batch Price) for each product on the facility window to avoid some confusion.

Some users were unable to receive gifts because their gift box was full, we now added a notification message when this happens, so users can go and use or sell some gifts to free some space. The gift box can hold about 100 gifs.




Nightrider Apr 13 2010 04:09 PM

Is this Farm Town's newest Form of a Bull?

LOL I had to share

Molly Mew Apr 13 2010 04:18 PM

Fantastic. Thanks Raul. :)

doogels Apr 13 2010 04:22 PM

Great update!!Glad to see the new juices ,pizzas and Icecream :),,the gifts thing is nice but seems overly generous,,wont need all facilities and all those cows.On my way to the store now for Icream Factory!!

Farmer Kate S. Apr 13 2010 04:30 PM

All this is lovely ...but, as for me, I'd lik to just be able to play the game and work on my farm again, without being kickd out of the game, o all the other things about which I hav posted, several times ...and yes, I've done all the usual. ah, well. At least I got a few of my flowers watered, and no crops to lose ...already did that.

m275 pfc Apr 13 2010 04:30 PM

i would luv to buy the choc n juice factories with my hard cash as i have used most of my ft coins any chance we can buy them ???? pretty plz

Kaytutt Apr 13 2010 04:36 PM

argh! I need a 4th farm lol

free1indeed Apr 13 2010 04:38 PM

Almost need one farm for just the industrial stuff.:)

servocrow Apr 13 2010 04:49 PM

YAY!! I was just working on my youngest son's farm and saw some "ch-ch-changes"...


And I am one who does have my third farm as a "OF SORTS" Industrial Park/Restaurant/Playpark area....

too much fun....

This has been great timing dealing with a bad arm too..a great mind occupier..

tikas3 Apr 13 2010 04:55 PM

While I think most of the changes are good I do not believe this one is

50 x Chocolate Liquor gifts???

A lot of us paid hard earned cash for that factory, and now you are handing them out free so we got shafted our money to have the privilege of having the chocolate?
I'd like a refund back on that Choclate Factory

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