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Raul Jun 02 2011 06:45 PM

Belt System Updates -- June 2nd, 2011
We just adjusted the limits for the Ingredients and Belt Bonuses Help. You can now post 5 times in a 12 hours period and accumulate up to 1,000,000 in coins in that period. We expect less posts and bigger chances of getting more value this way. Belt bonuses and ingredient requests limits remains separate as they are now.

Notice that the additional bonus you may get by posting to your friends walls when you reach new belts and degrees is really not that significant as they are only a one time bonus, the most important benefit is the new increased chances you get for getting additional products every time you or an employee harvest in your farm, this is similar to benefits offered by a manure spreader but there is no Farm Cash involved, only your efforts in getting belts and Dan degrees.

Updates to the Belt System:

1. Users on levels 150 and higher will be able to specialize even more on a Black Belt product by reaching different degrees of Black Belts which are called Dans (ranks). This should give users in higher levels a bigger challange, as achieving all 6 Dan degrees on a product is about 4 or 5 times harder than reaching all the 6 Belts. Here are the benefits when reaching each Dan degree:

1st Dan Degree -> 41% chances for an box everytime you harvest
2nd Dan Degree -> 46% chances for an box everytime you harvest
3rd Dan Degree -> 52% chances for an box everytime you harvest
4th Dan Degree -> 58% chances for an box everytime you harvest
5th Dan Degree -> 65% chances for an box everytime you harvest
6th Dan Degree -> 72% chances for an box everytime you harvest

2.Tooltips info when mouse over a product icon is shown immidiately, including the chance % you are getting when reaching the next belt or dan degree. Also, this info is shown now also when the Seeder cursor is selected.

Hi There,

Here are some updates to the Belt system that we just launched:

1.Currently there are 6 belts that you can achieve, when you reach the first 4 there will be no confirmation box or a chance to ask for a bonus, only a regular non-obstructive fading message on the top of the game.

2.For the higher 2 belts (brown and black), there will be a notification message and the chance to post to the news feed to get the extra bonus, but users will have the option to close the message box without opening the facebook news feed.

3.There will be limitations similar to the one used for the request ingredients posts:

a. You can ask for the extra bonus only 3 times every 3 hours, users then decide which 3 extra bonus they will request when they get new belts.

b. You can earn up to 250000 coins by receiving or sending bonuses.

4. The limitations will be separate from the one used when you request ingredients, meaning you can post 3 times and earn up to 250000 coins requesting ingredients and also post 3 times and earn up to 250000 coins requesting bonuses on the same 3 hours. Also, you can help a friend by sending him ingredients and also help the same friend right after that by sending him a bonus, you will also get the benefits for both actions if you are below the 250000 limit.

We think these changes will make things better but we may need to do some additional tweaking later on.


artisanrox Jun 02 2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Raul (Post 4681854)
We think these changes will make things better but we may need to do some additional tweaking later on.


Better. :) Thank you for listening to your players.

enough facilities Jun 02 2011 07:16 PM

Raul the limits of 3 hours got to go, please make it PER DAY, You are trying to force people to play longer and you are gonna have a lot of peed off people. I haven't clicked on 1 news feed or received anything and I am at my limit. This is a Zynga tactic 2 clicks for 1 friend will stop collection for 3 hours. I like the belt idea but the 3 hours for collecting and 12 hours for buying are plain and simply dumb in my opinion.

jesdreher Jun 02 2011 07:20 PM

Thank you for adding ranks so that it's harder to rank up and thank you for listening. :)

onamission Jun 02 2011 07:26 PM

Now we're starting to cook with gas, thanks Raul! :D

The separation of low levels from high levels is especially good - something for us all to work towards.

Full marks for addressing issues so quickly - amazing! Just one of the reasons why I love my farms :)

Tinbender Jun 02 2011 07:38 PM

whole thing is a VERY bad idea. Going to take over the game and probably cause server overloads and slow downs.

Randall_Lind Jun 02 2011 07:55 PM

The seeder no longer shows belts why?

katrina719 Jun 02 2011 07:56 PM

Only the Smart survive :)

Thank you Raul !!

Anthorn Jun 02 2011 08:00 PM

Facebook: Violets and Pink Rose brown belt
For the violets brown belt I didn't get a pop-up to post to my wall, only an acknowledgement that I had attained it. For the Pink Rose brown belt, I posted it to my wall but only received a 5 x pink rose regular gift to my gift box for each click.

Edit: As with the Violets Brown belt, the Pink Rose Black Belt came up with an acknowledgement but no pop-up to post it to my wall. Seriously this needs to be looked at. I am 1,855 pink rose missing so far (371 per click) as a result of only getting a 5 x pink rose for each click!

Miz Lisa Jun 02 2011 08:01 PM

I really appreciate the listening and tweaking you've done over a very short period of time. Thank you.

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