Farm Town

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Raul Dec 23 2009 12:56 PM

New Release -- December 22nd, 2009 - UPDATE 2
Hi There,

We closed the other threads related to the latest release to make it easier to collect feedback.

A new version was released an hour ago, it is very similar to the way it was before, and at some times it will be even faster as the avatar is still teletransported when is working on close fields, this may have the effect of the avatar been closer to where the people are working most of the time, which may also contribute to have less collisions.

This version still contains many other improvements targeted to minimize the amount of XP / coins lost, we don't expect it to be as efective as with the latest version, but we still expect improvments on that area, so may be this is a good balance at the end.

Please provide feedback on the new experience.



: It seems that the newest version of the program is working as it should for many players and they are experiencing the intended benefits. Others are reporting issues which should not be experienced with this newest release. Before posting in this thread, please do the following REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE THE LATEST VERSION OF ADOBE FLASH. Go to the website and use their uninstall program to completely uninstall your flash player program. Then BEFORE REINSTALLING clear your browser cache and reboot your computer to get rid of any remnants of the program before going back to the site and reinstalling the latest version of flash player for your computer.

Capt. Conor Dec 23 2009 12:59 PM

I can queue, can anyone else

BTW thanks raul for the update,
Edit: I love this update but I am having more collisions than ever, When I work for someone, who hired 3 people for 100 plots, I am clicking in a pattern and when my farmer goes to the to collect my cash, it says already done, this is causing me to lose even more money than before. They farmers, get to the plots before my farmer can get his cash, please just roll it back to its old plowing state Here is a pic So as you can see, she is plowing OVER my queued plowing spots.

Kelsey Dec 23 2009 12:59 PM

Thank you Raul!
Thank you Developers!

I still appreciate everything you do for us.

Molly Mew Dec 23 2009 01:00 PM

Thanks Raul. I'm pretty sure we'll get LOTS of feedback. ;)

Double T Dude Ranch Dec 23 2009 01:01 PM

Hopefully this compromise works for the users ;)

Chuckcbr Dec 23 2009 01:01 PM

Thanks Raul,
I just plowed a farm and it seems to be back to the old way...I LOVE IT!!!
Thanks again...

propwash77063 Dec 23 2009 01:02 PM


Thank you for bringing the fun back and easing frustration.

As for the hires I have two large farms and the most I ever hire is two. That way its worth their time and they get plenty of coinage and xp's.

Thank you for all you do. I know it seems unappreciated at times but believe me it is not. Most of all thank you for listening to us the end users.

Warmest regards and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
Dan Purdy
Houston TX

MsEbonique Dec 23 2009 01:03 PM

I just got finished harvesting and plowing... I knew you made a change from the new version. It was awful.... It kept blinking... so you didn't know where you were... much slower... I was ready to leave. This morning with my AV with me was wonderful. I was fast... got in and out in no time. I harvested and plowed. Please put it back to the new way.... I have a new computer with plenty of ram and great graphic card. So it's not my computer. It's the same old bugs you had before especially the blinking and not knowing where you are. It was better and I like the AV being with me while plowing. It didn't get into anyone's way. Just don't like you to be able to know who is cutting who off. Thank you for listening.

Efwis Dec 23 2009 01:04 PM

thank you for change, it's awesome once again.
it took my g/f less then 2 minutes to harvest and plow the majority of my farm.

i don't mind the larger icons (i.e. scathe, hoe, seed bag) but it would be nice if you could make them about 3/4 the size they are now. just a suggestion. if not that's fine i will write it off as a fair trade off.

thanks again and keep up the great work. Yes i do know that what you do is not an easy task, but thank you again for listening to your players on this.

illumi Dec 23 2009 01:04 PM

As I said, I like the new upgrade and have had a chance to try the new upgrade just about 30 mins ago.
Yes the harvesting and plowing goes fast, but the adding of exp/coins is after getting really slow...20+ mins for a farm depending on size eventhough i finished the job in 5 mins. I got to hang around for 15mins or more just to wait for the exp/coins to add.
And if im on a farm with more than one person harvesting most of the plots show ALREADY DONE. And I have to hang around just to see every plot tell me its already done for another 15- 20 mins. With the old version it NEVER took this long for the coins/exp to add up. The amount of times im getting booted since the upgrades is well...many many times. I havent been booted in ages. Please roll it back and limit the hire to 1 for harvesting and plowing as you suggested earlier.
Thanks for trying to make this game more enjoyable for us all....It just didnt work with this upgrade.
I rarely had problems with the last version, and it has never been so slow in adding exp/coins.

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