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Old Nov 22 2009, 10:42 AM
theopenrange theopenrange is offline
Green Wizard ( Level 34 )
Join Date: Nov 22 2009
Posts: 2
Farmer Since: Mar 09 2009
Trophies: 14
Lightbulb Suggestions.....

While I'm here......

I realize you just released a very large and very good upgrade so this isn't in any way a criticism.... I just wanted to make the suggestions while I'm thinking about 'em ( before I forget 'em ).

Some things I'd like to see in future updates...... Animals - Deer, Bear, Ducks, Hawks and/or Falcons, Moose, White and brown spotted horses; Waterfalls ( animated would be nice, but I realize that's probably a bit of a stretch ); Bridges ( open and covered ones - wooden ones a bit larger than the ones currently with the water features ) that are independent features and can be placed over other features such as water features, roads, etc.; Older chickens.... those little peeps are cute, but too many of 'em running around makes me feel like I'm in a Loony Toons version of Hitchcock's The Birds; Trains and tracks - nothing fancy or really involved - just good old black steam engines and a few cars on tracks that can be laid out much like the water features are now; Stone walls; Split rail fences. Saloons / Taverns

And now for something completely different.... How about an overhaul of the avatars.... ? Not that there's anything wrong with the current model; I'd just ( personally ) like to have choices for avatars that looked a bit less Yoville'ish and more dirt under the fingernails, calloused hands people of the earth type, avatars.... Not a complaint, just a "boy it sure would be nice if.... ". Be able to dress 'em up like cowboys, farmers, hunters, etc.

And now for something even a bit more completely different..... Different themes..... Farmers can pick a theme for their farm, after which all of the items and features available will be related to that theme: early American, medieval, fantasy ( think hobbits in grasslands, elves in woodlands, dwarves in mountains, etc. ) and so on. If someone wanted to switch themes, however, they would either have to start over from scratch OR be able to have an additional farm for the new theme.

Of course I realize you folks only have so much server capacity, developer capacity as well as hours in the day..... But, personally, I wouldn't have a problem at all paying a monthly sub of five bucks, for example, to have all of the above available......

Peace out and happy farming......


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