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Old Nov 30 2009, 08:50 PM
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sunshinelady sunshinelady is offline
Join Date: Jun 20 2009
Posts: 3

I personally am not happy with it. Why two farms? Why not just give me more land for the farm I have been fixing to my satisfaction for months? I just need more room for adding the new stuff. Plus you have to be level 43? Good grief Charlie Brown, I've been plugging away for ages now and feel like I'm in quick sand. And 3 mil coins? Get real. And while I'm at it, why is so much requiring money now for what is said to be a 'free game'? If you're going to charge, dang it set a price for the game and then include everything in it. When you're living on a below poverty income, games trying to bleed you dry get to be old very quick. And it looks like the Salvation Army stuff is what you get if you can't afford to pay cash for decent stuff.

I'm considering giving up farming.