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Old Dec 22 2009, 10:42 PM
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Join Date: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 2

Originally Posted by raul View Post
hi there,

first, the bert account was hacked recently and there were some posts made on his behalf, we are researching this issue now.

Second, we just released a new version of farmtown a while ago. As stated before, we were going to focus mainly on the lost xp/coins issues which are critical at this point. However, in order to minimize the lost xp/coins issues, we had to make some changes to the way harvesting/plowing works when you are hired.

before, when multiple people were hired on a farm, everybody starts clicking randomly on every field, and there are a lot of collisions, people harvesting/plowing on the same fields, as you don't see clearly where other people are working.

The new way is this, if you harvest fields that are close to where your avatar is, then your avatar will be teletransported and will be a very quick transition, it should be as quick or comparable to what it was before, however if you click on a field that is farther away, then you will have to wait until your avatar gets to that field to continue working.

This change will make that on some instances you work slower, on the other hand people get more dispersed while working on a farm, you can actually see them where they are working, and there will be much less collisions between them. This will also add another component to the game, now it's not just blindly clicking on the fields, you have to also consider the position of other players and your chances to avoid collisions and to get more work done. Now, when you click on a field that another player did before you, then you will see a message saying "already done", before, there was no feedback at all.

Of course, we know this release will cause a lot of complains as well, because in order to improve one area we had to change the behaivor on another area which some users will not like it, but compared to the issue of frequent losing more xp and coins, we just decided this was the way to go.

So far we have detected that there are 70% less issues with lost xp/coins that before, and it should improve with time even more.

As a separate note, the cursors on the game have been made larger and they don't get overlapped by other items on the game.


ok every what was done to farm town needs to be undone. I do not have time to sit around and wait on my avatar to get to each spot before i move on. I talked to tons of people in the market thats like me if it stays this we are deleting it and will play something else. Fix it back the way it was. Cant you get up to date with out messing the whole dang game up all together. Come on already just put it back the way it was.