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Old Dec 30 2009, 06:56 PM
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Molly Mew Molly Mew is offline
Join Date: Jun 05 2009
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Originally Posted by OhComeNow View Post
Since the latest update, everything works beautifully for me; however reading through these posts tells me that's not the case with many people. I've experimented playing FT on a number of different computers and browsers. On Compaq with Internet Explorer, I was completely unable to play the game -- the lag time was ridiculous. On several different Dells with IE, it frequently freezes. On a new iMac with Safari, the screen kept flickering every time I harvested or plowed, and each square had to be clicked 2-3 times before succeeding.

In all cases the latest version of Adobe Flash was used and cache was cleared.

The best combination: new iMac with Firefox on high speed DSL.

It would be nice if the devs would either post the minimum computer/browser configuration required to play the game successfully (perhaps they have done this somewhere and I don't know it) or create a game that works regardless of the user's operating environment.
As the game is still in beta development, the developers have not set minimum requirements as of this time.

There is a thread with some basic guidelines in the top post.

As impartial forum moderators, we're not able to recommend one specific browser, ISP, or operating system as against another, although we do have our own favourites (lol)
Other players do post details of combinations that work for them, and in fact some of the information provided is used in official top posts from time to time if we feel it can help with user problems.

Originally Posted by Llama Akers View Post
I agree with the post above.... I'm ready to quit Farmtown and I'm level 60, I'm sick of standing around waiting til the avatar is finished only to find "already done" Sorry but everytime you change something you screw it up worse!!! Can't even get the go home to work until the stupid thing is through telling you already done.... I'm too old for this ****!!!!!
We've reported to the developers that the 'already done' message is not popular with players, and they've confirmed they're reworking the idea.