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Old Dec 31 2009, 04:12 AM
lizziekillin lizziekillin is offline
Join Date: May 13 2009
Posts: 3

nightmare today. I got hired to harvest - fine. very slow but fine. then they hired me to plow and that is when the nightmare began. it refused to refresh the farm and hire me to plow - I think it was behind in saving coins. Eventually I got hired to plow ok - by which time the other employees had grabbed most of the plowing.
I then got hired to harvest on another farm - great. Then they tried to rehire me to plow - nightmare again. after 3 attempts they added me to their buddy list and I did the same and eventually managed to get home. But no - they had not been added to buddy list at all. luckily they had me and managed to send me a message so I could follow the green man and get over there to be hired. After I had finished plowing the coins and xps continued to change for over 5 minutes after the last field showed as plowed to me.
this new release is not good. there must be some sort of saving issue that needs addressing.
please get it sorted asap please.