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Old Feb 15 2010, 04:21 AM
Charo Charo is offline
Join Date: May 08 2009
Posts: 207

Originally Posted by causingchaos View Post
I very rarely spend any time in the market place to do anything other than hire people so you don't have to worry about hiring me. I find there are much better ways to waste my time than begging for jobs in the market place.

Carly, people are allowed to be "greedy" with their farms. They are after all their farms. Not your farm. Not hte farm of everyone in the market place. I don't understand why people suddenly think farms are somehow community property which they can tell the actual owners how to run them.

And I am extremely greedy with my time. I have a life beyond farm town. I don't have time to sit around and baby sit my farm. I hire and walk away from my computer to actually take part in said life and come back at my leisure to handle the rest of my farm. I'm sorry my greed with my time offends you, but I won't be sitting around by my computer to make sure the harvesters have someone to talk to.

Well said.

I'm often doing other things, and my hiring of others is a favor unto them. Sometimes I chat, but half the time, I'm doing something else while they are working because I don't have all day to sit on FT. If the farm owner doesn't say anything, they probably are in another window or away from the keyboard. Just say thanks and move on. If you want to ignore, that's your prerogative. You may just miss out on another harvest or plowing job.

Don't take it so personally.
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