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Old Mar 27 2010, 12:42 PM
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Duck Duck Goose Duck Duck Goose is offline
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Originally Posted by lulu836 View Post
I clicked on the button to make the facilities run faster and got quite a surprise. My only option was to publish to my wall. I can never use this option because I have many friends who do not and do not want to play FT. Besides I would seem to be a total idiot by posting this on my wall.

We need to have the option for specific neighbors as we do in gifting. If left as is I don't think many people are going to use it.

I know this is a ploy to get everybody's friends to sign up for FT because if they don't sign up for FT then they cannot help. This effort to get more people to sign up for FT is not very subtle. Sort of like using a hammer to kill an ant. Rethink this guys.............make it so that we can pick out our FT friends and leave the rest alone.

Thank you for your patience.
Well first of all, Myspace ppl dont have a stinking wall, and most of my friends on ms dont allow streams from apps either.
That is/will be totally worthless.
We need to have it set up for our neighbors of our own chosing.
We should be able to either simply have the facilties move faster or hire a neighbor of our choseing to harvest the facility.

Also: the faster button doesnt even work on ms. i get a black loading box for sending request, but it never loads. This goes on untill the game server times out.

If you want to improve something, improve the server! It's now taking 10 years just to load a farm.
Theres not even any point in working for someone anymore, because youre certainly gonna get timed out.
Even planting on your own farm makes the server lag.
The game is too popular for its own good.
No need to improve a game with updates if the game cant be played................