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Old Apr 05 2010, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by JavaJane View Post
Totally agree.
Also should have the option to buy new facilities (like the juicer) with coins not FTcash, as being level 80, you don't get anything, and I don't want to install apps after apps after apps.

However, I plod along with two farms (one does nothing and is just pretty, the 2nd gets me coins, just for fun. (well, to pass the time lol)
If they have every item available for coins and cash, then why have the cash. This game is by far the least money greedy game I play, most games have all the really good stuff for cash only and some don't even give you a way to earn free cash, that includes getting $1 for every level you advance. For the most part these games are free to us but they still need to make money from the game. That money comes form adds on FB, offers that we can do both the free ones and the ones you can pay for, and from people spending real money on FC. This is just a reality of the games on FB all games have the premium items that you will have to either pay for or earn the cash another way, that is not going away, (at the risk of sounding like a witch) either put up or shut up.

Originally Posted by STROOPEWAFFELS View Post
Ok I am trying to add more people to my neighbor list,, but is there a specific number that is a "cut off" number like am I only allowed to have 30 neighbors ??? or can I have 50 neighbors if I want ???? I think most of us would like to know, if this has been answered before I am sorry :-)
Myspace can have 20 neighbors max, FB 80 neighbors.

Originally Posted by lulu836 View Post
beg to differ about the app of the day. Residing right now on my hard-drive is an app of the day downloaded executable. I have not yet deleted it just out of pure laziness but soon will. So there goes that theory.They say if you don't use it you will not get your FC. So I ask myself how would they know if I had it installed or not. The obvious answer is it installs a tracking cookie and and dll. Which was my point over two weeks ago and nobody believed it. How about now guys........believe it yet?
There are two types of games you can add to earn farm cash, they are the app of the day and play this game for x fc. Now the app of the day doesn't download anything to your computer but the other type of game requires you to download a game to your computer, this is the one that will put spy ware on your computer that is hard to get off. You can tell the difference 2 ways if there is an app of the day it is the first thing listed always. The other way is if you click on the link is get taken to a page that doesn't say allow this app then that is not the app of the day.

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