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Old Apr 21 2010, 01:59 AM
daybarb daybarb is offline
Join Date: Aug 20 2009
Location: California
Posts: 11
Red face it the program ??

[quote=tnbravesgirl;3435842]I dont use or want to use any of the facilities. This is my personal choice, some people love them...., just not me. It seems with every new release there are major problems..........

I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND why developers would continue and continue and CONTINUE to add more items when the SAME OLD PROBLEMS are still around and still giving us problems.

While I don't have your longevity in Farm Town, I am a level 80 and have 3 fully developed farms.

I find it sad that people always want to blame the software, the programmer or any other thing besides their own equipment and expertise. On top of this a lot depends on what browser you use and your ISP and your own attention to keeping your computer free of spy ware and tracker files.

I have played about a full year now, and haven't encountered the problems you mention. I never lost a single neighbor except when my cache was full. You may not realize that with many of the new browsers you have to empty both the cache on your system tools and the cache on the browser itself. Look into the help section of your browser and you may find the answer to some of your difficulties.

You may need more RAM or disk speed to have the game be all you desire.

So far as your complaints about the programmers adding more features, I feel that most people LOVE the new additions, at least my neighbors and friends do, and I have over 400 friends. These people all play Farm Town as this is the only game I play.

Since I have not experienced the problems you have had, I know that at least one person,(me) and I expect most of the other 10 million or so other people playing Farm Town do not have these problems. If they did this board would be so busy the site would probably crash!

Come visit my farms, everyone is welcome!

Barbara Ann Day
"To Everything A Season"