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Old May 22 2010, 12:14 AM
Steve Leonard Steve Leonard is offline
Join Date: Nov 20 2009
Posts: 3

With the semi truck, you can purchase hot dog sausage, pepperoni, ham, chicken and meat for anywhere from 350 - 500 coins and 5 fuel units per 5 units of meat (except hot dog sausage - 15 units). They are delivered at a rate of 5 units per hour (except hot dog sausage - 15) and you can order as much as you like, provided you have coins and fuel. You can then either sell them for a profit or use them in facilities. This way you are not dependent on neighbors for them.

Originally Posted by Annette55 View Post
I am so with this idea. I have every square pixel full of crops I need for the production stuff, and the production facilities are squeezed in around all the edges as best as I could. Like so many have said already, could we have a fourth farm, prettttty please???
Also, I think if you could put a description in the store of what each facility does and what it takes to do it's thing, that would be really helpful. For example, I have never bought the semi truck because I have NO idea what it's good for. What does it do, exactly, anyway???
And the oil refinery, does that fill automatically and you harvest it? Or?? A bit of description would go a LONG way towards making us 'not so rich we can afford to buy what seems possibly trivial stuff' folks more likely to buy such things. Thanks!