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Old Aug 30 2010, 02:15 PM
Barney1702 Barney1702 is offline
Join Date: Jul 16 2010
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
after the 7th......

I have learned that the individual farms cannot exceed 24x24 (unless the devs make major changes in what is causing that restriction).

that is a bit of a bummer.... oh well

and the spreader has doubled my crop output and virtually eliminated running short of any products I choose while I make my millions per day

So, more farms are the answer. And with the layout of the 5 diamonds, it is rather safe to assume that the devs have now planned for more farms (maybe a dozen)

I have choices to make....

1] I start a third account and begin that from the 12x12, need neighbors, need pineapples maybe
(I would have at least 2 great neighbors right away)

2] I just accumulate coin and FT$$ over and above the current 600mill? sure

3] I make some mental plans for the next farm(s)? sure

4] I plan on visiting Grumpa's 13th? sure

5] I redesign a farm, add duplicate facilities that make $$$$, and etc maybe

6] I sell off the crop (with an "a") in my inventory that I don't need or want and could always buy later? probably

7] I just go play the ville or the frontier games? pass
I would be your neighbour for yr 3rd account.....