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Old Sep 09 2010, 08:41 PM
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Kelsey Kelsey is offline
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Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers View Post
I'm not sure whre this post belongs, its not really a social topic, nor is it a help topic. I trust that the mods will move this if its in the right spot, but ask them to tell me where it went.

I was harvesting for someone this afternoon, She had hired me to do crops and flowers. I did the crops first and started the flowers. Well did this person not go totally crazy, started yelling and calling me every name she could think of at that second. It went like this:

Her: WTF are you doing (insert c and s words in here)
Me: excuse me?
Her: Are you stupid or dumb?
Me: what??
Her: can't you tell the difference between flowers and trees
Me: (still clueless as to why she is so mad) last time i checked I was able to tell the difference with ease
Her: ok than why are you chopping my ******* flowers you dumb ****
Me: you hired me for crops and flowers not trees, otherwise I wouldn't be able to chop the flowers
Her: you stunned b****, I know what I hired you for
Me: ok then what's the problem?
Her: I am going to report you for hacking into my computer and changing my dumb, stupid (insert curse here again) cow. They will track your IP and you will be banned from FT and f/b for being a hacker
Me: ok well if you feel thats what you need to do than feel free (I left)

Obvioulsy she didn't realize she hired me for flowers, or maybe she did and just wanted to fight with someone. Either way, PLEASE watch what you are hiring for, It might take and extra 1-2 secs to make sure but please do it anyway. I so did not need that **** and nobody else does either. take that 1-2 secs and read. I did NOT hack into anyones computer (I am not smart enough to know how, in all honesty. lol) As far as I see it, it's her own fault,had she of taken the time to read it wouldn't have happened I stopped when she started yelling, so now she has some chopped and others not, I can only imagine what she said when she reported me lol.

This is a great point - and a good reminder for those times that any of us may accidentally click the wrong button (when we're in a hurry, distracted, having a blond or slydexic (dyslexic) moment or just brain farted). Please make sure that if there is a specific item that you do not want harvested, that you double check what selection you make when you are hiring someone.

Please keep the OPs post on topic about:

Either way, PLEASE watch what you are hiring for, It might take and extra 1-2 secs to make sure but please do it anyway.
Otherwise, this thread may be merged into the Hiring Discussions Thread in Social.

Another point - if she managed to click on the OP, choose report, and fill out a report before the OP left, what would she have said? "This person harvested flowers" ... not a reportable issue (harassment, extremely offensive swearing, etc.) where the OP actually may have had a more reportable issue (though with swearing and rudeness, the Ignore feature is best used).

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