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Old Sep 13 2010, 12:41 AM
bucknine bucknine is offline
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Join Date: Jul 03 2009
Posts: 55

Originally Posted by speedmonkey View Post
I usually have my farm open from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Heaven forbid we have to go anywhere. If I can't access my farm I have my kindle in hand reading through the forum. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that I got excellent wireless coverage on my kindle during an entire 200 mile road trip! I am certain that I have officially become a Farm Town addict. I bug my family to help me harvest and plow all the time. If I can't find a neighbor to help me harvest, I am instantly texting my sister! I literally fell asleep on my computer last night trying to get my flowers harvested at 4 AM ! Yet another night my husband had to literally take my computer away and send me to bed.

I guess that being an addict to such a wonderful game is better than being addicted to the any one of the other more dangerous things out there!
I got one up on that I think. I purchased the new EVO phone with a mobile hotspot that allows for 8 devices to have wireless internet through the phone. On a recent trip from Indiana to Southern Florida my wife and I were on Farmtown all the way down and back. Fried the batteries in the wireless mouse though and had to buy new ones. LOL I'm really addicted also. HAPPY FARMING!