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Old Aug 22 2011, 10:21 PM
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driverdave driverdave is offline
Join Date: Mar 05 2010
Posts: 256

Originally Posted by Liam Drake View Post
I go to fish... time out.
I go to my gift box... time out.
I go to my oil factory.... time out.

Update? Maybe. But the thing is most of the updates appease the long-time players. I'm level 34, only the Farm Cash stuff is on the table for me.

I just want to play and something is preventing that....
do you have any other stuff running in the background??? were you online doing other things for a while before you started farming today ??

if you havent already...try reloading the game and / or relogging into facebook or myspace wherever you enter from ....might help

i am not a moderator ...just someone who likes to help out where i can

Proudly Farming Since May 2009