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Old Dec 31 2011, 10:00 PM
Nazza Nazza is offline
Join Date: Jul 09 2009
Posts: 22

Yes I have sent many many many tickets to support about this matter of not levelling up.
I have actually decided to try and not get as many xp's because I am worried about maxing out the game soon. As a person with health issues who needs to sit and rest a lot, this game has been great to keep my mind active and I have so many friends now from all over the world, I really wish they would expand the levels to over one billion xp's though as I like having incentives to play. Even the Diversification rank I was maxed out being in the 70,000 range so didn't have an aim to get that higher as they set the highest at 60,000. I have been top level since level 34 with each new release of new levels putting me straight to the top one.
All I ask is that they please don't let me max out my favourite game.