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Old Feb 20 2012, 01:58 AM
Angel70 Angel70 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 26 2010
Posts: 116

I love the quests, I really do that is why it is so frustrading when you can't do them and have to wait another 20 hrs to open another one.
That being said, remember I told you about two quests I couldn't do because I didn't have the service facilities to complete the last step? Well, two days ago, I gave in and bought myself the service facs needed and started to produce the things required (dress shoes and ft beer). Dress shoes, mini mall, no problem. But when I reached the final step to load the ft beer, it said I have to load it in the pub and what do you know? I bought myself the dance club (this also loads ft beer). I just wasted hard earned cash on a service facility I didn't want but just bought to complete a quest. Problem is that you can't see which service facility you need in the last step before all the other steps are completed. This can't be right. If there are two service facilities that load the same products, we should be able to choose which one we use.
Whine over.
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