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Old Feb 21 2012, 03:29 PM
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KnightRider KnightRider is offline
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I have been playing for a couple of years like other when there was only one farm and no factories and have spent money to purchase factories, facilities, and tools. I have done this on my own and have not been pressured or forced to do it.

I disagree that the dev's are greedy, all most all of the games I play or have played keep having pop ups that want you to buy this and buy that for the game and I have never saw Farmtown ever use any pop up wanting me to purchase Farm Cash.

As far as the quests forcing people to purchase FC that is not true, they have made the lifelines to help people that don't have the needed factories/facilities, if they was a greedy as people say they are they wouldn't have made the lifelines, I do agree that the lifelines could use some tweaking so that if you need a certain lifeline to complete a quest that lifeline appears instead of one that doesn't help, like if the person could pick the lifeline that they need. I came across a quest I couldn't do cause I don't have the factory, so I am just letting it expire and continue on with the quests I can do.

I think the dev's have done a good job on this game.
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