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Old Feb 29 2012, 11:44 AM
twosmiths twosmiths is offline
Join Date: Sep 08 2009
Posts: 17

I feel the need to throw my two cents into this thread again, because there is a big point being missed, and I am getting somewhat offended at words like "whiny" or "sense of entitlement" being thrown in the direction of unhappy players.

The purpose of the quests, as I understand it, is to offer players a fun way to earn extra coins and farm cash.. Quests are advertised as a "fun addition' to the game, and not a "competition".

The frustration being vented by the majority of players is based on the idea that cash will be awarded to them based on how efficiently their quests can be completed, and thousands of us are getting quests we can't complete.

I believe that, by the majority of players, it is therefore perceived that the few players who have "chosen" to spend hundreds of real dollars on the game, to be able to buy all of the tools and facilities necessary to complete all of their quests, will be the players actually rewarded with cash when that happy day arrives. This may or may not be the case, but this is what the rules of the quests suggest.

For the majority of players, who either can't afford to spend real money, or, like myself, have "only" spent a couple of hundred dollars to buy select facilities and tools (and cannot afford to spend any more), it is perceived that we do not have the same chance at winning the cash prize because we have quests that we can't complete.

So, if cash is only rewarded based on completion of quests, then technically the quests are both competitive and unfair. Offering "random" lifelines is a bit of a joke. I know that the quests are optional, but we all love the game, and idea that we can be rewarded with cash makes them more desirable for those of us who could really use it.

I have been able to complete about half my quests without help, only 2 with lifelines, the others I do as much as I can towards completing hem and then let them expire. I am hopeful that the effort I put into my quests on the whole is enough to see a cash prize some day. It is that proverbial "dangling carrot" that keeps me invested in these quests, and the game.

So, although the coin prizes are lovely, let's hope that we all have a fair chance at the cash prizes, and try to be patient, and civil to each other, please, until that day comes.

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