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Old Mar 23 2012, 02:33 PM
Deborah1979 Deborah1979 is offline
Join Date: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 131

Originally Posted by Deborah1979 View Post
Dearest Raul and Devs,

(Mods..please make sure that this is passed along.)

With the latest release, I have seen several posts regarding the huge amounts of Canvas Textile Rolls (and metal sheets, especially stainless steel and aluminum), that are now required.
By my accounting, which very well could be wrong, if you own all of the facilities that require Canvas Textile Rolls, you will need to have a minimum of 2370 rolls, just to stock 1 of each of the facilities! Since I don't own every facility, I will list the ones that I do and their needs:

Shoe Factory-- Sneakers= 60
Ballerina Slippers= 60
Farming Tools-- Fruit Picking Bag= 360
Animal Accessories-- Saddle= 90
Fishing Accessories-- Chair= 360
Fitness Equipment-- Punching Bag= 360
Art Supplies-- Red Flower Painting= 180
Horse Painting= 180
Circus Supplies-- Taming Platform= 360
Explorer Accessories-- Tent= 180
Janitorial Supplies-- Dirty Linen Trolley= 180

Since the Textile Mill only allows a maximum production of 450 Canvas Rolls every 15 days (not taking into account that I might be able to have neighbors help), this amount would require me to have over 5 Mills on 5 different farms.
I have a couple of concerns and suggestions.
1--this reminds me of the fact that cheese seemed to be used in almost every new product for a while, and everyone had to have MULTIPLE Dairy Plants in order to keep up with a bare supply of cheese. You increased the cheese production and that did help somewhat. (If you had multiple dairies.)
2--It now seems that every new manufacturing facility released has multiple products that use the metal sheets and Canvas Textile Rolls.
3--You did increase the mine production somewhat, but most of us have several mines to keep up. The same goes for the metal mills, and NOW the Textile Mills.
4--Some of these factories are not exactly, um, er, pleasing to the eye ( Perhaps alternate views would be welcomed.
5--Would you PLEASE increase the canvas textile roll production, OR decrease the amount needed??

Before you release new facilities in the future, could you/would you perhaps look at the amount of ingredients already used in existing ones, and either use substitute products or allow us to increase our production?

If we were allowed to have more than one of the same active facility per farm, at least I could set up an entire ugly (imho) farm consisting of metal mills, mines, dairy plants, sawmills and textile mills.

Thanks so much for at least reading and considering.

PS----LOVE the Quests, and they are PERFECT as the rules NOW stand. Don't change a thing, except the futuristic occasional FC being rewarded!!

OK...I KNOW that I shouldn't do this, so I am replying to my own post! Just can't help myself! (Tony D...sorry)

When there are several people voicing concerns on the same subject, there may be a legitimate concern. I DO NOT appreciate the condescending and snide remarks that are made to my posts, or any others. I am well aware that we could have 13 textile mills, flour mills, dairy processing plants, chicken shacks, get my point. Just can't wait until we get #14 and #15 so YOU can have more.

MY POINT and suggestion to the DEVS and not to you, was to see if there was a way to increase the production, without having to have multiples of the same facility!
A lot of us would like to have room for planting, trees, flowers, or just deco, rather than take up real estate with multiples.
AND, by the way I have over 20,000 cotton in storage and that was never my point. And, I don't have a problem with the amount of tomatoes used in the pizza factory. I have an ample supply. Just use your fancy sprinkler.

OK, I kinda feel better now. If those of you reading this, will make legitimate and well thought out requests concerning the canvas textile rolls, paper rolls, flour or whatever product you are seeing huge increases in the need for, perhaps the DEVS will take this under consideration.

And if you can't make useful suggestions instead of snide remarks, don't bother replying.
